Why do some take belief in Global Warming as a political issue?

The Big Yellow Thing in the Sky affect Earths temperatures...wow, I did not know that. I thought it was all CO2
The Big Yellow Thing in the Sky affect Earths temperatures...wow, I did not know that. I thought it was all CO2
Depends on who you ask I guess, because man's action matter more than nature. So it must stand to reason that opinions heat the Earth too.

oooOOOoooo heating by Opinion Radiation. What a concept! I wonder if that's Particle or EM?
The sun does not get cold. I just doesn't doesn't.

Don't get yourself frostbit out there this week end in the cold sun Fitzy.

The sun does not get cold. I just doesn't doesn't.

Don't get yourself frostbit out there this week end in the cold sun Fitzy.

I guess the Earth can't get hot then.

The dumb beat goes on.

Dumb tss
dumb tss
dumb tss
dumb tss
dumb tss
The sun does not get cold.

This is common sense.
Dumb tss
dumb tss
dumb tss
dumb tss
dumb tss
Dumb tss
dumb tss
dumb tss
dumb tss
dumb tss
Dumb tss
dumb tss
dumb tss
dumb tss
dumb tss
Dumb tss
dumb tss
dumb tss
dumb tss
dumb tss

Must be progressive techno. BORRRRRINGGGGGG!

Now to go have a life. Do keep entertaining our guests. I'm sure they find your quaint theory and charm FASCinating!
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Let's check in with the cold sun club this evening...

Fitzy, my man, get frost bit by the sun today? How about the rest of you guys? A touch of the cold or flu? Remember to wear your long under wear and a jacket before you go out in the cold sun!

Just out of curiosity, are you fellas holocaust deniers too? Do any of you claim that Hitler actually gave free health care to Jews or something weird like that? I mean.... the sun is cold... Hitler protected Jews.... maybe you're from the school of thought that slaves were better off as slaves?

What other kind of backwards, opposite world beliefs can we expect from you cold sun folks?


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdFLPn30dvQ]Kevin Bacon - Fraternity Paddle - YouTube[/ame]
Dude... people who say that the sun is cold are likely to say and believe anything. I'm wondering what other far out kind of non sense you guys will defend to the last man.

Is water "dry"?

Is ice "hot"?

Are dogs actually cats, in disguise?

I mean... if you guys say that the sun is cold.... what else is in that brain you guys share?
Ol' Fitzy now says that it's a "quaint theory" that the sun doesn't get cold.

That's precious Fitzy. Just precious.

The sun does not get cold. Every child knows this.
The sun is very hot. All little children know this. The sun is not cold. All little children know this also.

A handful of people unable to comprehend the simple meaning of the word "cold" will never change this. Ever.

The sun does not get cold.
The sun is very hot. All little children know this. The sun is not cold. All little children know this also.

A handful of people unable to comprehend the simple meaning of the word "cold" will never change this. Ever.

The sun does not get cold.



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The sun is very hot. All little children know this. The sun is not cold. All little children know this also.

A handful of people unable to comprehend the simple meaning of the word "cold" will never change this. Ever.

The sun does not get cold.

I'm beginning to belive Willy is a lonely sould craving attention.
The sun doesn't get cold. This marathon of ignorance is new territory for me. Never did see people so bent on clinging to a clearly ignorant and insignificant position.

Any thing you guys have to say, about pretty much anything, is pretty much worthless now. People who will go to these lengths to defend a statement like "the sun gets cold" are living in some sort of strange, self important world, disconnected from reality.

The sun does not get cold. Every third grader knows this. Not relatively, not literally, not figuratively. The sun does not get cold.
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I suppose he wants to refute the concept of a star that gets hot or gets cold too.
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