Why do so many Goppers oppose Gay Marriage ?

The question is not whether they can marry, the real question is should they get state perks for being married?

So let me ask you, when two people, or more, get married, why should they ask permission from the state? I mean really, who cares what idiots like Pelosi think about virtually anything? And why should they then have to pay for a license to be recognized by the state for their special perks?

Why should married folk have any more rights than people who are not married?


Why are people so insistent that the state be involved and give their approval?
I completely agree the State should not be handing out cash and prizes to married people. However, since the State DOES hand out cash and prizes to married people by law, then gay and interracial marriages are entitled to the equal protection of those laws.
It's a matter for the state to decide. It is not a federal issue and the Supreme Court, mostly that traitor Kennedy, betrayed their oaths of office to appease a bunch of queers. Pathetic. It will be overturned for the horrendous miscarriage of justice it was and returned to the states, over which 30 of them have already amended their constitutions to ban that foul and disgusting abomination.
Since the federal government gives all kinds of cash and prizes to married couples by law, then it IS a federal issue.
You quoted a Liberal hit piece designed to scare prior to November elections. I personally don't know any Republicans that oppose gay marriage.

"it's not raining here, so it's not raining anywhere" kind of argument.

Loads of Republicans oppose gay marriage.

Most Republican legislators in DC oppose gay marriage, for a start.

Why do so many Goppers oppose Gay Marriage ?​

What's your rant now Tommy, you are looking for Gay Gophers?

Gee, that 41° heat must really be getting to you.

See the source image
"it's not raining here, so it's not raining anywhere" kind of argument.

Loads of Republicans oppose gay marriage.

Most Republican legislators in DC oppose gay marriage, for a start.
“I saw it on the internet so it must be true” kind of argument.

Would you like me to post the video of Barack Obama opposing gay marriage? The one before he lied to you for votes.

You must not know any Republicans.

LOL These lies are all your side has. You’re so getting your asses handed to you in November. Gay marriage isn’t going anywhere. No one cares to discuss anymore except you and people of your ilk.
“I saw it on the internet so it must be true” kind of argument.

Would you like me to post the video of Barack Obama opposing gay marriage? The one before he lied to you for votes.

What are you talking about?

This seems a very unconservative stance. It is more akin to an authoritariaan stance. I understan that 150 gops voted against protecting Gay marriage. The same number voted against rotecting inter racial marriage.

What sort of country would America become if these rights were over turned by your crazy Supreme Court.

Why do you care?

What's it to you?
The effect is so divisive too. It ended up sidestepping any actual DISCUSSION of the issue, and instantly allowed teh left to frame the issue as one of Identity so any opposition was immediately marginalized as "bigotry".

It worked. At the cost of deeply pissing off, millions of people.

Yet here we are having a discussion on the topic.
Life observations and experience.

Okay, so there's nothing concrete to support your argument other than you hate gay people.

Got it.

You didn't offer an opinion. "This group leads everyone in criminality" is a statement of fact. Sadly, for you, there actually are no facts you can find to support your silly position...
No one has a problem with those rights of civil unions. That is what the domestic partnership is--it is not a marriage.

Well, you're wrong there. There are plenty of people who don't want gays to be permitted into civil unions, either.

"Marriage" is not a religious concept. Trying to make it one is both silly and stupid...

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