Why Do So Many Self-Proclaimed Christians Curse So Much, So Freely and So Publicly?

No. I wasn't. God gave you a brain for a reason. He doesn't expect you to react instead of think. He doesn't expect your faith to cancel it out.

Thinking is a blessing, not a curse.

The only people who see a conflict between critical thought and faith are the idiots who refuse to think critically.
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Doesn't Scripture state "Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth?"

What's worse, is that many of them curse in the very "Religion and Ethics" threads, while discussing spiritual things.

It's as if they're demon-possessed.

Interestingly enough, the self-proclaimed Christians of USMB don't even call out the ones that do. They just let the curse words fly as if it's A-OK.

Why do you think that is? Are you guys co-signing on that type of behavior? Or is it something else I'm not aware of?

Please advise.

It's the very definition of hypocrisy: "the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform."

They are hypocrites. Plain and simple.

Except I have never condemned people for saying fuck, but Marc routinely condemns people for judging.
I was raised a Christian and know what Christian values are. I know the religion very well, and I know when someone who claims to be a Christian isn't acting like one.

What does a Christian "act like?" Would a Christian walk by someone in pain and not help? How often do you walk by people in pain every day?
Doesn't Scripture state "Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth?"

What's worse, is that many of them curse in the very "Religion and Ethics" threads, while discussing spiritual things.

It's as if they're demon-possessed.

Interestingly enough, the self-proclaimed Christians of USMB don't even call out the ones that do. They just let the curse words fly as if it's A-OK.

Why do you think that is? Are you guys co-signing on that type of behavior? Or is it something else I'm not aware of?

Please advise.

Have cussed only twice in threads, one was a quoted adage, the other I full-on lost my cool for a moment. :) But Scripturally speaking, words we consider now to be profanity aren't what's being forbidden in Scriptures.

Not as familar with NT texts so will limit my response to my own faith's book (oh if that only worked the other way as well hehe.)

Not to blaspheme (Ex. 22:27; in Christian texts, Ex. 22:28), the penalty for which is death (Lev. 24:16)
Not to profane G-d's name (Lev . 22:32)
Not to swear needlessly (Ex. 20:7)
Not to curse a judge (Ex. 22:27)

These and other commandments don't refer to English's 4-letter words. In ancient times, 'Don't curse a judge' meant it much more literally, as casting a spell onto them. And swearing needlessly, wasn't cussing but making a sacred promise of some sort.

You could perhaps make an arguement that prohibiting lashon hora "evil speech" would include modern and future cuss-words, but it'd get kinda iffy.

What would apply more readily is not hating your brother in your heart (Lev 19:17 think it is.)

If you say something you intend to hurt somoene's feelings you're breaking that oner egardless of the words used. But in and of themselves, 'cuss words' aren't breaking any commandment. It's more about your intent than the actual words.


The prohibitions are not as much about specific words as the attitude behind them.
What I notice is that anti-Christian loons REALLY object to the fact that Christians maintain that everybody sins.

They seem to believe that all their depraved behavior should be given a pass...but that all the sins of Christians should be held up as an example of how UN Christian they are.

Not only illogical, but sad, and hateful..hypocritical, and indicative of their innate belief that they are sin-free, just by the nature of their being...but everybody else is unworthy. Particularly if they dare to recognize sin and strive to avoid it.

Not everybody sins because not everybody belongs to a given religion with those sins. Further, even if we held everyone to the Noahide Commandments as the Tanach claims, with just 7 commandments, not everybody would be sinning.

People hold people of faith to a higher standard only when the members of a given faith are obviously breaking their own commandments.

What a twisted, and completely incorrect, view.

EVERYBODY sins, whether they recognize it or not. Nobody is perfect, and nobody (save One) ever has been, or will be.

Our belief in sin doesn't CREATE sin, that's a ridiculous premise, and juvenile. Whether or not you believe in any particular religion, I think pretty much everybody except the most depraved agree that promiscuity, murder, theft, covetnous and lying are *sins*. Perhaps not against God, but certainly against humanity.

The basic tenet of Christianity is that EVERYBODY SINS..including and ESPECIALLY Christians. It's so sad that you can't get that through your thick skulls. The whole point of Christianity is that we are incapable of living without sin, and therefore the only way to obtain salvation is through Christ. And once you obtain Christ, you recognize and reject your sinful

So yeah, we cuss, and we covet, and we fornicate, and we murder and lie and commit all those crimes. But we REPUDIATE those behaviors as sin, we CONFESS the sin to our Father, and we REPENT and try to avoid repeating them. But we are all works in progress.

Except for unbelievers, who reject Christ and the notion that they should reject their sinful natures.
He does not object lying, especially from the liar in chief;) or murder and violence, for that matter.

But, God forbid if somebody uses the f word :rolleyes:

That is called hypocrisy.

I would have to wonder why he doesn't appear to have any problem with the President's corrupt communication, which includes lying as well as cursing. The President is a self proclaimed Christian after all.

However, the President's bad behavior is no excuse for the rest of us.

You lie. What excuse do you have?

Avatar has been wrong, more than once, but has never lied on this board (AFAIK).

Unlike you.
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I would have to wonder why he doesn't appear to have any problem with the President's corrupt communication, which includes lying as well as cursing. The President is a self proclaimed Christian after all.

However, the President's bad behavior is no excuse for the rest of us.

You lie. What excuse do you have?

Refuting your nonsense isn't a lie no matter how much you might want it to be.

It is, however, a waste of time. I know, I spent months doing it, with multiple links, and he still posts the same tripe.
Doesn't Scripture state "Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth?"

What's worse, is that many of them curse in the very "Religion and Ethics" threads, while discussing spiritual things.

It's as if they're demon-possessed.

Interestingly enough, the self-proclaimed Christians of USMB don't even call out the ones that do. They just let the curse words fly as if it's A-OK.

Why do you think that is? Are you guys co-signing on that type of behavior? Or is it something else I'm not aware of?

Please advise.

Have cussed only twice in threads, one was a quoted adage, the other I full-on lost my cool for a moment. :) But Scripturally speaking, words we consider now to be profanity aren't what's being forbidden in Scriptures.

Not as familar with NT texts so will limit my response to my own faith's book (oh if that only worked the other way as well hehe.)

Not to blaspheme (Ex. 22:27; in Christian texts, Ex. 22:28), the penalty for which is death (Lev. 24:16)
Not to profane G-d's name (Lev . 22:32)
Not to swear needlessly (Ex. 20:7)
Not to curse a judge (Ex. 22:27)

These and other commandments don't refer to English's 4-letter words. In ancient times, 'Don't curse a judge' meant it much more literally, as casting a spell onto them. And swearing needlessly, wasn't cussing but making a sacred promise of some sort.

You could perhaps make an arguement that prohibiting lashon hora "evil speech" would include modern and future cuss-words, but it'd get kinda iffy.

What would apply more readily is not hating your brother in your heart (Lev 19:17 think it is.)

If you say something you intend to hurt somoene's feelings you're breaking that oner egardless of the words used. But in and of themselves, 'cuss words' aren't breaking any commandment. It's more about your intent than the actual words.
I have to disagree with you slightly here Brother Delta.

Scripture does speak out against using profanity, which would include four letter words of any age. In fact, especially for four letter words of any age.

I've already posted a list of texts that covers that. Another poster also posted a similar list.

Check them out and you'll see for yourself.

No such list was posted because nothing in the Bible condemns specific words.
We have children who are not food secure. Who have no health care and whose food stamps were cut. Those are all dirty words to me.

Why should I care if everyone doesn't know if they plan to eat at Mickey D's or Jack in the Box tomorrow?
Food secure...lol...a term used to make people think children who aren't starving are starving, regardless.
Have you not cursed Marc? I believe you have used curse words on this very board. Also until now, I have not seen you utter anything about this. You are perceived as a very self righteous individual.

Also you are passing a judgement of Chuck, by accusing him of turning a blind eye.

Best to get the rafter out of your own eye.
What curse words have you observed me using sir?

You should have some handy based on your post.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

Look at about a dozen posts, damn was one of the words, don't have the time to look at all your baloney, plus you never addressed any of the other questions I had.

Have a good day.

One would rightfully presume you to be a Muslim or an FOI member by the way you post as well as the fact of your Malcolm X avatar.
Not sure what FOI is.

And I'm sorry your hatred and rage for such a great man as Malcolm X is so overwhelming that it blinds you to how great a man he was, regardless of his religious beliefs.

Fruit of Islam.

The Fruit of Islam (FOI), or "Fruit" for short, is the male-only paramilitary wing of the Nation of Islam (NOI). The Fruit of Islam wear distinctive blue or white uniforms and caps and have units at all NOI temples. Louis Farrakhan, as head of the Nation of Islam, is commander-in-chief of the Fruit of Islam, and his son, Mustapha Farrakhan Sr, is second in command. The women's counterpart to the Fruit of Islam is Muslim Girls Training (MGT).

The Fruit of Islam draws its membership from male members in Nation of Islam temples. While NOI does not release membership figures, estimates for total membership in the NOI range from 10,000 to 50,000.[1]

Read his autobiography. Saw the film with Denzel. Attended religious services at a NOI mosque. Frequented the local bakery.

I recognize NOW what I didn't then.

Islam is an aggressive religion which stands as a clear and present threat to our own form of government and freedoms and is the complete antithesis of ANY other religion or form of government.

You may admire the man but don't EVEN try acting surprised that people think you are a Muslim or a Black Muslim (or a member of the Nation of Islam or NOI).

You knowingly INVITE the faulty assumption with the avatar and the content of your posts.

P.S. Are you a fanboi of the Pimp era Malcolm or the NOI era Malcolm or the post-Hajj era Malcolm? If he represents a step up for you, God bless you, Brother.
All three.

You posted exactly why I admire Brother Minister Malcolm X so much. He was a man on a quest for righteousness and he kept on that path until his untimely demise.

Why do you hate him so? Why do you rage against the brother?
Food secure...lol...a term used to make people think children who aren't starving are starving, regardless.

Yeah, not knowing where 1 meal out of 90 is coming from, or skipping a meal, means you are starving, even though there are people in the world who live eating less than rdean throws away every day. I also get a kick out of "Food desert." You can actually grow up on a large farm that supplies you with every thing you need to eat healthy, and live in a food desert because there is no grocery store within a mile.
What curse words have you observed me using sir?

You should have some handy based on your post.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

Look at about a dozen posts, damn was one of the words, don't have the time to look at all your baloney, plus you never addressed any of the other questions I had.

Have a good day.

Fruit of Islam.

The Fruit of Islam (FOI), or "Fruit" for short, is the male-only paramilitary wing of the Nation of Islam (NOI). The Fruit of Islam wear distinctive blue or white uniforms and caps and have units at all NOI temples. Louis Farrakhan, as head of the Nation of Islam, is commander-in-chief of the Fruit of Islam, and his son, Mustapha Farrakhan Sr, is second in command. The women's counterpart to the Fruit of Islam is Muslim Girls Training (MGT).

The Fruit of Islam draws its membership from male members in Nation of Islam temples. While NOI does not release membership figures, estimates for total membership in the NOI range from 10,000 to 50,000.[1]
Read his autobiography. Saw the film with Denzel. Attended religious services at a NOI mosque. Frequented the local bakery.

I recognize NOW what I didn't then.

Islam is an aggressive religion which stands as a clear and present threat to our own form of government and freedoms and is the complete antithesis of ANY other religion or form of government.

You may admire the man but don't EVEN try acting surprised that people think you are a Muslim or a Black Muslim (or a member of the Nation of Islam or NOI).

You knowingly INVITE the faulty assumption with the avatar and the content of your posts.

P.S. Are you a fanboi of the Pimp era Malcolm or the NOI era Malcolm or the post-Hajj era Malcolm? If he represents a step up for you, God bless you, Brother.
All three.

You posted exactly why I admire Brother Minister Malcolm X so much. He was a man on a quest for righteousness and he kept on that path until his untimely demise.

Why do you hate him so? Why do you rage against the brother?

You admire him because you are a racist fuckwad who doesn't understand that he would despise you for you racism.
You posted exactly why I admire Brother Minister Malcolm X so much. He was a man on a quest for righteousness and he kept on that path until his untimely demise.

Why do you hate him so? Why do you rage against the brother?

He was arrested for breaking and entering. I suppose that makes him a felon. He became a leader of the Nation of Islam and then converted to Sunni Islam and then was assassinated by three of the Nation of Islam's members.

What am I supposed to admire in his life?
What curse words have you observed me using sir?

You should have some handy based on your post.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

Look at about a dozen posts, damn was one of the words, don't have the time to look at all your baloney, plus you never addressed any of the other questions I had.

Have a good day.

Fruit of Islam.

The Fruit of Islam (FOI), or "Fruit" for short, is the male-only paramilitary wing of the Nation of Islam (NOI). The Fruit of Islam wear distinctive blue or white uniforms and caps and have units at all NOI temples. Louis Farrakhan, as head of the Nation of Islam, is commander-in-chief of the Fruit of Islam, and his son, Mustapha Farrakhan Sr, is second in command. The women's counterpart to the Fruit of Islam is Muslim Girls Training (MGT).

The Fruit of Islam draws its membership from male members in Nation of Islam temples. While NOI does not release membership figures, estimates for total membership in the NOI range from 10,000 to 50,000.[1]

Read his autobiography. Saw the film with Denzel. Attended religious services at a NOI mosque. Frequented the local bakery.

I recognize NOW what I didn't then.

Islam is an aggressive religion which stands as a clear and present threat to our own form of government and freedoms and is the complete antithesis of ANY other religion or form of government.

You may admire the man but don't EVEN try acting surprised that people think you are a Muslim or a Black Muslim (or a member of the Nation of Islam or NOI).

You knowingly INVITE the faulty assumption with the avatar and the content of your posts.

P.S. Are you a fanboi of the Pimp era Malcolm or the NOI era Malcolm or the post-Hajj era Malcolm? If he represents a step up for you, God bless you, Brother.
All three.

You posted exactly why I admire Brother Minister Malcolm X so much. He was a man on a quest for righteousness and he kept on that path until his untimely demise.

Why do you hate him so? Why do you rage against the brother?

Nice avoidance. I am beginning to see how you work. Very interesting, deceitful but interesting.

Have a nice day.
What I notice is that anti-Christian loons REALLY object to the fact that Christians maintain that everybody sins.

They seem to believe that all their depraved behavior should be given a pass...but that all the sins of Christians should be held up as an example of how UN Christian they are.

Not only illogical, but sad, and hateful..hypocritical, and indicative of their innate belief that they are sin-free, just by the nature of their being...but everybody else is unworthy. Particularly if they dare to recognize sin and strive to avoid it.

left has always been extremely self-righteous which just underscores their extreme pride.
both of the "virtues" are usually the consequences of ignorance.

How ignorant is the left you know better than me :)
What curse words have you observed me using sir?

You should have some handy based on your post.

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

Look at about a dozen posts, damn was one of the words, don't have the time to look at all your baloney, plus you never addressed any of the other questions I had.

Have a good day.

Fruit of Islam.

The Fruit of Islam (FOI), or "Fruit" for short, is the male-only paramilitary wing of the Nation of Islam (NOI). The Fruit of Islam wear distinctive blue or white uniforms and caps and have units at all NOI temples. Louis Farrakhan, as head of the Nation of Islam, is commander-in-chief of the Fruit of Islam, and his son, Mustapha Farrakhan Sr, is second in command. The women's counterpart to the Fruit of Islam is Muslim Girls Training (MGT).

The Fruit of Islam draws its membership from male members in Nation of Islam temples. While NOI does not release membership figures, estimates for total membership in the NOI range from 10,000 to 50,000.[1]

Read his autobiography. Saw the film with Denzel. Attended religious services at a NOI mosque. Frequented the local bakery.

I recognize NOW what I didn't then.

Islam is an aggressive religion which stands as a clear and present threat to our own form of government and freedoms and is the complete antithesis of ANY other religion or form of government.

You may admire the man but don't EVEN try acting surprised that people think you are a Muslim or a Black Muslim (or a member of the Nation of Islam or NOI).

You knowingly INVITE the faulty assumption with the avatar and the content of your posts.

P.S. Are you a fanboi of the Pimp era Malcolm or the NOI era Malcolm or the post-Hajj era Malcolm? If he represents a step up for you, God bless you, Brother.
All three.

You posted exactly why I admire Brother Minister Malcolm X so much. He was a man on a quest for righteousness and he kept on that path until his untimely demise.

Why do you hate him so? Why do you rage against the brother?

You are propping up a strawman. I never said I hated him. I don't rage against him.

Now, YOU, ON THE OTHER HAND, are a different story.
You posted exactly why I admire Brother Minister Malcolm X so much. He was a man on a quest for righteousness and he kept on that path until his untimely demise.

Why do you hate him so? Why do you rage against the brother?

He was arrested for breaking and entering. I suppose that makes him a felon. He became a leader of the Nation of Islam and then converted to Sunni Islam and then was assassinated by three of the Nation of Islam's members.

What am I supposed to admire in his life?

If those are the only things you know about him, then you obviously don't know much about him. What if I were to take three things out of your entire life and say that is what you are, and those things are not necessarily things that make you look so good. If you want to understand the man, read THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF MALCOM X. Don't watch the film and expect to be enlightened, read the book.

He was someone who grew up in the mid-west in a working class family. He was the top student in his high school, which was mostly white. He was told, by the school counselor, upon graduation, that he should not pursue university, though he was the top student at the school, but that, being black, he should not aspire to anything more than a working class job, and the counselor recommended he take up carpentry as a vocation. You must understand that at the time, blacks in America were second class citizens and were not encouraged to go to college. He eventually drifted into the often 'typical' life of a disenfranchised black man in our society and fell into crime, for which he was sent to prison. In prison, he read voraciously, as any intelligent man would do. He also learned about Islam and became a Muslim. He adopted a pure and religious lifestyle, but maintained a hatred of whites, which the Nation of Islam seemed to promote. At some point, after getting out of prison, he went to Mecca and saw that Muslims were not only dark skinned people, but people from all over the world, including white, blue eye blonds. He realized that basing your value of people on race or skin color was stupid and changed his ideology. The Nation of Islam did not like that Malcolm no longer considered whites to be the devil and that he preached we were all one under god. They had a parting of the ways, and the Nation of Islam, being a violent group, had him assassinated.

There are two very good reasons to admire Malcolm X. One is that he was strong enough and intelligent enough, and honest enough, to change a major paradigm in his thinking and perception of reality--and then to live it, twice. He understood he had been wrong in being a criminal, and he changed that and led a pure, religious life. He then understood he was wrong about race, and changed totally in the way the thought and preached on that issue. The other thing to admire is his character and intelligence. If you read the biography, which was penned by Alex Haley, you hear the voice of Malcolm throughout. It is the voice of a thoughtful, intelligent, intellectually honest man, a man passionate about doing what was right, a man thoroughly involved in thoughtful consideration of life, of himself....an introspective man who was involved in self awareness and wanting to live as he believed.

Few people do that. Most people lie to themselves and others throughout their lives. They decide on one view of reality and stick to it, no matter how much or what it takes to maintain that lie. For example, you dislike Malcolm X and are bent on doing so, or at least that is the impression I get. I'll bet you will never read his autobiography to learn more about him, or if you do, you won't read it with an open mind, because you don't want to know, you don't want to have to change the view with which you are now comfortable. That is what most people are like. Malcolm X was not like that. He was willing to change his world view and his inner view; he was willing to learn and change. This is what there is to admire about him.
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You posted exactly why I admire Brother Minister Malcolm X so much. He was a man on a quest for righteousness and he kept on that path until his untimely demise.

Why do you hate him so? Why do you rage against the brother?

He was arrested for breaking and entering. I suppose that makes him a felon. He became a leader of the Nation of Islam and then converted to Sunni Islam and then was assassinated by three of the Nation of Islam's members.

What am I supposed to admire in his life?

If those are the only things you know about him, then you obviously don't know much about him. What if I were to take three things out of your entire life and say that is what you are, and those things are not necessarily things that make you look so good. If you want to understand the man, read THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF MALCOM X. Don't watch the film and expect to be enlightened, read the book.

He was someone who grew up in the mid-west in a working class family. He was the top student in his high school, which was mostly white. He was told, by the school counselor, upon graduation, that he should not pursue university, though he was the top student at the school, but that, being black, he should not aspire to anything more than a working class job, and the counselor recommended he take up carpentry as a vocation. You must understand that at the time, blacks in America were second class citizens and were not encouraged to go to college. He eventually drifted into the often 'typical' life of a disenfranchised black man in our society and fell into crime, for which he was sent to prison. In prison, he read voraciously, as any intelligent man would do. He also learned about Islam and became a Muslim. He adopted a pure and religious lifestyle, but maintained a hatred of whites, which the Nation of Islam seemed to promote. At some point, after getting out of prison, he went to Mecca and saw that Muslims were not only dark skinned people, but people from all over the world, including white, blue eye blonds. He realized that basing your value of people on race or skin color was stupid and changed his ideology. The Nation of Islam did not like that Malcolm no longer considered whites to be the devil and that he preached we were all one under god. They had a parting of the ways, and the Nation of Islam, being a violent group, had him assassinated.

There are two very good reasons to admire Malcolm X. One is that he was strong enough and intelligent enough, and honest enough, to change a major paradigm in his thinking and perception of reality--and then to live it, twice. He understood he had been wrong in being a criminal, and he changed that and led a pure, religious life. He then understood he was wrong about race, and changed totally in the way the thought and preached on that issue. The other thing to admire is his character and intelligence. If you read the biography, which was penned by Alex Haley, you hear the voice of Malcolm throughout. It is the voice of a thoughtful, intelligent, intellectually honest man, a man passionate about doing what was right, a man thoroughly involved in thoughtful consideration of life, of himself....an introspective man who was involved in self awareness and wanting to live as he believed.

Few people do that. Most people lie to themselves and others throughout their lives. They decide on one view of reality and stick to it, no matter how much or what it takes to maintain that lie. For example, you dislike Malcolm X and are bent on doing so, or at least that is the impression I get. I'll bet you will never read his autobiography to learn more about him, or if you do, you won't read it with an open mind, because you don't want to know, you don't want to have to change the view with which you are now comfortable. That is what most people are like. Malcolm X was not like that. He was willing to change his world view and his inner view; he was willing to learn and change. This is what there is to admire about him.
Any proof of that? It's fairly common for self-promoting opportunists to embellish (Al Gore and Oprah Winfrey come to mind) to make their stories more interesting and to sell more copies.

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