Why Do So Many Self-Proclaimed Christians Curse So Much, So Freely and So Publicly?

He was arrested for breaking and entering. I suppose that makes him a felon. He became a leader of the Nation of Islam and then converted to Sunni Islam and then was assassinated by three of the Nation of Islam's members.

What am I supposed to admire in his life?

If those are the only things you know about him, then you obviously don't know much about him. What if I were to take three things out of your entire life and say that is what you are, and those things are not necessarily things that make you look so good. If you want to understand the man, read THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF MALCOM X. Don't watch the film and expect to be enlightened, read the book.

He was someone who grew up in the mid-west in a working class family. He was the top student in his high school, which was mostly white. He was told, by the school counselor, upon graduation, that he should not pursue university, though he was the top student at the school, but that, being black, he should not aspire to anything more than a working class job, and the counselor recommended he take up carpentry as a vocation. You must understand that at the time, blacks in America were second class citizens and were not encouraged to go to college. He eventually drifted into the often 'typical' life of a disenfranchised black man in our society and fell into crime, for which he was sent to prison. In prison, he read voraciously, as any intelligent man would do. He also learned about Islam and became a Muslim. He adopted a pure and religious lifestyle, but maintained a hatred of whites, which the Nation of Islam seemed to promote. At some point, after getting out of prison, he went to Mecca and saw that Muslims were not only dark skinned people, but people from all over the world, including white, blue eye blonds. He realized that basing your value of people on race or skin color was stupid and changed his ideology. The Nation of Islam did not like that Malcolm no longer considered whites to be the devil and that he preached we were all one under god. They had a parting of the ways, and the Nation of Islam, being a violent group, had him assassinated.

There are two very good reasons to admire Malcolm X. One is that he was strong enough and intelligent enough, and honest enough, to change a major paradigm in his thinking and perception of reality--and then to live it, twice. He understood he had been wrong in being a criminal, and he changed that and led a pure, religious life. He then understood he was wrong about race, and changed totally in the way the thought and preached on that issue. The other thing to admire is his character and intelligence. If you read the biography, which was penned by Alex Haley, you hear the voice of Malcolm throughout. It is the voice of a thoughtful, intelligent, intellectually honest man, a man passionate about doing what was right, a man thoroughly involved in thoughtful consideration of life, of himself....an introspective man who was involved in self awareness and wanting to live as he believed.

Few people do that. Most people lie to themselves and others throughout their lives. They decide on one view of reality and stick to it, no matter how much or what it takes to maintain that lie. For example, you dislike Malcolm X and are bent on doing so, or at least that is the impression I get. I'll bet you will never read his autobiography to learn more about him, or if you do, you won't read it with an open mind, because you don't want to know, you don't want to have to change the view with which you are now comfortable. That is what most people are like. Malcolm X was not like that. He was willing to change his world view and his inner view; he was willing to learn and change. This is what there is to admire about him.
Any proof of that? It's fairly common for self-promoting opportunists to embellish (Al Gore and Oprah Winfrey come to mind) to make their stories more interesting and to sell more copies.

Instead of just assuming, why not read the book and decide for yourself? Why not do some research if you don't believe the content of the book is honest? It seems to me your desire is to do what I described in my post, to cling to your current perspective without taking the chance of having to change it, if you are intellectually honest. Read background on Alex Haley as well. He wrote the book based on interviews with Malcolm X. Determine if you think Alex Haley is some kind of fraud.
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If those are the only things you know about him, then you obviously don't know much about him. What if I were to take three things out of your entire life and say that is what you are, and those things are not necessarily things that make you look so good. If you want to understand the man, read THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF MALCOM X. Don't watch the film and expect to be enlightened, read the book.

He was someone who grew up in the mid-west in a working class family. He was the top student in his high school, which was mostly white. He was told, by the school counselor, upon graduation, that he should not pursue university, though he was the top student at the school, but that, being black, he should not aspire to anything more than a working class job, and the counselor recommended he take up carpentry as a vocation. You must understand that at the time, blacks in America were second class citizens and were not encouraged to go to college. He eventually drifted into the often 'typical' life of a disenfranchised black man in our society and fell into crime, for which he was sent to prison. In prison, he read voraciously, as any intelligent man would do. He also learned about Islam and became a Muslim. He adopted a pure and religious lifestyle, but maintained a hatred of whites, which the Nation of Islam seemed to promote. At some point, after getting out of prison, he went to Mecca and saw that Muslims were not only dark skinned people, but people from all over the world, including white, blue eye blonds. He realized that basing your value of people on race or skin color was stupid and changed his ideology. The Nation of Islam did not like that Malcolm no longer considered whites to be the devil and that he preached we were all one under god. They had a parting of the ways, and the Nation of Islam, being a violent group, had him assassinated.

There are two very good reasons to admire Malcolm X. One is that he was strong enough and intelligent enough, and honest enough, to change a major paradigm in his thinking and perception of reality--and then to live it, twice. He understood he had been wrong in being a criminal, and he changed that and led a pure, religious life. He then understood he was wrong about race, and changed totally in the way the thought and preached on that issue. The other thing to admire is his character and intelligence. If you read the biography, which was penned by Alex Haley, you hear the voice of Malcolm throughout. It is the voice of a thoughtful, intelligent, intellectually honest man, a man passionate about doing what was right, a man thoroughly involved in thoughtful consideration of life, of himself....an introspective man who was involved in self awareness and wanting to live as he believed.

Few people do that. Most people lie to themselves and others throughout their lives. They decide on one view of reality and stick to it, no matter how much or what it takes to maintain that lie. For example, you dislike Malcolm X and are bent on doing so, or at least that is the impression I get. I'll bet you will never read his autobiography to learn more about him, or if you do, you won't read it with an open mind, because you don't want to know, you don't want to have to change the view with which you are now comfortable. That is what most people are like. Malcolm X was not like that. He was willing to change his world view and his inner view; he was willing to learn and change. This is what there is to admire about him.
Any proof of that? It's fairly common for self-promoting opportunists to embellish (Al Gore and Oprah Winfrey come to mind) to make their stories more interesting and to sell more copies.

Instead of just assuming, why not read the book and decide for yourself? Why not do some research if you don't believe the content of the book is honest? It seems to me your desire is to do what I described in my post, to cling to your current perspective without taking the chance of having to change it, if you are intellectually honest. Read background on Alex Haley as well. He wrote the book based on interviews with Malcolm X. Determine if you think Alex Haley is some kind of fraud.
In other words, you have no proof.
Any proof of that? It's fairly common for self-promoting opportunists to embellish (Al Gore and Oprah Winfrey come to mind) to make their stories more interesting and to sell more copies.

Instead of just assuming, why not read the book and decide for yourself? Why not do some research if you don't believe the content of the book is honest? It seems to me your desire is to do what I described in my post, to cling to your current perspective without taking the chance of having to change it, if you are intellectually honest. Read background on Alex Haley as well. He wrote the book based on interviews with Malcolm X. Determine if you think Alex Haley is some kind of fraud.
In other words, you have no proof.

I have no proof? What a ridiculous thing to say. It isn't my job to educate you. It is your job to educate yourself. Obviously you choose to remain uneducated and cling to your current view. That's your problem, not mine. Intelligent people with critical thinking skills educate themselves; they don't sit back like a baby bird with their mouth open and say show me, show me, show me.
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Instead of just assuming, why not read the book and decide for yourself? Why not do some research if you don't believe the content of the book is honest? It seems to me your desire is to do what I described in my post, to cling to your current perspective without taking the chance of having to change it, if you are intellectually honest. Read background on Alex Haley as well. He wrote the book based on interviews with Malcolm X. Determine if you think Alex Haley is some kind of fraud.
In other words, you have no proof.

I have no proof? What a ridiculous thing to say. It isn't my job to educate you. It is your job to educate yourself. Obviously you choose to remain uneducated and cling to your current view. That's your problem, not mine. Intelligent people with critical thinking skills educate themselves; they don't sit back like a baby bird with their mouth open and say show me, show me, show me.
Well if your idea of "educating myself" is buying a book glorifying a fucking criminal, forget it. You posted something as fact and I challenged you to back it up and obviously you can't. Bottom line. Any more bullshit propaganda you want me to blow out of the water?
I was raised a Christian and know what Christian values are. I know the religion very well, and I know when someone who claims to be a Christian isn't acting like one.

What does a Christian "act like?" Would a Christian walk by someone in pain and not help? How often do you walk by people in pain every day?

I would say yes, simply because there are so many people in pain that no one knows about.

I know Im in physical pain quite frequently and I don't draw attention to it that much. So people around me might thing im doing alright. I dont think they are non-christians for not stopping to help me for something they dont know im suffering. Most of the time i dont need help anyway.
I would have to wonder why he doesn't appear to have any problem with the President's corrupt communication, which includes lying as well as cursing. The President is a self proclaimed Christian after all.

However, the President's bad behavior is no excuse for the rest of us.

You lie. What excuse do you have?

Avatar has been wrong, more than once, but has never lied on this board (AFAIK).

Unlike you.

Oh im wrong quite frequently. But I dont think I've ever told a lie. I know Ive had to correct mistakes I incorrectly thought were truths before.

He just doesn't like being called for his corrupt communications.
Food secure...lol...a term used to make people think children who aren't starving are starving, regardless.

Yeah, not knowing where 1 meal out of 90 is coming from, or skipping a meal, means you are starving, even though there are people in the world who live eating less than rdean throws away every day. I also get a kick out of "Food desert." You can actually grow up on a large farm that supplies you with every thing you need to eat healthy, and live in a food desert because there is no grocery store within a mile.

I could have sworn the Lord said to take no thought of what we will eat tomorrow. He will take care of it. I believe it. He truly does provide.
In other words, you have no proof.

I have no proof? What a ridiculous thing to say. It isn't my job to educate you. It is your job to educate yourself. Obviously you choose to remain uneducated and cling to your current view. That's your problem, not mine. Intelligent people with critical thinking skills educate themselves; they don't sit back like a baby bird with their mouth open and say show me, show me, show me.
Well if your idea of "educating myself" is buying a book glorifying a fucking criminal, forget it. You posted something as fact and I challenged you to back it up and obviously you can't. Bottom line. Any more bullshit propaganda you want me to blow out of the water?

There are libraries.
In other words, you have no proof.

I have no proof? What a ridiculous thing to say. It isn't my job to educate you. It is your job to educate yourself. Obviously you choose to remain uneducated and cling to your current view. That's your problem, not mine. Intelligent people with critical thinking skills educate themselves; they don't sit back like a baby bird with their mouth open and say show me, show me, show me.
Well if your idea of "educating myself" is buying a book glorifying a fucking criminal, forget it. You posted something as fact and I challenged you to back it up and obviously you can't. Bottom line. Any more bullshit propaganda you want me to blow out of the water?

You don't know that it is bullshit and you don't know that it isn't fact. It takes critical thinking skills to ascertain what you know is fact or not, and, it seems you have none. You want to remain ignorant, and you want to remain prejudiced. That, again, is your problem. I can't imagine wanting to remain ignorant and stupid, but obviously, that is what some folks insist on being.

Oh, and btw. You don't have to buy the book: go to the library. Intelligent, well read people know about the existence of libraries.
I have no proof? What a ridiculous thing to say. It isn't my job to educate you. It is your job to educate yourself. Obviously you choose to remain uneducated and cling to your current view. That's your problem, not mine. Intelligent people with critical thinking skills educate themselves; they don't sit back like a baby bird with their mouth open and say show me, show me, show me.
Well if your idea of "educating myself" is buying a book glorifying a fucking criminal, forget it. You posted something as fact and I challenged you to back it up and obviously you can't. Bottom line. Any more bullshit propaganda you want me to blow out of the water?

You don't know that it is bullshit and you don't know that it isn't fact. It takes critical thinking skills to ascertain what you know is fact or not, and, it seems you have none. You want to remain ignorant, and you want to remain prejudiced. That, again, is your problem. I can't imagine wanting to remain ignorant and stupid, but obviously, that is what some folks insist on being.

Oh, and btw. You don't have to buy the book: go to the library. Intelligent, well read people know about the existence of libraries.
If it's fact, you should be able to show some documentation. Do it or shut up.
You posted exactly why I admire Brother Minister Malcolm X so much. He was a man on a quest for righteousness and he kept on that path until his untimely demise.

Why do you hate him so? Why do you rage against the brother?

He was arrested for breaking and entering. I suppose that makes him a felon. He became a leader of the Nation of Islam and then converted to Sunni Islam and then was assassinated by three of the Nation of Islam's members.

What am I supposed to admire in his life?

If those are the only things you know about him, then you obviously don't know much about him. What if I were to take three things out of your entire life and say that is what you are, and those things are not necessarily things that make you look so good. If you want to understand the man, read THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF MALCOM X. Don't watch the film and expect to be enlightened, read the book.

He was someone who grew up in the mid-west in a working class family. He was the top student in his high school, which was mostly white. He was told, by the school counselor, upon graduation, that he should not pursue university, though he was the top student at the school, but that, being black, he should not aspire to anything more than a working class job, and the counselor recommended he take up carpentry as a vocation. You must understand that at the time, blacks in America were second class citizens and were not encouraged to go to college. He eventually drifted into the often 'typical' life of a disenfranchised black man in our society and fell into crime, for which he was sent to prison. In prison, he read voraciously, as any intelligent man would do. He also learned about Islam and became a Muslim. He adopted a pure and religious lifestyle, but maintained a hatred of whites, which the Nation of Islam seemed to promote. At some point, after getting out of prison, he went to Mecca and saw that Muslims were not only dark skinned people, but people from all over the world, including white, blue eye blonds. He realized that basing your value of people on race or skin color was stupid and changed his ideology. The Nation of Islam did not like that Malcolm no longer considered whites to be the devil and that he preached we were all one under god. They had a parting of the ways, and the Nation of Islam, being a violent group, had him assassinated.

There are two very good reasons to admire Malcolm X. One is that he was strong enough and intelligent enough, and honest enough, to change a major paradigm in his thinking and perception of reality--and then to live it, twice. He understood he had been wrong in being a criminal, and he changed that and led a pure, religious life. He then understood he was wrong about race, and changed totally in the way the thought and preached on that issue. The other thing to admire is his character and intelligence. If you read the biography, which was penned by Alex Haley, you hear the voice of Malcolm throughout. It is the voice of a thoughtful, intelligent, intellectually honest man, a man passionate about doing what was right, a man thoroughly involved in thoughtful consideration of life, of himself....an introspective man who was involved in self awareness and wanting to live as he believed.

Few people do that. Most people lie to themselves and others throughout their lives. They decide on one view of reality and stick to it, no matter how much or what it takes to maintain that lie. For example, you dislike Malcolm X and are bent on doing so, or at least that is the impression I get. I'll bet you will never read his autobiography to learn more about him, or if you do, you won't read it with an open mind, because you don't want to know, you don't want to have to change the view with which you are now comfortable. That is what most people are like. Malcolm X was not like that. He was willing to change his world view and his inner view; he was willing to learn and change. This is what there is to admire about him.

You're the FIRST USMBer that actually GETS it.

I couldn't have said it better myself.


*one man standing ovation*

Any proof of that? It's fairly common for self-promoting opportunists to embellish (Al Gore and Oprah Winfrey come to mind) to make their stories more interesting and to sell more copies.

Instead of just assuming, why not read the book and decide for yourself? Why not do some research if you don't believe the content of the book is honest? It seems to me your desire is to do what I described in my post, to cling to your current perspective without taking the chance of having to change it, if you are intellectually honest. Read background on Alex Haley as well. He wrote the book based on interviews with Malcolm X. Determine if you think Alex Haley is some kind of fraud.
In other words, you have no proof.

Alex Haley was exposed as a fraud and a hack decades ago, when it was discovered that Roots wasn't really about HIS family, but a totally fictitious one.

He has no compunctions about lying to make a story better.
There is controversy regarding his book ROOTS, but there is no controversy regarding his co-writing of Malcolm's autobiography. It there were any question about its veracity, I'm sure we would have heard about it by now. Also, the facts of Malcolm X's life can be verified: his childhood, his school records, his criminal activity, his prison records, his conversion to Islam, the life he lead as a speaker for the Nation of Islam and African American issues, the break with the Nation of Islam, and his murder. All of those are facts that can easily be verified.

If you don't trust Haley's book, there are other biographies about Malcom X and many other sources of information: scholarly articles, history books, etc. [ame]http://www.amazon.com/Malcolm-X-A-Life-Reinvention/dp/0143120328[/ame]
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There's no controversy, he admitted the fraud.

He told the world that Roots was based on countless interviews with family members and collective family memory.

It was a complete lie.

So if he maintains his stuff is based on interviews...I would definitely question him.
Meanwhile, re the OP...lefties are well-known for telling people how to be perfect Christians, and explaining to the faithful how to most diligently follow their faith:

Everyone, it seems, knows better about how to live one’s faith in the public square than the nuns who have to facilitate contraception coverage for people who are sworn to celibacy. The New York Times editorial board followed the White House lead on arguing that the nuns aren’t really violating Catholic doctrine by facilitating access to contraception, despite what they themselves believe. And even if it did, the requirement doesn’t place a big burden on religious expression."

NYT: We also know better about religious fidelity than a bunch of nuns « Hot Air
He was arrested for breaking and entering. I suppose that makes him a felon. He became a leader of the Nation of Islam and then converted to Sunni Islam and then was assassinated by three of the Nation of Islam's members.

What am I supposed to admire in his life?

If those are the only things you know about him, then you obviously don't know much about him. What if I were to take three things out of your entire life and say that is what you are, and those things are not necessarily things that make you look so good. If you want to understand the man, read THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF MALCOM X. Don't watch the film and expect to be enlightened, read the book.

He was someone who grew up in the mid-west in a working class family. He was the top student in his high school, which was mostly white. He was told, by the school counselor, upon graduation, that he should not pursue university, though he was the top student at the school, but that, being black, he should not aspire to anything more than a working class job, and the counselor recommended he take up carpentry as a vocation. You must understand that at the time, blacks in America were second class citizens and were not encouraged to go to college. He eventually drifted into the often 'typical' life of a disenfranchised black man in our society and fell into crime, for which he was sent to prison. In prison, he read voraciously, as any intelligent man would do. He also learned about Islam and became a Muslim. He adopted a pure and religious lifestyle, but maintained a hatred of whites, which the Nation of Islam seemed to promote. At some point, after getting out of prison, he went to Mecca and saw that Muslims were not only dark skinned people, but people from all over the world, including white, blue eye blonds. He realized that basing your value of people on race or skin color was stupid and changed his ideology. The Nation of Islam did not like that Malcolm no longer considered whites to be the devil and that he preached we were all one under god. They had a parting of the ways, and the Nation of Islam, being a violent group, had him assassinated.

There are two very good reasons to admire Malcolm X. One is that he was strong enough and intelligent enough, and honest enough, to change a major paradigm in his thinking and perception of reality--and then to live it, twice. He understood he had been wrong in being a criminal, and he changed that and led a pure, religious life. He then understood he was wrong about race, and changed totally in the way the thought and preached on that issue. The other thing to admire is his character and intelligence. If you read the biography, which was penned by Alex Haley, you hear the voice of Malcolm throughout. It is the voice of a thoughtful, intelligent, intellectually honest man, a man passionate about doing what was right, a man thoroughly involved in thoughtful consideration of life, of himself....an introspective man who was involved in self awareness and wanting to live as he believed.

Few people do that. Most people lie to themselves and others throughout their lives. They decide on one view of reality and stick to it, no matter how much or what it takes to maintain that lie. For example, you dislike Malcolm X and are bent on doing so, or at least that is the impression I get. I'll bet you will never read his autobiography to learn more about him, or if you do, you won't read it with an open mind, because you don't want to know, you don't want to have to change the view with which you are now comfortable. That is what most people are like. Malcolm X was not like that. He was willing to change his world view and his inner view; he was willing to learn and change. This is what there is to admire about him.

You're the FIRST USMBer that actually GETS it.

I couldn't have said it better myself.


*one man standing ovation*


So you don't get it?

So you will condemn Christian's, such as yourself, that curse but not Malcolm X. Why is that?

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