Why do some take belief in Global Warming as a political issue?

Funny how everyone else knew what he meant, huh?

But no, YOU'RE the only smart person in this thread. :lol:

You are claiming that I don't know what he meant? I haven't challenged what he meant, I have challenged what he said.
And made yourself look like a childish moron in the process. If that was your goal -- good job!

So, the guy who doesn't call names, use profanity, exclaim "boobies", and such is the one you chose to call childish? I'll make note of your lack of judgement of what childish is.
I believe the science of climate change and global warming is pretty solid. But I've been called a liberal or democrat/progressive on that alone.

Now, I never said I think Al Gore's carbon trading scam or whatever was the best solution, just that I believe the science....

So why is this belief treated as if reflects on my political leanings one way or another by so many others?

I feel your pain. You've only been called a liberal or democrat/progressive, by conservative wingnuts or Randian nitwits
No, I'm asking you, since you claim to know what is and what isn't cold.

What temps are hot and cold?

Temps on the sun are hot.

There are hotter Stars and there are cooler stars than ours. It's all relative, and I haven't read of what criteria you are using.

And then there are those that cool so completely that they suck in all matter that dare to get close...(Black Holes)...

Unfortunately? I think we are dealing with a human version.
You are claiming that I don't know what he meant? I haven't challenged what he meant, I have challenged what he said.
And made yourself look like a childish moron in the process. If that was your goal -- good job!

So, the guy who doesn't call names, use profanity, exclaim "boobies", and such is the one you chose to call childish? I'll make note of your lack of judgement of what childish is.

Dave's got more inferiority complexes than a ghetto got hoodies
No, I'm asking you, since you claim to know what is and what isn't cold.

What temps are hot and cold?

Temps on the sun are hot.

There are hotter Stars and there are cooler stars than ours. It's all relative, and I haven't read of what criteria you are using.

The criteria set by the English language. Ice. Frost. Chills. Things that humans consider cold. The sun is not one of them. Next time I cut a piece of metal with a torch, once it cools by .01% or so, I'll stick it to your arm if you'll let me. Cold right?
You are claiming that I don't know what he meant? I haven't challenged what he meant, I have challenged what he said.
And made yourself look like a childish moron in the process. If that was your goal -- good job!

So, the guy who doesn't call names, use profanity, exclaim "boobies", and such is the one you chose to call childish? I'll make note of your lack of judgement of what childish is.
And for all your tantrums, have you convinced anyone of the rightness of your cause?


Maybe you should threaten to hold your breath until you turn blue, then. That's BOUND to win you some converts.
If i've learned anything, its that we don't have to really deal with political issues


adjective. chilly - cool - frigid - chill - icy - frosty
noun. chill - coldness - frost - catarrh

Here are some synonyms for cold.

The chilly sun?

The frigid sun?

The icy sun?

The cool sun?

You guys use these adjectives to describe the sun all the time, right?

Know what a Black Hole is?

YOU are a human Version...THIS is your themesong...


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JI6VPFQw6BU&feature=related]John Barry - The Black Hole Theme (2011 Digital Remaster) - YouTube[/ame]
And made yourself look like a childish moron in the process. If that was your goal -- good job!

So, the guy who doesn't call names, use profanity, exclaim "boobies", and such is the one you chose to call childish? I'll make note of your lack of judgement of what childish is.

Dave's got more inferiority complexes than a ghetto got hoodies
Your superiority complex does not mean I have an inferiority complex.
No, I'm asking you, since you claim to know what is and what isn't cold.

What temps are hot and cold?

Temps on the sun are hot.
Compared to...what?

Compared to what they were last year. And a million years ago. And next year. And a million years from now.

The sun is not cold. It never is cold in any relevant span of human comprehension.

Temps are lower.

The term I see most used is "intensity", which is certainly more suited than to say "when the sun gets cold".

The sun simply has never been observed to be "cold" by any stretch of the meaning of the word.
This thread speaks volumes of statheism. Proven hoax? Indeed it is, global warming fanatics. But faith is stronger than reason, ask your fellow liberals who are atheists. " gawd ain't real, imanginary friend in the sky, why, everything is explained by science!"
This thread speaks volumes of statheism. Proven hoax? Indeed it is, global warming fanatics. But faith is stronger than reason, ask your fellow liberals who are atheists. " gawd ain't real, imanginary friend in the sky, why, everything is explained by science!"

Some Humans have become so arrogant that they refuse to acknowledge powers higher than themselves...including the Earth itself.
And made yourself look like a childish moron in the process. If that was your goal -- good job!

So, the guy who doesn't call names, use profanity, exclaim "boobies", and such is the one you chose to call childish? I'll make note of your lack of judgement of what childish is.
And for all your tantrums, have you convinced anyone of the rightness of your cause?


Maybe you should threaten to hold your breath until you turn blue, then. That's BOUND to win you some converts.

The single real point of this still futile exercise is that no one here is ever convinced of anything. This is near comedy. Someone is trying to tell us that the sun is cold and you guys won't be moved off that proposition? The sun is cold?

Please do tell me, if I can not convince you that the sun is not cold, what will anyone ever convince you of here? I am not trying to make you believe in AGW or Big Foot. I am stating the obvious that 99% of normal humans will agree to: The sun is not cold.

Something has been proved here today, but not about me.
This thread speaks volumes of statheism. Proven hoax? Indeed it is, global warming fanatics. But faith is stronger than reason, ask your fellow liberals who are atheists. " gawd ain't real, imanginary friend in the sky, why, everything is explained by science!"

Some Humans have become so arrogant that they refuse to acknowledge powers higher than themselves...including the Earth itself.

Few words have rang true as these, man.

adjective. chilly - cool - frigid - chill - icy - frosty
noun. chill - coldness - frost - catarrh

Here are some synonyms for cold.

The chilly sun?

The frigid sun?

The icy sun?

The cool sun?

You guys use these adjectives to describe the sun all the time, right?
Just keep going. People are watching you make an ass of yourself. The Chicken Littles couldn't get a better rep than you.

Oh wait.... they could. Easily.
Big Fitz! I thought we lost you for a moment there.

The Sun is not cold.

This is a statement most reasonable people can accept.
You are claiming that I don't know what he meant? I haven't challenged what he meant, I have challenged what he said.
And made yourself look like a childish moron in the process. If that was your goal -- good job!

So, the guy who doesn't call names, use profanity, exclaim "boobies", and such is the one you chose to call childish? I'll make note of your lack of judgement of what childish is.

Main Entry: childish  [chahyl-dish] Show IPA/ˈtʃaɪldɪʃ/ Show Spelled
Part of Speech: adjective Definition: immature, silly Synonyms: adolescent, baby, babyish, callow, childlike, foolish, frivolous, green, infantile, infantine, innocent, jejune, juvenile, kid stuff, naive, puerile, unsophisticated, young, youthful Notes: childlike refers to a person's temperament, whereas childish refers to a person's behavior Antonyms: adult, mature, sensible, serious, wise

Works for me.

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