Why do so many Goppers oppose Gay Marriage ?

This seems a very unconservative stance. It is more akin to an authoritariaan stance. I understan that 150 gops voted against protecting Gay marriage. The same number voted against rotecting inter racial marriage.

What sort of country would America become if these rights were over turned by your crazy Supreme Court.

Politifact is making stuff up.

They do this all the time.

Their revenue model still needs to be fed money.

This seems a very unconservative stance. It is more akin to an authoritariaan stance. I understan that 150 gops voted against protecting Gay marriage. The same number voted against rotecting inter racial marriage.

What sort of country would America become if these rights were over turned by your crazy Supreme Court.
We have a Constitution in the US that clearly outlines the powers of the Federal Government anything not in the document is covered by the 10th Amendment which means they fall to the States to decide. If anyone disagrees with this there are legal ways to amend the Constitution. The Federal Government has no authority to go outside the Constitution.

I'm glad we no longer have to listen to those who come from a country where their head of state is chosen by an accident of birth.


1 Corinthians 6:9
Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals,

Leviticus 18:22
Verse Concepts
You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination.

Source: 31 Bible verses about Gay Marriage
Ignorant, bigoted, hateful religious dogma has no place in secular laws.

Such is the Christo-fascist authoritarian right.
it wasn't in the purview of the Supreme court in the first place. If the people in each state vote on it for their state then so be it..and those that don't want it, so be that. Isn't that right...aren't we the people supposed to decide on that for ourselves.

Marriage is a RELIGIOUS institution. It has nothing to do with the government. The first amendment is clear. The government should have declined to make a ruling. If homosexuals want to have DOMESTIC RELATIONS, then let the government legitimize the relationship and leave the churches and MARRIAGE out of it. The bible condemns homosexuality.

This seems a very unconservative stance. It is more akin to an authoritariaan stance. I understan that 150 gops voted against protecting Gay marriage. The same number voted against rotecting inter racial marriage.

What sort of country would America become if these rights were over turned by your crazy Supreme Court.
We may become monkey-pox free!
I’m a Conservative and have no problem with gay marriage. Live and let live.

I have a problem with grooming or otherwise pushing or promoting inappropriate adult and underage relationships, regardless of orientation or preferences.
I’m a Conservative and have no problem with gay marriage. Live and let live.

I have a problem with grooming or otherwise pushing or promoting inappropriate adult and underage relationships, regardless of orientation or preferences.
I dont think any of us care what they do, just tired of the minority thinking they can cram their way of life down our throats.
Ignorance and fear, for the most part; along with bigotry and hate.

Conservatives fear diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty.

And as authoritarians they seek to compel conformity and punish dissent.

Contrary to your ideology,
It's Marxian ideology to destroy the family unit and encourage homosexuality.

5 Things Marx Wanted to Abolish (Besides Private Property)​

Some see marriage as only between a man and a woman, as whatever their holy texts proscribe.

Or in some cases one man and a few women. Mormons and Muslims have no issue with polygamy.

Neither did King Solomon



This seems a very unconservative stance. It is more akin to an authoritariaan stance. I understan that 150 gops voted against protecting Gay marriage. The same number voted against rotecting inter racial marriage.

What sort of country would America become if these rights were over turned by your crazy Supreme Court.
I believe that most people who are not gay or do not have friends or family that are gay, do not shelter any strong feeling on the matter because it does not affect them. If they support either party, they will stick with the party line. The exception are homophobes who would like see them exterminated and would welcome a chance to help.

When it comes to support for gay marriage, it does not divide along party lines as it once did. A Record-High 70% in U.S. Support Same-Sex Marriage and tor the first time, a small majority of republicans ,55% support gay marriage. Being gay has nothing to do with one's political or religious affiliation. Admitting to the world of course does.

I’m a Conservative and have no problem with gay marriage. Live and let live.

I have a problem with grooming or otherwise pushing or promoting inappropriate adult and underage relationships, regardless of orientation or preferences.

The government needs to be left completely out of marriage, period. Marriage is a religious/spiritual concept, not a legal one, and certainly not one the government should ever be involved with.

This seems a very unconservative stance. It is more akin to an authoritariaan stance. I understan that 150 gops voted against protecting Gay marriage. The same number voted against rotecting inter racial marriage.

What sort of country would America become if these rights were over turned by your crazy Supreme Court.
Maybe you can answer your own question.

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