Why do some take belief in Global Warming as a political issue?

Concept? Now it's a concept?

Nah... you said that when the sun gets cold, the Earth gets cold. First you said you were talking about solar cycles. Then it was a relative comparison to the temp of a sun spot versus the rest of the sun. Then it was some book about some sort of solar armagedon, complete with crop failures and panic in the streets. Now it's a concept.

You can't seem to decide what it was you meant, can you? Cause the truth is, it was just a poor choice of words, the sun doesn't get cold and the only way to really address the statement in question is to acknowledge it was a bad choice of words to describe the sun.

But that would cause some sort of mental break down evidently, with a grown man curled up in a corner balling like a baby. So.... we get to watch the show. Grown men flailing about, rationalizing, telling tall tales, squirming and writhing, hoping that somehow, some way, another reason materializes that can make the sun cold for ol' Fitzy.

It's not coming Fitzy. The sun will rise today and it will not be a cold sun. It will be it's usual, radiant self and bring heat to the planet. Same thing it's been doing for all of human existence.
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I suppose he wants to refute the concept of a star that gets hot or gets cold too.

At least he hasn't posted a picture lately showing that mankind can light the planet.
And the little froggy forgot it wasn't about him. I was addressing the stupidity of Old Crocks.

Let's see if Crocks wants to bite on the tasty tasty bait.

You see, I don't think he will because, despite his nature, he's still more savvy in this matter than the little froggy. He's just flat out batshit loony.
Don't look now, but man has an incredible capacity to alter his environment.


Aside from the nice picture, let's not forget that the sun does not get cold. The idea that grown men have spent so much time and energy attempting to defend the proposition is absurd.

The sun does not get cold.
Don't look now, but man has an incredible capacity to alter his environment.


Aside from the nice picture, let's not forget that the sun does not get cold. The idea that grown men have spent so much time and energy attempting to defend the proposition is absurd.

The sun does not get cold.

I'll let YOUR side speak for us......

From the devout warmists favorite website Skeptical Science.

Various independent measurements of solar activity all confirm the sun has shown a slight cooling trend since 1978.

Has the sun been cooling or warming in recent decades?

Cue wailing and gnashing of teeth.....
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"Cooling" is a great word. I have suggested that ol' Fitzy use it.

The sun "cools" isn't absurd.

"The sun gets cold" is. It's a poor choice of words. Not the end of the world, no huge deal.

The fun thing is demonstrating the absolute inability of these type of folks to just be agreeable, to anything... at all. It is a great demonstration of how useless and in fact, counter productive you guys are in rational discussions. "Cooler" is great. That works fine. If Ol' Fittzy would like to modify his thought to that and concede that is what he meant, I think that would be very adult of him. But he has passed on that suggestion multiple times and opted to continue arguing that "the sun gets cold". It doesn't get cold. The temp changes, cools, heats back up, goes through cycles, intensity changes, radiance variations, even "gets colder" etc. The choices are many. But the flat statement that "the sun gets cold" doesn't pass the simplest examination. The sun does not get cold, by any use or meaning of the word cold.

It's not about the condition of the sun any more. It's about the condition of you guys brains. Something so simple and inconsequential yet you guys are willing to go to the mat to defend this silliness?

This is not the behavior of rational men. It is the behavior of lunatics.

The sun does not get cold.
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And little froggy comes full circle, and he continues to equivocate for the sake of trying to be in charge.
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Don't look now, but man has an incredible capacity to alter his environment.


Aside from the nice picture, let's not forget that the sun does not get cold. The idea that grown men have spent so much time and energy attempting to defend the proposition is absurd.

The sun does not get cold.

And yet, streetlights don't alter the planet's climate.
Don't look now, but man has an incredible capacity to alter his environment.


Aside from the nice picture, let's not forget that the sun does not get cold. The idea that grown men have spent so much time and energy attempting to defend the proposition is absurd.

The sun does not get cold.

And yet, streetlights don't alter the planet's climate.

Only light pollution that pisses off astronomers observing from the ground. :D
Don't look now, but man has an incredible capacity to alter his environment.


Aside from the nice picture, let's not forget that the sun does not get cold. The idea that grown men have spent so much time and energy attempting to defend the proposition is absurd.

The sun does not get cold.

And yet, streetlights don't alter the planet's climate.

Only light pollution that pisses off astronomers observing from the ground. :D

It sure pissed me off when I lived in So. Ca. I had to travel 75 miles to get some half way decent dark skies. Living in No. idaho has been ideal for me...just look at that pic with the lights. :lol:
And yet, streetlights don't alter the planet's climate.

Only light pollution that pisses off astronomers observing from the ground. :D

It sure pissed me off when I lived in So. Ca. I had to travel 75 miles to get some half way decent dark skies. Living in No. idaho has been ideal for me...just look at that pic with the lights. :lol:

Indeed....not alot of dark spaces left, are there? [Unless you live in the mountains] ;)

I have gone to the beach at times facing East.
Don't look now, but man has an incredible capacity to alter his environment.


Aside from the nice picture, let's not forget that the sun does not get cold. The idea that grown men have spent so much time and energy attempting to defend the proposition is absurd.

The sun does not get cold.

And yet, streetlights don't alter the planet's climate.

Never said they did, did I?

I said that man has the ability to alter his environment. On a grand scale. Doesn't he?
Don't look now, but man has an incredible capacity to alter his environment.


Aside from the nice picture, let's not forget that the sun does not get cold. The idea that grown men have spent so much time and energy attempting to defend the proposition is absurd.

The sun does not get cold.

And yet, streetlights don't alter the planet's climate.

Never said they did, did I?

I said that man has the ability to alter his environment. On a grand scale. Doesn't he?

But, man has not left a footprint with the environment with light pollution.
I've never denied that the earth is slightly warmer than it was 200 years ago.

I just don't believe the predictions of cataclysm, death and destruction that all the rest of you sheep believe.
I've never denied that the earth is slightly warmer than it was 200 years ago.

I just don't believe the predictions of cataclysm, death and destruction that all the rest of you sheep believe.

Who in this topic, recently has said any such?

The only reference to that sort of thing in this topic in the last few days are some hard heads who drug a book in here claiming that the sun was going to "hibernate" and cause the very cataclysm you speak of.

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