Why do so many Goppers oppose Gay Marriage ?

If it's this much of a problem let this white male Christian traditionally married man say I would be in favor of abolishing all marriages including my own so that all are free to do what they want. I will lead the charge.
The question is why? We don't need to create two names within the legal system for the same thing.
Why not? It’s none of the government’s business except for certain related consequences. So if Joe wants to “marry” Jane, he’s free to do so. But as far as the state is concerned, the happy couple is bound by a simple civil contract.

Who cares if it’s called marriage? Maybe the couple. Maybe for religious reasons. Fine. Get married then. But for non religious secular purposes, the state just treats them as the parties to a contract with related legal consequences.
If it's this much of a problem let this white male Christian traditionally married man say I would be in favor of abolishing all marriages including my own so that all are free to do what they want. I will lead the charge.
It isn’t a big problem. It would be easy and efficient.
In the age of computers, a simple line of code that replaces any mention of marriage with civil union would be simple and they would all be changed with a key stroke.
It is not that simple. Every state legislature has to vote on a bill that would change ever law that references marriage. Cities and counties would have to change their laws also. And for next 50 years the public would believe that there is difference between a marriage license and civil union license. Couples would ask for marriage licenses. And some smart ass would question why is government wasting tax payer dollars to change the marriage license when there is no change.
The difference is that there is no such thing as Adultery Pride parades, and no one glorifies the practice.

There is no adultery flags, and no one stands before Congress demanding that discrimination against adulterers be prohibited.

Hmmmm....are you joking? We just had a president who one of his claims to fame was his philandering
Federal law does that in one move.


Why should anyone follow federal law when the feds won't even follow federal law?


It is not that simple. Every state legislature has to vote on a bill that would change ever law that references marriage. Cities and counties would have to change their laws also. And for next 50 years the public would believe that there is difference between a marriage license and civil union license. Couples would ask for marriage licenses. And some smart ass would question why is government wasting tax payer dollars to change the marriage license when there is no change.

While doing the dishes a bit of irony struck me, these people are all claiming that marriage is religious institution yet the vast, vast majority of churches would not consider a couple married if they did not have that piece of paper from the Civil authorities.
Done on the federal level, as has been done when they codified same sex unions, it would be a procedural vote at best. Those other government entities are bound by their superior organizations.

And then go about changing 10s of thousands of documents in all the different departments that mention marriage.

All so people like you are not triggered.

Yeah, fuck that. You are not worth the cost
Marriage is a religious institution. No matter how many times you try to change the definition. Anything else is a civil union or domestic partnership. BTW, apparently you care or WTF are you doing here?
And it is a legal institution also. We have a term for marriages done in church, religious marriages and a term for marriage in a civil office, a civil marriage. Since both types of marriages accomplish the same thing, people call them just marriages.
It is not that simple. Every state legislature has to vote on a bill that would change ever law that references marriage. Cities and counties would have to change their laws also. And for next 50 years the public would believe that there is difference between a marriage license and civil union license. Couples would ask for marriage licenses. And some smart ass would question why is government wasting tax payer dollars to change the marriage license when there is no change.
It would be basically simple. Politicians collectively have the capacity to screw up a wet dream. Here, they could do something simple and effective.

There is an interstate agreement on detainers whereby most (all?) States passed almost identical legislation regarding the legal process for one state to arrange to have a criminal defendant wanted in one state held in the state the person is found in — and what needs to then be done to have him (or her) brought back to the state that has the outstanding warrant on him (or her).

It wouldn’t be hard (overall) to do this in pieces in all states.

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