Why do some take belief in Global Warming as a political issue?

Let's see:

Liberals are mostly pompous, self-important douchebags utterly convinced of their own superiority and arrogant with nothing to merit arrogance.

Yep -- you're a liberal, all right.

Could be. It's all relative, after all, right?

Are liberals good or bad or is that relative?

Even more importantly, do liberals get cold?

The Sun doesn't get cold.
Dood...did you REALLY try to shove the remote up your butt?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YersIyzsOpc]Greatest freak out ever (ORIGINAL VIDEO) - YouTube[/ame]
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to daveman again.

Oh that's epic.
Could be. It's all relative, after all, right?

Are liberals good or bad or is that relative?

Even more importantly, do liberals get cold?

The Sun doesn't get cold.
Dood...did you REALLY try to shove the remote up your butt?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YersIyzsOpc]Greatest freak out ever (ORIGINAL VIDEO) - YouTube[/ame]
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to daveman again.

Oh that's epic.
I'm not sure, but it looks like Willy is upset about something. Perhaps because no one's kissing his ass the way he believes he's entitled.
Whew - weee, I was out working in the cold, cold sun all day! Had to go stand in the shade to warm up a little, that ol' sun was so cold.

Tell me again what an expert you are about all this climate stuff Fitz?

Those whacked out scientist with the nerve to claim the sun is hot. You set 'em straight Fitz. You tell 'em about the cold sun! You be sure and get behind him boys. Don't you let anyone tell you the sun isn't cold. (Don't fall for that "sky is blue, water is wet" junk either, we know you guys are the experts.)
Let's see:

Liberals are mostly pompous, self-important douchebags utterly convinced of their own superiority and arrogant with nothing to merit arrogance.

Yep -- you're a liberal, all right.

Could be. It's all relative, after all, right?

Are liberals good or bad or is that relative?

Even more importantly, do liberals get cold?

The Sun doesn't get cold.
Dood...did you REALLY try to shove the remote up your butt?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YersIyzsOpc]Greatest freak out ever (ORIGINAL VIDEO) - YouTube[/ame]

You post some remarkably stupid shit.
I believe the science of climate change and global warming is pretty solid. But I've been called a liberal or democrat/progressive on that alone.

Now, I never said I think Al Gore's carbon trading scam or whatever was the best solution, just that I believe the science....

So why is this belief treated as if reflects on my political leanings one way or another by so many others?

Because it is a political issue... I'm 51 and for most of my adult life some shit-for-brains has been telling me that the world was coming to an end in x years if we don't do either a,b or c.

Guess what, they're batting 0. And for the record, Al Gore and AGW are cons... it's all about control... sell the masses on environmental Armageddon and get them to give up essential liberties.
Dood...did you REALLY try to shove the remote up your butt?

Greatest freak out ever (ORIGINAL VIDEO) - YouTube
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to daveman again.

Oh that's epic.
I'm not sure, but it looks like Willy is upset about something. Perhaps because no one's kissing his ass the way he believes he's entitled.
It's up there with this.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWYMirWNaGY]What's the Worst That Could Happen? - YouTube[/ame]
Whew - weee, I was out working in the cold, cold sun all day! Had to go stand in the shade to warm up a little, that ol' sun was so cold.

Tell me again what an expert you are about all this climate stuff Fitz?

Those whacked out scientist with the nerve to claim the sun is hot. You set 'em straight Fitz. You tell 'em about the cold sun! You be sure and get behind him boys. Don't you let anyone tell you the sun isn't cold. (Don't fall for that "sky is blue, water is wet" junk either, we know you guys are the experts.)


Boy, you don't know whether you're shot, fucked, powder burned or snake bit.

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Could be. It's all relative, after all, right?

Are liberals good or bad or is that relative?

Even more importantly, do liberals get cold?

The Sun doesn't get cold.
Dood...did you REALLY try to shove the remote up your butt?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YersIyzsOpc]Greatest freak out ever (ORIGINAL VIDEO) - YouTube[/ame]

You post some remarkably stupid shit.
It's a terrible shame someone is standing behind you with a gun to your head making you read my posts.

Oh, wait...you'd just rather whine until other people alter their behavior to suit you.

You're destined to go through life bitter and disappointed. More than you are now.
The sun... it doesn't get cold. It just doesn't. The idea that a few guys who insist that the sun is cold, telling us a thing or two about climate is just funny. Really funny.

"The sun gets cold..... now you listen here while I tell you some more facts about climate sonny!"

Not at all. The theory of nuclear winter is fairly well researched. Add to that the observed temp drops when major volcanic eruptions occur as a proxy and you have the beginnings of a good handle on how we can cool the planet.
Do you not realize that the chemicals released by volcano eruptions that cool the earth are the same ones that cause acid rain?
However, there is zero empirical data to support the theory of CO2 having much of anything to do with global temperature. In fact, ALL empirical data we have shows it has no effect.
Yes and Iraq had nuclear weapons
Guess what, they're batting 0. And for the record, Al Gore and AGW are cons... it's all about control... sell the masses on environmental Armageddon and get them to give up essential liberties.

SO why do you think that increased hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, and droughts are not bad things?
Do you also realize that greenhouse gasses cause/increase cancer, lung ailments, heart problems, autism, brain diseases and other diseases?
Do you also realzie that a changing climate has already and will conune to cause crop failures pushing up the price of food?
You can put your head in the sand and ignore reality.
Guess what, they're batting 0. And for the record, Al Gore and AGW are cons... it's all about control... sell the masses on environmental Armageddon and get them to give up essential liberties.

SO why do you think that increased hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, and droughts are not bad things?
Do you also realize that greenhouse gasses cause/increase cancer, lung ailments, heart problems, autism, brain diseases and other diseases?
Do you also realzie that a changing climate has already and will conune to cause crop failures pushing up the price of food?
You can put your head in the sand and ignore reality.

Why don't you link all your drivel using a reliable source?
The sun... it doesn't get cold. It just doesn't. The idea that a few guys who insist that the sun is cold, telling us a thing or two about climate is just funny. Really funny.

"The sun gets cold..... now you listen here while I tell you some more facts about climate sonny!"

You don't get relativistic statements.

Got it.

You want to try and misinterpret it as absolutism and apply it universally in a piss poor attempt of political gamesmanship.

Got that too.

You want to 'win' an argument with me.

Plain to see.

The problem is, no matter what I do, you lost. I stop talking about it and ignore you. You've still got 10 pages of jackassery convicting you of foolishness. I keep chewing on you like a rawhide, it just entrenches your reputation for being an utter prat.

See, what you're forgetting is that you are running on my perception of YOUR entertainment value. Once I stop responding to you, you're done, unless someone else picks up the conversation, which I doubt. You going to put my statement in your sig line branding you for being an idiot for as long as it's there? Please do! I love it when people do that to my statements. It as if Bill Engvall showed up and handed you your sign.

Of course, you have two ways to save a LITTLE face here.

Option 1: Walk away. Just drop it and walk away. You lost, it's plain to see, just quit putting energy into the loss. Will you? Doubt it. You've misinterpreted my statements to you about posting to a larger audience long ago. Even I know when to walk away. So that's option one. You won't get the shit out of your hair for a long time, but you will have stopped the accumulation.

Option 2: Change position, admit you've gotten your ass handed to you, and gain back a little respect from the audience because you finally ceded when beaten soundly. The funny part is, I'm not sure if you're smart enough, or adult enough to do it. Probably some of both. You painted yourself in a corner. Dumb, but I've been there. Sometimes you just have to man up, say "I fucked up" and either wait for the paint to dry, or walk through it and come back later to try and fix your mistake.

Somehow I think you'll choose Option 3: which is to continue on making a fool out of yourself till I get bored with you and then let you to rot all by yourself and any of your lib butt buddies that come by to soothe your wounds with lies on how well you did and build you back up to try again to 'win' with a losing position.

Oh, and for the record, throughout this entire process, there have been 2,190 (at posting) views of this thread of people watching you. Most of them are just the general riff raff (in a good way) of an audience, some may actually have been real people of real import. You never know.

Now consider this next statement closely. You've proven one thing very well. This is a political issue and the sides have been chosen with religious fervor and nothing... NOTHING is going to change minds, evidence be damned, and your very actions proved it.

Are you entertained? I know many are, and I have been too... not because of you, but in spite of you.

Now.... choose Small Willy. Choose wisely.
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Big Fitz... stop throwing such a big fit!

The sun doesn't get cold. No one cares what you say about the Earth's climate or what ever junk science you want to quote. If you describe the sun as cold, how is it that anyone can respect your view on the warmth of the Earth? No wonder you don't give AGW more than a passing thought, you say the sun is cold!

Your perspective on what is hot and what is cold is obviously mixed up somewhere. The sun doesn't get cold. It just doesn't.

I come from Alabama with my Banjo on my knee--
I’se gwine to Lou’siana my true lub for to see.
It rain’d all night de day I left, de wedder it was dry;
The sun so hot I froze to def -- Fitzy, dont you cry.
Oh! Big Fitzy, do not cry for me;
I come from Alabama, wid my Banjo on my knee.

Watch out for that sun Fitz. You might get frost bit!
Big Fitz... stop throwing such a big fit!

The sun doesn't get cold. No one cares what you say about the Earth's climate or what ever junk science you want to quote. If you describe the sun as cold, how is it that anyone can respect your view on the warmth of the Earth? No wonder you don't give AGW more than a passing thought, you say the sun is cold!

Your perspective on what is hot and what is cold is obviously mixed up somewhere. The sun doesn't get cold. It just doesn't.

I come from Alabama with my Banjo on my knee--
I’se gwine to Lou’siana my true lub for to see.
It rain’d all night de day I left, de wedder it was dry;
The sun so hot I froze to def -- Fitzy, dont you cry.
Oh! Big Fitzy, do not cry for me;
I come from Alabama, wid my Banjo on my knee.
Watch out for that sun Fitz. You might get frost bit!
Option 3 it is. Does singing a Stephen Foster minstrel song make you feel bettah massah?
The sun does not get cold.

Sun spots may have a lower temp.

The average surface temp may cool slightly, if any.

This is usually phrased as a small change in "intensity" or "radiance".

The sun is never cold. The word "cold" has a meaning. If you can't understand the meaning of "cold" you have zero (0) credibility in a conversation about climate.

The sun does not get cold.

Nice try Big Fitz. I suppose you could make a case for your "science" if the sun did get cold. But it doesn't. Get cold.

The sun... it doesn't get cold. It just doesn't. The idea that a few guys who insist that the sun is cold, telling us a thing or two about climate is just funny. Really funny.

"The sun gets cold..... now you listen here while I tell you some more facts about climate sonny!"


"Are too"
"Am not"
Holy shit ..will you PLEASE get off this choo choo.....
Guess what, they're batting 0. And for the record, Al Gore and AGW are cons... it's all about control... sell the masses on environmental Armageddon and get them to give up essential liberties.

SO why do you think that increased hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, and droughts are not bad things?
Do you also realize that greenhouse gasses cause/increase cancer, lung ailments, heart problems, autism, brain diseases and other diseases?
Do you also realzie that a changing climate has already and will conune to cause crop failures pushing up the price of food?
You can put your head in the sand and ignore reality.

Hurricanes? The US has not had a major land falling hurricane since Katrina.
Sit down...Time for a little education.
The Earth's climate changes on it's own whether we are here or not.
Nothing can stop it. There's nothing human beings can do about it.
So stop wringing your hands.

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