Why do some take belief in Global Warming as a political issue?

Yes, there are, you stupid kid.

It's a school night. Better get ready for bed now, kid. And no X-Box, either.

No, there is no reasonable use of '"the sun gets cold". It just doesn't. Sun spots are lower in temperature, the sun may become slightly less radiant or of slightly less intensity, but it doesn't get cold.

The important thing to take away from this is that when given many choices that are far more accurate and acceptable and would convey a far less controversial idea, Ol' Fitz refuses and instead decides to stick with the option that is the worst fit, the least accurate and has to be stretched all out of shape to even get close to describing a slight variation in the suns radiance.

A slight variation in the suns radiance could be described as:

"slight variations in suns radiance"

"a slight decrease in the suns intensity"

"a slight decrease in surface temperatures"

We could even say the the sun "cooled" ever so slightly.

But the sun doesn't "get cold"

When offered all these choices, you guys want to stick with "the sun gets cold".

This fact of the sun is not very important to the point at all. The point is, once you guys are stuck on an idea, even one as lame and insignificant as this one, even when much better alternatives exist and are presented to you, you still chose the lamest and worst option.

Tell me why anything else you have to say is not liable to be equally lame and loose with the truth, but you have just refused to accept a better idea?

That's the point.

That and... the sun doesn't get cold.



Did you just discover gifs old man?
The sun does not get cold.

It's really simple. To think that a few guys who call the sun "cold" are trying to speak intelligently to climate is a joke.

What does it have to do with the prospect of global warming? I have no idea.

But the sun doesn't get cold.

And the Earth doesn't get warm. Got it!:tongue:

If you want to make that stand, be my guest. What it has to do with the fact that the sun doesn't cold is anyone's guess.

The sun doesn't get cold. That is the obvious point here. You guys desperately swinging for days, the replies getting wilder and wilder and still..... nothing that makes any sense to prop up this absurd claim that the sun gets cold.

Don't give an inch boys. It would show your weakness. You can make the sun cold if you just keep trying!

I'm sure there is a coherent thought in their somewhere but I'll be darned if I can find it. You clearly have the intellectual capacity of a gnat so discussing anything beyond kindergarten level with you is also clearly a waste of time.

When you've put a couple of ice cream seasons under your belt feel free to come back.
And the Earth doesn't get warm. Got it!:tongue:

If you want to make that stand, be my guest. What it has to do with the fact that the sun doesn't cold is anyone's guess.

The sun doesn't get cold. That is the obvious point here. You guys desperately swinging for days, the replies getting wilder and wilder and still..... nothing that makes any sense to prop up this absurd claim that the sun gets cold.

Don't give an inch boys. It would show your weakness. You can make the sun cold if you just keep trying!

I'm sure there is a coherent thought in their somewhere but I'll be darned if I can find it. You clearly have the intellectual capacity of a gnat so discussing anything beyond kindergarten level with you is also clearly a waste of time.

When you've put a couple of ice cream seasons under your belt feel free to come back.

This is not hard to understand.

The sun does not get cold. It is hot. Relatively, actually, directly.... the sun is hot. It does not get cold.

All this carrying on, for days and days, with a few guys who are determined to validate the statement that "the sun gets cold", is a good tool to have on record for future discussions on climate, heck discussions on anything. This is a child's game you guys play here, there is no reason or even the slightest inclination to change or adjust the simplest thought or even just a word. Many alternatives have been offered to end an argument and come to a point to agree.

Lower temperature.

Less radiant.

Less intense.


We even said that adding an "er" to the word cold would still be a stretch, but would be an acceptable use.

But you guys can't do that? Can you? Adding an "er' to the word, making the slightest agreement with someone, anyone, who has not pledged their absolute and undying devotion to your "club" is out of the question.

Don't give an inch boys. It makes you look smart.

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The guy who wrote the "Cold Sun" book? Claiming that the sun is going to "hibernate", there won't be enough sunshine to grow food, plants will all die and crops will fail? That guy?

I don't know if he knows what he is talking about with his predictions. I know that there is no human history to back it up. It's all in theory. What we know is that the sun doesn't get cold. Ever. And there is no evidence that it will in any fathomable length of time for us to consider. We suspect that like most stars, the sun will eventually swell up and swallow the Earth at some point... probably be pretty hot here then too. But we aren't talking about things on that scale of time, are we? In reference to what ol' Fitz was talking about, debunking man made global warming as something we are experiencing NOW, we aren't talking about billions of years. The reference has been to 11 year or so cycles where the sun supposedly gets "cold".

But the Cold Sun link? You mean you found something on the internet to support some stupid claim? You're kidding right? So did I. I posted it up long ago:

The Sun Is Cold, I

Tell me what you want to know.... I'll find someone on the internet that will give you the validation you need!

How about global warming? Man... you got a whole bunch of PHDs with books they wrote to face down, don't you guys? Not that I know anymore about that I know about a cold sun.

Cause you see.... the sun doesn't get cold.
Yeah, kid, you just make sure you don't look at a single thing that proves how ridiculous you are.

You and your third-grade education are just waaaay too smart for us normal people.

Just saying... even a third grade education includes a simple little fact:

The sun does not get cold.

It's one of the most elementary things we could be arguing about. It's so funny, and so much fun, to see grown men carrying on for days trying to convince folks that the sun gets cold sometimes.

These are your scientist and "intellectuals" who claim that global warming isn't possible. But the sun gets cold?

I don't know about global warming.

What I do know is that the sun doesn't get cold.

You guys are priceless!

Stay out of that cold sun now. I don't want you to get frost bite.

Never before have I seen someone so proud of his utter lack of imagination and his binary thinking.

You're exactly like the boy from the hills who goes to the zoo for the first time, sees a giraffe, and says, "There ain't no such animal!"
No, there is no reasonable use of '"the sun gets cold". It just doesn't. Sun spots are lower in temperature, the sun may become slightly less radiant or of slightly less intensity, but it doesn't get cold.

The important thing to take away from this is that when given many choices that are far more accurate and acceptable and would convey a far less controversial idea, Ol' Fitz refuses and instead decides to stick with the option that is the worst fit, the least accurate and has to be stretched all out of shape to even get close to describing a slight variation in the suns radiance.

A slight variation in the suns radiance could be described as:

"slight variations in suns radiance"

"a slight decrease in the suns intensity"

"a slight decrease in surface temperatures"

We could even say the the sun "cooled" ever so slightly.

But the sun doesn't "get cold"

When offered all these choices, you guys want to stick with "the sun gets cold".

This fact of the sun is not very important to the point at all. The point is, once you guys are stuck on an idea, even one as lame and insignificant as this one, even when much better alternatives exist and are presented to you, you still chose the lamest and worst option.

Tell me why anything else you have to say is not liable to be equally lame and loose with the truth, but you have just refused to accept a better idea?

That's the point.

That and... the sun doesn't get cold.



Did you just discover gifs old man?
Not at all. And there's no evidence even remotely suggesting so, so all we're left with is irrational leftist butthurt and mindless lashing out.

You know -- your normal mode.
Yeah, kid, you just make sure you don't look at a single thing that proves how ridiculous you are.

You and your third-grade education are just waaaay too smart for us normal people.

Just saying... even a third grade education includes a simple little fact:

The sun does not get cold.

It's one of the most elementary things we could be arguing about. It's so funny, and so much fun, to see grown men carrying on for days trying to convince folks that the sun gets cold sometimes.

These are your scientist and "intellectuals" who claim that global warming isn't possible. But the sun gets cold?

I don't know about global warming.

What I do know is that the sun doesn't get cold.

You guys are priceless!

Stay out of that cold sun now. I don't want you to get frost bite.

Never before have I seen someone so proud of his utter lack of imagination and his binary thinking.

You're exactly like the boy from the hills who goes to the zoo for the first time, sees a giraffe, and says, "There ain't no such animal!"
Don't give an inch boys. It makes you look smart.


Wouldn't you agree, Dave?
Just saying... even a third grade education includes a simple little fact:

The sun does not get cold.

It's one of the most elementary things we could be arguing about. It's so funny, and so much fun, to see grown men carrying on for days trying to convince folks that the sun gets cold sometimes.

These are your scientist and "intellectuals" who claim that global warming isn't possible. But the sun gets cold?

I don't know about global warming.

What I do know is that the sun doesn't get cold.

You guys are priceless!

Stay out of that cold sun now. I don't want you to get frost bite.

Never before have I seen someone so proud of his utter lack of imagination and his binary thinking.

You're exactly like the boy from the hills who goes to the zoo for the first time, sees a giraffe, and says, "There ain't no such animal!"
Don't give an inch boys. It makes you look smart.


Wouldn't you agree, Dave?

It is a political scam because, especially in this country, it can be used to further a socialist agenda without actually owning the means of production. The government, with cap and trade in place, would be able to control what industry can and can not do by invoking cap and trade. If they can control industry in this manner there is no need of state ownership.
Just saying... even a third grade education includes a simple little fact:

The sun does not get cold.

It's one of the most elementary things we could be arguing about. It's so funny, and so much fun, to see grown men carrying on for days trying to convince folks that the sun gets cold sometimes.

These are your scientist and "intellectuals" who claim that global warming isn't possible. But the sun gets cold?

I don't know about global warming.

What I do know is that the sun doesn't get cold.

You guys are priceless!

Stay out of that cold sun now. I don't want you to get frost bite.

Never before have I seen someone so proud of his utter lack of imagination and his binary thinking.

You're exactly like the boy from the hills who goes to the zoo for the first time, sees a giraffe, and says, "There ain't no such animal!"
Don't give an inch boys. It makes you look smart.


Wouldn't you agree, Dave?

Indeed. There's only so many times you can smack a guy in the face before your hand starts hurting.

WeeWilly seems to enjoy being smacked, looks like.
Let's check in with the cold sun club this evening...

Fitzy, my man, get frost bit by the sun today? How about the rest of you guys? A touch of the cold or flu? Remember to wear your long under wear and a jacket before you go out in the cold sun!

Just out of curiosity, are you fellas holocaust deniers too? Do any of you claim that Hitler actually gave free health care to Jews or something weird like that? I mean.... the sun is cold... Hitler protected Jews.... maybe you're from the school of thought that slaves were better off as slaves?

What other kind of backwards, opposite world beliefs can we expect from you cold sun folks?
You have just descended into the depths of trolldom. Thank you for making that very plain.
Dude... people who say that the sun is cold are likely to say and believe anything. I'm wondering what other far out kind of non sense you guys will defend to the last man.

Is water "dry"?

Is ice "hot"?

Are dogs actually cats, in disguise?

I mean... if you guys say that the sun is cold.... what else is in that brain you guys share?
You have just descended into the depths of trolldom. Thank you for making that very plain.
I think it's also kind of funny to watch the frog jump every time you poke it with a charged probe and his position gets more and more outlandishly stupid every time.

What began as his attempt to 'win at any cost' to prove my statement that there is a large audience checking in on this conversation now and then to gain ideas, enlightenment, entertainment and new view points, wrong has devolved into his utter destruction as a credible member on this board by his own actions. All this because he did not know when to let go, accept his reactionary position based on political gamesmanship was ill thought out because of a perceived affront to his honor or manhood. Signs of immaturity, ignorance and stubborn consistency.

A hobgoblin of many a small mind. So in this regard, he is nothing more than a bogie than a troll. A mild irritant only dangerous to the weak, foolish and oblivious, easily ignored. It is also interesting to note that this thread has devolved into an object lesson ON precisely what the OP title asks. Dogmatic adherence to a fantastical position based on short sighted reactionary assessments of the current rhetoric in an attempt to fight through the shortcomings of a political end impossibly hampered by it's lack of reflection in the observable reality. Even when offered a way out of the position, the desire to maintain a concept of inviolate manhood, overpowered a chance of regaining it over time with the sacrifice of a short term loss of face.

...watch the frog jump. For this is bait too tasty for him to ignore. And even knowing that regardless of his actions, to respond or not is a victory for my point, he won't stop.


Jump for me froggy. Jump high!
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I don't know what that whole diatribe was about...

The sun does not get cold Fitzy. It's that simple. I don't have any sort of "manhood" or pride on the line, although you seem to have some great stake in clinging to this use of "cold" as a normal way to describe the sun. It's not. It's pretty far out there. It's at least as far out there as the global warming crowd.

The sun simply does get cold Fitz. You know it, I know it.

You could say the sun "has slight temperature variations".

You could say the sun is "less radiant" sometimes.

You could say that the sun "cools".

You could even just make the little tiny concession of adding "er" to the word "cold" and even that would suffice to show that you are capable of reason.

But you insist that the sun gets cold, instead.

The sun does not get cold Fitz. Even in the time it will take for you to die, grasping and flailing about, trying every diversion you can think of to deflect the subject until you take your last stubborn breath.... the sun will not be cold. It will still be hot.

Be cause the sun does not get cold.

I don't know what that whole diatribe was about...

The sun does not get cold Fitzy. It's that simple. I don't have any sort of "manhood" or pride on the line, although you seem to have some great stake in clinging to this use of "cold" as a normal way to describe the sun. It's not. It's pretty far out there. It's at least as far out there as the global warming crowd.

The sun simply does get cold Fitz. You know it, I know it.

You could say the sun "has slight temperature variations".

You could say the sun is "less radiant" sometimes.

You could say that the sun "cools".

You could even just make the little tiny concession of adding "er" to the word "cold" and even that would suffice to show that you are capable of reason.

But you insist that the sun gets cold, instead.

The sun does not get cold Fitz. Even in the time it will take for you to die, grasping and flailing about, trying every diversion you can think of to deflect the subject until you take your last stubborn breath.... the sun will not be cold. It will still be hot.

Be cause the sun does not get cold.


Good froggy. I said jump you said 'how high'?

It's funnier still because you don't realize what I've done to you.
You have just descended into the depths of trolldom. Thank you for making that very plain.
I think it's also kind of funny to watch the frog jump every time you poke it with a charged probe and his position gets more and more outlandishly stupid every time.

What began as his attempt to 'win at any cost' to prove my statement that there is a large audience checking in on this conversation now and then to gain ideas, enlightenment, entertainment and new view points, wrong has devolved into his utter destruction as a credible member on this board by his own actions. All this because he did not know when to let go, accept his reactionary position based on political gamesmanship was ill thought out because of a perceived affront to his honor or manhood. Signs of immaturity, ignorance and stubborn consistency.

A hobgoblin of many a small mind. So in this regard, he is nothing more than a bogie than a troll. A mild irritant only dangerous to the weak, foolish and oblivious, easily ignored. It is also interesting to note that this thread has devolved into an object lesson ON precisely what the OP title asks. Dogmatic adherence to a fantastical position based on short sighted reactionary assessments of the current rhetoric in an attempt to fight through the shortcomings of a political end impossibly hampered by it's lack of reflection in the observable reality. Even when offered a way out of the position, the desire to maintain a concept of inviolate manhood, overpowered a chance of regaining it over time with the sacrifice of a short term loss of face.

...watch the frog jump. For this is bait too tasty for him to ignore. And even knowing that regardless of his actions, to respond or not is a victory for my point, he won't stop.


Jump for me froggy. Jump high!

Oh, that's good! Really, really good!
I don't know what that whole diatribe was about...

The sun does not get cold Fitzy. It's that simple. I don't have any sort of "manhood" or pride on the line, although you seem to have some great stake in clinging to this use of "cold" as a normal way to describe the sun. It's not. It's pretty far out there. It's at least as far out there as the global warming crowd.

The sun simply does get cold Fitz. You know it, I know it.

You could say the sun "has slight temperature variations".

You could say the sun is "less radiant" sometimes.

You could say that the sun "cools".

You could even just make the little tiny concession of adding "er" to the word "cold" and even that would suffice to show that you are capable of reason.

But you insist that the sun gets cold, instead.

The sun does not get cold Fitz. Even in the time it will take for you to die, grasping and flailing about, trying every diversion you can think of to deflect the subject until you take your last stubborn breath.... the sun will not be cold. It will still be hot.

Be cause the sun does not get cold.


Good froggy. I said jump you said 'how high'?

It's funnier still because you don't realize what I've done to you.

And what's truly sad is he never will.
The sun doesn't get cold Fitz.

Do you understand that the sun doesn't get cold? It seems you are still clinging to that little statement as if your entire life depended on it. What is that kind of mentality called? It's beyond stubbornness. It's not even hard headed or ignorant. It's some sort of mental thing that I can't quite put my finger on.

The sun is not cold. That's the point here. There are lots of ways to say what you meant, but you refuse to chose a more appropriate word or even make a slight alteration to "cold".

But hey... you keep clinging to your cold sun Fitz. No matter how absurd it is for a grown man to carry on and on and on trying to convince people that the sun is cold.
Good morning cold sun advocates! Let's recap Ol' Fitzy's "cold sun" saga.

Once upon a time, long ago when this thread was young, Ol' Fitzy says: "The sun gets cold, the Earth gets cold. It's simple."

And so it was pointed out that the sun doesn't really get cold and the dynamics of the Earth's climate are anything but simple. They are quite large and complex with variables that have come together to make life possible here on Earth in what by most any standard, is a narrow range of temperatures. Shift it by any significant amount and humans are probably toast. The sort of range we associate with "hot" to "cold" is pretty well spread out in our range of human survival. If 90(f) degrees is hot, what is cold? 45(f) degrees? Something along those lines is the kind of shift we consider when saying "hot"or "cold".

But if the sun experienced a 50% drop in temperature, that would be very significant. It just doesn't happen. If the sort of variation that we humans recognize as going from "hot" to "cold" happened with the sun, it would be an event never before observed and probably never again. Because we would likely not survive it. A shift of the sun's radiance by 50% or even 40% or even 30%..... would surely have immediate and severe consequences for us humans. A "cold sun" would be a giant disaster in our solar system and on our planet in particular.

Luckily for us, the sun doesn't get cold. The kind of subtle shifts in the suns radiance and intensity during it's solar cycles only results in minor changes here on Earth. Things that we survived as a species. Average temperatures dropped ever so slightly. Not the kind of thing that would happen if the sun did in fact, get cold.

Because the sun does not get cold. Relatively speaking or not, it doesn't happen. There are some slight variations in the suns activity, but there is nothing near the idea that the "sun gets cold".

The idea is absurd. The sun does not get cold.
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Higher and higher he jumps. The land falls away as little froggy never realized how high he could jump when properly motivated. He thought he was doing so to show off how bad the stimulus he experienced was, never realizing it was intended and his will was not his own. Soon the air got thin, and he got sillier and sillier as up up up he went.

Poor froggy.

You know little froggy, you can unsubscribe at any time and save yourself more humiliation at your own hand. I don't think you will. You've invested too much to pull out now and that would be an affront to your percieved manhood.

So up up up you go, little froggy!

(It's also funny when I actually read beyond his original theory again, that he's basing his argument solely on the attempt to control how I discuss things, and has little to nothing to do with the argument at hand. He wants me to obey his paradigm and the longer I ignore it, the greater the mental discongruity seems to be becoming.)
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