Why do some take belief in Global Warming as a political issue?

Don't give an inch Fritz. It would mean you're weak if you do. Global warming would become real the moment you accepted that the sun is not cold. Hold on Fritz! This is so important for you!

The sun is hot. It is not cold.
Big Fitz! I thought we lost you for a moment there.

The Sun is not cold.

This is a statement most reasonable people can accept.
Busy having a life, and not at the beck and call of a puerile little boy.

And yet you can't let go.

El sol es caliente. No es frio.

By Jove! That yellow star is COLD compared to the Blue one! Is 13000K cooler enough for you? Or are you going to continue to insist on a meaning I never said and what is globally obvious to everyone, never meant?

You are a considerable fool, who has done nothing other than prove his own foolishness. I will not 'correct' myself into your folly, as you will not wake up and smell reality. Congrats on your dogmatic display of Alinsky's Rules for Radicals in displaying utter failure.

But... I do know when a hopeless cause has entered the room with no reason to exist other than to be a self proving idiot.
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I believe the science of climate change and global warming is pretty solid. But I've been called a liberal or democrat/progressive on that alone.

Now, I never said I think Al Gore's carbon trading scam or whatever was the best solution, just that I believe the science....

So why is this belief treated as if reflects on my political leanings one way or another by so many others?
The scandal wasn't so much fact as the way two scientists in Britain went about seeking funding for their work. They told a boatload of other scientists to omit data from climate studies to proffer a theory that would make all of them rich men.

That's what makes people mad--is letting errors of omission entitle people to funds reserved for true and truthful men and women.

Furthermore, without those omissions, those two didn't have a leg to stand on.
I believe the science of climate change and global warming is pretty solid. But I've been called a liberal or democrat/progressive on that alone.

Now, I never said I think Al Gore's carbon trading scam or whatever was the best solution, just that I believe the science....

So why is this belief treated as if reflects on my political leanings one way or another by so many others?
The scandal wasn't so much fact as the way two scientists in Britain went about seeking funding for their work. They told a boatload of other scientists to omit data from climate studies to proffer a theory that would make all of them rich men.

That's what makes people mad--is letting errors of omission entitle people to funds reserved for true and truthful men and women.

Furthermore, without those omissions, those two didn't have a leg to stand on.
Among other things.
The sun is not cold.

Fitz my man, your claim that the suns temperature fluctuates enough to be considered "cold" is just plain absurd. It doesn't. Sun spots may have a lower temp locally than the entire sun.... but wasn't it you recently explaining how we can't extrapolate local phenomenon with an entire planet? Much less an entire star? Or do you change your tact whenever it suits you?

The sun does not get cold. Not even in relative terms.
The sun is not cold.

Fitz my man, your claim that the suns temperature fluctuates enough to be considered "cold" is just plain absurd. It doesn't. Sun spots may have a lower temp locally than the entire sun.... but wasn't it you recently explaining how we can't extrapolate local phenomenon with an entire planet? Much less an entire star? Or do you change your tact whenever it suits you?

The sun does not get cold. Not even in relative terms.
I rest my case. Anyone else incapable of getting this?
The sun is not cold.

Fitz my man, your claim that the suns temperature fluctuates enough to be considered "cold" is just plain absurd. It doesn't. Sun spots may have a lower temp locally than the entire sun.... but wasn't it you recently explaining how we can't extrapolate local phenomenon with an entire planet? Much less an entire star? Or do you change your tact whenever it suits you?

The sun does not get cold. Not even in relative terms.
Just shut the FUCK UP about it, would you?
The sun is not cold.

Fitz my man, your claim that the suns temperature fluctuates enough to be considered "cold" is just plain absurd. It doesn't. Sun spots may have a lower temp locally than the entire sun.... but wasn't it you recently explaining how we can't extrapolate local phenomenon with an entire planet? Much less an entire star? Or do you change your tact whenever it suits you?

The sun does not get cold. Not even in relative terms.
Just shut the FUCK UP about it, would you?
There Small Willy.

You can go to bed knowing that you have been as intelligible as an irritating ADHD 3 year old on espresso and skittles and the adults here are through entertaining you.

Declare victory and vibrate to bed.
The sun is not cold.

Fitz my man, your claim that the suns temperature fluctuates enough to be considered "cold" is just plain absurd. It doesn't. Sun spots may have a lower temp locally than the entire sun.... but wasn't it you recently explaining how we can't extrapolate local phenomenon with an entire planet? Much less an entire star? Or do you change your tact whenever it suits you?

The sun does not get cold. Not even in relative terms.
Just shut the FUCK UP about it, would you?
There Small Willy.

You can go to bed knowing that you have been as intelligible as an irritating ADHD 3 year old on espresso and skittles and the adults here are through entertaining you.

Declare victory and vibrate to bed.

Willy is as bad as a two-year old that pepetually asks his daddy "Why"?
Let's see, when faced with the choice to:

A: Concede that calling the sun "cold" was a poor choice of words...


B: Refuse to make the smallest of concessions and stand fast that the sun is indeed, cold

You chose the latter.

And I am the childish one?

The sun is not cold Fitz. It doesn't get cold. Not even metaphorically does the sun get cold. It is synonymous with "hot". Not even in relative terms does the sun ever become "cold'. it has subtle variations based on sun spots.

If we had a branding iron that said "stubborn as a mule" and we stuck it in the fire until it was red hot and then stuck it to Fitz butt, he would surely say it was hot. If we cooled it by the same margin as sun spots cause the sun to cool and stuck it again to Fritz butt, he would surely not say that it was now cold. In fact, it would still be terribly hot. You might call it "not as hot" or "still dang hot" or even "my God, that is still hot" but no sane person would say "my, that burning sensation sure is cold!"

The sun is not cold. It is hot. Even when the sun's temperature goes down, even when when this relatively slight cooling takes place, it is not the vast degree of temperature difference that signifies even relatively "cold".

This is basic.

The sun is not cold.
Just shut the FUCK UP about it, would you?
There Small Willy.

You can go to bed knowing that you have been as intelligible as an irritating ADHD 3 year old on espresso and skittles and the adults here are through entertaining you.

Declare victory and vibrate to bed.

Willy is as bad as a two-year old that pepetually asks his daddy "Why"?
Explanation at 6:26

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjgIQCLuJY8"]Robin Williams Live at the Met PL cz. 6/7 - YouTube[/ame]

The tape is better but the solution at 6:56 is given.
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Ooooh... but you want to see now. You can't stand it. Yep. You looked. You know you did.

The sun is not cold.

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