Why do so many atheists insist that all Christians hate gays?

Teddy Pollins

Senior Member
Feb 26, 2015
After some of these posts about atheism, it seems like many atheists don't understand that so many Christians love everyone equally. I don't know anyone who hates gay people! They act like so many Christians don't show love, and that all Christians are some sort of extremist.
I'm an Atheist - and I don't know any Atheists who think all Christians hate gays.
Atheists don't insist this about "all Christians", obviously.
It's just all the Christians who make anti-homosexual public policy decisions in the US, and the apparent majority of the public who voted for them.
"Why do so many atheists insist that all Christians hate gays?"

This fails as a loaded question fallacy.
After some of these posts about atheism, it seems like many atheists don't understand that so many Christians love everyone equally. I don't know anyone who hates gay people! They act like so many Christians don't show love, and that all Christians are some sort of extremist.

I've never heard an atheist say that all Christians hate gays.
True Christians love people but hate the sinful things that people cling to that prevent them from seeing the truth. A person who practices homosexuality can be saved but only when such recognizes sin for what it is (rebellion) -------- and not as a blessing from God. Then and only then can God's forgiveness be accepted unconditionally and a work started leading the now saved individual towards being changed to the image of Christ ----- eternally saved by the sacrifice Jesus Christ endured.
After some of these posts about atheism, it seems like many atheists don't understand that so many Christians love everyone equally. I don't know anyone who hates gay people! They act like so many Christians don't show love, and that all Christians are some sort of extremist.

I'm sure that some Christians will insist that those who tolerate gays are not "real" Christians. It's an unfortunate phenomenon to be sure.

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