Why do some take belief in Global Warming as a political issue?

Fitz, the sun doesn't get cold.

It's actually known for being hot. All the time.

Sometimes hotter than others. But never cold. Not for a very, very, very long time.

So, just curious, what would happen if you conceded to using one poor example? One bad choice of words? I mean, has it ever happened before? Is it like a black hole? We can;t know because you've never conceded to being less than absolutely perfect?

It's not "colder" is it Fitz? Saying that "cooler" would have been a better choice of words is just out of the question, isn't it?

You're sticking with "the sun gets cold"?

Good for you! I bet you've won some admirers Fitz.
Funny how everyone else knew what he meant, huh?

But no, YOU'RE the only smart person in this thread. :lol:
Fitz, the sun doesn't get cold.

It's actually known for being hot. All the time.

Sometimes hotter than others. But never cold. Not for a very, very, very long time.

So, just curious, what would happen if you conceded to using one poor example? One bad choice of words? I mean, has it ever happened before? Is it like a black hole? We can;t know because you've never conceded to being less than absolutely perfect?

It's not "colder" is it Fitz? Saying that "cooler" would have been a better choice of words is just out of the question, isn't it?

You're sticking with "the sun gets cold"?

Good for you! I bet you've won some admirers Fitz.
Funny how everyone else knew what he meant, huh?

But no, YOU'RE the only smart person in this thread. :lol:

You are claiming that I don't know what he meant? I haven't challenged what he meant, I have challenged what he said.
Fitz, the sun doesn't get cold.

It's actually known for being hot. All the time.

Sometimes hotter than others. But never cold. Not for a very, very, very long time.

So, just curious, what would happen if you conceded to using one poor example? One bad choice of words? I mean, has it ever happened before? Is it like a black hole? We can;t know because you've never conceded to being less than absolutely perfect?

It's not "colder" is it Fitz? Saying that "cooler" would have been a better choice of words is just out of the question, isn't it?

You're sticking with "the sun gets cold"?

Good for you! I bet you've won some admirers Fitz.
Funny how everyone else knew what he meant, huh?

But no, YOU'RE the only smart person in this thread. :lol:

We tried to tell him...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tgZ7Qhpu9FY]Jefferson Starship - Out of Control - YouTube[/ame]
Fitz, the sun doesn't get cold.

It's actually known for being hot. All the time.

Sometimes hotter than others. But never cold. Not for a very, very, very long time.

So, just curious, what would happen if you conceded to using one poor example? One bad choice of words? I mean, has it ever happened before? Is it like a black hole? We can;t know because you've never conceded to being less than absolutely perfect?

It's not "colder" is it Fitz? Saying that "cooler" would have been a better choice of words is just out of the question, isn't it?

You're sticking with "the sun gets cold"?

Good for you! I bet you've won some admirers Fitz.
Funny how everyone else knew what he meant, huh?

But no, YOU'RE the only smart person in this thread. :lol:

You are claiming that I don't know what he meant? I haven't challenged what he meant, I have challenged what he said.
You're dying on this hill of semantics for.......

what then?

Because you can?
Yes, we can see the impact. And what you are ignoring is that where you see light there is LIFE. Life that can do as it wishes. Life that can play and learn and socialize and even hopefully come up with the next energy system that will make all of this moot. Where there is darkness at night there is nothing going on. There is subsistence level existence in those areas and I've lived in quite a few of them. And they SUCK! Life is short and brutal. You want to live where there is no light at night? Expect a normal lifespan of 40 years. Get light at night and it jumps to at least 50 years. Get light at night and a good level of wealth and your life expectancy jumps to 60 years.

I don't know about you, but I like being alive. Enjoy your life for as long as you can and stop being afraid. Fear is the mind killer as the movie said. Far more will be, and can be accomplished when you are not afraid.

Afraid? Fear? You are making quite a leap there. Because I have the capacity to see and understand that we have an impact on our world you assume that I must be afraid of it? That I even think we should do whole lot about it? I've said nothing of the sort. I have merely said that I can see it. It can not be denied.

Now.... that is the starting point. What we do with the knowledge is debatable. What isn't debatable is that these folks who claim that man hasn't the capacity to affect his environment are not of sufficient knowledge, intelligence, honesty or a combination of those things, to be considered in the discussion. We have a significant impact on our environment. Do we use our knowledge and intelligence to manage this impact in the interest of preservation of our species? Or do we just continue head long into an unknown, disregarding this hard won knowledge, burning, pillaging and consuming without regard for what consequences might lie ahead?

Any answer is OK. The position of "hey, life is short, I'm gonna get all I can and my children, neighbors and future generations be damned" is a common one. I have next to no respect for that but you do get points for honesty.

And honesty is the key.

We do affect our environment. That's where we start.

When you resort to using the term FOOLS to describe anyone who can't SEE the damage "we have wrought" you have stated your position quite clearly. I am a scientist. A real scientist. I have been involved in the Earth Sciences since probably before you were born. I have seen first hand the damage man causes. You look at pictures and jump to your conclusins without having the slightest knowledge of what is actually happening.

That's the difference. i do.
Damage? Examples please?
If you are truly a scientist and bear no political biases, you would then know that the Earth's climate is complex and that human activity can do very little to affect a permanent change in the Earth's climate.
You would also that there are reams of evidence where the Earth warmed or cooled with dramatic results during eras where human beings either had no technology or humans did not exist.
All this nonsense regarding 'global warming' ( now termed the more politically palatable 'climate change') exists for one reason....A political agenda.
Look at the balance sheet. There are international interests which seek to focus restrictions and regulations on the US while far heavier polluting nations such as China and India are free to foul their part of the planet with impunity.
The UN was seeking to wrest control of private interests here in the US and bring those businesses under the authority of an international body.
Then there was the failed Kyoto Protocol treaty that signatories agreed to pay fines/fees or whatever one calls them for alleged pollution violations.
Then lastly we have this idiotic Cap and Trade..That brilliant idea does NOTHING to reduce pollution but allows companies to simply buy their way out of it.
The money of course would go straight to the wasteful and bloated US federal government. In essence Cap and Trade is a TAX! A tax that will kill jobs and destroy commerce which would leave the US even at a larger disadvantage in global trade.
The climate changers can cram their enviro wacko ideas where the sun don't shine.
Fitz, the sun doesn't get cold.

It's actually known for being hot. All the time.

Sometimes hotter than others. But never cold. Not for a very, very, very long time.

So, just curious, what would happen if you conceded to using one poor example? One bad choice of words? I mean, has it ever happened before? Is it like a black hole? We can;t know because you've never conceded to being less than absolutely perfect?

It's not "colder" is it Fitz? Saying that "cooler" would have been a better choice of words is just out of the question, isn't it?

You're sticking with "the sun gets cold"?

Good for you! I bet you've won some admirers Fitz.
Funny how everyone else knew what he meant, huh?

But no, YOU'RE the only smart person in this thread. :lol:

You are claiming that I don't know what he meant? I haven't challenged what he meant, I have challenged what he said.
And you got cogent answers backed with Science.


Grow up.
Funny how everyone else knew what he meant, huh?

But no, YOU'RE the only smart person in this thread. :lol:

You are claiming that I don't know what he meant? I haven't challenged what he meant, I have challenged what he said.
And you got cogent answers backed with Science.


Grow up.

No, what I got was a bunch of people taking things that I said, misquoting me and saying that it was OK to do that, OK to put words in my mouth, OK to say that I must be for AGW because I'm not against it.

You guys don't seem to like having your own little word games turned on you. I thought maybe we all got to play by the same rules?
The meaning of the word "cold"? No, I do not have any original thought on the matter, I rely on the long held meaning of the word and do not question it.
What temperature is cold? What temperature is hot?
Whatever he feels and declares to another human...and DAMN YOU if you should try to prove him wrong on his definition?

Funny, I don't remember ever seeing the Sweet Willy temperature scale back in college.

Here's a Dr. Pepper thermometer,and while it says "Hot or Cold", it's also got numbers on it, so it's far too precise to be the Sweet Willy scale.

What temperature is cold? What temperature is hot?
Whatever he feels and declares to another human...and DAMN YOU if you should try to prove him wrong on his definition?

Funny, I don't remember ever seeing the Sweet Willy temperature scale back in college.

Here's a Dr. Pepper thermometer,and while it says "Hot or Cold", it's also got numbers on it, so it's far too precise to be the Sweet Willy scale.

The meaning of the word "cold"? No, I do not have any original thought on the matter, I rely on the long held meaning of the word and do not question it.
What temperature is cold? What temperature is hot?
He won't answer because it fucks his attempt at counting coup all to hell.

So I laugh at him being a legend in his own padded room.

I even gave him illustrations that went over his head.
You hush. Willy's got a PhD in Hot/Cold.
You are claiming that I don't know what he meant? I haven't challenged what he meant, I have challenged what he said.
And you got cogent answers backed with Science.


Grow up.

No, what I got was a bunch of people taking things that I said, misquoting me and saying that it was OK to do that, OK to put words in my mouth, OK to say that I must be for AGW because I'm not against it.

You guys don't seem to like having your own little word games turned on you. I thought maybe we all got to play by the same rules?

And yet we gave you links you surely didn't read that proved precisely the points being made...but in a fit of rage YOU have to count coup, and feign ignorance.

Sorry if *I* or any of the rest of those that posted that cogent info don't belive you. :eusa_hand:
You brought ON the attacks.

Grow up.
Fitz, the sun doesn't get cold.

It's actually known for being hot. All the time.

Sometimes hotter than others. But never cold. Not for a very, very, very long time.

So, just curious, what would happen if you conceded to using one poor example? One bad choice of words? I mean, has it ever happened before? Is it like a black hole? We can;t know because you've never conceded to being less than absolutely perfect?

It's not "colder" is it Fitz? Saying that "cooler" would have been a better choice of words is just out of the question, isn't it?

You're sticking with "the sun gets cold"?

Good for you! I bet you've won some admirers Fitz.
Funny how everyone else knew what he meant, huh?

But no, YOU'RE the only smart person in this thread. :lol:

You are claiming that I don't know what he meant? I haven't challenged what he meant, I have challenged what he said.
And made yourself look like a childish moron in the process. If that was your goal -- good job!

adjective. chilly - cool - frigid - chill - icy - frosty
noun. chill - coldness - frost - catarrh

Here are some synonyms for cold.

The chilly sun?

The frigid sun?

The icy sun?

The cool sun?

You guys use these adjectives to describe the sun all the time, right?

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