Why do so many Goppers oppose Gay Marriage ?

Probably because the religious institution wants to keep them from getting married...
Civil Unions are not marriage. Marriage takes place between a man, woman and their God. The bible categorically condemns homosexuality. Homosexuals can have all the rights that are codified in marriage when they become a civil union. They are not and CANNOT be married in the eyes of God.
A gay atheist should not be denied the right to marry someone of the same sex because the Bible says it's wrong...
A marriage is a religious bond. Civil unions are available to those who do not believe in the sanctity of a God-blessed marriage. The left is doing nothing more than attacking religious institutions. Their argument has always been for legal, property, pension, and survivors rights that are bestowed on all civil unions and domestic partnerships in the county. Those unions are not marriages.
Marriage originated from the church, not the state

So why does anyone want the state involved, or is the state your religion?

Why should anyone get special state perks for being married?
A marriage is a legal contract. Nothing more.
Whatever religious importance you ascribe to it is your business alone and has no bearing on the legality of that contract. It’s meant to protect spouses and any children from being abandoned and left penniless.
Homosexuals are screwed up people. Depression, drug addiction, alcoholism, suicides, high rates among queers.

At one time that was true, but it no longer is. It is sort of amazing how those things change when the majority of society does not hate you and attack your lifestyle.

Once all the bigots like you die out they will be even better off
So why does the state oppose polygamy?

Answer: Because they don't have lobbies like the LGTB movement that throw money at government to give them special perks, that is why.
How many men could meet the financial obligations of multiple spouses and children if he were to divorce them all? How could they all be legally and financially protected? I believe that’s the only reason polygamy is typically not made legal.
At one time that was true, but it no longer is. It is sort of amazing how those things change when the majority of society does not hate you and attack your lifestyle.

Once all the bigots like you die out they will be even better off
Bullshit. Anyone who desires sex with the same gender is screwed up. Period.
A civil union is a legal contract. A marriage is a bond between a man, a woman and their God and has absolutely NOTHING to do with contracts. All marriages are civil unions in the US but all civil unions are NOT marriages. See the difference.

Nope, you are wrong. I have a Marriage Certificate from the Govt. Not a Civil Union certificate.
Yep. Let’s change that to certificate of Civil Union or Civil Union License. If, for the ease of conversation, the one of them wants to to say “I am married,” go for it.
Do you realize what a mess and the cost that would be created if states changed all their laws that reference marriage to civil unions. I would guess that are are hundreds of statues that reference marriage in every state. Of course some state would continue using marriage in lieu of civil union. People would expect that there is some difference because the names are different. Simply put creating two names for the same thing makes no sense. It just creates work and causes confusion.
How many men could meet the financial obligations of multiple spouses and children if he were to divorce them all? How could they all be legally and financially protected? I believe that’s the only reason polygamy is typically not made legal.

It is not made legal because men are afraid if it were there would not a woman to marry them.

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