Why do so many Goppers oppose Gay Marriage ?

Marriage is a religious institution. But the state has taken it over, like they do everything else.

You do realize of course that it was the religious people that put the government in the marriage business in the first place....right?
Nope. Not when you're around, lying troll. You can't answer simple questions. Your nephew has nothing to do with the conversation and I am not falling for your bait to get me to break board rules. Try again.

I answer every question asked of me. You are wrong again.
Who cares. We are not talking about the religious institution of marriage, we are talking about the civil institution of marriage.
Marriage is a religious institution. No matter how many times you try to change the definition. Anything else is a civil union or domestic partnership. BTW, apparently you care or WTF are you doing here?
So is adultery and greed...both of which the bible speaks of more than homosexuality

The difference is that there is no such thing as Adultery Pride parades, and no one glorifies the practice.

There is no adultery flags, and no one stands before Congress demanding that discrimination against adulterers be prohibited.
It's a matter for the state to decide. It is not a federal issue and the Supreme Court, mostly that traitor Kennedy, betrayed their oaths of office to appease a bunch of queers. Pathetic. It will be overturned for the horrendous miscarriage of justice it was and returned to the states, over which 30 of them have already amended their constitutions to ban that foul and disgusting abomination.

71% of Americans disagree with you. Take your right wing fascism and shove it up your ass.

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