Why do so many Goppers oppose Gay Marriage ?

I've never heard an argument against gay marriage which wasn't based on a religious belief.

For that reason alone those arguments are worthless...

Gay marriage should be illegal until all mature willing companions are granted the right to form marriages as they choose otherwise its an equal rights violation.

There! Now you've heard one...


Long standing belief is that homosexuality is a result of moral turpitude.

IE: moral turpitude causes homosexuality.

So....that's the reason outside of any religious debate on the subject. I have yet to see anyone provide any evidence to the contrary on the subject. Especially when looking at the homosexual community's records of human failures in arrests, suicide, police calls, rape, assaults, domestic assault, child abuse, and etc. This group leads everyone in criminality. Possibly not murder....but it had all the rest of the categories for sure.
Because there are legal considerations involved with 2 people deciding to formally share their lives together, and because governments do have some say over contracts (like when they are claimed to be violated and the parties have to go to court), I believe that the government should limit its involvement to those matters.

Proposal: as far as the government is concerned, all civil commitments and marriages shall from now on be uniformly known as “civil unions.” If a couple (hetero or same sex) wish to have their civil union formally known as and recognized as a “marriage,” then they are free to do so. Go to a church or a temple or a synagogue or wherever. Have someone of your faith or whatever officiate. Wham! You’re married.

Nonetheless, in the eyes of the law, no marriage or other civil union — regardless of nomenclature — shall imbue the couple with any rights not also provided to other civil union couples.

This includes (but need not be limited to) family law, surrogacy, adoption, health proxy rights, visitation rights, survivorship interests in property, etc.
I've never heard an argument against gay marriage which wasn't based on a religious belief.

For that reason alone those arguments are worthless...
Why are homosexuals so intent on attacking a religious institution? No one is complaining about domestic partnerships. They can be codified in the government to provide all of the property, pension and other rights that the government has bestowed on married couples. Homosexuality is expressly condemned in the bible. Same sex marriage has no place in the church.
Because there are legal considerations involved with 2 people deciding to formally share their lives together, and because governments do have some say over contracts (like when they are claimed to be violated and the parties have to go to court), I believe that the government should limit its involvement to those matters.

Proposal: as far as the government is concerned, all civil commitments and marriages shall from now on be uniformly known as “civil unions.” If a couple (hetero or same sex) wish to have their civil union formally known as and recognized as a “marriage,” then they are free to do so. Go to a church or a temple or a synagogue or wherever. Have someone of your faith or whatever officiate. Wham! You’re married.

Nonetheless, in the eyes of the law, no marriage or other civil union — regardless of nomenclature — shall imbue the couple with any rights not also provided to other civil union couples.

This includes (but need not be limited to) family law, surrogacy, adoption, health proxy rights, visitation rights, survivorship interests in property, etc.
You call it what you want but marriage licenses have a tittle of Certificate of Marriage or Marriage License and they are exactly the same regardless of sex and I don't see an reason for change
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Why are homosexuals so intent on attacking a religious institution? No one is complaining about domestic partnerships. They can be codified in the government to provide all of the property, pension and other rights that the government has bestowed on married couples. Homosexuality is expressly condemned in the bible. Same sex marriage has no place in the church.
You tie yourself in knots. The GOP is trying to prevent civil partnerships. They have no authority over any religion.
You call it what you want but marriage licenses have a tittle of Certificate of Marriage or Marriage License and they are exactly the same regardless of sex
Yep. Let’s change that to certificate of Civil Union or Civil Union License. If, for the ease of conversation, the one of them wants to to say “I am married,” go for it.
You tie yourself in knots. The GOP is trying to prevent civil partnerships. They have no authority over any religion.
You are a moron and you know nothing of US law. You haven't heard on word of opposition to civil unions or domestic partnerships. The government has made numerous laws codifying these unions. Again, a marriage is a religious institution and as such the term marriage as it relates to same sex unions should not be used in any legislation. You are the one who is using pretzel logic to try to negate a religious institution. The US government has no authority over any religious union. Take your uninformed ass down the road and STFU.

This seems a very unconservative stance. It is more akin to an authoritariaan stance. I understan that 150 gops voted against protecting Gay marriage. The same number voted against rotecting inter racial marriage.

What sort of country would America become if these rights were over turned by your crazy Supreme Court.
STFU commie Britt.
That's just fine.

It's been my experience that the "religious" are the first ones that want to tell you how to live your life and at the same time are the most greedy and "ungodly" people you are likely to meet.

Many may be right-leaning but I damn sure keep them at arm's length and jump in their shit with both feet when they try getting "gawd" involved in local politics. Keep your "gawd" at church.
Property rights are not insignificant. Neither are pension rights. And neitheris living your life the way you want. These are basic American values.
We don't give a damn who you have sex with. The problem is when you queers force someone to bake your queer cake or whatever you want to advertise it, then punish the person who won't bow. That's the problem. We aren't forcing you to attend our church or read our Bible. Live and let live. That's the American way, or at least it used to be.
We don't give a damn who you have sex with. The problem is when you queers force someone to bake your queer cake or whatever you want to advertise it, then punish the person who won't bow. That's the problem. We aren't forcing you to attend our church or read our Bible. Live and let live. That's the American way, or at least it used to be.
In the minds of democrats and the globalist world order, "Rights are for me and not for thee."
"Goppers"? At first glance I thought the word was "gropers" which would include the president. Most republicans just don't want to be bothered by the issue and the agenda and the nude lunatics parading on "pride" day. The question is why democrats are so obsessed with the issue. Does a lack of balls come with membership in the democrat party?

This seems a very unconservative stance. It is more akin to an authoritariaan stance. I understan that 150 gops voted against protecting Gay marriage. The same number voted against rotecting inter racial marriage.

What sort of country would America become if these rights were over turned by your crazy Supreme Court.
I am no GOP slut, but I do not oppose gay marriage. I oppose government-sanctioned marriage.
"Goppers"? At first glance I thought the word was "gropers" which would include the president. Most republicans just don't want to be bothered by the issue and the agenda and the nude lunatics parading on "pride" day. The question is why democrats are so obsessed with the issue. Does a lack of balls come with membership in the democrat party?

Let em be pretend married.
"Goppers"? At first glance I thought the word was "gropers" which would include the president. Most republicans just don't want to be bothered by the issue and the agenda and the nude lunatics parading on "pride" day. The question is why democrats are so obsessed with the issue. Does a lack of balls come with membership in the democrat party?
They're obsessed with this crap because they're conditioned to make sure every misfit has the right to be protected from reality at the expense of normal play by the rules taxpaying citizens.
You tie yourself in knots. The GOP is trying to prevent civil partnerships. They have no authority over any religion.

Why do you hate Barack Obama, and by extension all black people?

Asked to define marriage, Obama said it “is the union between a man and a woman.”

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