Why do some take belief in Global Warming as a political issue?

Fitz, the sun doesn't get cold.

It's actually known for being hot. All the time.

Sometimes hotter than others. But never cold. Not for a very, very, very long time.

So, just curious, what would happen if you conceded to using one poor example? One bad choice of words? I mean, has it ever happened before? Is it like a black hole? We can;t know because you've never conceded to being less than absolutely perfect?

It's not "colder" is it Fitz? Saying that "cooler" would have been a better choice of words is just out of the question, isn't it?

You're sticking with "the sun gets cold"?

Good for you! I bet you've won some admirers Fitz.
Define "cold". I want to see the definition you have.

Now, find the definition of "Astral Scale".

And then I want you to look carefully at my statement. "The sun GETS COLD." Gets. Notice that small term in there. What does that mean in common American English parlance? The phrase "GETS COLD" if you did not know is a statement related to the action of COOLING RELATIVE TO A PREVIOUS TEMPERATURE GREATER THAN BEFORE.

Ohhhhh.... did we forget to pack our reading comprehension? It's always sitting on the bed back at the hotel when you checked out, isn't it?
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A 4000 degree change in temp isn't a cooling. Nice.

What a fucking moron.

I say that with all the love and respect you deserve.

You didn't say "cooling" or "cooler"

Did you? You're lying now.
I love it when some liberal dipshit chooses to publically destroy their credibility on a silly ideological hill over semantics that are an obvious loser for the rest of the species.

It's precious. Here, have the often coveted Truthiepoo Trophy for individual advancement of obstinate stupidity in the face of reality.

Should I put a notch on my gun barrel, gun belt, sword scabbard... it ain't gonna be MY bed post no matter how hard he's fucked himself.

Yes Fitz, you have well demonstrated that you believe this to be about "notches" and those notches are about never compromising, never making concessions, rather than about a reasonable and productive discussion. Considering those ground rules, yes, you get the "hardest head" of the day notch.

Congratulations. The sun is still hot. Not cold.
You didn't say "cooling" or "cooler"

Did you? You're lying now.

Keep your eyes on the ball, Willy, don't get distracted with symantics.

It's not really about semantics. It's about folks with fixed positions that are completely unable to make the tiniest compromise about anything at all. I had another poster here recently tell me that my argument was no good.... then he conceded that I hadn't made any argument yet.... he was just imagining what my argument must be an dismissing it ahead of time.

Similar thing here. These guys want to argue tiny semantics about human impacts. In fact, when I say "impact" it is pounced upon as a negative.... I must mean negative impact...

But when you task these guys on a minor point of "cold" .... it's WWIII baby. No way that was a poor choice. Out of the question that Fitz acknowledge that referring to the sun as "cold" is just not the best way to say it. Telling people that the sun gets cold is expected to be an effective and intelligent sounding statement.... because why?

The sun isn't cold. It doesn't get cold. If you want to make a convincing argument about your superior intellect regarding climate, "the sun gets cold" is not the way to do it. Refusing to even consider offering a better choice of words demonstrates what this is about never backing down, never giving an inch, never working with others that don't see things exactly as you do.

The sun doesn't get cold. End of story.

YOU have demonstrated this so well when if all you wanted was a pat on the head and kind words as a compromise? Really?

So you really ARE a young pup that finds life hard to deal with, aren't you?

*Grow Up*
Fitz, the sun doesn't get cold.

It's actually known for being hot. All the time.

Sometimes hotter than others. But never cold. Not for a very, very, very long time.

So, just curious, what would happen if you conceded to using one poor example? One bad choice of words? I mean, has it ever happened before? Is it like a black hole? We can;t know because you've never conceded to being less than absolutely perfect?

It's not "colder" is it Fitz? Saying that "cooler" would have been a better choice of words is just out of the question, isn't it?

You're sticking with "the sun gets cold"?

Good for you! I bet you've won some admirers Fitz.
Define "cold". I want to see the definition you have.

Now, find the definition of "Astral Scale".

And then I want you to look carefully at my statement. "The sun GETS COLD." Gets. Notice that small term in there. What does that mean in common American English parlance? The phrase "GETS COLD" if you did not know is a statement related to the action of COOLING.

Ohhhhh.... did we forget to pack our reading comprehension? It's always sitting on the bed back at the hotel when you checked out, isn't it?

You said it was simple.

This doesn't sound simple. You said that it was as simple as the the sun gets cold, the Earth gets cold.

Now we're getting into astral scale? That's not exactly simple, is it? Much less does it solve the earth = sun comparison you made in the simple statement.

It's real easy Fritz. You say... " I should have said "cooler".

But don't you give in Fitz. This isn't a simple conversation, no sir. like you've told me before, people are reading along here and what you say has importance. We just can't know what great effect it would have on the world at large if you made one tiny adjustment to a word.

You must be the smartest guy on the board Fitz.
Keep your eyes on the ball, Willy, don't get distracted with symantics.

It's not really about semantics. It's about folks with fixed positions that are completely unable to make the tiniest compromise about anything at all. I had another poster here recently tell me that my argument was no good.... then he conceded that I hadn't made any argument yet.... he was just imagining what my argument must be an dismissing it ahead of time.

Similar thing here. These guys want to argue tiny semantics about human impacts. In fact, when I say "impact" it is pounced upon as a negative.... I must mean negative impact...

But when you task these guys on a minor point of "cold" .... it's WWIII baby. No way that was a poor choice. Out of the question that Fitz acknowledge that referring to the sun as "cold" is just not the best way to say it. Telling people that the sun gets cold is expected to be an effective and intelligent sounding statement.... because why?

The sun isn't cold. It doesn't get cold. If you want to make a convincing argument about your superior intellect regarding climate, "the sun gets cold" is not the way to do it. Refusing to even consider offering a better choice of words demonstrates what this is about never backing down, never giving an inch, never working with others that don't see things exactly as you do.

The sun doesn't get cold. End of story.

YOU have demonstrated this so well when if all you wanted was a pat on the head and kind words as a compromise? Really?

So you really ARE a young pup that finds life hard to deal with, aren't you?

*Grow Up*

A young pup? No, I am well past what anyone would consider a young pup. I don't use the sort of profanity and juvenile name calling that is common here. That alone should be a clue for you.

I have not supported global warming once in this topic, yet you guys are so worked up to go after someone that the first person who acknowledges that <gulp> man has an impact on his world becomes the target of your wrath for liberals.

The sun doesn't get cold. It was a dumb thing to say.
Fitz, the sun doesn't get cold.

It's actually known for being hot. All the time.

Sometimes hotter than others. But never cold. Not for a very, very, very long time.

So, just curious, what would happen if you conceded to using one poor example? One bad choice of words? I mean, has it ever happened before? Is it like a black hole? We can;t know because you've never conceded to being less than absolutely perfect?

It's not "colder" is it Fitz? Saying that "cooler" would have been a better choice of words is just out of the question, isn't it?

You're sticking with "the sun gets cold"?

Good for you! I bet you've won some admirers Fitz.
Define "cold". I want to see the definition you have.

Now, find the definition of "Astral Scale".

And then I want you to look carefully at my statement. "The sun GETS COLD." Gets. Notice that small term in there. What does that mean in common American English parlance? The phrase "GETS COLD" if you did not know is a statement related to the action of COOLING.

Ohhhhh.... did we forget to pack our reading comprehension? It's always sitting on the bed back at the hotel when you checked out, isn't it?

You said it was simple.

This doesn't sound simple. You said that it was as simple as the the sun gets cold, the Earth gets cold.

Now we're getting into astral scale? That's not exactly simple, is it? Much less does it solve the earth = sun comparison you made in the simple statement.

It's real easy Fritz. You say... " I should have said "cooler".

But don't you give in Fitz. This isn't a simple conversation, no sir. like you've told me before, people are reading along here and what you say has importance. We just can't know what great effect it would have on the world at large if you made one tiny adjustment to a word.

You must be the smartest guy on the board Fitz.
This doesn't sound simple.

Only to a fool it isn't.

You said that it was as simple as the the sun gets cold, the Earth gets cold.

If the Sun gets cold, how does the Earth stay warm?

Now we're getting into astral scale? That's not exactly simple, is it? Much less does it solve the earth = sun comparison you made in the simple statement.

Then you're too small to ride this ride. Anyone else having a hard time getting this equation and example?

I suggest you go back here where you can be the big fish Small Willy:

Hello Kitty Online - Hello Kitty Online

It's real easy Fritz. You say... " I should have said "cooler".

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u1hnwvWhbJw&feature=related]fat drunk stupid - YouTube[/ame]

But don't you give in Fitz. This isn't a simple conversation, no sir. like you've told me before, people are reading along here and what you say has importance. We just can't know what great effect it would have on the world at large if you made one tiny adjustment to a word.

There's a little tip General Pyrrhus. When you put your dick in a meat grinder and feel a sharp painful tug... you stop turning the crank.

You must be the smartest guy on the board Fitz.

Nope. Confirmation keeps rolling in that I'm far smarter than you. Lolcat expresses your fail.

It's not really about semantics. It's about folks with fixed positions that are completely unable to make the tiniest compromise about anything at all. I had another poster here recently tell me that my argument was no good.... then he conceded that I hadn't made any argument yet.... he was just imagining what my argument must be an dismissing it ahead of time.

Similar thing here. These guys want to argue tiny semantics about human impacts. In fact, when I say "impact" it is pounced upon as a negative.... I must mean negative impact...

But when you task these guys on a minor point of "cold" .... it's WWIII baby. No way that was a poor choice. Out of the question that Fitz acknowledge that referring to the sun as "cold" is just not the best way to say it. Telling people that the sun gets cold is expected to be an effective and intelligent sounding statement.... because why?

The sun isn't cold. It doesn't get cold. If you want to make a convincing argument about your superior intellect regarding climate, "the sun gets cold" is not the way to do it. Refusing to even consider offering a better choice of words demonstrates what this is about never backing down, never giving an inch, never working with others that don't see things exactly as you do.

The sun doesn't get cold. End of story.

YOU have demonstrated this so well when if all you wanted was a pat on the head and kind words as a compromise? Really?

So you really ARE a young pup that finds life hard to deal with, aren't you?

*Grow Up*

A young pup? No, I am well past what anyone would consider a young pup. I don't use the sort of profanity and juvenile name calling that is common here. That alone should be a clue for you.

I have not supported global warming once in this topic, yet you guys are so worked up to go after someone that the first person who acknowledges that <gulp> man has an impact on his world becomes the target of your wrath for liberals.

The sun doesn't get cold. It was a dumb thing to say.

Regardless of your age? YOU still need to grow up.
If this is all so childish and elementary I don't see why you're throwing such big fits about it.... wait a minute... big fits...Big Fitz!

The sun does not get cold. Period.

Your unwillingness to give an inch on the small detail of a misused word speaks volumes. You aren't suited to productive conversations, just juvenile name calling, obscenities and working for "notches" on the internet.

Again, the sun doesn't get cold. It's hot. All the time.
The reason that so many conservatives take an opposing stance towards the theory of global warming is because they are authoritarian thinkers and have been TOLD to do so by people who are paid to say that by the fossil-fuel industry whose interests will be harmed by any attempt to turn away from fossil fuel use. There is really no other reason at all. Every argument against AGW advanced here or anywhere else has its origin from that source, and is merely being repeated.
Sheer projection. Just because you're incapable of independent thought doesn't mean the rest of us are.

And you get your programming directly from the AGW cult. You haven't done your own research (because they refuse to allow access to the source data), so you rely on what you're told.

Dismissed. And take your unmerited arrogance with you.
If this is all so childish and elementary I don't see why you're throwing such big fits about it.... wait a minute... big fits...Big Fitz!

The sun does not get cold. Period.

Your unwillingness to give an inch on the small detail of a misused word speaks volumes. You aren't suited to productive conversations, just juvenile name calling, obscenities and working for "notches" on the internet.

Again, the sun doesn't get cold. It's hot. All the time.
Who's throwing a fit... unless you mean Big Fits of Laughter at you. Then you'd be right Small Willy.

Oh... and for the record. Define "hot". I'll wait, but I'll also breathe.
I have no definitions of my own. I rely on the definitions set forth by the English language.

So You admit you have no original thoughts and rely on what you're fed and dare not question it?

*Got it*.

The meaning of the word "cold"? No, I do not have any original thought on the matter, I rely on the long held meaning of the word and do not question it.
What temperature is cold? What temperature is hot?
So You admit you have no original thoughts and rely on what you're fed and dare not question it?

*Got it*.

The meaning of the word "cold"? No, I do not have any original thought on the matter, I rely on the long held meaning of the word and do not question it.
What temperature is cold? What temperature is hot?
Whatever he feels and declares to another human...and DAMN YOU if you should try to prove him wrong on his definition?
So You admit you have no original thoughts and rely on what you're fed and dare not question it?

*Got it*.

The meaning of the word "cold"? No, I do not have any original thought on the matter, I rely on the long held meaning of the word and do not question it.
What temperature is cold? What temperature is hot?
He won't answer because it fucks his attempt at counting coup all to hell.

So I laugh at him being a legend in his own padded room.

I even gave him illustrations that went over his head.
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Durrrrrr! The title of this thread is an example of a reprobate mind.
Depends on whether you belive the premise of man can destroy a planet or some are confusing pollution with destruction.

MAN has the power to destroy himself. The Earth will carry on as if WE had never been here after we have done so.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozO4YB98mCY]Charlton Heston on Global Climate Change - YouTube[/ame]

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