Why do some take belief in Global Warming as a political issue?

There Small Willy.

You can go to bed knowing that you have been as intelligible as an irritating ADHD 3 year old on espresso and skittles and the adults here are through entertaining you.

Declare victory and vibrate to bed.

Willy is as bad as a two-year old that pepetually asks his daddy "Why"?
Explanation at 6:26

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjgIQCLuJY8"]Robin Williams Live at the Met PL cz. 6/7 - YouTube[/ame]

The tape is better but the solution at 6:56 is given.

Let's see... I state that the sun is not cold.

You claim that the sun is cold.

I am the ignorant one?

This isn't hard Fitz my man. The sun is not cold. Not even in terms relative to it's own fluctuations. Much less is it "cold" by the standards of humans who developed the English language and define the word "cold' to mean "frosty" "chilled" etc. It can be relative to human body temperature, it can even be relative to large swings in temperature.

None of this applies to the sun. The sun is hot. It stays hot. Any fluctuations are, in relative terms, not cold.

You were coloring all outside the lines and you got called on it and you're too stubborn to simply say "I should have said "lower the temp" or "cooler".

But those aren't options for you, are they? Would you collapse into a crying fit if you agreed to compromise on one word? Would you need therapy? Would you be shamed into never posting here again?

What would happen if you said that the sun didn't get cold?

Cause you know what? The sun doesn't get cold.
I believe the science of climate change and global warming is pretty solid. But I've been called a liberal or democrat/progressive on that alone.

Now, I never said I think Al Gore's carbon trading scam or whatever was the best solution, just that I believe the science....

So why is this belief treated as if reflects on my political leanings one way or another by so many others?

It shouldn't be...

Some political parties have abused and used nature for political and financial gain...

You throw an idiot a bone and pretend to care about their fringe issues they will cast a vote... Simple as that...
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Let's see... I state that the sun is not cold.

You claim that the sun is cold.

I am the ignorant one?

This isn't hard Fitz my man. The sun is not cold. Not even in terms relative to it's own fluctuations. Much less is it "cold" by the standards of humans who developed the English language and define the word "cold' to mean "frosty" "chilled" etc. It can be relative to human body temperature, it can even be relative to large swings in temperature.

None of this applies to the sun. The sun is hot. It stays hot. Any fluctuations are, in relative terms, not cold.

You were coloring all outside the lines and you got called on it and you're too stubborn to simply say "I should have said "lower the temp" or "cooler".

But those aren't options for you, are they? Would you collapse into a crying fit if you agreed to compromise on one word? Would you need therapy? Would you be shamed into never posting here again?

What would happen if you said that the sun didn't get cold?

Cause you know what? The sun doesn't get cold.
Temps on the sun are hot.
Compared to...what?

Compared to what they were last year. And a million years ago. And next year. And a million years from now.

The sun is not cold. It never is cold in any relevant span of human comprehension.

Temps are lower.

The term I see most used is "intensity", which is certainly more suited than to say "when the sun gets cold".

The sun simply has never been observed to be "cold" by any stretch of the meaning of the word.
You really don't get relativity at all, do you?

Relative to the temperature at the core (15 million Kelvin), the surface temp is quite cold.

Because you lack the imagination to deal with that concept doesn't mean the concept is impossible. It just means you lack imagination.
A strong belief in global warming - that requires intervention, is not a political issue. It's a mental health issue.
So, the guy who doesn't call names, use profanity, exclaim "boobies", and such is the one you chose to call childish? I'll make note of your lack of judgement of what childish is.
And for all your tantrums, have you convinced anyone of the rightness of your cause?


Maybe you should threaten to hold your breath until you turn blue, then. That's BOUND to win you some converts.

The single real point of this still futile exercise is that no one here is ever convinced of anything. This is near comedy. Someone is trying to tell us that the sun is cold and you guys won't be moved off that proposition? The sun is cold?

Please do tell me, if I can not convince you that the sun is not cold, what will anyone ever convince you of here? I am not trying to make you believe in AGW or Big Foot. I am stating the obvious that 99% of normal humans will agree to: The sun is not cold.

Something has been proved here today, but not about me.
Really? Nobody else here is so arrogant we believe we can speak for 99% of humanity.

The problem here is simply your lack of imagination.
Let's see, when faced with the choice to:

A: Concede that calling the sun "cold" was a poor choice of words...


B: Refuse to make the smallest of concessions and stand fast that the sun is indeed, cold

You chose the latter.

And I am the childish one?

The sun is not cold Fitz. It doesn't get cold. Not even metaphorically does the sun get cold. It is synonymous with "hot". Not even in relative terms does the sun ever become "cold'. it has subtle variations based on sun spots.

If we had a branding iron that said "stubborn as a mule" and we stuck it in the fire until it was red hot and then stuck it to Fitz butt, he would surely say it was hot. If we cooled it by the same margin as sun spots cause the sun to cool and stuck it again to Fritz butt, he would surely not say that it was now cold. In fact, it would still be terribly hot. You might call it "not as hot" or "still dang hot" or even "my God, that is still hot" but no sane person would say "my, that burning sensation sure is cold!"

The sun is not cold. It is hot. Even when the sun's temperature goes down, even when when this relatively slight cooling takes place, it is not the vast degree of temperature difference that signifies even relatively "cold".

This is basic.

The sun is not cold.
Good thing the floor's carpeted -- you won't hurt yourself.

Compared to...what?

Compared to what they were last year. And a million years ago. And next year. And a million years from now.

The sun is not cold. It never is cold in any relevant span of human comprehension.

Temps are lower.

The term I see most used is "intensity", which is certainly more suited than to say "when the sun gets cold".

The sun simply has never been observed to be "cold" by any stretch of the meaning of the word.
You really don't get relativity at all, do you?

Relative to the temperature at the core (15 million Kelvin), the surface temp is quite cold.

Because you lack the imagination to deal with that concept doesn't mean the concept is impossible. It just means you lack imagination.
It's not that he's clueless.

He's taking a long time to make his pointless.
Compared to...what?

Compared to what they were last year. And a million years ago. And next year. And a million years from now.

The sun is not cold. It never is cold in any relevant span of human comprehension.

Temps are lower.

The term I see most used is "intensity", which is certainly more suited than to say "when the sun gets cold".

The sun simply has never been observed to be "cold" by any stretch of the meaning of the word.
You really don't get relativity at all, do you?

Relative to the temperature at the core (15 million Kelvin), the surface temp is quite cold.

Because you lack the imagination to deal with that concept doesn't mean the concept is impossible. It just means you lack imagination.

And this relates to the statement "the sun gets cold" how?

I mean, you can drag up the core and other stars and all sorts of things. But the relative temperature of the sun doesn't fluctuate enough to call it "cold".

Do you check the Earths core temp before you decide if it's cold outside? Or do you make sure you're more specific when opining about science? Fitz said this was all "simple" "The sun gets cold". Is that the kind of science we want to talk about or do we want to get into the suns core and astral scales and relativity?

Cause what my man Fitz was saying is that the simple way to do this is say that the sun gets cold. And that's just not so. In simple terms, the sun is hot. All the time. So.... are you saying that when Fritz said "simple" he was confused? Lying? What? Where does all this explanantion of what was said to be simple enter the conversation?

The sun is not cold.

You hush. Willy's got a PhD in Hot/Cold.
Oh is THAT why he's such an authority?

The TRUE source of his authority is:

He's a liberal.

You're just so far right it appears I am liberal. Right? Weren't you the one just now explaining how everything is relative?

Are you sure you want to go on the record with this relative thing? I will surely remember that you like relative things in the future.

Are you a relativist?
Compared to what they were last year. And a million years ago. And next year. And a million years from now.

The sun is not cold. It never is cold in any relevant span of human comprehension.

Temps are lower.

The term I see most used is "intensity", which is certainly more suited than to say "when the sun gets cold".

The sun simply has never been observed to be "cold" by any stretch of the meaning of the word.
You really don't get relativity at all, do you?

Relative to the temperature at the core (15 million Kelvin), the surface temp is quite cold.

Because you lack the imagination to deal with that concept doesn't mean the concept is impossible. It just means you lack imagination.
But the relative temperature of the sun doesn't fluctuate enough to call it "cold".
{extraneous, self-important bullshit removed}

That's not for you to say, no matter how much you pout.
Oh is THAT why he's such an authority?

The TRUE source of his authority is:

He's a liberal.

You're just so far right it appears I am liberal. Right? Weren't you the one just now explaining how everything is relative?

Are you sure you want to go on the record with this relative thing? I will surely remember that you like relative things in the future.

Are you a relativist?
Let's see:

Liberals are mostly pompous, self-important douchebags utterly convinced of their own superiority and arrogant with nothing to merit arrogance.

Yep -- you're a liberal, all right.
The TRUE source of his authority is:

He's a liberal.

You're just so far right it appears I am liberal. Right? Weren't you the one just now explaining how everything is relative?

Are you sure you want to go on the record with this relative thing? I will surely remember that you like relative things in the future.

Are you a relativist?
Let's see:

Liberals are mostly pompous, self-important douchebags utterly convinced of their own superiority and arrogant with nothing to merit arrogance.

Yep -- you're a liberal, all right.

Could be. It's all relative, after all, right?

Are liberals good or bad or is that relative?

Even more importantly, do liberals get cold?

The Sun doesn't get cold.
You really don't get relativity at all, do you?

Relative to the temperature at the core (15 million Kelvin), the surface temp is quite cold.

Because you lack the imagination to deal with that concept doesn't mean the concept is impossible. It just means you lack imagination.
But the relative temperature of the sun doesn't fluctuate enough to call it "cold".
{extraneous, self-important bullshit removed}

That's not for you to say, no matter how much you pout.

So.... it is for Fritz to say that the sun is cold but it's not for me to say that it isn't cold?

What happened to relativity? Did you abandon that theory already?
{extraneous, self-important bullshit removed}

That's not for you to say, no matter how much you pout.

So.... it is for Fritz to say that the sun is cold but it's not for me to say that it isn't cold?

What happened to relativity? Did you abandon that theory already?

My man Fritz. I thought for minute there you had gone out in the sun and froze to death!

Fritz, the sun doesn't get cold. The sun is hot. Always.

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