Why do so many Goppers oppose Gay Marriage ?

That's a tax issue not marriage issue.

You're aaaaallllllmost there.

The fight over gay marriage is a fight over the cash and prizes given to married couples. And it is waaaaaay more than just tax breaks.

There are about a thousand, no exaggeration, cash and prizes extended to married couples by the government.

Gays and interracial couples are just asking for equal protection of those laws.

That's. It.
There is ZERO federal jurisdiction over marriage which is a state law matter.
The federal government provides a bunch of cash and prizes to married couples, the federal government certainly does have jurisdiction over the matter.

Unless you can point to some US Constitutional provision that commands that gays must have the same right to marry a member of their own sex, then it isn’t a Federally guaranteed right. I suppose that was what Justice Thomas was suggesting.

I don’t really agree with Justice Thomas on that one. But I have to admit I’m not able to identify any Constitutional provision on point.
The Constitutional provision is the 14th amendment which dictates "equal protection of the laws".

In Loving v. Virginia, the issue was whether a state could ban interracial marriage. The Supreme Court stated that you can't ban a marriage just because you think it is icky for a black man to boink a white woman. There has to be a RATIONAL reason for banning a marriage.

So there you go.

You're aaaaallllllmost there.

The fight over gay marriage is a fight over the cash and prizes given to married couples. And it is waaaaaay more than just tax breaks.

There are about a thousand, no exaggeration, cash and prizes extended to married couples by the government.

Gays and interracial couples are just asking for equal protection of those laws.

That's. It.
Interracial will have no problems if it goes back to the states, where it belongs. 30+ states amended their constitutions to say marriage was between a man and a woman. That supercedes any issues of race, it's a non-starter. Not so for queers.
Interracial will have no problems if it goes back to the states, where it belongs. 30+ states amended their constitutions to say marriage was between a man and a woman. That supercedes any issues of race, it's a non-starter. Not so for queers.
The arguments by bigots against gay marriage are identical to the ones made by bigots against interracial marriage half a century ago.

And just as with the Loving decision, there is no rational reason to deny gay marriage equal protection of the laws.
The arguments by bigots against gay marriage are identical to the ones made by bigots against interracial marriage half a century ago.

And just as with the Loving decision, there is no rational reason to deny gay marriage equal protection of the laws.
Not really. If you don't get the difference by now you never will.
Well I was just stating facts. We never thought of it as a civil ceremony or anything else. We just got married and that was it.
If folk want a church wedding then good for them. But it doesnt invalidate ny other form of marriage.
Ive been to a lot of different types of wedding and I never left any of them thinking the couple werent married.
My wife wanted a Vegas wedding but I did have my doubts about that at the time.

Worth pointing out that it was the GOP hoping to ignite this issue that led to this topic. They must be full of themselves to think they can take this right away from loving couples. Shocking.
You do realize you’re simply babbling now, don’t you?

Racist public policies are always to be condemned. So what? That one was.

But none of you’re most recent gibberish has anything to do with whether the US Federal government has any valid say in the state law issue of marriage itself. Over racial discrimination? Yes. Over the institution of marriage? No.
The arguments by bigots against gay marriage are identical to the ones made by bigots against interracial marriage half a century ago.

And just as with the Loving decision, there is no rational reason to deny gay marriage equal protection of the laws.
I actually see the analog on your attempt at analogy. Nonetheless, racial discrimination is why the Loving decision was a valid exercise of the SCOTUS review power. It may be unfortunate, but there doesn’t seem to be an equally valid claim with regard to discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.

Maybe you can point to it.
No one is stealing anything.

How does a gay couple getting married in Oregon adversely affect a straight couple getting married in Georgia?

"Marriage" can be a religio0us ceremony, but it's not always a religious ceremony. Those who believe that it is are free to believe and practice as they choose. But when their religious beliefs start dictating what someone else does, that's wrong, and it should not be allowed in any way, shape or form...

It's only understandable if you believe people of faith should have dominion over those, like you, who practice no faith. If you were to marry, would you be perfectly fine with a Christian demanding you celebrate, and would you bow to their demands and have, a Christian wedding?
How do you suppose the black community would feel if Americans voted to change MLK celebration day to a day where we do the opposite and demonizing him for his womanizing and domestic violence instead?
How do you suppose the black community would feel if Americans voted to change MLK celebration day to a day where we do the opposite and demonizing him for his womanizing and domestic violence instead?

That doesn't even come close to being a response to my question.

The proper way to respond to a question is with an actual response, not with a question about some unrelated nonsense...
I actually see the analog on your attempt at analogy. Nonetheless, racial discrimination is why the Loving decision was a valid exercise of the SCOTUS review power. It may be unfortunate, but there doesn’t seem to be an equally valid claim with regard to discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.

Maybe you can point to it.
Gender discrimination. You are saying they have to be opposite genders.
You do realize you’re simply babbling now, don’t you?

Racist public policies are always to be condemned. So what? That one was.

But none of you’re most recent gibberish has anything to do with whether the US Federal government has any valid say in the state law issue of marriage itself. Over racial discrimination? Yes. Over the institution of marriage? No.
Again, the government bestows cash and prizes on married couples.

A state cannot violate the "equal protection of the laws" provision of the US Constitution.
It's a matter for the state to decide. It is not a federal issue and the Supreme Court, mostly that traitor Kennedy, betrayed their oaths of office to appease a bunch of queers. Pathetic. It will be overturned for the horrendous miscarriage of justice it was and returned to the states, over which 30 of them have already amended their constitutions to ban that foul and disgusting abomination.
Why do you care if gays marry? So what?
Gender discrimination. You are saying they have to be opposite genders.
I’m asking you a simpler question. Try to follow along. I can point you directly to the Constitutional provisions which the different race marriage prohibition laws violate. Can YOU please point me (or anyone else) to a similar provision about the definition of what constitutes a “marriage?” Which Constitutional prohibition is implicated?

Don’t misunderstand me. I have exactly zero issue with same sex marriages. My question is much more pointed. What Constitutional provision does a law about same sex marriage prohibitions violate?

This seems a very unconservative stance. It is more akin to an authoritariaan stance. I understan that 150 gops voted against protecting Gay marriage. The same number voted against rotecting inter racial marriage.

What sort of country would America become if these rights were over turned by your crazy Supreme Court.
I'll take a guess at it. I would say the thought of sticking your penis into another man's septic tank makes me and most men dry heave
I’m asking you a simpler question. Try to follow along. I can point you directly to the Constitutional provisions which the different race marriage prohibition laws violate. Can YOU please point me (or anyone else) to a similar provision about the definition of what constitutes a “marriage?” Which Constitutional prohibition is implicated?

Don’t misunderstand me. I have exactly zero issue with same sex marriages. My question is much more pointed. What Constitutional provision does a law about same sex marriage prohibitions violate?
And I will repeat for the umpteenth time, the "equal protection of the laws" provision of the 14th Amendment.
Again, the government bestows cash and prizes on married couples.

A state cannot violate the "equal protection of the laws" provision of the US Constitution.
Nope. When you say “the” government, you need to be more precise? Which government? The Feds? No dice. They can’t obtain jurisdiction by bootstrapping.

The respective states? Maybe. If a state does bestow certain benefits to married couples, but the definition of married couples requires one man and one woman, how does that deny anybody equal protection? Answer: it doesn’t.
All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
You do realize you’re simply babbling now, don’t you?

Racist public policies are always to be condemned. So what? That one was.

But none of you’re most recent gibberish has anything to do with whether the US Federal government has any valid say in the state law issue of marriage itself. Over racial discrimination? Yes. Over the institution of marriage? No.
Discrimination is discrimination.

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