Why do some take belief in Global Warming as a political issue?

To anwser the question posed in this thread: The reason is because in the public forum the true test of science is not empirical evidence, but political correctness.
Guess what, they're batting 0. And for the record, Al Gore and AGW are cons... it's all about control... sell the masses on environmental Armageddon and get them to give up essential liberties.

SO why do you think that increased hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, and droughts are not bad things?
Do you also realize that greenhouse gasses cause/increase cancer, lung ailments, heart problems, autism, brain diseases and other diseases?
Do you also realzie that a changing climate has already and will conune to cause crop failures pushing up the price of food?
You can put your head in the sand and ignore reality.

Why don't you link all your drivel using a reliable source?
Because there are no reliable sources for that drivel.
The sun does not get cold. The sun is hot, by any human, English speaking standard.

If you're having a conversation about climate, and some guys try to explain how calling the sun cold is a valid point, those are the guys you tune out of the conversation.

What's next? Flat Earth, and a lecture about how "good" turds smell?
Do you also realize that greenhouse gasses cause/increase cancer, lung ailments, heart problems, autism, brain diseases and other diseases?


OMG! That's funny!
We're all gonna DIE!!! -- unless we adopt world socialism.
Well of COURSE! Isn't it obvious? We must have global socialism

"The world is a mess and I just need to rule it." Dr. Horrible
Guess what, they're batting 0. And for the record, Al Gore and AGW are cons... it's all about control... sell the masses on environmental Armageddon and get them to give up essential liberties.

SO why do you think that increased hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, and droughts are not bad things?
Do you also realize that greenhouse gasses cause/increase cancer, lung ailments, heart problems, autism, brain diseases and other diseases?
Do you also realzie that a changing climate has already and will conune to cause crop failures pushing up the price of food?
You can put your head in the sand and ignore reality.

Where are the increased occurances? And can you show us a graph that correlates with temps supposedly rising as the AGW geeks tell us it is?

Welcome to Planet Earth. It reacts to mostly to external forces...and MAN isn't one of them. :eusa_hand:
The sun does not get cold. The sun is hot, by any human, English speaking standard.

If you're having a conversation about climate, and some guys try to explain how calling the sun cold is a valid point, those are the guys you tune out of the conversation.

What's next? Flat Earth, and a lecture about how "good" turds smell?

Guess what, they're batting 0. And for the record, Al Gore and AGW are cons... it's all about control... sell the masses on environmental Armageddon and get them to give up essential liberties.

SO why do you think that increased hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, and droughts are not bad things?
Do you also realize that greenhouse gasses cause/increase cancer, lung ailments, heart problems, autism, brain diseases and other diseases?
Do you also realzie that a changing climate has already and will conune to cause crop failures pushing up the price of food?
You can put your head in the sand and ignore reality.

Where are the increased occurances? And can you show us a graph that correlates with temps supposedly rising as the AGW geeks tell us it is?

Welcome to Planet Earth. It reacts to mostly to external forces...and MAN isn't one of them. :eusa_hand:
Man doesn't control the wind or temperature. He just adds his own 'special fragrance'.
Heck no... the world revolves around Big Fitz!

If big Fitz says the sun is cold, by golly, we're going to stretch the English language, science and the Pope's hat to make it so!

The sun doesn't have temperature fluctuations, sun spots don't have a lower temp, the sun simply gets cold folks. So says Fitz and friends.

Don't you fellas go giving an inch in this here world, no siree. That would be weak. The sun is cold and I want you to take that to your graves! It's that important here on USMB. We'll go on for as long as it takes to make the sun be known as cold! Big Fitz says so!

You guys should write a book. "Big Fitz, the Flat Earth and the Cold Sun"
SO why do you think that increased hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, and droughts are not bad things?
Do you also realize that greenhouse gasses cause/increase cancer, lung ailments, heart problems, autism, brain diseases and other diseases?
Do you also realzie that a changing climate has already and will conune to cause crop failures pushing up the price of food?
You can put your head in the sand and ignore reality.

Where are the increased occurances? And can you show us a graph that correlates with temps supposedly rising as the AGW geeks tell us it is?

Welcome to Planet Earth. It reacts to mostly to external forces...and MAN isn't one of them. :eusa_hand:
Man doesn't control the wind or temperature. He just adds his own 'special fragrance'.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozO4YB98mCY]Charlton Heston on Global Climate Change - YouTube[/ame]

Indeed sir...
Heck no... the world revolves around Big Fitz!

If big Fitz says the sun is cold, by golly, we're going to stretch the English language, science and the Pope's hat to make it so!

The sun doesn't have temperature fluctuations, sun spots don't have a lower temp, the sun simply gets cold folks. So says Fitz and friends.

Don't you fellas go giving an inch in this here world, no siree. That would be weak. The sun is cold and I want you to take that to your graves! It's that important here on USMB. We'll go on for as long as it takes to make the sun be known as cold! Big Fitz says so!

You guys should write a book. "Big Fitz, the Flat Earth and the Cold Sun"

Stop wasting everyone's time by shutting the fuck up.
People like you are barely entitled to an opinion.
Heck no... the world revolves around Big Fitz!

If big Fitz says the sun is cold, by golly, we're going to stretch the English language, science and the Pope's hat to make it so!

The sun doesn't have temperature fluctuations, sun spots don't have a lower temp, the sun simply gets cold folks. So says Fitz and friends.

Don't you fellas go giving an inch in this here world, no siree. That would be weak. The sun is cold and I want you to take that to your graves! It's that important here on USMB. We'll go on for as long as it takes to make the sun be known as cold! Big Fitz says so!

You guys should write a book. "Big Fitz, the Flat Earth and the Cold Sun"

I must have missed the press release announcing Obama's appointment of you as Sole Arbiter of Hot and Cold Czar.
Heck no... the world revolves around Big Fitz!

If big Fitz says the sun is cold, by golly, we're going to stretch the English language, science and the Pope's hat to make it so!

The sun doesn't have temperature fluctuations, sun spots don't have a lower temp, the sun simply gets cold folks. So says Fitz and friends.

Don't you fellas go giving an inch in this here world, no siree. That would be weak. The sun is cold and I want you to take that to your graves! It's that important here on USMB. We'll go on for as long as it takes to make the sun be known as cold! Big Fitz says so!

You guys should write a book. "Big Fitz, the Flat Earth and the Cold Sun"

What in the flying fuck are you babbling about?
SO why do you think that increased hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, and droughts are not bad things?
Do you also realize that greenhouse gasses cause/increase cancer, lung ailments, heart problems, autism, brain diseases and other diseases?
Do you also realzie that a changing climate has already and will conune to cause crop failures pushing up the price of food?
You can put your head in the sand and ignore reality.

Global warming causes brain diseases?

I believe you are right, and you are the proof!
The sun... it doesn't get cold. It just doesn't. The idea that a few guys who insist that the sun is cold, telling us a thing or two about climate is just funny. Really funny.

"The sun gets cold..... now you listen here while I tell you some more facts about climate sonny!"


What's really sad is for the longest time we, the sceptics, have been stating that the observed warming was just a natural cycle and that it would cycle back to a cooling cycle. You AGW cultists said "oh no, this new warming is unlike anything we've ever seen it can ONLY be because of man." The heliocentric scientists said, "well actually no, we have good correlational evidence that the sun is THE driver of global temps and in fact we can go back 1,500 years and show an exact correlation between solar output and global temps. In fact we feel we can accurately predict that the globe is going to cool for the next 20 to 30 years based on our solar observations."

The UK Met Office (devout warmers all) said "oh no, this winter is going to be the warmest ever recorded and there will be little or no snow". So the municipalities in England believed them and wouldn't you just know it. For the next four years they have had epic winters. Snow and ice so thick on the roads that they couldn't even get road crews out to clear them. So thick that buildings cracked apart due to the weight of snow and ice upon them.

And you folks keep up the mantra of "but, but it's the CO2! It can ONLY be the CO2. Then, all of a sudden you finally see the light (Because you've been bitchslapped 5 years running) and all of a sudden, the sun really can control temps. You clowns backpedal faster than a crankster trying to stay out of jail.

And you've lost.
Heck no... the world revolves around Big Fitz!

If big Fitz says the sun is cold, by golly, we're going to stretch the English language, science and the Pope's hat to make it so!

The sun doesn't have temperature fluctuations, sun spots don't have a lower temp, the sun simply gets cold folks. So says Fitz and friends.

Don't you fellas go giving an inch in this here world, no siree. That would be weak. The sun is cold and I want you to take that to your graves! It's that important here on USMB. We'll go on for as long as it takes to make the sun be known as cold! Big Fitz says so!

You guys should write a book. "Big Fitz, the Flat Earth and the Cold Sun"

I must have missed the press release announcing Obama's appointment of you as Sole Arbiter of Hot and Cold Czar.

Any fool knows that the sun is not cold. The willful ignorance this little troop is willing to cling to like a tick on a dogs butt is hilarious! Insisting that sun gets cold and is worth all this carrying on, name calling and profanity? That's just precious.

Every 3rd grader knows that the sun is not cold. Any reasonable person can make the small of gesture of rephrasing that to reflect a more reasonable stance: "The sun does cool slightly." "Sun spots have lower temps." "Parts of the sun are hotter than others" would be even more reasonable.

But lets not be reasonable. Lets insist that the sun is cold.

You guys are priceless.
Not at all. The theory of nuclear winter is fairly well researched. Add to that the observed temp drops when major volcanic eruptions occur as a proxy and you have the beginnings of a good handle on how we can cool the planet.
Do you not realize that the chemicals released by volcano eruptions that cool the earth are the same ones that cause acid rain?
However, there is zero empirical data to support the theory of CO2 having much of anything to do with global temperature. In fact, ALL empirical data we have shows it has no effect.
Yes and Iraq had nuclear weapons

Why, yes I do. Thanks for pointing out an obvious chemical interaction. And as far as tghe Iraqui's go, no, they didn't have nuclear bombs. They did however have 550 tons of yellowcake uranium that could have been used to make radiological bombs.

But that doesn't count. Right?

U.S. removes 'yellowcake' from Iraq - World news - Mideast/N. Africa - Conflict in Iraq - msnbc.com
Heck no... the world revolves around Big Fitz!

If big Fitz says the sun is cold, by golly, we're going to stretch the English language, science and the Pope's hat to make it so!

The sun doesn't have temperature fluctuations, sun spots don't have a lower temp, the sun simply gets cold folks. So says Fitz and friends.

Don't you fellas go giving an inch in this here world, no siree. That would be weak. The sun is cold and I want you to take that to your graves! It's that important here on USMB. We'll go on for as long as it takes to make the sun be known as cold! Big Fitz says so!

You guys should write a book. "Big Fitz, the Flat Earth and the Cold Sun"

What in the flying fuck are you babbling about?
I badgered the shit out of him yesterday and his asshole is still sore from the spindle sander dipped in turpentine he got sat on. Now he's trying to claim that things said were not what was meant and making a total ass of himself.

But now he's run out of entertainment value, so Imma let him continue to make insane statements where the context is now lacking and he can look fucking batshit crazy.

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