Why do so many atheist scientists believe in aliens when there's no proof for them either?

And it has not been proven

All you have for proof is what was written in the Bible and that doesn't come anywhere near the standards of scientific proof

I said that it has not been disproven. The evidence is there. God made it so that we cannot prove the existence of God. He also made it so that we will not be able to find out the beginning nor the end. That will forever be in theory. This is part of his free will command; It's similar to the one command that he gave Adam and Eve. It will be proven in the afterlife.

There is no scientific proof, so you are ignorant of science. There is only the best theory and scientific method to come up with it. To the contrary, the standards of scientific method and evidence is with the hypothesis in the Bible. Observational science backs it up. For example, in 2017, we found the chicken came before the egg. This can be demonstrated by experiment. Evolution is only based on historical science. Only natural selection is observational science. Creation scientists have their own natural selection theory and it's based on shorter or rapid times than evolution with its long times.
It's so convenient isn't it?

You don't understand something so you say God did it case closed
You can't prove something so you say god made it so it can't be proven case closed

Oy vey. You still don't get it. It's not convenience, but the truth and science backs it up. Why would God create aliens when everything he created that we need or want is on planet Earth? At least, in the beginning; At one time it was perfect. And it will be perfect once again In the afterlife. It will be on earth, but not on this same earth; This earth is corrupt. God will create a new Earth for the faithful.

Aliens are not natural. They're supernatural. Carl Sagan believed in aliens, but he was critical (hypocrite) of those who believed in UFOs. He thought UFOs were not based on scientific methods nor natural, i.e. supernatural. Aliens were considered natural due to evolution until they were disproven by Drake, Fermi, SETI and what was discussed already.

The evidence is there when you write 'god' in lower case. You are honoring Satan, god of the world. Don't you think it's strange that atheists write god like that? It goes against the first commandment. It's done for a specific reason by atheists and they're very deliberate about it. What most don't know is that it refers to Satan.
God will create a new Earth for the faithful.

for the faithful ...

there is your failure bond, the religion of Antiquity does not require a 10K pg manuscript to confuse and distort the religion of the Almighty as prescribed no matter you capitalize their name or not. all beings on planet Earth are aware of right and wrong and live their lives accordingly, that is all there is for the wholesome life to be lived freely.

your use of a christ instead of proving yourselves your worthiness created in your 4th century forgeries is nothing more than a selfseving political agenda you disguise as a religion for your own consumption as proven by your history of persecution and victimization of the innocent - including your pronouncement against all other life than your own on Earth.

all three desert religions are the work of deranged individuals. bond, you are one of them.

* and no there will be no new Earth what christianity has consumed and destroyed is forever lost.

Originally, paradise was for everyone so we should all be there now. However, paradise was lost to Satan (by Adam) or did you miss that? It's how Satan became god of the world. Obviously, he's taken over your worldview despite how wacky it is.
Originally, paradise was for everyone so we should all be there now. However, paradise was lost to Satan (by Adam) or did you miss that? It's how Satan became god of the world. Obviously, he's taken over your worldview despite how wacky it is.

Originally, paradise was for
everyone - paradise was lost to Satan (by Adam) ...

if there were "everyone" paradise could not be lost by one couple -

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

the above forgery is as far as reading your document an honest person would proceed no further as the spoken Religion of Antiquity - The Triumph of Good vs Evil - would be involved in its interpretation that was corrupted in the 4th century by its collation - you are aware of the issue and refuse to recognize its validity that is the issue of our conversation, your worldview / christian bible that is corrupt not the religion and the recognition of what is the Almighty.

were the True religion's interpretation correctly employed for whatever reason its occurrence once the distinction between good and evil was lost or first recognized those individuals were given the task to resolve the issue - whatever your satan is, it is tangential if even real - nor in the religion would there be a christ or humanity would not be the likeness of the creators - and your christian history of persecution and victimization of the innocent is nothing less than an indictment of your transgressions you blame on the fictitious satan you accuse others of. your christian religion is the satan that is the barrier against the proper Triumph from occurring.

reading fully your document is not the same as parcel readings in attempts to find truths as clues from the past for the path to the future.
That's not the topic of this thread, so you are wrong again.

There has been plenty of evidence cited for the existence of Lord Jesus Christ. One is the Resurrection. It has not been disproven.
And it has not been proven

All you have for proof is what was written in the Bible and that doesn't come anywhere near the standards of scientific proof

I said that it has not been disproven. The evidence is there. God made it so that we cannot prove the existence of God. He also made it so that we will not be able to find out the beginning nor the end. That will forever be in theory. This is part of his free will command; It's similar to the one command that he gave Adam and Eve. It will be proven in the afterlife.

There is no scientific proof, so you are ignorant of science. There is only the best theory and scientific method to come up with it. To the contrary, the standards of scientific method and evidence is with the hypothesis in the Bible. Observational science backs it up. For example, in 2017, we found the chicken came before the egg. This can be demonstrated by experiment. Evolution is only based on historical science. Only natural selection is observational science. Creation scientists have their own natural selection theory and it's based on shorter or rapid times than evolution with its long times.
It's so convenient isn't it?

You don't understand something so you say God did it case closed
You can't prove something so you say god made it so it can't be proven case closed

Oy vey. You still don't get it. It's not convenience, but the truth and science backs it up. Why would God create aliens when everything he created that we need or want is on planet Earth? At least, in the beginning; At one time it was perfect. And it will be perfect once again In the afterlife. It will be on earth, but not on this same earth; This earth is corrupt. God will create a new Earth for the faithful.

Aliens are not natural. They're supernatural. Carl Sagan believed in aliens, but he was critical (hypocrite) of those who believed in UFOs. He thought UFOs were not based on scientific methods nor natural, i.e. supernatural. Aliens were considered natural due to evolution until they were disproven by Drake, Fermi, SETI and what was discussed already.

The evidence is there when you write 'god' in lower case. You are honoring Satan, god of the world. Don't you think it's strange that atheists write god like that? It goes against the first commandment. It's done for a specific reason by atheists and they're very deliberate about it. What most don't know is that it refers to Satan.

Why do you assume god created aliens I don't

and you say aliens are supernatural but you believe in an all powerful magical being that no one has ever seen and that you cannot prove exists.

and I use a small g for god because humans have worshiped many gods throughout their existence and the trend has been from many gods to one god.

As we have come to understand the natural world we have discarded gods as the explanation and cause of natural events.

So now we have a god that is the answer to the 2 hardest questions humans have ever contemplated.

How did the universe get here?
What happens after we die?

We do not know the answers to these questions just as we did not know the answers to many other questions in the past.

Now personally I believe we may be incapable of understanding the origin of the universe just as my dog is incapable of understanding algebra but IMO that is no reason to attribute the answers to some invisible supreme being

First, God didn't create aliens so you're wrong again. Honestly, you have to be able to explain yourself clearly.

Yes, aliens are supernatural since they do not exist in the natural world. They do not come into being in the natural world like ghosts do not exist. There are no evidence for aliens.

If that is the reason you use lower case 'g,' then you are ignorant of the Abrahamic God. It is the standard in academia and in writing to use the upper case when discussing God. It separates the Abrahamic with the mythical gods. Again, you are wrong.

As for the rest of our post, there isn't much point in going further as you're probably wrong again. Science has disregarded God due to uniformitarianism by atheist Charles Lyell and evolution by Charles Darwin. We've already found many things wrong with both Lyell's and Darwin's work. It's why today's science is so wrong and a joke. It's fake science.
I said that it has not been disproven. The evidence is there. God made it so that we cannot prove the existence of God. He also made it so that we will not be able to find out the beginning nor the end. That will forever be in theory. This is part of his free will command; It's similar to the one command that he gave Adam and Eve. It will be proven in the afterlife.

There is no scientific proof, so you are ignorant of science. There is only the best theory and scientific method to come up with it. To the contrary, the standards of scientific method and evidence is with the hypothesis in the Bible. Observational science backs it up. For example, in 2017, we found the chicken came before the egg. This can be demonstrated by experiment. Evolution is only based on historical science. Only natural selection is observational science. Creation scientists have their own natural selection theory and it's based on shorter or rapid times than evolution with its long times.
It's so convenient isn't it?

You don't understand something so you say God did it case closed
You can't prove something so you say god made it so it can't be proven case closed

Oy vey. You still don't get it. It's not convenience, but the truth and science backs it up. Why would God create aliens when everything he created that we need or want is on planet Earth? At least, in the beginning; At one time it was perfect. And it will be perfect once again In the afterlife. It will be on earth, but not on this same earth; This earth is corrupt. God will create a new Earth for the faithful.

Aliens are not natural. They're supernatural. Carl Sagan believed in aliens, but he was critical (hypocrite) of those who believed in UFOs. He thought UFOs were not based on scientific methods nor natural, i.e. supernatural. Aliens were considered natural due to evolution until they were disproven by Drake, Fermi, SETI and what was discussed already.

The evidence is there when you write 'god' in lower case. You are honoring Satan, god of the world. Don't you think it's strange that atheists write god like that? It goes against the first commandment. It's done for a specific reason by atheists and they're very deliberate about it. What most don't know is that it refers to Satan.

Why would a god create such a vast universe just for one tiny little planet to have life?

You have a strange definition of supernatural. Someone can have a belief not based on the scientific method that is not supernatural.

Aliens have not been disproven. That's your own personal fallacy.

Of course, aliens have not been proven, either.

Perhaps people use the lower case g for god because they aren't using god as a proper name, but rather a description. People believe in more than just the god that you believe in. And for people who don't believe in any god, it's even less likely to think of god as a proper name.

No, my view of the supernatural is just fine. The only supernatural that is true is what is in Genesis. The rest do not exist. If you believe in aliens, then you believe in the supernatural. Just like people who believe in ghosts, witches, fortune tellers, zombies, etc. This is due to finding scientific evidence that life is rare outside Earth. Today, we have added to our knowledge of what is natural and supernatural.

If life is rare outside Earth, it still happens outside Earth, which means alien life exists. :p

Circular reasoning fallacy :p.
I said that it has not been disproven. The evidence is there. God made it so that we cannot prove the existence of God. He also made it so that we will not be able to find out the beginning nor the end. That will forever be in theory. This is part of his free will command; It's similar to the one command that he gave Adam and Eve. It will be proven in the afterlife.

There is no scientific proof, so you are ignorant of science. There is only the best theory and scientific method to come up with it. To the contrary, the standards of scientific method and evidence is with the hypothesis in the Bible. Observational science backs it up. For example, in 2017, we found the chicken came before the egg. This can be demonstrated by experiment. Evolution is only based on historical science. Only natural selection is observational science. Creation scientists have their own natural selection theory and it's based on shorter or rapid times than evolution with its long times.
It's so convenient isn't it?

You don't understand something so you say God did it case closed
You can't prove something so you say god made it so it can't be proven case closed

Oy vey. You still don't get it. It's not convenience, but the truth and science backs it up. Why would God create aliens when everything he created that we need or want is on planet Earth? At least, in the beginning; At one time it was perfect. And it will be perfect once again In the afterlife. It will be on earth, but not on this same earth; This earth is corrupt. God will create a new Earth for the faithful.

Aliens are not natural. They're supernatural. Carl Sagan believed in aliens, but he was critical (hypocrite) of those who believed in UFOs. He thought UFOs were not based on scientific methods nor natural, i.e. supernatural. Aliens were considered natural due to evolution until they were disproven by Drake, Fermi, SETI and what was discussed already.

The evidence is there when you write 'god' in lower case. You are honoring Satan, god of the world. Don't you think it's strange that atheists write god like that? It goes against the first commandment. It's done for a specific reason by atheists and they're very deliberate about it. What most don't know is that it refers to Satan.
God will create a new Earth for the faithful.

for the faithful ...

there is your failure bond, the religion of Antiquity does not require a 10K pg manuscript to confuse and distort the religion of the Almighty as prescribed no matter you capitalize their name or not. all beings on planet Earth are aware of right and wrong and live their lives accordingly, that is all there is for the wholesome life to be lived freely.

your use of a christ instead of proving yourselves your worthiness created in your 4th century forgeries is nothing more than a selfseving political agenda you disguise as a religion for your own consumption as proven by your history of persecution and victimization of the innocent - including your pronouncement against all other life than your own on Earth.

all three desert religions are the work of deranged individuals. bond, you are one of them.

* and no there will be no new Earth what christianity has consumed and destroyed is forever lost.

Originally, paradise was for everyone so we should all be there now. However, paradise was lost to Satan (by Adam) or did you miss that? It's how Satan became god of the world. Obviously, he's taken over your worldview despite how wacky it is.
Originally, paradise was for everyone so we should all be there now. However, paradise was lost to Satan (by Adam) or did you miss that? It's how Satan became god of the world. Obviously, he's taken over your worldview despite how wacky it is.

Originally, paradise was for
everyone - paradise was lost to Satan (by Adam) ...

if there were "everyone" paradise could not be lost by one couple -

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

the above forgery is as far as reading your document an honest person would proceed no further as the spoken Religion of Antiquity - The Triumph of Good vs Evil - would be involved in its interpretation that was corrupted in the 4th century by its collation - you are aware of the issue and refuse to recognize its validity that is the issue of our conversation, your worldview / christian bible that is corrupt not the religion and the recognition of what is the Almighty.

were the True religion's interpretation correctly employed for whatever reason its occurrence once the distinction between good and evil was lost or first recognized those individuals were given the task to resolve the issue - whatever your satan is, it is tangential if even real - nor in the religion would there be a christ or humanity would not be the likeness of the creators - and your christian history of persecution and victimization of the innocent is nothing less than an indictment of your transgressions you blame on the fictitious satan you accuse others of. your christian religion is the satan that is the barrier against the proper Triumph from occurring.

reading fully your document is not the same as parcel readings in attempts to find truths as clues from the past for the path to the future.

Again, you miss the truth and wisdom of my statements from the Bible and render yourself into deep folly. And you keep copy and pasting the 4th century forgery and religion of antiquity stuff that's been proven wrong on your part that I end up just reading a sentence of two at the bottom. You need to edit yourself mightily.
It's so convenient isn't it?

You don't understand something so you say God did it case closed
You can't prove something so you say god made it so it can't be proven case closed

Oy vey. You still don't get it. It's not convenience, but the truth and science backs it up. Why would God create aliens when everything he created that we need or want is on planet Earth? At least, in the beginning; At one time it was perfect. And it will be perfect once again In the afterlife. It will be on earth, but not on this same earth; This earth is corrupt. God will create a new Earth for the faithful.

Aliens are not natural. They're supernatural. Carl Sagan believed in aliens, but he was critical (hypocrite) of those who believed in UFOs. He thought UFOs were not based on scientific methods nor natural, i.e. supernatural. Aliens were considered natural due to evolution until they were disproven by Drake, Fermi, SETI and what was discussed already.

The evidence is there when you write 'god' in lower case. You are honoring Satan, god of the world. Don't you think it's strange that atheists write god like that? It goes against the first commandment. It's done for a specific reason by atheists and they're very deliberate about it. What most don't know is that it refers to Satan.

Why would a god create such a vast universe just for one tiny little planet to have life?

You have a strange definition of supernatural. Someone can have a belief not based on the scientific method that is not supernatural.

Aliens have not been disproven. That's your own personal fallacy.

Of course, aliens have not been proven, either.

Perhaps people use the lower case g for god because they aren't using god as a proper name, but rather a description. People believe in more than just the god that you believe in. And for people who don't believe in any god, it's even less likely to think of god as a proper name.

No, my view of the supernatural is just fine. The only supernatural that is true is what is in Genesis. The rest do not exist. If you believe in aliens, then you believe in the supernatural. Just like people who believe in ghosts, witches, fortune tellers, zombies, etc. This is due to finding scientific evidence that life is rare outside Earth. Today, we have added to our knowledge of what is natural and supernatural.

If life is rare outside Earth, it still happens outside Earth, which means alien life exists. :p

Circular reasoning fallacy :p.

What are you talking about? You said, in the post I quoted, that "life is rare outside Earth." You posted that. I merely pointed out that if life is rare outside Earth, that means it does exist outside Earth. That would mean alien life exists, based on your statement. ;)
And it has not been proven

All you have for proof is what was written in the Bible and that doesn't come anywhere near the standards of scientific proof

I said that it has not been disproven. The evidence is there. God made it so that we cannot prove the existence of God. He also made it so that we will not be able to find out the beginning nor the end. That will forever be in theory. This is part of his free will command; It's similar to the one command that he gave Adam and Eve. It will be proven in the afterlife.

There is no scientific proof, so you are ignorant of science. There is only the best theory and scientific method to come up with it. To the contrary, the standards of scientific method and evidence is with the hypothesis in the Bible. Observational science backs it up. For example, in 2017, we found the chicken came before the egg. This can be demonstrated by experiment. Evolution is only based on historical science. Only natural selection is observational science. Creation scientists have their own natural selection theory and it's based on shorter or rapid times than evolution with its long times.
It's so convenient isn't it?

You don't understand something so you say God did it case closed
You can't prove something so you say god made it so it can't be proven case closed

Oy vey. You still don't get it. It's not convenience, but the truth and science backs it up. Why would God create aliens when everything he created that we need or want is on planet Earth? At least, in the beginning; At one time it was perfect. And it will be perfect once again In the afterlife. It will be on earth, but not on this same earth; This earth is corrupt. God will create a new Earth for the faithful.

Aliens are not natural. They're supernatural. Carl Sagan believed in aliens, but he was critical (hypocrite) of those who believed in UFOs. He thought UFOs were not based on scientific methods nor natural, i.e. supernatural. Aliens were considered natural due to evolution until they were disproven by Drake, Fermi, SETI and what was discussed already.

The evidence is there when you write 'god' in lower case. You are honoring Satan, god of the world. Don't you think it's strange that atheists write god like that? It goes against the first commandment. It's done for a specific reason by atheists and they're very deliberate about it. What most don't know is that it refers to Satan.

Why do you assume god created aliens I don't

and you say aliens are supernatural but you believe in an all powerful magical being that no one has ever seen and that you cannot prove exists.

and I use a small g for god because humans have worshiped many gods throughout their existence and the trend has been from many gods to one god.

As we have come to understand the natural world we have discarded gods as the explanation and cause of natural events.

So now we have a god that is the answer to the 2 hardest questions humans have ever contemplated.

How did the universe get here?
What happens after we die?

We do not know the answers to these questions just as we did not know the answers to many other questions in the past.

Now personally I believe we may be incapable of understanding the origin of the universe just as my dog is incapable of understanding algebra but IMO that is no reason to attribute the answers to some invisible supreme being

First, God didn't create aliens so you're wrong again. Honestly, you have to be able to explain yourself clearly.

Yes, aliens are supernatural since they do not exist in the natural world. They do not come into being in the natural world like ghosts do not exist. There are no evidence for aliens.

If that is the reason you use lower case 'g,' then you are ignorant of the Abrahamic God. It is the standard in academia and in writing to use the upper case when discussing God. It separates the Abrahamic with the mythical gods. Again, you are wrong.

As for the rest of our post, there isn't much point in going further as you're probably wrong again. Science has disregarded God due to uniformitarianism by atheist Charles Lyell and evolution by Charles Darwin. We've already found many things wrong with both Lyell's and Darwin's work. It's why today's science is so wrong and a joke. It's fake science.

The Abrahamic god is just as mythical as any other.

If alien life were to arise (or has arisen) in a similar fashion to life on Earth, it would not be supernatural. No one knows for sure whether or not alien life exists, so saying aliens are supernatural is incorrect. The idea of ghosts is not based on the natural world as humanity has been able to observe it, but the idea of alien life is.
All gods are mythical, and all are regarded as 'real', just like the imaginary friend that many children enjoy. Not necessarily a bad thing, except when someones god makes him do crazy shit.
Our puny brains cannot comprehend the immensity of the Universe (the Real True God?), and we cannot even imagine what could be happening out there.
Particularly when we look at the immensely complex system of life that has happened in just 4 billion years right here on Earth.
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Again, you miss the truth and wisdom of my statements from the Bible and render yourself into deep folly.

you miss the truth and wisdom of my statements ...

the history of christianity from the 4th century to the present day negates whatever authenticity you claim from your 10K pg document as either truthful or wise.

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

statements from the Bible ... upon the earth.

that I end up just reading a sentence of two at the bottom.

> bottom <

in the above 4th century forgery, quote, the creators are merely referring to Earth as a domain for man and as not residents themselves would make them aliens, the primary one being jesus if you are gullible enough to believe that document as authentic. that is if jesus is not human there is life and Earth's throughout the universe. (3) - with or without their likeness. aliens.

I said that it has not been disproven. The evidence is there. God made it so that we cannot prove the existence of God. He also made it so that we will not be able to find out the beginning nor the end. That will forever be in theory. This is part of his free will command; It's similar to the one command that he gave Adam and Eve. It will be proven in the afterlife.

There is no scientific proof, so you are ignorant of science. There is only the best theory and scientific method to come up with it. To the contrary, the standards of scientific method and evidence is with the hypothesis in the Bible. Observational science backs it up. For example, in 2017, we found the chicken came before the egg. This can be demonstrated by experiment. Evolution is only based on historical science. Only natural selection is observational science. Creation scientists have their own natural selection theory and it's based on shorter or rapid times than evolution with its long times.
It's so convenient isn't it?

You don't understand something so you say God did it case closed
You can't prove something so you say god made it so it can't be proven case closed

Oy vey. You still don't get it. It's not convenience, but the truth and science backs it up. Why would God create aliens when everything he created that we need or want is on planet Earth? At least, in the beginning; At one time it was perfect. And it will be perfect once again In the afterlife. It will be on earth, but not on this same earth; This earth is corrupt. God will create a new Earth for the faithful.

Aliens are not natural. They're supernatural. Carl Sagan believed in aliens, but he was critical (hypocrite) of those who believed in UFOs. He thought UFOs were not based on scientific methods nor natural, i.e. supernatural. Aliens were considered natural due to evolution until they were disproven by Drake, Fermi, SETI and what was discussed already.

The evidence is there when you write 'god' in lower case. You are honoring Satan, god of the world. Don't you think it's strange that atheists write god like that? It goes against the first commandment. It's done for a specific reason by atheists and they're very deliberate about it. What most don't know is that it refers to Satan.

Why do you assume god created aliens I don't

and you say aliens are supernatural but you believe in an all powerful magical being that no one has ever seen and that you cannot prove exists.

and I use a small g for god because humans have worshiped many gods throughout their existence and the trend has been from many gods to one god.

As we have come to understand the natural world we have discarded gods as the explanation and cause of natural events.

So now we have a god that is the answer to the 2 hardest questions humans have ever contemplated.

How did the universe get here?
What happens after we die?

We do not know the answers to these questions just as we did not know the answers to many other questions in the past.

Now personally I believe we may be incapable of understanding the origin of the universe just as my dog is incapable of understanding algebra but IMO that is no reason to attribute the answers to some invisible supreme being

First, God didn't create aliens so you're wrong again. Honestly, you have to be able to explain yourself clearly.

Yes, aliens are supernatural since they do not exist in the natural world. They do not come into being in the natural world like ghosts do not exist. There are no evidence for aliens.

If that is the reason you use lower case 'g,' then you are ignorant of the Abrahamic God. It is the standard in academia and in writing to use the upper case when discussing God. It separates the Abrahamic with the mythical gods. Again, you are wrong.

As for the rest of our post, there isn't much point in going further as you're probably wrong again. Science has disregarded God due to uniformitarianism by atheist Charles Lyell and evolution by Charles Darwin. We've already found many things wrong with both Lyell's and Darwin's work. It's why today's science is so wrong and a joke. It's fake science.

The Abrahamic god is just as mythical as any other.

If alien life were to arise (or has arisen) in a similar fashion to life on Earth, it would not be supernatural. No one knows for sure whether or not alien life exists, so saying aliens are supernatural is incorrect. The idea of ghosts is not based on the natural world as humanity has been able to observe it, but the idea of alien life is.

The Abrahamic God of Christianity is the only true God.

No aliens means evidence for the Christian God, i.e. the Trinity, as we know God didn't create any aliens from Genesis. Only life begats life. Both examples of observational science backs up the Bible.

Life which is happens on Earth isn't alien. Life which happens from earth life transported to space aren't aliens either. If aliens exist, then they have to be supernatural as they do not occur anywhere else and there is no evidence of them.
Again, you miss the truth and wisdom of my statements from the Bible and render yourself into deep folly.

you miss the truth and wisdom of my statements ...

the history of christianity from the 4th century to the present day negates whatever authenticity you claim from your 10K pg document as either truthful or wise.

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

statements from the Bible ... upon the earth.

that I end up just reading a sentence of two at the bottom.

> bottom <

in the above 4th century forgery, quote, the creators are merely referring to Earth as a domain for man and as not residents themselves would make them aliens, the primary one being jesus if you are gullible enough to believe that document as authentic. that is if jesus is not human there is life and Earth's throughout the universe. (3) - with or without their likeness. aliens.

We had Adam and Eve as the perfect human, but they failed by disobeying God. We were saved by the perfect human who did not fail in Jesus. I continue to be forever grateful for Jesus' sacrifice and being perfect. We continue to strive to be perfect even though we cannot ever be due to Adam's sin. That's why I continue to post here while you seem to post for Satan. He's part of that 4th century book, too.
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If God created the Earth, it stands to reason that God is an ET.
Well, I think you need to tell this to every damn atheist I have had the displeasure of debating this issue with over the past 20 years, because this is exactly how their reasoning works.
Utter bullshit. The scientists in the study you presented used no such reasoning. You lazily attempted to conflate these things, because you thought doong so had emotional impact. Or maybe it was just done out of sheer ignorance.

Proving or disproving God is impossible, and it is complete folly. You are asked to prove your assertion of the existence of God merely because you assert it with 100% confidence.

The consensus among scientists is that there is probably life elsewhere, given the circumstances and theoretical evidence.

Note the difference.

This is sophistry, you still have no proof, you have dishonestly exchanged one article of faith for another and you're trying to tell me it's different somehow
Creation scientists theorize there are no aliens out there because God didn't make any. This is true. No observable evidence even though many probes have been sent.

Current probes (click on link within for past probes)
List of active Solar System probes - Wikipedia

We also have SETI who's been trying to make contact for years. They've been downgraded to the point of having to get private donations (Yuri Milner's breakthrough initiatives). There is Fermi's paradox. Finally, the fine-tuning facts make the strongest argument, so much so that atheist scientists are seriously proposing multiverses. Aliens and multiverses would fall under faith-based science or religion in my book.

1) Probes. Well, we've only managed to get one towards the edge of the solar system and it wasn't designed to search for alien life.

2) SETI. So, they have been searching for life and found nothing. Does this mean there isn't life?

3) Fermi's Paradox was simply made by someone who doesn't know what's out there. It also makes far too many assumptions.

But hey, let's look at life in space.

NASA scientist: Evidence of alien life on meteorite

NASA scientist: Evidence of alien life on meteorite"

Now, this is evidence, not proof. It might not be a fossil. But certainly there's a chance that life is flying around our sun that isn't in Earth's orbit.

Many secular scientists "believe" in panspermia. This is where creation scientists think it's a religion for their counterparts, i.e. faith based hypothesis (unless it's panspermia from earth to space). It is thought that these findings just look biological sort of like seeing faces on the surface of planets. If you want to claim it is alien life, then many other scientists would have to find microfossils on other meteorites and confirm. There's no explanation for the Cambrian explosion, so one crackpot hypothesis is it occurred because of panspermia.

As I already pointed out, your other stuff isn't backed up by observational science. So you have nothing. The evidence is against life and that life is rare outside of earth. The Anthropic Principle.

No, I have nothing.

This is exactly my point. I have nothing, you have nothing, no one has anything.

All we have is people making stuff up.

So, I'll stick with the "I don't know", while other people make papers saying things they can't possibly know.

So, why did you post all that crapola? OTOH, we have no life on other planets and the fine-tuning facts.

Here's one -- plate tectonics.
Why Plate Tectonics Remain Key To The Evolution Of Extraterrestrial Technology

Do I really need to explain this? I thought it was quite simple.

Some study that Clement posted says there is a substantial probability that there is not intelligent life anywhere else in the universe.

I pointed out that the study was written by humans. Humans who haven't managed to get a foot on Mars, let alone planets outside our solar system. The furthest we've ever sent something is to the edge of our solar system.

That leaves us with 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of the rest of the universe to discover.

Simply said, we don't know what's there. We have no fucking clue.

And yet we have people saying there's a high chance there's nothing there because... because... they get paid to produce something and they have nothing so...... they make stuff up.
Creation scientists theorize there are no aliens out there because God didn't make any. This is true. No observable evidence even though many probes have been sent.

Current probes (click on link within for past probes)
List of active Solar System probes - Wikipedia

We also have SETI who's been trying to make contact for years. They've been downgraded to the point of having to get private donations (Yuri Milner's breakthrough initiatives). There is Fermi's paradox. Finally, the fine-tuning facts make the strongest argument, so much so that atheist scientists are seriously proposing multiverses. Aliens and multiverses would fall under faith-based science or religion in my book.

1) Probes. Well, we've only managed to get one towards the edge of the solar system and it wasn't designed to search for alien life.

2) SETI. So, they have been searching for life and found nothing. Does this mean there isn't life?

3) Fermi's Paradox was simply made by someone who doesn't know what's out there. It also makes far too many assumptions.

But hey, let's look at life in space.

NASA scientist: Evidence of alien life on meteorite

NASA scientist: Evidence of alien life on meteorite"

Now, this is evidence, not proof. It might not be a fossil. But certainly there's a chance that life is flying around our sun that isn't in Earth's orbit.

Many secular scientists "believe" in panspermia. This is where creation scientists think it's a religion for their counterparts, i.e. faith based hypothesis (unless it's panspermia from earth to space). It is thought that these findings just look biological sort of like seeing faces on the surface of planets. If you want to claim it is alien life, then many other scientists would have to find microfossils on other meteorites and confirm. There's no explanation for the Cambrian explosion, so one crackpot hypothesis is it occurred because of panspermia.

As I already pointed out, your other stuff isn't backed up by observational science. So you have nothing. The evidence is against life and that life is rare outside of earth. The Anthropic Principle.

No, I have nothing.

This is exactly my point. I have nothing, you have nothing, no one has anything.

All we have is people making stuff up.

So, I'll stick with the "I don't know", while other people make papers saying things they can't possibly know.

So, why did you post all that crapola? OTOH, we have no life on other planets and the fine-tuning facts.

Here's one -- plate tectonics.
Why Plate Tectonics Remain Key To The Evolution Of Extraterrestrial Technology

Do I really need to explain this? I thought it was quite simple.

Some study that Clement posted says there is a substantial probability that there is not intelligent life anywhere else in the universe.

I pointed out that the study was written by humans. Humans who haven't managed to get a foot on Mars, let alone planets outside our solar system. The furthest we've ever sent something is to the edge of our solar system.

That leaves us with 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of the rest of the universe to discover.

Simply said, we don't know what's there. We have no fucking clue.

And yet we have people saying there's a high chance there's nothing there because... because... they get paid to produce something and they have nothing so...... they make stuff up.
Creation scientists theorize there are no aliens out there because God didn't make any. This is true. No observable evidence even though many probes have been sent.

Current probes (click on link within for past probes)
List of active Solar System probes - Wikipedia

We also have SETI who's been trying to make contact for years. They've been downgraded to the point of having to get private donations (Yuri Milner's breakthrough initiatives). There is Fermi's paradox. Finally, the fine-tuning facts make the strongest argument, so much so that atheist scientists are seriously proposing multiverses. Aliens and multiverses would fall under faith-based science or religion in my book.

1) Probes. Well, we've only managed to get one towards the edge of the solar system and it wasn't designed to search for alien life.

2) SETI. So, they have been searching for life and found nothing. Does this mean there isn't life?

3) Fermi's Paradox was simply made by someone who doesn't know what's out there. It also makes far too many assumptions.

But hey, let's look at life in space.

NASA scientist: Evidence of alien life on meteorite

NASA scientist: Evidence of alien life on meteorite"

Now, this is evidence, not proof. It might not be a fossil. But certainly there's a chance that life is flying around our sun that isn't in Earth's orbit.

Many secular scientists "believe" in panspermia. This is where creation scientists think it's a religion for their counterparts, i.e. faith based hypothesis (unless it's panspermia from earth to space). It is thought that these findings just look biological sort of like seeing faces on the surface of planets. If you want to claim it is alien life, then many other scientists would have to find microfossils on other meteorites and confirm. There's no explanation for the Cambrian explosion, so one crackpot hypothesis is it occurred because of panspermia.

As I already pointed out, your other stuff isn't backed up by observational science. So you have nothing. The evidence is against life and that life is rare outside of earth. The Anthropic Principle.

No, I have nothing.

This is exactly my point. I have nothing, you have nothing, no one has anything.

All we have is people making stuff up.

So, I'll stick with the "I don't know", while other people make papers saying things they can't possibly know.

So, why did you post all that crapola? OTOH, we have no life on other planets and the fine-tuning facts.

Here's one -- plate tectonics.
Why Plate Tectonics Remain Key To The Evolution Of Extraterrestrial Technology

Do I really need to explain this? I thought it was quite simple.

Some study that Clement posted says there is a substantial probability that there is not intelligent life anywhere else in the universe.

I pointed out that the study was written by humans. Humans who haven't managed to get a foot on Mars, let alone planets outside our solar system. The furthest we've ever sent something is to the edge of our solar system.

That leaves us with 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of the rest of the universe to discover.

Simply said, we don't know what's there. We have no fucking clue.

And yet we have people saying there's a high chance there's nothing there because... because... they get paid to produce something and they have nothing so...... they make stuff up.

Like you just did.
1) Probes. Well, we've only managed to get one towards the edge of the solar system and it wasn't designed to search for alien life.

2) SETI. So, they have been searching for life and found nothing. Does this mean there isn't life?

3) Fermi's Paradox was simply made by someone who doesn't know what's out there. It also makes far too many assumptions.

But hey, let's look at life in space.

NASA scientist: Evidence of alien life on meteorite

NASA scientist: Evidence of alien life on meteorite"

Now, this is evidence, not proof. It might not be a fossil. But certainly there's a chance that life is flying around our sun that isn't in Earth's orbit.

Many secular scientists "believe" in panspermia. This is where creation scientists think it's a religion for their counterparts, i.e. faith based hypothesis (unless it's panspermia from earth to space). It is thought that these findings just look biological sort of like seeing faces on the surface of planets. If you want to claim it is alien life, then many other scientists would have to find microfossils on other meteorites and confirm. There's no explanation for the Cambrian explosion, so one crackpot hypothesis is it occurred because of panspermia.

As I already pointed out, your other stuff isn't backed up by observational science. So you have nothing. The evidence is against life and that life is rare outside of earth. The Anthropic Principle.

No, I have nothing.

This is exactly my point. I have nothing, you have nothing, no one has anything.

All we have is people making stuff up.

So, I'll stick with the "I don't know", while other people make papers saying things they can't possibly know.

So, why did you post all that crapola? OTOH, we have no life on other planets and the fine-tuning facts.

Here's one -- plate tectonics.
Why Plate Tectonics Remain Key To The Evolution Of Extraterrestrial Technology

Do I really need to explain this? I thought it was quite simple.

Some study that Clement posted says there is a substantial probability that there is not intelligent life anywhere else in the universe.

I pointed out that the study was written by humans. Humans who haven't managed to get a foot on Mars, let alone planets outside our solar system. The furthest we've ever sent something is to the edge of our solar system.

That leaves us with 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of the rest of the universe to discover.

Simply said, we don't know what's there. We have no fucking clue.

And yet we have people saying there's a high chance there's nothing there because... because... they get paid to produce something and they have nothing so...... they make stuff up.
1) Probes. Well, we've only managed to get one towards the edge of the solar system and it wasn't designed to search for alien life.

2) SETI. So, they have been searching for life and found nothing. Does this mean there isn't life?

3) Fermi's Paradox was simply made by someone who doesn't know what's out there. It also makes far too many assumptions.

But hey, let's look at life in space.

NASA scientist: Evidence of alien life on meteorite

NASA scientist: Evidence of alien life on meteorite"

Now, this is evidence, not proof. It might not be a fossil. But certainly there's a chance that life is flying around our sun that isn't in Earth's orbit.

Many secular scientists "believe" in panspermia. This is where creation scientists think it's a religion for their counterparts, i.e. faith based hypothesis (unless it's panspermia from earth to space). It is thought that these findings just look biological sort of like seeing faces on the surface of planets. If you want to claim it is alien life, then many other scientists would have to find microfossils on other meteorites and confirm. There's no explanation for the Cambrian explosion, so one crackpot hypothesis is it occurred because of panspermia.

As I already pointed out, your other stuff isn't backed up by observational science. So you have nothing. The evidence is against life and that life is rare outside of earth. The Anthropic Principle.

No, I have nothing.

This is exactly my point. I have nothing, you have nothing, no one has anything.

All we have is people making stuff up.

So, I'll stick with the "I don't know", while other people make papers saying things they can't possibly know.

So, why did you post all that crapola? OTOH, we have no life on other planets and the fine-tuning facts.

Here's one -- plate tectonics.
Why Plate Tectonics Remain Key To The Evolution Of Extraterrestrial Technology

Do I really need to explain this? I thought it was quite simple.

Some study that Clement posted says there is a substantial probability that there is not intelligent life anywhere else in the universe.

I pointed out that the study was written by humans. Humans who haven't managed to get a foot on Mars, let alone planets outside our solar system. The furthest we've ever sent something is to the edge of our solar system.

That leaves us with 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of the rest of the universe to discover.

Simply said, we don't know what's there. We have no fucking clue.

And yet we have people saying there's a high chance there's nothing there because... because... they get paid to produce something and they have nothing so...... they make stuff up.
1) Probes. Well, we've only managed to get one towards the edge of the solar system and it wasn't designed to search for alien life.

2) SETI. So, they have been searching for life and found nothing. Does this mean there isn't life?

3) Fermi's Paradox was simply made by someone who doesn't know what's out there. It also makes far too many assumptions.

But hey, let's look at life in space.

NASA scientist: Evidence of alien life on meteorite

NASA scientist: Evidence of alien life on meteorite"

Now, this is evidence, not proof. It might not be a fossil. But certainly there's a chance that life is flying around our sun that isn't in Earth's orbit.

Many secular scientists "believe" in panspermia. This is where creation scientists think it's a religion for their counterparts, i.e. faith based hypothesis (unless it's panspermia from earth to space). It is thought that these findings just look biological sort of like seeing faces on the surface of planets. If you want to claim it is alien life, then many other scientists would have to find microfossils on other meteorites and confirm. There's no explanation for the Cambrian explosion, so one crackpot hypothesis is it occurred because of panspermia.

As I already pointed out, your other stuff isn't backed up by observational science. So you have nothing. The evidence is against life and that life is rare outside of earth. The Anthropic Principle.

No, I have nothing.

This is exactly my point. I have nothing, you have nothing, no one has anything.

All we have is people making stuff up.

So, I'll stick with the "I don't know", while other people make papers saying things they can't possibly know.

So, why did you post all that crapola? OTOH, we have no life on other planets and the fine-tuning facts.

Here's one -- plate tectonics.
Why Plate Tectonics Remain Key To The Evolution Of Extraterrestrial Technology

Do I really need to explain this? I thought it was quite simple.

Some study that Clement posted says there is a substantial probability that there is not intelligent life anywhere else in the universe.

I pointed out that the study was written by humans. Humans who haven't managed to get a foot on Mars, let alone planets outside our solar system. The furthest we've ever sent something is to the edge of our solar system.

That leaves us with 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999% of the rest of the universe to discover.

Simply said, we don't know what's there. We have no fucking clue.

And yet we have people saying there's a high chance there's nothing there because... because... they get paid to produce something and they have nothing so...... they make stuff up.

Like you just did.

Amazing post dude.
It's so convenient isn't it?

You don't understand something so you say God did it case closed
You can't prove something so you say god made it so it can't be proven case closed

Oy vey. You still don't get it. It's not convenience, but the truth and science backs it up. Why would God create aliens when everything he created that we need or want is on planet Earth? At least, in the beginning; At one time it was perfect. And it will be perfect once again In the afterlife. It will be on earth, but not on this same earth; This earth is corrupt. God will create a new Earth for the faithful.

Aliens are not natural. They're supernatural. Carl Sagan believed in aliens, but he was critical (hypocrite) of those who believed in UFOs. He thought UFOs were not based on scientific methods nor natural, i.e. supernatural. Aliens were considered natural due to evolution until they were disproven by Drake, Fermi, SETI and what was discussed already.

The evidence is there when you write 'god' in lower case. You are honoring Satan, god of the world. Don't you think it's strange that atheists write god like that? It goes against the first commandment. It's done for a specific reason by atheists and they're very deliberate about it. What most don't know is that it refers to Satan.

Why do you assume god created aliens I don't

and you say aliens are supernatural but you believe in an all powerful magical being that no one has ever seen and that you cannot prove exists.

and I use a small g for god because humans have worshiped many gods throughout their existence and the trend has been from many gods to one god.

As we have come to understand the natural world we have discarded gods as the explanation and cause of natural events.

So now we have a god that is the answer to the 2 hardest questions humans have ever contemplated.

How did the universe get here?
What happens after we die?

We do not know the answers to these questions just as we did not know the answers to many other questions in the past.

Now personally I believe we may be incapable of understanding the origin of the universe just as my dog is incapable of understanding algebra but IMO that is no reason to attribute the answers to some invisible supreme being

First, God didn't create aliens so you're wrong again. Honestly, you have to be able to explain yourself clearly.

Yes, aliens are supernatural since they do not exist in the natural world. They do not come into being in the natural world like ghosts do not exist. There are no evidence for aliens.

If that is the reason you use lower case 'g,' then you are ignorant of the Abrahamic God. It is the standard in academia and in writing to use the upper case when discussing God. It separates the Abrahamic with the mythical gods. Again, you are wrong.

As for the rest of our post, there isn't much point in going further as you're probably wrong again. Science has disregarded God due to uniformitarianism by atheist Charles Lyell and evolution by Charles Darwin. We've already found many things wrong with both Lyell's and Darwin's work. It's why today's science is so wrong and a joke. It's fake science.

The Abrahamic god is just as mythical as any other.

If alien life were to arise (or has arisen) in a similar fashion to life on Earth, it would not be supernatural. No one knows for sure whether or not alien life exists, so saying aliens are supernatural is incorrect. The idea of ghosts is not based on the natural world as humanity has been able to observe it, but the idea of alien life is.

The Abrahamic God of Christianity is the only true God.

No aliens means evidence for the Christian God, i.e. the Trinity, as we know God didn't create any aliens from Genesis. Only life begats life. Both examples of observational science backs up the Bible.

Life which is happens on Earth isn't alien. Life which happens from earth life transported to space aren't aliens either. If aliens exist, then they have to be supernatural as they do not occur anywhere else and there is no evidence of them.

I would think any being which created the universe and everything in it would be perfectly capable of creating life elsewhere without specifically recording it for humanity. ;)

Observation does not show there is no life in the universe other than on Earth, it only shows that we have not yet seen any other life. It's a big, big, big universe and we've only seen an incredibly tiny portion of it.
Again, you miss the truth and wisdom of my statements from the Bible and render yourself into deep folly.

you miss the truth and wisdom of my statements ...

the history of christianity from the 4th century to the present day negates whatever authenticity you claim from your 10K pg document as either truthful or wise.

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

statements from the Bible ... upon the earth.

that I end up just reading a sentence of two at the bottom.

> bottom <

in the above 4th century forgery, quote, the creators are merely referring to Earth as a domain for man and as not residents themselves would make them aliens, the primary one being jesus if you are gullible enough to believe that document as authentic. that is if jesus is not human there is life and Earth's throughout the universe. (3) - with or without their likeness. aliens.

We had Adam and Eve as the perfect human, but they failed by disobeying God. We were saved by the perfect human who did not fail in Jesus. I continue to be forever grateful for Jesus' sacrifice and being perfect. We continue to strive to be perfect even though we cannot ever be due to Adam's sin. That's why I continue to post here while you seem to post for Satan. He's part of that 4th century book, too.
We had Adam and Eve as the perfect human, but they failed by disobeying God. We were saved by the perfect human who did not fail in Jesus. I continue to be forever grateful for Jesus' sacrifice and being perfect. We continue to strive to be perfect even though we cannot ever be due to Adam's sin. That's why I continue to post here while you seem to post for Satan. He's part of that 4th century book, too.

We had Adam and Eve as the perfect humans, but they failed by disobeying God ... We were saved by the perfect human who did not fail in Jesus.

bond, jesus did not voluntarily jump off a cliff - for you, he was executed without having a choice in the matter. and as a reminder -
“Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani”

the words of jesus just prior to his death, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"

those words are there only because they are from the spoken religion and could not be removed in the 4th century by the forgers.

We continue to strive to be perfect even though we cannot ever be due to Adam's sin.

ere it a sin they'd have been left to perish by their own means, there were others at that time it was their choice that made them special, they were given a task for their deed. to triumph over evil.

we cannot ever be due to Adam's sin

au contrarie, your book is a political document not a religion - for their discretion they were given a task to be completed to accomplish remission to the Everlasting, your being a hopeless sinner at death will provide you nothing in return.

That's why I continue to post here while you seem to post for Satan. He's (they are) part of that 4th century book, too.

that is your decision and your book, whoever they may be is tangential, part and parcel to the overall outcome for the Final Judgement, success or failure as prescribed by the Almighty through the Religion of Antiquity. - if there is a satan, the spoken religion from antiquity will slay them before the final victory.

Oy vey. You still don't get it. It's not convenience, but the truth and science backs it up. Why would God create aliens when everything he created that we need or want is on planet Earth? At least, in the beginning; At one time it was perfect. And it will be perfect once again In the afterlife. It will be on earth, but not on this same earth; This earth is corrupt. God will create a new Earth for the faithful.

Aliens are not natural. They're supernatural. Carl Sagan believed in aliens, but he was critical (hypocrite) of those who believed in UFOs. He thought UFOs were not based on scientific methods nor natural, i.e. supernatural. Aliens were considered natural due to evolution until they were disproven by Drake, Fermi, SETI and what was discussed already.

The evidence is there when you write 'god' in lower case. You are honoring Satan, god of the world. Don't you think it's strange that atheists write god like that? It goes against the first commandment. It's done for a specific reason by atheists and they're very deliberate about it. What most don't know is that it refers to Satan.

Why do you assume god created aliens I don't

and you say aliens are supernatural but you believe in an all powerful magical being that no one has ever seen and that you cannot prove exists.

and I use a small g for god because humans have worshiped many gods throughout their existence and the trend has been from many gods to one god.

As we have come to understand the natural world we have discarded gods as the explanation and cause of natural events.

So now we have a god that is the answer to the 2 hardest questions humans have ever contemplated.

How did the universe get here?
What happens after we die?

We do not know the answers to these questions just as we did not know the answers to many other questions in the past.

Now personally I believe we may be incapable of understanding the origin of the universe just as my dog is incapable of understanding algebra but IMO that is no reason to attribute the answers to some invisible supreme being

First, God didn't create aliens so you're wrong again. Honestly, you have to be able to explain yourself clearly.

Yes, aliens are supernatural since they do not exist in the natural world. They do not come into being in the natural world like ghosts do not exist. There are no evidence for aliens.

If that is the reason you use lower case 'g,' then you are ignorant of the Abrahamic God. It is the standard in academia and in writing to use the upper case when discussing God. It separates the Abrahamic with the mythical gods. Again, you are wrong.

As for the rest of our post, there isn't much point in going further as you're probably wrong again. Science has disregarded God due to uniformitarianism by atheist Charles Lyell and evolution by Charles Darwin. We've already found many things wrong with both Lyell's and Darwin's work. It's why today's science is so wrong and a joke. It's fake science.

The Abrahamic god is just as mythical as any other.

If alien life were to arise (or has arisen) in a similar fashion to life on Earth, it would not be supernatural. No one knows for sure whether or not alien life exists, so saying aliens are supernatural is incorrect. The idea of ghosts is not based on the natural world as humanity has been able to observe it, but the idea of alien life is.

The Abrahamic God of Christianity is the only true God.

No aliens means evidence for the Christian God, i.e. the Trinity, as we know God didn't create any aliens from Genesis. Only life begats life. Both examples of observational science backs up the Bible.

Life which is happens on Earth isn't alien. Life which happens from earth life transported to space aren't aliens either. If aliens exist, then they have to be supernatural as they do not occur anywhere else and there is no evidence of them.

I would think any being which created the universe and everything in it would be perfectly capable of creating life elsewhere without specifically recording it for humanity. ;)

Observation does not show there is no life in the universe other than on Earth, it only shows that we have not yet seen any other life. It's a big, big, big universe and we've only seen an incredibly tiny portion of it.

Last point first, you ignore the fine tuning facts.

No reason to and it's not in the Bible. That which was created is in the Bible.
Again, you miss the truth and wisdom of my statements from the Bible and render yourself into deep folly.

you miss the truth and wisdom of my statements ...

the history of christianity from the 4th century to the present day negates whatever authenticity you claim from your 10K pg document as either truthful or wise.

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

statements from the Bible ... upon the earth.

that I end up just reading a sentence of two at the bottom.

> bottom <

in the above 4th century forgery, quote, the creators are merely referring to Earth as a domain for man and as not residents themselves would make them aliens, the primary one being jesus if you are gullible enough to believe that document as authentic. that is if jesus is not human there is life and Earth's throughout the universe. (3) - with or without their likeness. aliens.

We had Adam and Eve as the perfect human, but they failed by disobeying God. We were saved by the perfect human who did not fail in Jesus. I continue to be forever grateful for Jesus' sacrifice and being perfect. We continue to strive to be perfect even though we cannot ever be due to Adam's sin. That's why I continue to post here while you seem to post for Satan. He's part of that 4th century book, too.
We had Adam and Eve as the perfect human, but they failed by disobeying God. We were saved by the perfect human who did not fail in Jesus. I continue to be forever grateful for Jesus' sacrifice and being perfect. We continue to strive to be perfect even though we cannot ever be due to Adam's sin. That's why I continue to post here while you seem to post for Satan. He's part of that 4th century book, too.

We had Adam and Eve as the perfect humans, but they failed by disobeying God ... We were saved by the perfect human who did not fail in Jesus.

bond, jesus did not voluntarily jump off a cliff - for you, he was executed without having a choice in the matter. and as a reminder -
“Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani”

the words of jesus just prior to his death, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"

those words are there only because they are from the spoken religion and could not be removed in the 4th century by the forgers.

We continue to strive to be perfect even though we cannot ever be due to Adam's sin.

ere it a sin they'd have been left to perish by their own means, there were others at that time it was their choice that made them special, they were given a task for their deed. to triumph over evil.

we cannot ever be due to Adam's sin

au contrarie, your book is a political document not a religion - for their discretion they were given a task to be completed to accomplish remission to the Everlasting, your being a hopeless sinner at death will provide you nothing in return.

That's why I continue to post here while you seem to post for Satan. He's (they are) part of that 4th century book, too.

that is your decision and your book, whoever they may be is tangential, part and parcel to the overall outcome for the Final Judgement, success or failure as prescribed by the Almighty through the Religion of Antiquity. - if there is a satan, the spoken religion from antiquity will slay them before the final victory.

It's also scientific theory. Not a science book, but science backs it up.


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