Why do some hate sports so much?


May 7, 2004
Here is an exchange between me and sittarro. I still can't figure out what his problem is.
sitarro said:
SpidermanTuba said:
sitarro said:
SpidermanTuba said:
sitarro said:
SpidermanTuba said:
sitarro said:
SpidermanTuba said:
sitarro said:
You pretend to have an effect on a meaningless bullshit game and you call me an idiot.

Sure, I guess if you don't consider an EARTHQUAKE an "effect"

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVrM8dSAtu4]YouTube - LSU Football Causes An Earthquake[/ame]

That's adorable, it was after the play so I don't think it had any "effect" on the outcome of the game.
You're right, the crowd was completely silent the entire game up until that point.

Really Tuba...... what adult could possibly give a shit about some meaningless high school.... err, college game(not much difference)? I feel sorry for the clowns that walk around wearing silly jerseys with other people's names on them. It is incredibly pathetic......... but if you want to act that way, I guess it's OK for you. hahaha Obviously, you are easily amused.

If you don't like college FB that's great, I'm glad to hear it, will help keep the ticket prices down and no one wants to sit next to douchebag like you anyway. Now run off and play croquet you fag.

There are those that do and others that wish they were someone else doing, maybe a football player........... now that is being a fag. How many jerseys do you have faggot? What football player do you idolize?:lol::lol::lol: Pathetic.

You couldn't pay me to attend a football game, they bored me in Junior High. I'll take my mountain bike for a ride in the Hill Country while you sit and watch your heroes. :lol::lol::lol:

The only jersey I owned is signed by a former LSU coach and doesn't get worn. Since the coach's name is Nick Saban though, I'm willing to give it away for free. I've had trouble trying to get rid of it, but with Tricky Nick at Bama I can't really burn it, that might tempt the fates.

And no, I never wish I was someone else doing a football player. Not quite sure what that means but it sounds like its outside my sexual preference range.

I don't idolize any players. You must have LSU fans confused with USC fans or the idiots on ESPN.

I'm curious as to why you feel the need to berate someone for enjoying something that you yourself don't enjoy? Do you live next to a big football stadium and get pissed because of the traffic and noise? Did your best friend miss your wedding because you moronically put it on a game day? Are you a professor who is tired of seeing more and more money get pumped into multimillion dollar coaches and stadiums?

Or are you just a self righteous prick who hates to see others having fun and figures there must be something wrong with it?

Whatever it is - I feel as if I'm satisfying some twisted need you have to rag on college football fans. I just want you to know I'm here for you, any time, just let it reign on down you fucking faggot.

Reign on down???? Did you mean rain on down?

I don't give a shit about college games, for that matter, I don't give a shit about team sports at all....... they are boring. I don't mind, it keeps the streets clearer on Saturday and Sundays of ignorant, childish drunks that call themselves fans.

I do disagree with the millions spent on this bullshit every year and my taxes spent on the giant playpens for these mentally stunted "athletes"........ it's meaningless crap that repeats itself each year and still remains meaningless.

Wow, your ignorance becomes more and more apparently with each post!

I completely agree that local governments shouldn't be subsidizing for-profit sports ventures.

LSU football, unlike the rest of the university, doesn't get any money from the state. Its run by the LSU Atheletic Department and it is the cash cow that funds athletics and athletic scholarships for all other sports. You do like scholarships, right? Athletic Scholarships for everything from women's tennis to men's baseball are all funded by profits from the football program. (Except that some years men's basketball will make a profit, but most years, no)

The department does not take money from the academic part of the school, it in fact pays the school, with profits from the football program, a hefty lease every year. (not to mention pays the tuitions of thousands of student athletes - most of whom aren't playing football and many of who aren't playing these team sports that you dread so much). When its time to expand the stadium or to get rid of the mascot's cage and build him a "habitat" instead - the money comes from donations from the fans.

I'm sorry if the football team at your college sucked so bad it wasn't able to generate any profit, much less enough to fund the rest of the athletic department.

you still haven't explained why you hate so much. All I have to work with is the general idea that hatred comes from ignorance. So I'm trying to help, I'm trying to be the shepard, Ringo.
Sitarro is right. There should be a $20 federal tax imposed on each and every sports ticket bought. That'll fix 'em!:razz:

Why? Our athletic department doesn't get any federal funding. Or state funding for that matter. Or anything but voluntary contributions from citizens. Do you just want to tax culture or something?
Sitarro is right. There should be a $20 federal tax imposed on each and every sports ticket bought. That'll fix 'em!:razz:

Why? Our athletic department doesn't get any federal funding.
Tax tax tax and tax some more. Punish excess, punish success. It's not fair that poor folks can't afford tickets to live games and pay-per-view buys. TAX it, punish these rich, overindulgent bastards!
Sitarro is right. There should be a $20 federal tax imposed on each and every sports ticket bought. That'll fix 'em!:razz:

Why? Our athletic department doesn't get any federal funding.
Tax tax tax and tax some more. Punish excess, punish success. It's not fair that poor folks can't afford tickets to live games and pay-per-view buys. TAX it, punish these rich, overindulgent bastards!

That's not true. The working poor evidently can afford tickets to LSU games. Maybe not 50 yard line seats, but no one wants to sit in the snotty rich people section anyway.
i dont care for sports..football nor basketball....i can do boxing, horse racing, baseball and ufc. i do not get why it is such a point of contention for either of you...if you dont wanna watch then dont..if you do not care to support a team ...do not...hockey ...i do like hockey..but why fuss about it?
why? Our athletic department doesn't get any federal funding.
tax tax tax and tax some more. Punish excess, punish success. It's not fair that poor folks can't afford tickets to live games and pay-per-view buys. Tax it, punish these rich, overindulgent bastards!

that's not true. The working poor evidently can afford tickets to lsu games. Maybe not 50 yard line seats, but no one wants to sit in the snotty rich people section anyway.
Tax 'em!!!
I don't hate sports.

I think most die hard sports fans are sort of goofy, though.
I don't hate sports.

I think most die hard sports fans are sort of goofy, though.

Its a way of life where I live. Where I live there are 4 seasons. Football, Mardi Gras, Festival/crawfish season, and summer its hot as fuck stay indoors season.
Does this board rule apply to you Tuba?

PM Guidelines:
If exclusively personal contact is needed, use the Private Message system. Do not post a topic where only one member is expected to answer. Posting and Language guidelines extend to the PM system. USmessageboard.com maintains the privacy of its’ users and will not access Private Messages unless ordered to do so by a Court of Law.

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Don't bother with the PMs anymore dickhead, they will just be erased and not responded to........... LSU is a fag school, you must feel right at home.
tax tax tax and tax some more. Punish excess, punish success. It's not fair that poor folks can't afford tickets to live games and pay-per-view buys. Tax it, punish these rich, overindulgent bastards!

that's not true. The working poor evidently can afford tickets to lsu games. Maybe not 50 yard line seats, but no one wants to sit in the snotty rich people section anyway.
Tax 'em!!!

I agree, they're the ones that helped get that fraud community organizer elected...... tax the piss out of them!
that's not true. The working poor evidently can afford tickets to lsu games. Maybe not 50 yard line seats, but no one wants to sit in the snotty rich people section anyway.
Tax 'em!!!

I agree, they're the ones that helped get that fraud community organizer elected...... tax the piss out of them!

Huh? LSU fans are abut 75% Republican. They heckled the shit out of me when I wore my John Kerry shirt in 04. You're a fucking total ignoramous.

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