Why do some take belief in Global Warming as a political issue?

Guess what, they're batting 0. And for the record, Al Gore and AGW are cons... it's all about control... sell the masses on environmental Armageddon and get them to give up essential liberties.

SO why do you think that increased hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, and droughts are not bad things?
Do you also realize that greenhouse gasses cause/increase cancer, lung ailments, heart problems, autism, brain diseases and other diseases?
Do you also realzie that a changing climate has already and will conune to cause crop failures pushing up the price of food?
You can put your head in the sand and ignore reality.

Because there has been no increase in the frequency or power of hurricanes. Try looking up the real science behind your dstatements someday. You won't make such an epic fool of yourself that way.
Fitz, my man. You said that the sun gets cold.

Any kid knows that the sun doesn't get cold. It may go through cycles where it isn't as hot as other times, sun spots may not be as hot as other parts of the sun, there are all sorts of different temps on the sun. But "cold" doesn't describe any of them. Anyone with half an honest brain knows that "cold" is not the word to describe the temperature of the sun.

And you want tell us how smart you are, and how dumb others are, regarding climate?

Heck no... the world revolves around Big Fitz!

If big Fitz says the sun is cold, by golly, we're going to stretch the English language, science and the Pope's hat to make it so!

The sun doesn't have temperature fluctuations, sun spots don't have a lower temp, the sun simply gets cold folks. So says Fitz and friends.

Don't you fellas go giving an inch in this here world, no siree. That would be weak. The sun is cold and I want you to take that to your graves! It's that important here on USMB. We'll go on for as long as it takes to make the sun be known as cold! Big Fitz says so!

You guys should write a book. "Big Fitz, the Flat Earth and the Cold Sun"

I must have missed the press release announcing Obama's appointment of you as Sole Arbiter of Hot and Cold Czar.

Any fool knows that the sun is not cold. The willful ignorance this little troop is willing to cling to like a tick on a dogs butt is hilarious! Insisting that sun gets cold and is worth all this carrying on, name calling and profanity? That's just precious.

Every 3rd grader knows that the sun is not cold. Any reasonable person can make the small of gesture of rephrasing that to reflect a more reasonable stance: "The sun does cool slightly." "Sun spots have lower temps." "Parts of the sun are hotter than others" would be even more reasonable.

But lets not be reasonable. Lets insist that the sun is cold.

You guys are priceless.

Once again...your lack of imagination, your inability to understand relativism, and your unmerited arrogance are not our fault.

Run along, kid.
I must have missed the press release announcing Obama's appointment of you as Sole Arbiter of Hot and Cold Czar.

Any fool knows that the sun is not cold. The willful ignorance this little troop is willing to cling to like a tick on a dogs butt is hilarious! Insisting that sun gets cold and is worth all this carrying on, name calling and profanity? That's just precious.

Every 3rd grader knows that the sun is not cold. Any reasonable person can make the small of gesture of rephrasing that to reflect a more reasonable stance: "The sun does cool slightly." "Sun spots have lower temps." "Parts of the sun are hotter than others" would be even more reasonable.

But lets not be reasonable. Lets insist that the sun is cold.

You guys are priceless.

Once again...your lack of imagination, your inability to understand relativism, and your unmerited arrogance are not our fault.

Run along, kid.

Indeed. A friend of mine has a 17 year old who spouts off like this little twerp. There's nothing worse than a teenager with hormones raging who think they know everything.
Any fool knows that the sun is not cold. The willful ignorance this little troop is willing to cling to like a tick on a dogs butt is hilarious! Insisting that sun gets cold and is worth all this carrying on, name calling and profanity? That's just precious.

Every 3rd grader knows that the sun is not cold. Any reasonable person can make the small of gesture of rephrasing that to reflect a more reasonable stance: "The sun does cool slightly." "Sun spots have lower temps." "Parts of the sun are hotter than others" would be even more reasonable.

But lets not be reasonable. Lets insist that the sun is cold.

You guys are priceless.

Once again...your lack of imagination, your inability to understand relativism, and your unmerited arrogance are not our fault.

Run along, kid.

Indeed. A friend of mine has a 17 year old who spouts off like this little twerp. There's nothing worse than a teenager with hormones raging who think they know everything.
You hush! He had a science class! And got a B!

He's an EXPERT!!
Hey Daveman........see DRUDGE today?

Cheesedick is sending his EPA in to slap huge carbon ceilings on coal which of corse, will drive up electric rates even higher. How about that for a pumkin on the tee for the GOP come the fall....."Obama is for kicking you in the balls on your energy costs!!!!":D:D:D

There is no reasonable, relative use of "cold" to describe the sun. This demonstrates the kind of extreme twisting and squirming you guys will go to explain anything away.

The even better part is all this continued moaning and crying when all it takes to settle this is to admit that it was a poor choice of words. Because it was.

But not you guys...heck no! Never give an inch... not even if it means defending our "cold sun"!

You guys call yourselves reasonable?

Hey Daveman........see DRUDGE today?

Cheesedick is sending his EPA in to slap huge carbon ceilings on coal which of corse, will drive up electric rates even higher. How about that for a pumkin on the tee for the GOP come the fall....."Obama is for kicking you in the balls on your energy costs!!!!":D:D:D

Obama really hates the poor and working class.
There is no reasonable, relative use of "cold" to describe the sun.
Yes, there are, you stupid kid.

It's a school night. Better get ready for bed now, kid. And no X-Box, either.

No, there is no reasonable use of '"the sun gets cold". It just doesn't. Sun spots are lower in temperature, the sun may become slightly less radiant or of slightly less intensity, but it doesn't get cold.

The important thing to take away from this is that when given many choices that are far more accurate and acceptable and would convey a far less controversial idea, Ol' Fitz refuses and instead decides to stick with the option that is the worst fit, the least accurate and has to be stretched all out of shape to even get close to describing a slight variation in the suns radiance.

A slight variation in the suns radiance could be described as:

"slight variations in suns radiance"

"a slight decrease in the suns intensity"

"a slight decrease in surface temperatures"

We could even say the the sun "cooled" ever so slightly.

But the sun doesn't "get cold"

When offered all these choices, you guys want to stick with "the sun gets cold".

This fact of the sun is not very important to the point at all. The point is, once you guys are stuck on an idea, even one as lame and insignificant as this one, even when much better alternatives exist and are presented to you, you still chose the lamest and worst option.

Tell me why anything else you have to say is not liable to be equally lame and loose with the truth, but you have just refused to accept a better idea?

That's the point.

That and... the sun doesn't get cold.

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There is no reasonable, relative use of "cold" to describe the sun. This demonstrates the kind of extreme twisting and squirming you guys will go to explain anything away.

The even better part is all this continued moaning and crying when all it takes to settle this is to admit that it was a poor choice of words. Because it was.

But not you guys...heck no! Never give an inch... not even if it means defending our "cold sun"!

You guys call yourselves reasonable?


b: having a relatively low temperature or one lower than normal or expected

Cold - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
There is no reasonable, relative use of "cold" to describe the sun. This demonstrates the kind of extreme twisting and squirming you guys will go to explain anything away.

The even better part is all this continued moaning and crying when all it takes to settle this is to admit that it was a poor choice of words. Because it was.

But not you guys...heck no! Never give an inch... not even if it means defending our "cold sun"!

You guys call yourselves reasonable?


b: having a relatively low temperature or one lower than normal or expected

Cold - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

The condition of the sun is normal and expected. The cycles are normal and expected. The range of it's radiance and intensity is normal and expected. In fact, the very people now laboring this point were the ones who presented the evidence that the sun has normal and expected cycles of sunspots and diminished intensity.

It doesn't get cold. No matter how hard you try to stretch the definition. This is common sense.

The sun does not get cold. The refusal to accept this simple and obvious fact tells us VOLUMES about the people carrying on for pages and pages, attempting to validate "the sun gets cold".

You can't do it. Not outside your own mind.

The sun does not get cold.
There is no reasonable, relative use of "cold" to describe the sun. This demonstrates the kind of extreme twisting and squirming you guys will go to explain anything away.

The even better part is all this continued moaning and crying when all it takes to settle this is to admit that it was a poor choice of words. Because it was.

But not you guys...heck no! Never give an inch... not even if it means defending our "cold sun"!

You guys call yourselves reasonable?


b: having a relatively low temperature or one lower than normal or expected

Cold - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

The condition of the sun is normal and expected. The cycles are normal and expected. The range of it's radiance and intensity is normal and expected. In fact, the very people now laboring this point were the ones who presented the evidence that the sun has normal and expected cycles of sunspots and diminished intensity.

It doesn't get cold. No matter how hard you try to stretch the definition. This is common sense.

The sun does not get cold. The refusal to accept this simple and obvious fact tells us VOLUMES about the people carrying on for pages and pages, attempting to validate "the sun gets cold".

You can't do it. Not outside your own mind.

The sun does not get cold.

What's the normal temperature of the sun?
b: having a relatively low temperature or one lower than normal or expected

Cold - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

The condition of the sun is normal and expected. The cycles are normal and expected. The range of it's radiance and intensity is normal and expected. In fact, the very people now laboring this point were the ones who presented the evidence that the sun has normal and expected cycles of sunspots and diminished intensity.

It doesn't get cold. No matter how hard you try to stretch the definition. This is common sense.

The sun does not get cold. The refusal to accept this simple and obvious fact tells us VOLUMES about the people carrying on for pages and pages, attempting to validate "the sun gets cold".

You can't do it. Not outside your own mind.

The sun does not get cold.

What's the normal temperature of the sun?

There is no reasonable, relative use of "cold" to describe the sun.
Yes, there are, you stupid kid.

It's a school night. Better get ready for bed now, kid. And no X-Box, either.

No, there is no reasonable use of '"the sun gets cold". It just doesn't. Sun spots are lower in temperature, the sun may become slightly less radiant or of slightly less intensity, but it doesn't get cold.

The important thing to take away from this is that when given many choices that are far more accurate and acceptable and would convey a far less controversial idea, Ol' Fitz refuses and instead decides to stick with the option that is the worst fit, the least accurate and has to be stretched all out of shape to even get close to describing a slight variation in the suns radiance.

A slight variation in the suns radiance could be described as:

"slight variations in suns radiance"

"a slight decrease in the suns intensity"

"a slight decrease in surface temperatures"

We could even say the the sun "cooled" ever so slightly.

But the sun doesn't "get cold"

When offered all these choices, you guys want to stick with "the sun gets cold".

This fact of the sun is not very important to the point at all. The point is, once you guys are stuck on an idea, even one as lame and insignificant as this one, even when much better alternatives exist and are presented to you, you still chose the lamest and worst option.

Tell me why anything else you have to say is not liable to be equally lame and loose with the truth, but you have just refused to accept a better idea?

That's the point.

That and... the sun doesn't get cold.


Or you could just go out and buy the book that we are all referring to. That way, maybe, you won't look like such a nimrod. Somehow I doubt that too.

"In Cold Sun, author John L. Casey, a former White House national space policy advisor, NASA Headquarters consultant, and space shuttle engineer reveals the untold story of ominous changes taking place in the Sun, which will result in inevitable and unstoppable climate changes on Earth."

Cold Sun
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There is no reasonable, relative use of "cold" to describe the sun. This demonstrates the kind of extreme twisting and squirming you guys will go to explain anything away.

The even better part is all this continued moaning and crying when all it takes to settle this is to admit that it was a poor choice of words. Because it was.

But not you guys...heck no! Never give an inch... not even if it means defending our "cold sun"!

You guys call yourselves reasonable?


b: having a relatively low temperature or one lower than normal or expected

Cold - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

The condition of the sun is normal and expected. The cycles are normal and expected. The range of it's radiance and intensity is normal and expected. In fact, the very people now laboring this point were the ones who presented the evidence that the sun has normal and expected cycles of sunspots and diminished intensity.

It doesn't get cold. No matter how hard you try to stretch the definition. This is common sense.

The sun does not get cold. The refusal to accept this simple and obvious fact tells us VOLUMES about the people carrying on for pages and pages, attempting to validate "the sun gets cold".

You can't do it. Not outside your own mind.

The sun does not get cold.

The Sun does get cold relative to it's normal solar irradiance. Do try to educate yourself. You are sounding ever more idiotic. Yes the sun is hot. And yes, the sun does indeed cool.

Or to put it in an analog you may be able to comprehend, the Earth has a global temp average of "X". It rises by one degree. It is warming. You know, that condition you clowns are all upset about? Got it?
The sun does not get cold. The sun is hot.

This is basic. Despite any projections that the sun is going to get cold, it has not. Never in human history has the sun been cold. Relative to anything.

The suns radiance cycles are normal and expected. They are rather slight, relatively speaking.

The sun does not get cold.

Every third grader knows this.
Any fool knows that the sun is not cold. The willful ignorance this little troop is willing to cling to like a tick on a dogs butt is hilarious! Insisting that sun gets cold and is worth all this carrying on, name calling and profanity? That's just precious.

Every 3rd grader knows that the sun is not cold. Any reasonable person can make the small of gesture of rephrasing that to reflect a more reasonable stance: "The sun does cool slightly." "Sun spots have lower temps." "Parts of the sun are hotter than others" would be even more reasonable.

But lets not be reasonable. Lets insist that the sun is cold.

You guys are priceless.

Once again...your lack of imagination, your inability to understand relativism, and your unmerited arrogance are not our fault.

Run along, kid.

Indeed. A friend of mine has a 17 year old who spouts off like this little twerp. There's nothing worse than a teenager with hormones raging who think they know everything.
Shit. I see 2nd graders that spout off like this. Their classmates usually ostracize them quickly. Oh look what's happening here!
Carbon Taxes/Penalties are already beginning. And they're being imposed by the Socialist Globalists. So it is about Politics.

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