Why Do So Many Self-Proclaimed Christians Curse So Much, So Freely and So Publicly?


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Doesn't Scripture state "Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth?"

What's worse, is that many of them curse in the very "Religion and Ethics" threads, while discussing spiritual things.

It's as if they're demon-possessed.

Interestingly enough, the self-proclaimed Christians of USMB don't even call out the ones that do. They just let the curse words fly as if it's A-OK.

Why do you think that is? Are you guys co-signing on that type of behavior? Or is it something else I'm not aware of?

Please advise.

How can I judge someone I can't see?

By what basis are they Christian? In Europe, you have atheists whose national origin is Christian because they have a state religion.

Jesus says not everyone who calls me Lord Lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven.

James says no one can tame the tongue.

We still have a sin nature.

Oh look, another thread where anti-christians use the religion thread to attack people for not adhering *properly* to a faith they themselves don't subscribe to.
Oh look, another thread where anti-christians use the religion thread to attack people for not adhering *properly* to a faith they themselves don't subscribe to.
Who told you that I'm anti-Christian?

I'm a Christian.
You've been around long enough for me to see enough of your posts that I won't give you the benefit of the doubt as simply overgeneralizing out of ignorance...you have a clear and prejudicial agenda. But that's just my observations.:D
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Your PERCEPTIONS and OPTINIONS are duly noted.

With that said, pray tell...what is my agenda?
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How can I judge someone I can't see?

By what basis are they Christian? In Europe, you have atheists whose national origin is Christian because they have a state religion.

Jesus says not everyone who calls me Lord Lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven.

James says no one can tame the tongue.

We still have a sin nature.

My OP already addresses this Chuck.

I'm referring to self-proclaimed Christians, particularly of USMB. Not the athiests in Europe, but the self proclaimed Christians of USMB.

Many of which I've observed using curse words...regularly.

If you haven't observed this, that's fine, you're still a newbie, or you may just be turning a blind eye to that sort of thing, but I'm telling you, it occurs.
Your PERCEPTIONS and OPTINIONS are duly noted.

With that said, pray tell...what is my agenda?

To paint conservatives as false servants to the Lord...you're basically a pious piece of shit.:thup:
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Doesn't Scripture state "Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth?"

What's worse, is that many of them curse in the very "Religion and Ethics" threads, while discussing spiritual things.

It's as if they're demon-possessed.

Interestingly enough, the self-proclaimed Christians of USMB don't even call out the ones that do. They just let the curse words fly as if it's A-OK.

Why do you think that is? Are you guys co-signing on that type of behavior? Or is it something else I'm not aware of?

Please advise.

I try to avoid labeling people because of their language, for I do not know what is in their hearts. No judgments here.
Doesn't Scripture state "Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth?"

What's worse, is that many of them curse in the very "Religion and Ethics" threads, while discussing spiritual things.

It's as if they're demon-possessed.

Interestingly enough, the self-proclaimed Christians of USMB don't even call out the ones that do. They just let the curse words fly as if it's A-OK.

Why do you think that is? Are you guys co-signing on that type of behavior? Or is it something else I'm not aware of?

Please advise.

In a word, Ignorance. They hold to beliefs they can't defend, so they attack and use vulgarity and profanity.
Doesn't Scripture state "Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth?"

What's worse, is that many of them curse in the very "Religion and Ethics" threads, while discussing spiritual things.

It's as if they're demon-possessed.

Interestingly enough, the self-proclaimed Christians of USMB don't even call out the ones that do. They just let the curse words fly as if it's A-OK.

Why do you think that is? Are you guys co-signing on that type of behavior? Or is it something else I'm not aware of?

Please advise.

I try to avoid labeling people because of their language, for I do not know what is in their hearts. No judgments here.
There is no labeling being done here.

Scripture states that believers, followers of Christ, aka Christians are not to curse.

If I observed someone who has previously identified themselves as a Christian cursing and I point it out, that is not labeling.

It's merely an observation.

The fact that I'm bringing that observation to the forefront doesn't change that.

Not sure what's so difficult to grasp here.
This was my main beef with the poster called CaliforniaGirl

Remember her?

She cussed like a sailor, yet identified herself as a Christian on USMB threads and posts.

I raked her over the coals for that daily.

She didn't like it.

She's gone now.

In a puff of cursing smoke.

She was the worst example of my OP, however, there are still others who do the same.

None as bad as that wretched former poster of USMB though.
Doesn't Scripture state "Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth?"

What's worse, is that many of them curse in the very "Religion and Ethics" threads, while discussing spiritual things.

It's as if they're demon-possessed.

Interestingly enough, the self-proclaimed Christians of USMB don't even call out the ones that do. They just let the curse words fly as if it's A-OK.

Why do you think that is? Are you guys co-signing on that type of behavior? Or is it something else I'm not aware of?

Please advise.

In a word, Ignorance. They hold to beliefs they can't defend, so they attack and use vulgarity and profanity.
I'd disagree with you slightly here.

Not so much that they can't defend them, they defend SOME stuff yes, however, these self-proclaimed Christians tend to pick and choose what parts of the Bible to follow and what not to.

It's Christianity's worst enemy, that self-proclaimed Christians fail to live up to their name. Not anything outside sources may or may not do, like Hollywood, atheists, gays and other groups usually blamed by these self-proclaimers for their ails in life.

How can I judge someone I can't see?

By what basis are they Christian? In Europe, you have atheists whose national origin is Christian because they have a state religion.

Jesus says not everyone who calls me Lord Lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven.

James says no one can tame the tongue.

We still have a sin nature.

My OP already addresses this Chuck.

I'm referring to self-proclaimed Christians, particularly of USMB. Not the athiests in Europe, but the self proclaimed Christians of USMB.

Many of which I've observed using curse words...regularly.

If you haven't observed this, that's fine, you're still a newbie, or you may just be turning a blind eye to that sort of thing, but I'm telling you, it occurs.

How do you know where they are from?

Who is a Christian? Who isn't a Christian? How long have they been Christian? What is their level of sanctification? Are they a born again Christian? Questions you need to ask before making judgments.

Did they just follow Him or were they converted?

James 3:8 But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.
Moved Back To Religion and Ethics. This Is A Zone 2 Forum. Please try to Post Within The Rules.
Doesn't Scripture state "Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth?"

What's worse, is that many of them curse in the very "Religion and Ethics" threads, while discussing spiritual things.

It's as if they're demon-possessed.

Interestingly enough, the self-proclaimed Christians of USMB don't even call out the ones that do. They just let the curse words fly as if it's A-OK.

Why do you think that is? Are you guys co-signing on that type of behavior? Or is it something else I'm not aware of?

Please advise.

We are Human, Not Divine.
We are Christian, Not perfect.
Shit happens. ;)

I know you well enough to believe that you are both Christian, and sincere in your criticism. You do understand that there are Christians on both sides of the aisle, and that though our perspectives may be different, the search for truth and justice, will lead each of us where it needs to.

How can I judge someone I can't see?

By what basis are they Christian? In Europe, you have atheists whose national origin is Christian because they have a state religion.

Jesus says not everyone who calls me Lord Lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven.

James says no one can tame the tongue.

We still have a sin nature.

My OP already addresses this Chuck.

I'm referring to self-proclaimed Christians, particularly of USMB. Not the athiests in Europe, but the self proclaimed Christians of USMB.

Many of which I've observed using curse words...regularly.

If you haven't observed this, that's fine, you're still a newbie, or you may just be turning a blind eye to that sort of thing, but I'm telling you, it occurs.

How do you know where they are from?

Who is a Christian? Who isn't a Christian? How long have they been Christian? What is their level of sanctification? Are they a born again Christian? Questions you need to ask before making judgments.

Did they just follow Him or were they converted?

James 3:8 But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.
What judgement did I make Chuck? I'd like you to point that out.

Moreover, by you posting that particular text, are you advocating Christian cursing or suggesting that Scripture is or has given it some sort of "pass?"

Sidebar: Do you think that people who wear fake police uniforms are real police? What happens to people that are caught pretending to be police officers by actual law enforcement?
Doesn't Scripture state "Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth?"

What's worse, is that many of them curse in the very "Religion and Ethics" threads, while discussing spiritual things.

It's as if they're demon-possessed.

Interestingly enough, the self-proclaimed Christians of USMB don't even call out the ones that do. They just let the curse words fly as if it's A-OK.

Why do you think that is? Are you guys co-signing on that type of behavior? Or is it something else I'm not aware of?

Please advise.

We are Human, Not Divine.
We are Christian, Not perfect.
Shit happens. ;)

I know you well enough to believe that you are both Christian, and sincere in your criticism. You do understand that there are Christians on both sides of the aisle, and that though our perspectives may be different, the search for truth and justice, will lead each of us where it needs to.
I think that self-proclaimed Christians are Christianity's worse enemy. Not any outside force. Outside of Satanic forces of course.

They give each other passes and jump and attack those they perceive as outsiders.

Christian is not a title, it's a lifestyle.

However, most self-proclaimed Christians today, treat it as just a title with in-born privileges.

You've observed this yourself I'm sure.
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