Why do so many Goppers oppose Gay Marriage ?

Exactly, so i dont know why you even mentioned the constitution in the first place. Ive noticed that you say a lot of dumb things. Everyone seems to have noticed in fact.

It goes to the question of why some people should be allowed to marry but others should not.

I'm assuming you're aware that there are those zealots out there who, given half a chance, would outlaw gay marriage, right?
I'll take a guess at it. I would say the thought of sticking your penis into another man's septic tank makes me and most men dry heave
It will come a a huge relief to you that you are not required to do that.
So you can stop now.
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Nope. When you say “the” government, you need to be more precise? Which government? The Feds? No dice. They can’t obtain jurisdiction by bootstrapping.

The respective states? Maybe. If a state does bestow certain benefits to married couples, but the definition of married couples requires one man and one woman, how does that deny anybody equal protection? Answer: it doesn’t.
The state’s definition of marriage is unconstitutional then. Your straw men are frail.
Nope. Empty words absent a clear explanation of how equal protection is being denied. You can’t deny a white man the right to marry a black woman because that’s explicitly prohibited racial discrimination by the state. So far, so good.

But your claim is that you can’t deny two men the right to marry because … ?

It’s not race. It may be discrimination. But if it’s not discrimination based on race, what Constitutional prohibition is violated?
Discrimination based on gender or sexual orientation.
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
No denial. First comes the definition of marriage. According to the laws of some states, that definition is a legal union between a man and a woman. So gay people aren’t denied the right to marry. They are only deprived of the right to marry a person of the same sex as they are. But a lesbian can marry a man. And a homosexual man can marry a woman.

Do I agree with those laws? No. I don’t.
But that’s a different issue. What’s needed is a concerted effort to change those states’ laws. Alternatively, pass a new US Constitutional amendment.
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Well in the Sup Ct has no problem with states passing laws that can only affect women because only they get pregnant, why would the Sup Ct have any problem with passing laws that only affect gay people? :eusa_wall:
Wrong. Abortion laws affect the babies. Not just the pregnant females.
Anyone in this nations history who was against inter racial marriage could not have been a Christian.
Why is that? Because you say so? Uhm gee. No. That’s not how it works.

Your rejoinders are fails.
Because it violates equal protections. Your argument has failed repeatedly throughout the civil rights era. Some just never learn from history.
What’s old is new again.




This seems a very unconservative stance. It is more akin to an authoritariaan stance. I understan that 150 gops voted against protecting Gay marriage. The same number voted against rotecting inter racial marriage.

What sort of country would America become if these rights were over turned by your crazy Supreme Court.
They don't mind gays having a civil partnership, a union etc.. call it what you like and have the same legal benefits, they just object to the tradition of marriage and the word marriage being hijacked. Marriage in terms of joining a man and a woman in holy matrimony.

The misunderstanding of the argument seems to be with Lefty's brains, it's a concept they can't seem to grasp. So have two gay guys, in a civil partnership with rings on their fingers and the legal benefits that come with it. Then have a man and a woman, married with rings on their fingers and the legal benefits that come with it. Pretty simple really.
Abolish all marriages. Done. Most of them end in divorce and less and less are getting married. Not a bad trend. And I'm a traditionally married white guy.
They don't mind gays having a civil partnership, a union etc.. call it what you like and have the same legal benefits, they just object to the tradition of marriage and the word marriage being hijacked. Marriage in terms of joining a man and a woman in holy matrimony.

The misunderstanding of the argument seems to be with Lefty's brains, it's a concept they can't seem to grasp. So have two gay guys, in a civil partnership with rings on their fingers and the legal benefits that come with it. Then have a man and a woman, married with rings on their fingers and the legal benefits that come with it. Pretty simple really.
So can hindus get married ?
But most congressmen do not oppose gay marriage. In the Senate there are 5 republicans that said they will vote for the bill to protect gay marriage and 8 that said they would not. The remainder have not responded or said they were undecided.. It's expected that the bill will pass with 60 votes or more. Apparently, republican law makers are beginning to pay attention to the their constituents. In a recent Gallup poll for the first time, 55% of republicans said gay marriage should be recognized by law as valid. Overall 70% of Americans believed gay marriage should be cognized by law as valid.

So, out of 13 Senators, a majority has said it'll oppose the bill BEFORE they're even seen it.

Also that poll said it's margin of error was 5%. Which has a potential for a 50/50. Though I guess it depends of how much they want to get something out of this, or how much they want to be accurate. They only asked 1,000 people and we know how much that can vary
Exactly. In order to "transform" America, the family unit has to be destroyed because that's the strength of the nation. Therefore, every freakish perverted thing they can get by with has to be exploited. Children are more confused than ever. They're bombarded by media, entertainment and public schools with this filth. It's deliberate.

Yeah, people can think it's simply about getting benefits, but it's much, much bigger than that. This won't be a popular thing to say, but it's just another part of a huge ongoing spiritual battle. All one has to do is look at all the absurdity going on these days to see that truth itself is being attacked. The PTSB and the useful fools who go along with them think they can create their own truth, but they're woefully mistaken.

The good news is, we know who wins in the end, and it's not going to end well for people who attack and oppose actual truth in favor of creating their own. :dunno:
They don't mind gays having a civil partnership, a union etc.. call it what you like and have the same legal benefits, they just object to the tradition of marriage and the word marriage being hijacked. Marriage in terms of joining a man and a woman in holy matrimony.

The misunderstanding of the argument seems to be with Lefty's brains, it's a concept they can't seem to grasp. So have two gay guys, in a civil partnership with rings on their fingers and the legal benefits that come with it. Then have a man and a woman, married with rings on their fingers and the legal benefits that come with it. Pretty simple really.

You're worried about the word being "hijacked"? And yet, isn't it straight people who "hijacked" the word by getting so many divorces?

It's not a "misunderstanding" on the part of the left. It's more the right trying to get what it wants and changing its argument over time in order to still get what it wants, but realizing that they can't say certain things any more.

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