make so many unhappy, just asking
I don't believe it makes them unhappy. In my opinion, what makes folks uneasy about it, is the way it's brought to the forefront, used as a national battle ground, and flaunted like world war three was just won by a landslide. It should have never been a national issue. It's a personal issue, and should've remain that way. If folks want to be in a same-sex relationship, that's no one business but theirs. If same-sex couples want to marry, so be it, let them marry. But, when something is flaunted, used for political reasons, and used as leverage, it makes folks angry. The same with the Confederate flag issue. No one forces anyone to look at, honor, salute, nor praise the Confederate flag. Yet, it's become a national issue after 150 years of just waving in the wind atop flag poles.

In today's society, making noise pays off. And, during campaign season, the noise is magnified 100 fold. We're going backwards by giving so much attention to special causes, while losing sight of the big issues that'll determine the present as well as the future. We're not marching in the streets protesting government corruption, the injustices in our judicial system, poverty, homelessness, illegal immigration, taxation without fair, equal, and just representation, senseless deadly costly wars, the mistreatment of our Vets, mental illnesses, the abuse of power and authority by members of law enforcement, the lack of alternative energy sources, our unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies, and many other issues that are so very important for the social and economic well-being of this nation and her citizens.

We're turning away from the big issues, and focusing on gay marriage, the Confederate flag, and the candidates for president. Our priorities are misdirected, which is what professional politicians want. We're not unhappy, we're tired of special interests getting all the attention while this once great nation continues its fall into the abyss of ruin.
I worry about the moral fabric of this country. Personally I really don't care what two consenting adults do in the privacy of their own bedroom. If we are going to shift the line on society yet again where does the next line get drawn. There are some who would want to marry animals,objects or children, do they have a Constitutional right also? When the founding fathers wrote the Constitution they no doubt always thought that some things like gay marriage would be social taboo's forever because they always had been in the past. We need to make a limit before this gets out of hand. Some people think the line should be drawn after gay marriage and some before gay marriage was allowed.
I worry about the moral fabric of this country. Personally I really don't care what two consenting adults do in the privacy of their own bedroom. If we are going to shift the line on society yet again where does the next line get drawn. There are some who would want to marry animals,objects or children, do they have a Constitutional right also? When the founding fathers wrote the Constitution they no doubt always thought that some things like gay marriage would be social taboo's forever because they always had been in the past. We need to make a limit before this gets out of hand. Some people think the line should be drawn after gay marriage and some before gay marriage was allowed.

My answer is in part of your answer, "who cares what adults do in their privacy?" Let them marry animals.. let them marry a hot dog its none of our business. We shouldn't worrying what people are doing in their houses,but oh wait the government spying on every American? Is that ok??
make so many unhappy, just asking
I don't believe it makes them unhappy. In my opinion, what makes folks uneasy about it, is the way it's brought to the forefront, used as a national battle ground, and flaunted like world war three was just won by a landslide. It should have never been a national issue. It's a personal issue, and should've remain that way. If folks want to be in a same-sex relationship, that's no one business but theirs. If same-sex couples want to marry, so be it, let them marry. But, when something is flaunted, used for political reasons, and used as leverage, it makes folks angry. The same with the Confederate flag issue. No one forces anyone to look at, honor, salute, nor praise the Confederate flag. Yet, it's become a national issue after 150 years of just waving in the wind atop flag poles.

In today's society, making noise pays off. And, during campaign season, the noise is magnified 100 fold. We're going backwards by giving so much attention to special causes, while losing sight of the big issues that'll determine the present as well as the future. We're not marching in the streets protesting government corruption, the injustices in our judicial system, poverty, homelessness, illegal immigration, taxation without fair, equal, and just representation, senseless deadly costly wars, the mistreatment of our Vets, mental illnesses, the abuse of power and authority by members of law enforcement, the lack of alternative energy sources, our unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies, and many other issues that are so very important for the social and economic well-being of this nation and her citizens.

We're turning away from the big issues, and focusing on gay marriage, the Confederate flag, and the candidates for president. Our priorities are misdirected, which is what professional politicians want. We're not unhappy, we're tired of special interests getting all the attention while this once great nation continues its fall into the abyss of ruin.
Guess what, now it's not an issue anymore, no one's life who opposed it is affected in any way, and we can all move on.
I worry about the moral fabric of this country. Personally I really don't care what two consenting adults do in the privacy of their own bedroom. If we are going to shift the line on society yet again where does the next line get drawn. There are some who would want to marry animals,objects or children, do they have a Constitutional right also? When the founding fathers wrote the Constitution they no doubt always thought that some things like gay marriage would be social taboo's forever because they always had been in the past. We need to make a limit before this gets out of hand. Some people think the line should be drawn after gay marriage and some before gay marriage was allowed.

My answer is in part of your answer, "who cares what adults do in their privacy?" Let them marry animals.. let them marry a hot dog its none of our business. We shouldn't worrying what people are doing in their houses,but oh wait the government spying on every American? Is that ok??
this is so true
make so many unhappy, just asking
I don't believe it makes them unhappy. In my opinion, what makes folks uneasy about it, is the way it's brought to the forefront, used as a national battle ground, and flaunted like world war three was just won by a landslide. It should have never been a national issue. It's a personal issue, and should've remain that way. If folks want to be in a same-sex relationship, that's no one business but theirs. If same-sex couples want to marry, so be it, let them marry. But, when something is flaunted, used for political reasons, and used as leverage, it makes folks angry. The same with the Confederate flag issue. No one forces anyone to look at, honor, salute, nor praise the Confederate flag. Yet, it's become a national issue after 150 years of just waving in the wind atop flag poles.

In today's society, making noise pays off. And, during campaign season, the noise is magnified 100 fold. We're going backwards by giving so much attention to special causes, while losing sight of the big issues that'll determine the present as well as the future. We're not marching in the streets protesting government corruption, the injustices in our judicial system, poverty, homelessness, illegal immigration, taxation without fair, equal, and just representation, senseless deadly costly wars, the mistreatment of our Vets, mental illnesses, the abuse of power and authority by members of law enforcement, the lack of alternative energy sources, our unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies, and many other issues that are so very important for the social and economic well-being of this nation and her citizens.

We're turning away from the big issues, and focusing on gay marriage, the Confederate flag, and the candidates for president. Our priorities are misdirected, which is what professional politicians want. We're not unhappy, we're tired of special interests getting all the attention while this once great nation continues its fall into the abyss of ruin.
Guess what, now it's not an issue anymore, no one's life who opposed it is affected in any way, and we can all move on.
that would be nice if we all could just move on.
The entire issue is about the legal status of marriage, not marriage itself. Marriage alone is a concept. A personal agenda. You can marry anything or anyone or any group of things or people. Your own issue. But legal marriage is when the law makes others concede to it and impacts the lives of children. Then specific criteria needs to be considered. Homo marriage opens the door to more children being denied their birth parents and creates more unstructured family circumstance which leads to social decay. The data is empirical.
Plus, legal marriage forces all others to subsidize homo marriage for absolutely no reason. Employers are forced to provide health coverage for 'spouses' with no real potential for procreation which could impede career and self-sufficiency, thereby warranting that assistance. The rest are forced to foot that bill.
Gay marriage unnerves some people because of their deep held beliefs against homosexuality, and they view it as morally wrong.

But.................gay marriage doesn't affect straight marriages.

I don't understand all the fear either, but it's been said that people fear most what they understand the least.
Gay marriage unnerves some people because of their deep held beliefs against homosexuality, and they view it as morally wrong.

But.................gay marriage doesn't affect straight marriages.

I don't understand all the fear either, but it's been said that people fear most what they understand the least.
Homo marriage doesn't offend those of us who think.
It's the legal status and the unnecessary forcing of concessions, social, financial and otherwise, that are the concern. The most compelling being the contrivance of more unstructured families and depriving children the opportunity to be raised by their actual parents.
Human rights violation deluxe.
The entire issue is about the legal status of marriage, not marriage itself. Marriage alone is a concept. A personal agenda. You can marry anything or anyone or any group of things or people. Your own issue. But legal marriage is when the law makes others concede to it and impacts the lives of children. Then specific criteria needs to be considered. Homo marriage opens the door to more children being denied their birth parents and creates more unstructured family circumstance which leads to social decay. The data is empirical.
Plus, legal marriage forces all others to subsidize homo marriage for absolutely no reason. Employers are forced to provide health coverage for 'spouses' with no real potential for procreation which could impede career and self-sufficiency, thereby warranting that assistance. The rest are forced to foot that bill.

So why should a gay couple who was together for years and years not be able to get health coverage or inheritance or special privileges as straight married or windows receive?

social decay? this gay movement has been going on for over 40 years, i am so sure the society has crashed by now if it didnt.. oh wait it did crash because of the dumb straight idiots.Thank you Wall Street! Thank you bush for faking a war in to Iraq for oil and control/influence agendas.
The entire issue is about the legal status of marriage, not marriage itself. Marriage alone is a concept. A personal agenda. You can marry anything or anyone or any group of things or people. Your own issue. But legal marriage is when the law makes others concede to it and impacts the lives of children. Then specific criteria needs to be considered. Homo marriage opens the door to more children being denied their birth parents and creates more unstructured family circumstance which leads to social decay. The data is empirical.
Plus, legal marriage forces all others to subsidize homo marriage for absolutely no reason. Employers are forced to provide health coverage for 'spouses' with no real potential for procreation which could impede career and self-sufficiency, thereby warranting that assistance. The rest are forced to foot that bill.

So why should a gay couple who was together for years and years not be able to get health coverage or inheritance or special privileges as straight married or windows receive?

social decay? this gay movement has been going on for over 40 years, i am so sure the society has crashed by now if it didnt.. oh wait it did crash because of the dumb straight idiots.Thank you Wall Street! Thank you bush for faking a war in to Iraq for oil and control/influence agendas.
Homos cannot procreate together so perks are not necessary, therefore, no need for legal marriage.
Society has seen a significant uptick in crime and failing schools where family structure is depleted. Post-1960's empirical.
The entire issue is about the legal status of marriage, not marriage itself. Marriage alone is a concept. A personal agenda. You can marry anything or anyone or any group of things or people. Your own issue. But legal marriage is when the law makes others concede to it and impacts the lives of children. Then specific criteria needs to be considered. Homo marriage opens the door to more children being denied their birth parents and creates more unstructured family circumstance which leads to social decay. The data is empirical.
Plus, legal marriage forces all others to subsidize homo marriage for absolutely no reason. Employers are forced to provide health coverage for 'spouses' with no real potential for procreation which could impede career and self-sufficiency, thereby warranting that assistance. The rest are forced to foot that bill.

So why should a gay couple who was together for years and years not be able to get health coverage or inheritance or special privileges as straight married or windows receive?

social decay? this gay movement has been going on for over 40 years, i am so sure the society has crashed by now if it didnt.. oh wait it did crash because of the dumb straight idiots.Thank you Wall Street! Thank you bush for faking a war in to Iraq for oil and control/influence agendas.
Homos cannot procreate together so perks are not necessary, therefore, no need for legal marriage.
Society has seen a significant uptick in crime and failing schools where family structure is depleted. Post-1960's empirical.

So..................in order for a union to count, they have to procreate.

If you cannot procreate (i.e. create another human being), you don't count as much as those who can.

And.....................hate to tell you, but crime has been taking a downturn.
The entire issue is about the legal status of marriage, not marriage itself. Marriage alone is a concept. A personal agenda. You can marry anything or anyone or any group of things or people. Your own issue. But legal marriage is when the law makes others concede to it and impacts the lives of children. Then specific criteria needs to be considered. Homo marriage opens the door to more children being denied their birth parents and creates more unstructured family circumstance which leads to social decay. The data is empirical.
Plus, legal marriage forces all others to subsidize homo marriage for absolutely no reason. Employers are forced to provide health coverage for 'spouses' with no real potential for procreation which could impede career and self-sufficiency, thereby warranting that assistance. The rest are forced to foot that bill.

So why should a gay couple who was together for years and years not be able to get health coverage or inheritance or special privileges as straight married or windows receive?

social decay? this gay movement has been going on for over 40 years, i am so sure the society has crashed by now if it didnt.. oh wait it did crash because of the dumb straight idiots.Thank you Wall Street! Thank you bush for faking a war in to Iraq for oil and control/influence agendas.
Homos cannot procreate together so perks are not necessary, therefore, no need for legal marriage.
Society has seen a significant uptick in crime and failing schools where family structure is depleted. Post-1960's empirical.

So..................in order for a union to count, they have to procreate.

If you cannot procreate (i.e. create another human being), you don't count as much as those who can.

And.....................hate to tell you, but crime has been taking a downturn.
You're trying to use the anecdotal to disqualify the obvious.
Crime taking a downturn would be attributed to fewer fatherless children via abortion and increased police presence where fatherlessness prevails. Except Baltimore right now.
make so many unhappy, just asking
And of course most of those unhappy people are conservative.

They're unhappy because conservatives, for the most part, are reactionaries who fear change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty.

Most conservatives incorrectly perceive gay Americans realizing their comprehensive civil rights as some sort of a 'threat' to society and 'social order,' along with other similar fallacies and unsupported nonsense.

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