Why do right wingers only want respect from tyrannical regimes?


Gold Member
May 11, 2011
Why do right wingers only want respect from tyrannical regimes?

Seriously, you guys care if China and Russia and Venezuela and Cuba respect us - but don't care one bit if England or Germany or France respects us. That's messed up!
What the hell is he talking about? Does he not realize the political spectrum is more than just left wingers and right wingers? I am neither...personally don't give a shit who respects us. Can't get anyone to respect you when you use threats,bombs and bullets to try and get that respect.
Why do right wingers only want respect from tyrannical regimes?

Seriously, you guys care if China and Russia and Venezuela and Cuba respect us - but don't care one bit if England or Germany or France respects us. That's messed up!

This cracks me up....

It is the libtards, the progressives, the dimocraps that are the 'Right Wingers' of the world.

Problem is, they're too stupid to even understand what the terms 'right wing' and 'left wing' mean.

The further 'left' one goes, the more freedom, the less government.

The further right one goes, the less freedom, the more government.

Who is the believers in Big Government? Not us. Not Republicans.

Who is the believers in a law per day? Not us. We're always saying we have plenty of laws. More than enough.

Was Hitler 'right' wing? Of course. Was Mao? Was Stalin? Is Castro, was Pol Pot, Danny Ortega and every other fukking progressive scumbag that has infested this Earth in the last 100 years?

Yes, including our very own -- the Suttering Clusterfukk Of A Miserable Failure.

"Right Wing" is when all power rests with the government. Like the IRS. Like Eric Himmler, the Stuttering CLusterfukk's personal hit-man. Like with the NSA and the PRISM program.

Republicans? We only want as much government as is absolutely necessary.

dimocraps what government involved in EVERY aspect of our lives.

THAT, my dear cuckold is "Right Wing"
What the hell is he talking about? Does he not realize the political spectrum is more than just left wingers and right wingers? I am neither...personally don't give a shit who respects us. Can't get anyone to respect you when you use threats,bombs and bullets to try and get that respect.

Children who whine about paying taxes they don't even owe are usually teabaggers. My bad.
I don't want respect from the Obama regime, I just want the Obama regime to leave me the fuck alone.
Another one of OohPoopPahDoope's public temper-tantrums.
What the hell is he talking about? Does he not realize the political spectrum is more than just left wingers and right wingers? I am neither...personally don't give a shit who respects us. Can't get anyone to respect you when you use threats,bombs and bullets to try and get that respect.

Children who whine about paying taxes they don't even owe are usually teabaggers. My bad.

Tea Party are the ones who pays taxes, that's how they know that they are Taxed Enough Already.
Good grief....A little early to be hitting the muscatel, innit? :lol:
Why does the black community have so many dead beat dads?

You want your enemy to "fear and respect you". Oh yes this period of history have made us a bunch of idiots from this fact. It's coming because of your idiot once again.
Why do right wingers only want respect from tyrannical regimes?

Seriously, you guys care if China and Russia and Venezuela and Cuba respect us - but don't care one bit if England or Germany or France respects us. That's messed up!

Is Obama a right winger? That explains why Obama dissed the UK when he moved into the White House.
What the hell is he talking about? Does he not realize the political spectrum is more than just left wingers and right wingers? I am neither...personally don't give a shit who respects us. Can't get anyone to respect you when you use threats,bombs and bullets to try and get that respect.

Children who whine about paying taxes they don't even owe are usually teabaggers. My bad.

Damn son you are 0-10 or so....I am an Anarcho Capitalist. Not some fucking tea party put camera's in your bedroom douche. But hey you make a living with getting shit wrong so be my guest.

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