Why do some take belief in Global Warming as a political issue?

And yet, streetlights don't alter the planet's climate.

Never said they did, did I?

I said that man has the ability to alter his environment. On a grand scale. Doesn't he?

Yes, we can light the darkness.
Still haven't seen proof we can alter the planet's climate.

You can also not see proof that you can light the darkness if you always keep your eyes closed. You don't see it because you don't want to see it, and you chalk up all the stuff out there effectively proving it to be conspiracy shit.
As in global warming? I haven't said that we are causing global warming.


Ever hear of a thing called the dust bowl?

You mean the thing caused by a severe drought?
What about it?

Are you claiming that the prairie cleared, farmed and depleted it's soil all by itself?

You are in denial son. The dust bowl wasn't caused by a drought. Had man not cleared the vegetation, the soil never goes away. This is all plain history. Droughts happen. They don't cause dust storms and turn prairies into barren grounds incapable of supporting plants. Man dopes that. Changed an entire region into a waste land. It was a climate shift, large scale, man made.

Only a fool can deny it.

But hey... you have politics to tend to. I understand your rejection of reality.

I guess you've never read a history book where the immigrants had to deal with massive dust storms when they were traversing the Great plains. Decades before man put plow to soil. Your colossal ignorance is astounding.

Your damning of man for everything he does isn't. Here's a clue. You are using a computer that you clearly have no idea how much pollution is created in its creation. You need to throw every belonging you have away. Walk out into the Mexican desert and live like a hermit.

If you do anything other than that you are nothing more than a elitist blowhard.

Damning man? I must have missed that part. Can you point out where I "damned" man? No, you can't. You made that up.

Pollution.... computer manufacture? What are you talking about? How have you made a connection with pollution? I haven't even said the word pollution.

From speaking about our massive grid of lighting and the dust bowl.... you jump to something about computer manufacture and pollution?

Your panties are in a pretty tight wad over that whole dust bowl deal eh?


Man's actions and direct causation of the dust storms and loss of massive amounts of soil, rendering great swaths of the plains barren is a matter of fact.

I can't and won't try to convince you otherwise, but your denials speak to your credibility and it's running awfully low there Mr. "scientist".

How did man make it stop raining? Because, you know, that's what causes drought. No rain.
Never said they did, did I?

I said that man has the ability to alter his environment. On a grand scale. Doesn't he?

Yes, we can light the darkness.
Still haven't seen proof we can alter the planet's climate.

You can also not see proof that you can light the darkness if you always keep your eyes closed. You don't see it because you don't want to see it, and you chalk up all the stuff out there effectively proving it to be conspiracy shit.


Put it in front of their face and they just close their eyes tighter.

Man has the capacity to cause large scale impacts to his environment. And the Earth does not always find a way to fix what we do. All that soil we caused to get blown away in the dust bowl has not been returned by the Earth and it never will be in any foreseeable amount of time. It may never recover.
Are you claiming that the prairie cleared, farmed and depleted it's soil all by itself?

You are in denial son. The dust bowl wasn't caused by a drought. Had man not cleared the vegetation, the soil never goes away. This is all plain history. Droughts happen. They don't cause dust storms and turn prairies into barren grounds incapable of supporting plants. Man dopes that. Changed an entire region into a waste land. It was a climate shift, large scale, man made.

Only a fool can deny it.

But hey... you have politics to tend to. I understand your rejection of reality.

I guess you've never read a history book where the immigrants had to deal with massive dust storms when they were traversing the Great plains. Decades before man put plow to soil. Your colossal ignorance is astounding.

Your damning of man for everything he does isn't. Here's a clue. You are using a computer that you clearly have no idea how much pollution is created in its creation. You need to throw every belonging you have away. Walk out into the Mexican desert and live like a hermit.

If you do anything other than that you are nothing more than a elitist blowhard.

Damning man? I must have missed that part. Can you point out where I "damned" man? No, you can't. You made that up.

Man's actions and direct causation of the dust storms and loss of massive amounts of soil, rendering great swaths of the plains barren is a matter of fact.
Yes, we can light the darkness.
Still haven't seen proof we can alter the planet's climate.

As in global warming? I haven't said that we are causing global warming.

Can we alter climate on a large scale? You betcha.

Dust Bowl - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ever hear of a thing called the dust bowl? Where MAN cleared the land, used up the soil, failed to rotate his crops, left the land fallow, causing massive dust storms and a well documented, well known and lasting effect on a large regions climate?

Man can alter the Earths climate. It has been done. Without mans farming impact, the dust bowl never happens.

Man can alter the Earths climate. Does this mean I believe in AGW? Didn't say that. Do I dismiss it on account of a few hacks trying to tell me about the cold sun? Not on your life. I can SEE what man is capable of. Reason tells me that if we can turn night into day, cause a few thousand square miles of soil to blow away, making for a long term climate impact over a VERY significant area of land.... then I would be a FOOL to buy into this lock stock and barrel, politically motivated stance that it is impossible for man to affect his environment on a large scale. he can and has.

As in global warming? I haven't said that we are causing global warming.


Ever hear of a thing called the dust bowl?

You mean the thing caused by a severe drought?
What about it?

It isn't caused solely by drought idiot...

It's caused by farming of the land and removal of the grasses with deep roots that keep the topsoil anchored. The drought wouldn't have resulted in massive dust storms if those grasses were still there. Man replaced those on huge swaths of land.

God, people are dumb!
Man's actions and direct causation of the dust storms and loss of massive amounts of soil, rendering great swaths of the plains barren is a matter of fact.

I can't and won't try to convince you otherwise, but your denials speak to your credibility and it's running awfully low there Mr. "scientist".

How did man make it stop raining? Because, you know, that's what causes drought. No rain.

Didn't say that man caused a drought. Did I?

The dust bowl isn't called "the drought" because it was more than a drought. Droughts happen all the time. Take the natural vegetation up, don't plant cover crops, leave the soil exposed to the wind during this drought, and a drought becomes something entirely different.

Please continue though. I want to make sure you guys thoroughly expose your thoughts on this matter.
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I guess you've never read a history book where the immigrants had to deal with massive dust storms when they were traversing the Great plains. Decades before man put plow to soil. Your colossal ignorance is astounding.

Your damning of man for everything he does isn't. Here's a clue. You are using a computer that you clearly have no idea how much pollution is created in its creation. You need to throw every belonging you have away. Walk out into the Mexican desert and live like a hermit.

If you do anything other than that you are nothing more than a elitist blowhard.

Damning man? I must have missed that part. Can you point out where I "damned" man? No, you can't. You made that up.

Man's actions and direct causation of the dust storms and loss of massive amounts of soil, rendering great swaths of the plains barren is a matter of fact.

And this is "damning" man?

Accepting responsibility and learning from our mistakes is a damnation?

Keep flailing. It's quite amusing.
I don't doubt that there are forces moving to create some sort or sorts of New World Order(s). Co operations between governments, treaties and efforts to control the direction of man kind is something that has always and will always exist. Are "they" using Global Warming as a tool? "They" use everything as a tool my friend. Everything.

But worrying about what "they" are doing is the idol hobby of ineffective people.
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As in global warming? I haven't said that we are causing global warming.

Can we alter climate on a large scale? You betcha.

Dust Bowl - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ever hear of a thing called the dust bowl? Where MAN cleared the land, used up the soil, failed to rotate his crops, left the land fallow, causing massive dust storms and a well documented, well known and lasting effect on a large regions climate?

Man can alter the Earths climate. It has been done. Without mans farming impact, the dust bowl never happens.

Man can alter the Earths climate. Does this mean I believe in AGW? Didn't say that. Do I dismiss it on account of a few hacks trying to tell me about the cold sun? Not on your life. I can SEE what man is capable of. Reason tells me that if we can turn night into day, cause a few thousand square miles of soil to blow away, making for a long term climate impact over a VERY significant area of land.... then I would be a FOOL to buy into this lock stock and barrel, politically motivated stance that it is impossible for man to affect his environment on a large scale. he can and has.

As in global warming? I haven't said that we are causing global warming.


Ever hear of a thing called the dust bowl?

You mean the thing caused by a severe drought?
What about it?

It isn't caused solely by drought idiot...

It's caused by farming of the land and removal of the grasses with deep roots that keep the topsoil anchored. The drought wouldn't have resulted in massive dust storms if those grasses were still there. Man replaced those on huge swaths of land.

God, people are dumb!

Man didn't cause the drought.

Glad to enlighten you.
I don't doubt that there are forces moving to create some sort or sorts of New World Order(s). Co operations between governments, treaties and efforts to control the direction of man kind is something that has always and will always exist. Are "they" using Global Warming as a tool? "They" use everything as a tool my friend. Everything.

But worrying about what "they" are doing is the idol hobby of ineffective people.

this is one of the silliest things I have ever heard
Man's actions and direct causation of the dust storms and loss of massive amounts of soil, rendering great swaths of the plains barren is a matter of fact.

I can't and won't try to convince you otherwise, but your denials speak to your credibility and it's running awfully low there Mr. "scientist".

Try linking to ANY peer reviewed study that supports that particular line of insanity. The fact you can't or won't even attempt to defend it speaks volumes of your complete and utter lack of credibility. Just like the majority of the clueless fools who you parrot.
As in global warming? I haven't said that we are causing global warming.

Can we alter climate on a large scale? You betcha.

Dust Bowl - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ever hear of a thing called the dust bowl? Where MAN cleared the land, used up the soil, failed to rotate his crops, left the land fallow, causing massive dust storms and a well documented, well known and lasting effect on a large regions climate?

Man can alter the Earths climate. It has been done. Without mans farming impact, the dust bowl never happens.

Man can alter the Earths climate. Does this mean I believe in AGW? Didn't say that. Do I dismiss it on account of a few hacks trying to tell me about the cold sun? Not on your life. I can SEE what man is capable of. Reason tells me that if we can turn night into day, cause a few thousand square miles of soil to blow away, making for a long term climate impact over a VERY significant area of land.... then I would be a FOOL to buy into this lock stock and barrel, politically motivated stance that it is impossible for man to affect his environment on a large scale. he can and has.

As in global warming? I haven't said that we are causing global warming.


Ever hear of a thing called the dust bowl?

You mean the thing caused by a severe drought?
What about it?

It isn't caused solely by drought idiot...

It's caused by farming of the land and removal of the grasses with deep roots that keep the topsoil anchored. The drought wouldn't have resulted in massive dust storms if those grasses were still there. Man replaced those on huge swaths of land.

God, people are dumb!

Yes, they are. Just look at you.
As in global warming? I haven't said that we are causing global warming.


Ever hear of a thing called the dust bowl?

You mean the thing caused by a severe drought?
What about it?

It isn't caused solely by drought idiot...

It's caused by farming of the land and removal of the grasses with deep roots that keep the topsoil anchored. The drought wouldn't have resulted in massive dust storms if those grasses were still there. Man replaced those on huge swaths of land.

God, people are dumb!

Man didn't cause the drought.

Glad to enlighten you.


Way to try and bolster your argument by taking a stance on something that NOBODY IS FUCKING ARGUING WITH. No shit man didn't cause the drought in the 1930's. They removed all the deep rooted grasses that kept the topsoil in place. You know that beautiful thing that wind does in the midwest where it blows through the grasses and it's like waves in the sea? It didn't do that because they poorly farmed the area and all that topsoil just went byebye.
Man's actions and direct causation of the dust storms and loss of massive amounts of soil, rendering great swaths of the plains barren is a matter of fact.

I can't and won't try to convince you otherwise, but your denials speak to your credibility and it's running awfully low there Mr. "scientist".

Try linking to ANY peer reviewed study that supports that particular line of insanity. The fact you can't or won't even attempt to defend it speaks volumes of your complete and utter lack of credibility. Just like the majority of the clueless fools who you parrot.

Yes.... clueless fools. That's a good term you have there.

The facts of the dust bowl, the cause and the effects are all a matter of record. Much like "cold sun" defenses, this too will be entertaining.

The dust bowl was a result of poor farming techniques. Period.
Man's actions and direct causation of the dust storms and loss of massive amounts of soil, rendering great swaths of the plains barren is a matter of fact.

I can't and won't try to convince you otherwise, but your denials speak to your credibility and it's running awfully low there Mr. "scientist".

Try linking to ANY peer reviewed study that supports that particular line of insanity. The fact you can't or won't even attempt to defend it speaks volumes of your complete and utter lack of credibility. Just like the majority of the clueless fools who you parrot.

Yes.... clueless fools. That's a good term you have there.

The facts of the dust bowl, the cause and the effects are all a matter of record. Much like "cold sun" defenses, this too will be entertaining.

The dust bowl was a result of poor farming techniques. Period.

What farming practices were responsible for the dustorms, in the same area, of the 1840's and 1850's?:eusa_whistle:
It isn't caused solely by drought idiot...

It's caused by farming of the land and removal of the grasses with deep roots that keep the topsoil anchored. The drought wouldn't have resulted in massive dust storms if those grasses were still there. Man replaced those on huge swaths of land.

God, people are dumb!

Man didn't cause the drought.

Glad to enlighten you.


Way to try and bolster your argument by taking a stance on something that NOBODY IS FUCKING ARGUING WITH. No shit man didn't cause the drought in the 1930's. They removed all the deep rooted grasses that kept the topsoil in place. You know that beautiful thing that wind does in the midwest where it blows through the grasses and it's like waves in the sea? It didn't do that because they poorly farmed the area and all that topsoil just went byebye.

Dust storms made worse by bad agricultural or grazing techniques aren't climate, drought is.
Try linking to ANY peer reviewed study that supports that particular line of insanity. The fact you can't or won't even attempt to defend it speaks volumes of your complete and utter lack of credibility. Just like the majority of the clueless fools who you parrot.

Yes.... clueless fools. That's a good term you have there.

The facts of the dust bowl, the cause and the effects are all a matter of record. Much like "cold sun" defenses, this too will be entertaining.

The dust bowl was a result of poor farming techniques. Period.

What farming practices were responsible for the dustorms, in the same area, of the 1840's and 1850's?:eusa_whistle:

There is no comparison in history to the Dust Bowl. It was a direct result of man clearing the natural grasses and failing to plant cover or crops that would hold the soil.

The 1850s or 40s scope was no comparison.

You are no kind of scientist. You are a political shill.

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