Why do some take belief in Global Warming as a political issue?


My man Fritz. I thought for minute there you had gone out in the sun and froze to death!

Fritz, the sun doesn't get cold. The sun is hot. Always.

Yes, the sun is hot compared to a chunk of dry ice.
He's doing well with failing at applying Alinsky's tactics.

Too bad he can't figure out his position is an utter fail and even third grade public school is using him as an example of failure in the public schools. The NY DOEd would like to hire him to administer a panel on english textbooks.

My man Fritz. I thought for minute there you had gone out in the sun and froze to death!

Fritz, the sun doesn't get cold. The sun is hot. Always.

Yes, the sun is hot compared to a chunk of dry ice.

The sun is hot compared to anything. It may be hotter or cooler than some things but as we humans using the English language communicate, the sun is not cold. It is hot. The meaning of the English word equates to "frosty", "chilly", etc. Even if we stretch the meaning to say it indicates an extreme temperature difference, it's still the wrong word. The sun doesn't fluctuate in the sort of extreme range that we understand as hot vs. cold. We would consider the sun hot at any of it's known temperatures.

All this tap dancing around to prove that the sun is cold is good stuff though. It's going to make for some interesting quotes in the future.
I bet most AGW nuts have absolutely no idea Geo will be on a frying pan for the next 3-4 years...
If we put multiple mirrors in space and directed them straight to a source or sources - that would solve our energy problems...

At the same time it could be a weapon.....If you can burn an ant with a basic lens on Earth what you think you can't do with mirrors in outerspace and focus? the energy to a battery on Earth??
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If we put multiple mirrors in space and directed them straight to a source or sources - that would solve our energy problems...

At the same time it could be a weapon.....

If you can burn an ant with a basic lens on Earth what you thing you can do with mirrors in outerspace???
We want to INCREASE the solar energy entering the atmosphere on the planet as a green energy that the ecofascisti say is baking us alive because of CO2 retaining more and more heat????

Why do I see a small but critical flaw in this? ;)
If we put multiple mirrors in space and directed them straight to a source or sources - that would solve our energy problems...

At the same time it could be a weapon.....

If you can burn an ant with a basic lens on Earth what you thing you can do with mirrors in outerspace???
We want to INCREASE the solar energy entering the atmosphere on the planet as a green energy that the ecofascisti say is baking us alive because of CO2 retaining more and more heat????

Why do I see a small but critical flaw in this? ;)

Mirrors do that....

My point is you can use a magnifying glass ass power - it is still a dangerous weapon.

We can put these mirrors up in orbit but Obama wants to play bitch to the Chinese.

Like I'm the only one that has thought of this...

Oh, I'm sure China understands this,, the Russians too - yet they're relaunching their space programs??
If we put multiple mirrors in space and directed them straight to a source or sources - that would solve our energy problems...

At the same time it could be a weapon.....

If you can burn an ant with a basic lens on Earth what you thing you can do with mirrors in outerspace???
We want to INCREASE the solar energy entering the atmosphere on the planet as a green energy that the ecofascisti say is baking us alive because of CO2 retaining more and more heat????

Why do I see a small but critical flaw in this? ;)

Mirrors do that....

My point is you can use a magnifying glass ass power - it is still a dangerous weapon.

We can put these mirrors up in orbit but Obama wants to play bitch to the Chinese.

Like I'm the only one that has thought of this...

Oh, I'm sure China understands this,, the Russians too - yet they're relaunching their space programs??
this has been a future tech idea since the 1960's to illuminate battlefields, and then done again in "Die Another Day".
Theoretically, with a mirror one could control the heat on earth...
yes, this is true but as with most times man tries to tinker with natural forces for planetary betterment, it ends up doing terrible things
We want to INCREASE the solar energy entering the atmosphere on the planet as a green energy that the ecofascisti say is baking us alive because of CO2 retaining more and more heat????

Why do I see a small but critical flaw in this? ;)

Mirrors do that....

My point is you can use a magnifying glass ass power - it is still a dangerous weapon.

We can put these mirrors up in orbit but Obama wants to play bitch to the Chinese.

Like I'm the only one that has thought of this...

Oh, I'm sure China understands this,, the Russians too - yet they're relaunching their space programs??
this has been a future tech idea since the 1960's to illuminate battlefields, and then done again in "Die Another Day".

Only difference now is that we can do it.........
So you accept that man has the power to cool the planet?
Neither heat nor cool. He can poison the shit out of it and kill himself off. But that's not climate.

Westwall says we have the power to cool the planet, but not heat it up. You say we can poison it and kill ourselves off but we can't heat or cool the planet.

I say it's a good idea not to speak in absolutes. Leaving the possibilities open is a good idea. You guys get so invested in these immovable positions that you lose your common sense.

Not at all. The theory of nuclear winter is fairly well researched. Add to that the observed temp drops when major volcanic eruptions occur as a proxy and you have the beginnings of a good handle on how we can cool the planet.

However, there is zero empirical data to support the theory of CO2 having much of anything to do with global temperature. In fact, ALL empirical data we have shows it has no effect.

Common sense restored. Just look at the data presented. The AGW crowd gives you computer models and nothing else. The sceptic side gives you hard data that shows CO2 has little to no effect.

Gentlemen, the Earth does not correct man made changes to the environment on any regular and observable scale. The natural condition of the Earth, absent man, in this picture is darkness. (I don't judge the goodness or badness of that condition. It just is). As you can see, man has the ability to far out pace the Earth's ability to adjust to man made conditions. Sure, hurricanes and storms take down power lines, things rust and corrode, lights burn out under the Earths wear and tear. But we build and replace faster than the Earth reclaims it's darkness. We are able to impose our will on the Earth and make it light, where the Earth would otherwise be dark.

The claim that man can only "locally" affect his environment is baloney. One picture shows us the cumulative affect. Light escapes into space also...but it's affect on Earth is quite visible on it's way out.

The claim that the Earth somehow balances man's actions is also debunked with one photo. The Earth can't tear down the lights as fast as we can put them up.

Now, again, lights are a good thing. I like lights. I think it's a heck of an accomplishment we have here to look at from space. But it also stands to demonstrate the capacity of man to make enormous changes to his environment on a global scale. To think this is only possible with light is naive or ignorant or just plain hard headed. This is all just political grudge matching against AGW. The simple fact for anyone to understand with half a brain is that all sorts of things are possible and claiming that it's impossible to cause significant environmental impact on a global scale is foolishness.

Ok, what effect does all of that light have?

It has the effect to demonstrate man's ability to make significant and global impacts to his environment.

100 years ago some guy was saying how we could light up the entire country with electricity and light bulbs. Some other guy was shitting bricks about how impossible it was. Need to wipe now?

Really? How? And be VERY specific.
You're just so far right it appears I am liberal. Right? Weren't you the one just now explaining how everything is relative?

Are you sure you want to go on the record with this relative thing? I will surely remember that you like relative things in the future.

Are you a relativist?
Let's see:

Liberals are mostly pompous, self-important douchebags utterly convinced of their own superiority and arrogant with nothing to merit arrogance.

Yep -- you're a liberal, all right.

Could be. It's all relative, after all, right?

Are liberals good or bad or is that relative?

Even more importantly, do liberals get cold?

The Sun doesn't get cold.
Dood...did you REALLY try to shove the remote up your butt?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YersIyzsOpc]Greatest freak out ever (ORIGINAL VIDEO) - YouTube[/ame]
But the relative temperature of the sun doesn't fluctuate enough to call it "cold".
{extraneous, self-important bullshit removed}

That's not for you to say, no matter how much you pout.

So.... it is for Fritz to say that the sun is cold but it's not for me to say that it isn't cold?

What happened to relativity? Did you abandon that theory already?

Fritz was speaking relatively. You were speaking absolutely.

You were wrong.
You boys be sure and dress warm today. I don't want to have to worry about you all out there in the cold sun.

(These geriatrics, gotta watch every little thing they do!)

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