Why do so many Goppers oppose Gay Marriage ?

That doesn't even make sense...


That's because you're a bigot and are unable to understand that other mature willing companions rights to marry as they choose are being violated.


They shouldn't. Hell neither should the Christians, but for some odd reason they do
I am free to oppose anything I want to be opposed to, the question is, why do we care what the state thinks? Moreover, why should people be given state perks based on their sex lives?
Simply put creating two names for the same thing makes no sense
They are not the same thing. I have explained the difference numerous times. You folks aren't very quick on the uptake. As for the trouble to change the laws--congress has done untold of number of much more difficult things. One law that says all reference to "marriage" in any US law is stricken and replaced with civil union. Let's not be disingenuous, the left is attacking a religious institution.
I am against abortion.

Do try and keep up and quit trying to change the subject
The unborn is a different issue, which is when are human being human.

If they are human, it is murder which is illegal.

And if it is murder, you should oppose it

The whole gay marriage issue is completely different here.
They are not the same thing. I have explained the difference numerous times. You folks aren't very quick on the uptake. As for the trouble to change the laws--congress has done untold of number of much more difficult things. One law that says all reference to "marriage" in any US law is stricken and replaced with civil union. Let's not be disingenuous, the left is attacking a religious institution.
Marriage is a religious institution. But the state has taken it over, like they do everything else.

But the state is the new religion of today, so it makes sense.
I am free to oppose anything I want to be opposed to, the question is, why do we care what the state thinks? Moreover, why should people be given state perks based on their sex lives?

Because some time in the past it was decided marriage was good for society so the Govt found ways to encourage people to do it. The same reason we give tax breaks for having kids and going to college and paying a mortgage.
Try getting married by a priest without a marriage license.
The Catholic church as a long ugly history of mingling the church and state

That is why Jews were hunted down for centuries, the Inquisitions, the Crusades, all made possible by the state.

By now, we should all understand the inherent evils of the state, but we never learn.
The unborn is a different issue, which is when are human being human.

If they are human, it is murder which is illegal.

And if it is murder, you should oppose it

The whole gay marriage issue is completely different here.

Murder is a legal concept that is based on the society. Not all killing of a human is murder.

If I shoot you for being in my yard that is murder, if I shoot you while you are in my house that is self defense.
Because some time in the past it was decided marriage was good for society so the Govt found ways to encourage people to do it. The same reason we give tax breaks for having kids and going to college and paying a mortgage.
But the state no longer thinks having children is good

Now they think depopulation is what is good.
We don't give a damn who you have sex with. The problem is when you queers force someone to bake your queer cake or whatever you want to advertise it, then punish the person who won't bow. That's the problem. We aren't forcing you to attend our church or read our Bible. Live and let live. That's the American way, or at least it used to be.
When you offer your services to the public, you can not discriminate based on race, religion, or sex (depending on state laws). If a Christian wants a man and woman and crosses on the wedding cake, you do it, and if a Jew wants a cake a with menorahs, you do it. And if a gay couple wants a cake with two men kissing, and a Buddha you do it.
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A civil union is a legal contract. A marriage is a bond between a man, a woman and their God and has absolutely NOTHING to do with contracts. All marriages are civil unions in the US but all civil unions are NOT marriages. See the difference.
There is no difference. You are not legally married without a marriage certificate. Regardless of your faith. There is nothing else.
Do you realize what a mess and the cost that would be created if states changed all their laws that reference marriage to civil unions. I would guess that are are hundreds of statues that reference marriage in every state. Of course some state would continue using marriage in lieu of civil union. People would expect that there is some difference because the names are different. Simply put creating two names for the same thing makes no sense. It just creates work and causes confusion.
Meh. The federal gubmint could incentivize the States to each pass some uniform style law or set of laws.
Does not matter, you are wrong. There are no civil union certificates being given out
Run along troll. Your ignorance is showing again. A quick search provided me with info that the states of NJ and CT in addition to the IRS provide or require certificates of Civil Union or Domestic Partnership other similar formal relationships that are not marriages under state law.
Now take your ignorant, lying, trolling ass down the road.

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