Why do so many Goppers oppose Gay Marriage ?

Okay, so there's nothing concrete to support your argument other than you hate gay people.

Got it.

You didn't offer an opinion. "This group leads everyone in criminality" is a statement of fact. Sadly, for you, there actually are no facts you can find to support your silly position...
Now you’re putting words in my mouth. I don't hate anyone. I might hate what they do. Big difference. Grow up.
Now you’re putting words in my mouth. I don't hate anyone. I might hate what they do. Big difference. Grow up.

I never said that you said you hate gay people. That's just my observation.

However, I definitely did not put words in your mouth when you said "This group leads everyone in criminality".

That's all you, pal, and there's not a single thing you can post which would support such a ridiculous, idiotic claim...
I never said that you said you hate gay people. That's just my observation.

However, I definitely did not put words in your mouth when you said "This group leads everyone in criminality".

That's all you, pal, and there's not a single thing you can post which would support such a ridiculous, idiotic claim...
Show us the post where you claim I said that.
The question is not whether they can marry, the real question is should they get state perks for being married?

So let me ask you, when two people, or more, get married, why should they ask permission from the state? I mean really, who cares what idiots like Pelosi think about virtually anything? … Why are people so insistent that the state be involved and give their approval?

Marriage originated from the church, not the state
So why does anyone want the state involved, or is the state your religion?
Why should anyone get special state perks for being married?
Such stupidity. “Marriage” existed long before there was a Christian Church. It existed along with complex inheritance and other related property laws in pagan Rome — to take only one historical example. Believe it or not, it even existed before Pelosi entered Congress! Virtually wherever a state really existed there were laws regulating (and usually encouraging) families.

Today most young people do not need to marry, they can just live together with their lovers, as I did for years. But if children are part of the picture, or if partners (gay or straight) want the security and economic and social advantages of marriage, of course they often choose to marry! But nobody is forcing them. You don’t want to marry, don’t marry! Stop whining about marriage being unfair, or about gays and your religion. The latter — and your whining — don’t concern me or most other Americans.
A civil union is a legal contract. A marriage is a bond between a man, a woman and their God and has absolutely NOTHING to do with contracts. All marriages are civil unions in the US but all civil unions are NOT marriages. See the difference.

That is absolutely not true; not even a little bit.

When I got married in 1985, my wife and I had a Marriage License which was granted to us by Charleston County:

Charleston County Marriage License

I would direct your attention to the following at that link::

"An Ordained minister, Jewish Rabbis, officers authorized to administer oaths in South Carolina or a South Carolina Notary can perform wedding ceremonies in South Carolina."

So, while God may play a role in some marriages, there's simply no requirement that God play a role in all marriages. My wife and I were married by a notary in her living room.

You'll never admit it, but you've been proven wrong, and everyone here can see that.

Even you...

This seems a very unconservative stance. It is more akin to an authoritariaan stance. I understan that 150 gops voted against protecting Gay marriage. The same number voted against rotecting inter racial marriage.

What sort of country would America become if these rights were over turned by your crazy Supreme Court.
Marriage is an ancient religious ceremony that involves a man and a woman. You shouldnt be surprised when people get mad that their holy ceremony is being stolen and bastardized by people who dont even believe in their religious values.

Im personally not against it because im an atheist who supports gay rights, but their position is certainly understandable. nonetheless.
A marriage is a legal contract. Nothing more.
Whatever religious importance you ascribe to it is your business alone and has no bearing on the legality of that contract. It’s meant to protect spouses and any children from being abandoned and left penniless.
We got married in Key West on the beach. We got the license from the court house and the hotel manager did the ceremony at sunset.
God wasnt involved at all.
The UK government considered us to be married and so did my employers.

Its risible to pretend that any church wedding has precedence over any marriage conducted anywhere else. So disrespectul.
Civil Unions are not marriage. Marriage takes place between a man, woman and their God. The bible categorically condemns homosexuality. Homosexuals can have all the rights that are codified in marriage when they become a civil union. They are not and CANNOT be married in the eyes of God.

A marriage is a religious bond. Civil unions are available to those who do not believe in the sanctity of a God-blessed marriage. The left is doing nothing more than attacking religious institutions. Their argument has always been for legal, property, pension, and survivors rights that are bestowed on all civil unions and domestic partnerships in the county. Those unions are not marriages.
You give the bible too much importance in marriage. Most of the world isnt even Christian.
We got married in Key West on the beach. We got the license from the court house and the hotel manager did the ceremony at sunset.
God wasnt involved at all.
The UK government considered us to be married and so did my employers.

Its risible to pretend that any church wedding has precedence over any marriage conducted anywhere else. So disrespectul.
Taint, as it turns out, you’re entitled to your opinion no matter how stupid it may be. Lucky for you.
Marriage is an ancient religious ceremony that involves a man and a woman. You shouldnt be surprised when people get mad that their holy ceremony is being stolen and bastardized by people who dont even believe in their religious values.

No one is stealing anything.

How does a gay couple getting married in Oregon adversely affect a straight couple getting married in Georgia?

"Marriage" can be a religio0us ceremony, but it's not always a religious ceremony. Those who believe that it is are free to believe and practice as they choose. But when their religious beliefs start dictating what someone else does, that's wrong, and it should not be allowed in any way, shape or form...

Im personally not against it because im an atheist who supports gay rights, but their position is certainly understandable. nonetheless.

It's only understandable if you believe people of faith should have dominion over those, like you, who practice no faith. If you were to marry, would you be perfectly fine with a Christian demanding you celebrate, and would you bow to their demands and have, a Christian wedding?
Didnt the federal govt have to step in to enforce inter-racial marriage. It was banned in the backward states.
Evidence that the states cannot be trusted.
Back in the day, yes. Some states had laws forbidding interracial marriages. And the SCOTUS did have to involve itself at that time because officially state sanctioned racism as the basis for denial of equal rights is clearly unConstitutional.

So, if you imagine you were making a point, you were sadly mistaken.
Taint, as it turns out, you’re entitled to your opinion no matter how stupid it may be. Lucky for you.
Well I was just stating facts. We never thought of it as a civil ceremony or anything else. We just got married and that was it.
If folk want a church wedding then good for them. But it doesnt invalidate ny other form of marriage.
Ive been to a lot of different types of wedding and I never left any of them thinking the couple werent married.
My wife wanted a Vegas wedding but I did have my doubts about that at the time.

Worth pointing out that it was the GOP hoping to ignite this issue that led to this topic. They must be full of themselves to think they can take this right away from loving couples. Shocking.
Back in the day, yes. Some states had laws forbidding interracial marriages. And the SCOTUS did have to involve itself at that time because officially state sanctioned racism as the basis for denial of equal rights is clearly unConstitutional.

So, if you imagine you were making a point, you were sadly mistaken.
"States rights" is shorthand for oppressing black folks. And now its also about oppressing Gays folk.
Wrong. As usual. At least you’re consistent. living involved a deprivation of a right based on race. That is explicitly in the Constitution.

Try to think — for a refreshing change of pace!
That was not the rationale cited for overturning
Roe, dope. The application of the very reasoning for overturning Roe could just as easily be used here.

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