Why Do So Many Self-Proclaimed Christians Curse So Much, So Freely and So Publicly?

I have a much greater issue with people using the Bible to beat people up. Telling Christian gays they are going to hell, and describing in great detail what gays do in the privacy of their own relationship.

Christians believing that God intended us to mock, shame and belittle the poor, while exhalting the rich man.

Christians throwing away critical thought and clinging to faith.

Bitter, angry Christians, in whom I can see nothing of Phil 4:8.


Swearing is nothing in the face of such as this.
You were doing fine until you got to the "critical thought" comment. Then it just fell apart.

You haven't read the Republican Party Platform from Texas? They want critical thought outlawed from schools because they say that kids that think for themselves will stop listening to their parents. It's a topic that has been on this board several times. They even used the phrase "critical thought" in the Party Platform. It's astonishing to me the number of right wingers who support what they imagine their party to be and aren't really aware of what their leaders are actually saying.

Let's just keep teaching HOTS which omits the teaching of facts and knowledge and keeps indoctrination of our children (with hate & intolerance to conservative ideology) and continues to undermine parental authority eh?
Where is it listed in the bible that it's a sin to swear?

Matthew 12:36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.

Matthew 12:37 For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.

The only way out of the next one is to ask forgiveness which is essentially to become a Christian.

Exodus 20:7 ¶ Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.

Fuck is not an idle word.

it's a verb, a noun, an adjective and an adverb.

It's one of the hardest working words in the fucking language man.

Also one of my favorites.
Where is it listed in the bible that it's a sin to swear?

Matthew 12:36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.

Matthew 12:37 For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.

The only way out of the next one is to ask forgiveness which is essentially to become a Christian.

Exodus 20:7 ¶ Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.

Fuck is not an idle word.

it's a verb, a noun, an adjective and an adverb.

It's one of the hardest working words in the fucking language man.

Also one of my favorites.

What Greek dictionaries did you consult? American Heritage? New American? LOL.

denoting "idle, barren, yielding no return, because of inactivity," is found in the best mss. in Jam 2:20 (RV, "barren"); it is rendered "barren" in 2Pe 1:8, AV, (RV, "idle"). In Mat 12:36, the "idle word" means the word that is thoughtless or profitless.

It is an idle word because you didn't speak as you ought to have spoke.

The definition from the Lexicon is idle, involving blameworthiness.

Another definition is pernicious.
Pulpit Commentary

Verses 36, 37. - Matthew only. Verse 36. - But (δέ); and (Revised Version). The adversative particle hints at the contrast of ver. 35 to their ordinary ideas about the importance of words. I say unto you, That every idle (ἀργόν); i.e. effecting nothing, morally useless; 2 Peter 1:8 (cf. καταργεῖ, Luke 13:7). Word (ῤῆμα); see ver. 37, note. That men shall speak, they shall give account thereof (ἀποδώσουσι λόγον: cf. 1 Peter 4:5) in the day of judgment (Matthew 10:15, note).

Matthew 12:36 But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken.

Instead of "idle" you can substitute the word "careless".
My OP already addresses this Chuck.

I'm referring to self-proclaimed Christians, particularly of USMB. Not the athiests in Europe, but the self proclaimed Christians of USMB.

Many of which I've observed using curse words...regularly.

If you haven't observed this, that's fine, you're still a newbie, or you may just be turning a blind eye to that sort of thing, but I'm telling you, it occurs.

How do you know where they are from?

Who is a Christian? Who isn't a Christian? How long have they been Christian? What is their level of sanctification? Are they a born again Christian? Questions you need to ask before making judgments.

Did they just follow Him or were they converted?

James 3:8 But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.

There is a new kind of right wing Christian. They call themselves Christian but their policies are "let him die" and "feed the poor and they will breed" and "every man for himself". And they will even say that they are following the true teachings of Jesus.
I bet everyone I quote in my signature line will insist they are a Christian.

More ignorance, it's amazing how much tripe you spit out.
It's the age old ploy...previously used against Jews by the Nazis. In order to close the churches, they must first criminalize believers.
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Doesn't Scripture state "Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth?"

What's worse, is that many of them curse in the very "Religion and Ethics" threads, while discussing spiritual things.

It's as if they're demon-possessed.

Interestingly enough, the self-proclaimed Christians of USMB don't even call out the ones that do. They just let the curse words fly as if it's A-OK.

Why do you think that is? Are you guys co-signing on that type of behavior? Or is it something else I'm not aware of?

Please advise.

It's the very definition of hypocrisy: "the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform."

They are hypocrites. Plain and simple.
Doesn't Scripture state "Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth?"

What's worse, is that many of them curse in the very "Religion and Ethics" threads, while discussing spiritual things.

It's as if they're demon-possessed.

Interestingly enough, the self-proclaimed Christians of USMB don't even call out the ones that do. They just let the curse words fly as if it's A-OK.

Why do you think that is? Are you guys co-signing on that type of behavior? Or is it something else I'm not aware of?

Please advise.

It's been my experience that the most devout people are the most odious.

Not always. There are some very religious people who live true to their religious morals and ethics, to the true spirit of their religion, but these folks, in my experience, are few and far between. They are good people, ones who live up to their religious values, don't preach or judge others, and are just good, decent people. I know one right now, and have found her to be everything she should be as a real Christian. But she and those like her are indeed rare. My impression of Marc is that he is one too.
Doesn't Scripture state "Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth?"

What's worse, is that many of them curse in the very "Religion and Ethics" threads, while discussing spiritual things.

It's as if they're demon-possessed.

Interestingly enough, the self-proclaimed Christians of USMB don't even call out the ones that do. They just let the curse words fly as if it's A-OK.

Why do you think that is? Are you guys co-signing on that type of behavior? Or is it something else I'm not aware of?

Please advise.

It's the very definition of hypocrisy: "the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform."

They are hypocrites. Plain and simple.

Actually, you are the hypocrites.

You maintain that religion has little or no value...then you criticize people of faith for not adhering to their faith in a manner that YOU determine they should in order to be *real* Christians.
I was raised a Christian and know what Christian values are. I know the religion very well, and I know when someone who claims to be a Christian isn't acting like one.
Oh look, another thread where anti-christians use the religion thread to attack people for not adhering *properly* to a faith they themselves don't subscribe to.
Who told you that I'm anti-Christian?

I'm a Christian.

Then you should be looking real close to yourself,you don't act like one,your posts are always demeaning and accusatory,and basically very judgmental,hardly Christlike attributes.
Matthew 12:36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.

Matthew 12:37 For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.

The only way out of the next one is to ask forgiveness which is essentially to become a Christian.

Exodus 20:7 ¶ Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.

Fuck is not an idle word.

it's a verb, a noun, an adjective and an adverb.

It's one of the hardest working words in the fucking language man.

Also one of my favorites.

What Greek dictionaries did you consult? American Heritage? New American? LOL.

denoting "idle, barren, yielding no return, because of inactivity," is found in the best mss. in Jam 2:20 (RV, "barren"); it is rendered "barren" in 2Pe 1:8, AV, (RV, "idle"). In Mat 12:36, the "idle word" means the word that is thoughtless or profitless.

It is an idle word because you didn't speak as you ought to have spoke.

The definition from the Lexicon is idle, involving blameworthiness.

Another definition is pernicious.

Shit if people really cared about what was in the bible they'd talk a whole fuck of a lot less than they do now
Doesn't Scripture state "Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth?"

What's worse, is that many of them curse in the very "Religion and Ethics" threads, while discussing spiritual things.

It's as if they're demon-possessed.

Interestingly enough, the self-proclaimed Christians of USMB don't even call out the ones that do. They just let the curse words fly as if it's A-OK.

Why do you think that is? Are you guys co-signing on that type of behavior? Or is it something else I'm not aware of?

Please advise.

It's the same reason the Saudi religious police are relaxing prayer time rules.

Saudi religious police may relax prayer-time rules | GulfNews.com

Only thing is we are farther along in the process.
Doesn't Scripture state "Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth?"

What's worse, is that many of them curse in the very "Religion and Ethics" threads, while discussing spiritual things.

It's as if they're demon-possessed.

Interestingly enough, the self-proclaimed Christians of USMB don't even call out the ones that do. They just let the curse words fly as if it's A-OK.

Why do you think that is? Are you guys co-signing on that type of behavior? Or is it something else I'm not aware of?

Please advise.

I try to avoid swearing myself. Though I will say ass and hell sometimes Haven't decided if I really believe they are swear words.

My problem with corrupt communication is much more my use of sarcasm. It's my nature to be sarcastic. Been working on it. But haven't gotten past it yet.

We all have our own personal fight with sin. Ill give other people a pass for their corrupt communications but ill continue to work on my own. After all nobody is perfect.

I am sure there are other type of communications that are corrupt other than just swearing and sarcasm. I don't know that I've identified them all. The beauty of being human and the Gospel is that as we grow the Spirit will show us what other areas we need to work on.

I'd be more worried about your own corrupt communications. The communications of others are between them and God.
Oh look, another thread where anti-christians use the religion thread to attack people for not adhering *properly* to a faith they themselves don't subscribe to.
Who told you that I'm anti-Christian?

I'm a Christian.

One would rightfully presume you to be a Muslim or an FOI member by the way you post as well as the fact of your Malcolm X avatar.
How do you know where they are from?

Who is a Christian? Who isn't a Christian? How long have they been Christian? What is their level of sanctification? Are they a born again Christian? Questions you need to ask before making judgments.

Did they just follow Him or were they converted?

James 3:8 But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.

There is a new kind of right wing Christian. They call themselves Christian but their policies are "let him die" and "feed the poor and they will breed" and "every man for himself". And they will even say that they are following the true teachings of Jesus.
I bet everyone I quote in my signature line will insist they are a Christian.

More ignorance, it's amazing how much tripe you spit out.

He cannot comprehend how Christians can be against government programs he supports and still help the poor.

I oppose many government programs because they don't truly help people but are created instead to subject them to politicians who want to buy their votes. I also oppose them because they are used to create a false idol called government as the solution to our problems instead of encouraging people to exercise faith in Christ and to be charitable to one another.

All things should be given and recieved freely with much prayer and thanksgiving. I don't believe God wants people to be compelled by government to set up programs that don't really fix problems. I think He wants us to voluntarily set up programs and give of ourselves without compulsion because it's the right thing to do.
Doesn't Scripture state "Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth?"

What's worse, is that many of them curse in the very "Religion and Ethics" threads, while discussing spiritual things.

It's as if they're demon-possessed.

Interestingly enough, the self-proclaimed Christians of USMB don't even call out the ones that do. They just let the curse words fly as if it's A-OK.

Why do you think that is? Are you guys co-signing on that type of behavior? Or is it something else I'm not aware of?

Please advise.

Have cussed only twice in threads, one was a quoted adage, the other I full-on lost my cool for a moment. :) But Scripturally speaking, words we consider now to be profanity aren't what's being forbidden in Scriptures.

Not as familar with NT texts so will limit my response to my own faith's book (oh if that only worked the other way as well hehe.)

Not to blaspheme (Ex. 22:27; in Christian texts, Ex. 22:28), the penalty for which is death (Lev. 24:16)
Not to profane G-d's name (Lev . 22:32)
Not to swear needlessly (Ex. 20:7)
Not to curse a judge (Ex. 22:27)

These and other commandments don't refer to English's 4-letter words. In ancient times, 'Don't curse a judge' meant it much more literally, as casting a spell onto them. And swearing needlessly, wasn't cussing but making a sacred promise of some sort.

You could perhaps make an arguement that prohibiting lashon hora "evil speech" would include modern and future cuss-words, but it'd get kinda iffy.

What would apply more readily is not hating your brother in your heart (Lev 19:17 think it is.)

If you say something you intend to hurt somoene's feelings you're breaking that oner egardless of the words used. But in and of themselves, 'cuss words' aren't breaking any commandment. It's more about your intent than the actual words.

Why do you assume that "corrupt communication" means cursing?
Could just as well mean lying!

He does not object lying, especially from the liar in chief;) or murder and violence, for that matter.

But, God forbid if somebody uses the f word :rolleyes:

That is called hypocrisy.

I would have to wonder why he doesn't appear to have any problem with the President's corrupt communication, which includes lying as well as cursing. The President is a self proclaimed Christian after all.

However, the President's bad behavior is no excuse for the rest of us.
You were doing fine until you got to the "critical thought" comment. Then it just fell apart.

You haven't read the Republican Party Platform from Texas? They want critical thought outlawed from schools because they say that kids that think for themselves will stop listening to their parents. It's a topic that has been on this board several times. They even used the phrase "critical thought" in the Party Platform. It's astonishing to me the number of right wingers who support what they imagine their party to be and aren't really aware of what their leaders are actually saying.

Let's just keep teaching HOTS which omits the teaching of facts and knowledge and keeps indoctrination of our children (with hate & intolerance to conservative ideology) and continues to undermine parental authority eh?

If you are intolerant of science and think scientists are lazy SOB's on the government dole, then you have no tolerance of "facts and knowledge". The Republican Party is intolerant of liberals. The party is 90% white. They are who they tell us they are. Read what's posted in my signature line. How many of those people consider themselves "good Republicans"? Those are their words. I didn't make them up.

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