Why do some black people hate white people after all this time?


Gold Member
Sep 10, 2015
Vancouver, British Columbia
"Slavery in America began when the first African slaves were brought to the North American colony of Jamestown, Virginia, in 1619, to aid in the production of such lucrative crops as tobacco. Slavery officially ended Dec. 6, 1865. That's 159 yrs. ago. that was 246 years of unimaginable horror for what turned out to be 4000,000 enslaved human beings. Time to get over it? None of the slave owners are still alive, some of us white people's ancsesters owned slaves but do the sins of the fathers follow the family down generations? Some of the fortunes ammassed through the coersed free labor of blacks still keep shoots of offspring of slaveholders in a coccoon of trust accounts so that they never have to work a day in their lives. estimates that in America black people have been cheated out of $5 to $24 trillion in wages, other compensation, and potential interest since the days of slavery, an institution that became legal in British America in the 1660s.
A common question from the public has been: ‘Apology? Why should I apologize? I didn’t create in the institution of slavery. Beside, my family wasn’t involved. My ancestors came to this country after slavery.’ ” Iannuzzi tries to remind people that white people benefit from a system that was established during slavery and has lingered in ways big and small.
“Whites get privileges and access to resources that have been repeatedly denied to people of color even long after slavery ended,
The financial disparities between white and black people are immense and block opportunities for upward mobility. For example, in 2011, white households had a median income of $50,400 per year compared to just $32,028 for blacks, according to The Racial Wealth Gap report by Demos, a nonprofit think tank based in New York.
That same year, the report states, the median white household had about $111,146 in wealth holdings, compared to just $7,113 for median black households. And about 73 percent of white households own their own home, compared to 45 percent of blacks
“If not for the sacrifices of white soldiers and a white American president who gave his life to sign the Emancipation Proclamation, blacks in America would still be slaves. If not for the dedication of Americans of all ethnicities and colors to a society based on the principle that all men are created equal, blacks in America would not enjoy the highest standard of living of blacks anywhere in the world,” he wrote. “Where is the gratitude of black America and its leaders for those gifts?” This financial stuff doesn't arouse most white peoples anger, they've known the whole story for centuries. Even the lynchings are old news. .

Holbert, a Black, supposedly killed James Eastland, a wealthy planter and John Carr, a negro, who lived near Doddsville Mississippi. After a hundred mile chase over four days, the mob of more than 1,000 persons caught Luther and his wife and tied them both to trees. They were forced to hold out their hands while one finger at a time was chopped off and their ears were cut off. Pieces of raw quivering flesh was pulled out of their arms, legs and body with a bore screw and kept for souvenirs. Holbert was beaten and his skull fractured. An eye was knocked out with a stick and hung from the socket.
American mobs lynched some 5.000 Blacks since 1859, scores of whom were women, several of them pregnant. Rarely did the killers spend time in jail because the white mobs and the government officials who protected them believed justice meant (just us) white folks.
And if stories like told below don't shake white people out of their complascency nothing will. You have crossed some evil line and cannot feel human empathy even for babies.

A bit of whimsical advertising invisaged by truly Mad Men. That wasn't the worst of the stories though of pickaninnies and alligators. How about this;
""And, of course, as stated, I've done the reading, watched the movies and documentaries, about the absolutely indescribable horror of the damnable voyage across the Atlantic that has come down to us as “The Middle Passage.” Indeed, on every single flight I've made back and forth across that vast and angry ocean, I look down from 35,000 feet at its turbulent waters. I try, but of course can never really imagine, appreciate or understand what it must have been like for those many millions who were hog-tied naked, chained and shackled in those filthy ships' holds.
And then there is the actual on-the-ground, in-the-field, in-the-mine, and in-the-house enslavement of the people. Again, I've read the books.
But I also talked extensively with my own now deceased parents and grandparents (on both sides) about their “treatment” from the 1920s right straight through to the 1960s in Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, Missouri and Arkansas. They were never slaves per se, but they might as well have been. My father's parents – and him – were share croppers and tenant farmers until they escaped Louisiana during World War II.
What you will read below and watch is breathtaking in its depravity.

"I called my mother's last surviving sister tonight and asked her did she know anything about this. She is 83. And, if she did, why we were never told of this as kids growing up. She hesitated for a full minute. Finally, they did not tell us about "a lot of things that white folks did to us" "down South," she said. They were afraid that it would forever embitter me, my siblings and cousins against white people forever. Once they had all successfully "escaped" the South, they wanted to put those years behind them, and build new lives here "up North," she concluded.
And so it is that I am thankful that the Internet has provided an opportunity for black people to regain their stolen history – not just as victims of white America but as the descendants of powerful empires and nation-states which once put Europe to shame in terms of wealth, land, population, health, education, and most importantly, in terms of justice.
Did you know that black babies were often used as bait for alligators in the swamps from Texas to Florida. I didn't until today. It just never occurred to me that any people would do – could do – such a thing to another people, another peoples Babies
But it happened – for hundreds of years, well into the 20th century.

The practice has been documented in at least three movies: “Alligator Bait” (1900) and “The ‘Gator and the Pickaninny” (1900). And the story of two black boys who served as alligator bait was told in “Untamed Fury” (1947).

Indeed, the term “alligator bait” was common throughout the South from at least the 1860s to and through the 1960s. It was a racial slur and threat among whites that was meant to “domesticate” recalcitrant black children. But by the 1940s in Harlem, New York, “alligator bait” applied to blacks of any age – particularly those who were from Florida.
Finally, in terms of iconography, from at least the 1890s to the 1960s, black children were often pictured as alligator bait – as toys for white children, soap dishes, toothbrushes, ash trays, and especially on postcards sent through the US mail.
Again, the attached video is disturbing. I strongly advise anyone with a weak stomach not to view it".
http://www.reunionblackfamily.com/ALIGATOR BAIT.jpg



"Two movies in 1900 “Alligator Bait” and “Gator and the Pickaninny.” both showed and proved this practice.There were many advertisements and postcards in the South that proved this was real.
"In 1923 Time magazine carried this story:
From Chipley, Fla., it was reported that colored babies were being used for alligator bait. The infants are allowed to play in shallow water while expert riflemen watch from concealment nearby. When a saurian approaches his prey, he is shot by the rifleme."
"The is all from the video below, which was posted on reunionblackfamily.com. There is more proof, though, according the blog Abagond. Time magazine in 1923 reported the practice had taken place in Chipley, Florida, but the town denied it as "a silly lie, false and absurd."
"And there is an account of it in Copper Sun, a 2006 book by Sharon Draper. Moreover, according to Abagond, "alligator bait" was a term used in Harlem in the early part of the century to refer to black children from Florida."
"… the slaves who had babies they would steal the babies during the course of the day, some times when their mothers weren’t watching . … some would be infants, some would be a year old, he said some would be toddlers, he said they would grab these children and take them down to the swamp, and leave them in pens like little chicken coops".
"They would go down there at night, take these babies and …. tie them up, put a rope around their neck and around their torso, around here, and tie it tight."
"… they’d be screaming. … what they were doing would help them to chum the water. He said when they would throw the babies in tied to this rope, he said in a matter of minutes, he said, the alligator were on them. He said the alligator would clamp his jaws on that child, as a matter of fact once he clamped on them he was really swallowed, he said you couldn’t see anything but the rope!''
Why do some black people hate white people after all this time?
They are told to.
Because some black people are racist.

Racists have power, to deny housing, to deny financing, to deny the right to sit at the front of the bus, to deny dignity, to legally rape your wife and babies, to beat you to death, to deny dignity, to split families and " send mothers and fathers down the river", black people never had such power, the only racism they can express is hatred if they are so inclined.
Who gives a damn?? If some people are bitter and twisted by hate that's their problem. I've got better things to do.

Because some black people are racist.

Racists have power, to deny housing, to deny financing, to deny the right to sit at the front of the bus, to deny dignity, to legally rape your wife and babies, to beat you to death, to deny dignity, to split families and " send mothers and fathers down the river", black people never had such power, the only racism they can express is hatred if they are so inclined.

Do you own NOTHING?? No chattels at all?? lol

ffs: The Irish were just as oppressed by the bloody English; millions DIED....but there is now cooperation and accommodation. Life goes on; no room for haters!!

ffs: The Irish were just as oppressed by the bloody English; millions DIED....but there is now cooperation and accommodation. Life goes on; no room for haters!!


Love to hear that from you if your great great grandfather was used for alligator bait!

You know NOTHING of life for Christians under the Ottomans?? lol. Your words are empty; read up on how the Ottomans treated their subject nations!! Hate is for losers..and yes; I still resent the Turks to this day; but it's irrational!!My "hate" has shifted to Communist filth!! Them I will never forgive.

ffs: The Irish were just as oppressed by the bloody English; millions DIED....but there is now cooperation and accommodation. Life goes on; no room for haters!!


Love to hear that from you if your great great grandfather was used for alligator bait!

You know NOTHING of life for Christians under the Ottomans?? lol. Your words are empty; read up on how the Ottomans treated their subject nations!! Hate is for losers..and yes; I still resent the Turks to this day; but it's irrational!!My "hate" has shifted to Communist filth!! Them I will never forgive.


Whatever, hope you have better reasons to hate the commies.

The position of Jewish and Christian peoples under the Ottoman Empire is an issue that continues to be disputed today, almost a century after the official end of the Empire itself. Religious association typically determined status in the predominantly Muslim Ottoman Empire. According to Moshe Ma’oz, Christians and Jews were seen as “inferior subjects or as illegitimate denominations.”1As a result, they were often discriminated against by the state entity. In contrast, other scholars may argue that the position of minorities under the Ottomans was lenient compared to minority treatment elsewhere in the world, such as in certain parts of Europe. According to Edward Said, abuses of “Orientalism,” which he described as a Western way of “dominating” or “restructuring” the history of the Middle East because of prejudice against Arab-Islamic peoples, has caused a misconstruction of the historical narrative.2 According to Bruce Masters, Westerners were typically biased against Muslims, and often distorted realities in the relationships between Christians, Muslims and Jews under the Ottoman Empire.3 As such, it must be noted that historical interpretations, or misinterpretations, must be intensely scrutinized when discussing the position of Jews and Arabs under the Ottoman Empire.

You're just a hateful little fuck anyway, aren't you?
ffs: The Irish were just as oppressed by the bloody English; millions DIED....but there is now cooperation and accommodation. Life goes on; no room for haters!!


Love to hear that from you if your great great grandfather was used for alligator bait!

You know NOTHING of life for Christians under the Ottomans?? lol. Your words are empty; read up on how the Ottomans treated their subject nations!! Hate is for losers..and yes; I still resent the Turks to this day; but it's irrational!!My "hate" has shifted to Communist filth!! Them I will never forgive.


Whatever, hope you have better reasons to hate the commies.

The position of Jewish and Christian peoples under the Ottoman Empire is an issue that continues to be disputed today, almost a century after the official end of the Empire itself. Religious association typically determined status in the predominantly Muslim Ottoman Empire. According to Moshe Ma’oz, Christians and Jews were seen as “inferior subjects or as illegitimate denominations.”1As a result, they were often discriminated against by the state entity. In contrast, other scholars may argue that the position of minorities under the Ottomans was lenient compared to minority treatment elsewhere in the world, such as in certain parts of Europe. According to Edward Said, abuses of “Orientalism,” which he described as a Western way of “dominating” or “restructuring” the history of the Middle East because of prejudice against Arab-Islamic peoples, has caused a misconstruction of the historical narrative.2 According to Bruce Masters, Westerners were typically biased against Muslims, and often distorted realities in the relationships between Christians, Muslims and Jews under the Ottoman Empire.3 As such, it must be noted that historical interpretations, or misinterpretations, must be intensely scrutinized when discussing the position of Jews and Arabs under the Ottoman Empire.

You're just a hateful little fuck anyway, aren't you?

On this matter Wiki is NOT your friend!!Just admit that you are clueless and be done with it. As I said; I have no time for hating or haters. I've got better things to do!!

Racism is weakness, and many people of all races and backgrounds are weak.
ffs: The Irish were just as oppressed by the bloody English; millions DIED....but there is now cooperation and accommodation. Life goes on; no room for haters!!


Love to hear that from you if your great great grandfather was used for alligator bait!

You know NOTHING of life for Christians under the Ottomans?? lol. Your words are empty; read up on how the Ottomans treated their subject nations!! Hate is for losers..and yes; I still resent the Turks to this day; but it's irrational!!My "hate" has shifted to Communist filth!! Them I will never forgive.


Whatever, hope you have better reasons to hate the commies.

The position of Jewish and Christian peoples under the Ottoman Empire is an issue that continues to be disputed today, almost a century after the official end of the Empire itself. Religious association typically determined status in the predominantly Muslim Ottoman Empire. According to Moshe Ma’oz, Christians and Jews were seen as “inferior subjects or as illegitimate denominations.”1As a result, they were often discriminated against by the state entity. In contrast, other scholars may argue that the position of minorities under the Ottomans was lenient compared to minority treatment elsewhere in the world, such as in certain parts of Europe. According to Edward Said, abuses of “Orientalism,” which he described as a Western way of “dominating” or “restructuring” the history of the Middle East because of prejudice against Arab-Islamic peoples, has caused a misconstruction of the historical narrative.2 According to Bruce Masters, Westerners were typically biased against Muslims, and often distorted realities in the relationships between Christians, Muslims and Jews under the Ottoman Empire.3 As such, it must be noted that historical interpretations, or misinterpretations, must be intensely scrutinized when discussing the position of Jews and Arabs under the Ottoman Empire.

You're just a hateful little fuck anyway, aren't you?

Oh you squealy little bitch!!! lol. Is that how you normally relate to non-haters??? Read your butt cheeks; HATING IS A WASTE OF TIME!!!

Excerpt from Leonard Mlodinow's Subliminal: How Your Unconscious Mind Rules Your Behavior (pg 164):

"Humans have always lived in bands. If competing in a tug-of-war contest generated intergroup hostility, imagine the hostility between bands of humans with too many mouths to feed and too few elephant carcasses to dine on. Today we think of war as being at least in part based on ideology, but the desire for food and water is the strongest ideology. Long before democracy, communism, or theories of racial superiority were invented, neighboring groups of people regularly fought with and even massacred each other, inspired by the competition for resources."

If a gorilla walked into a bar; flirted with the woman to his right and ordered minted tequila for the both of them — the observing gatherers would all be anxiously pondering confirmation that he is not from the planet of apes. As the first world war clearly shows, it takes one man alone to open up a global conflict... so if we mull it over, we can then speculatively recognize that we are all oscillating dominoes lying propped atop a game board. In spite of all this, modern violent tendencies are picked off the bone by historically intensated levels. As brain sizes expand we grow more logically minded, favoring altruistically coordinated relationships. Pinker's writings brilliantly illuminate the many evolutionary ramifications of this. Even the Bible (i.e. Romans) locks horns with this bended impasse; affirming misgivings about the dawn of man: the originally sinful adamic nature that we all inherit through mutual similitude and yet, “being many, are one body in Christ.”

In any case, the colonizing deployments were mostly driven by God, Glory and Gold. They wanted to demonstrate spiritual liberation, famously maneuver themselves for the sake of public stature, and thrive upon the bountiful resources in the new land. The accepted consensus insinuated that the technological prowess of the British Empire gave them [and their subjects] an unrivaled leverage over the native occupants. The us-and-them mentality remains visible in this dogmatic outlook which Diamond (Guns, Germs and Steel) seems to pin upon geological convenience and some form of agricultural homogeneity. But do know that he unwisely neglects the copious redeeming quality of the Ideal Adam (the Messiah Jesus) so that: “by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.”

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