Why do some take belief in Global Warming as a political issue?

I have a feeling that Willy is a young man...this board will be good for him.


I don't suggest you go trusting your feelings too much. Are they the same ones you have trusted to decide other things you believe?

I couldn't believe an adult would post with such childish statements. I guess I was giving you the benefit of the doubt. I stand corrected.

You mean like this?

BigFitz said:
If you say billions more than once, you're playing with it.

Or this?

skookerasbil said:
Losing asshole..............
Will play real well come November s0n!!!:boobies::boobies:

Or this?

Can I laugh my balls off any harder? s0n......you have the political IQ of a small soap dish.

Or this?

Meister said:
No, of course not, it's the exception right? Not everyone is as gullible as your sorry ass, rockhead.

Those sorts of childish taunting and name calling?

Is there some reason you have singled out my observation that the sun doesn't get cold as childish, while you look the other way regarding the incessant childish bantering that consumes this entire place?
Actually the Sun is around 10,000F. and sun spots are 6,700F That fluctuation could be considered cold on a solar scale, Willy

So... we are to split hairs about the exact language of mans impact on Earth but when it's Fitz turn to generalize we aren't to bother him with details?

The sun doesn't get cold. Sunspots may not be as hot as the rest of the surface. If that was the meaning, it's easy enough to say. But "the sun gets cold" is an absurd statement coming from someone claiming some sort of superior knowledge that I should defer to on matters of science, don't you think?

The sun doesn't get cold by any notion of the word. These same folks who defy mans ability to quantify his impact on Earth expect that "the sun gets cold" to pass?

Actually when talking about this type of discussion, you need to talk global and solar. Kinda like talking miles on a global scale and talking light years on a much larger scale. Can't really compare the two.

Yes... and explaining your super scientific knowledge of climate is best expressed by saying:

The sun gets hot, WE get hot. The sun gets cold, WE get cold. Simple isn't it.

Of course, this is a gross oversimplification. But that's what you are here explaining away as my problem? My failure to acknowledge the scientific superiority of some guy on the internet who opines that when the sun gets cold, the Earth gets cold?

Give me a break.

I don't know.

You don't know.

That's the bottom line. You might think you know, but you don't. Not anymore than the other alarmist you observe in the fray.
You guys are a lot of fun.

I'll check back in when the sun gets cold.

Why don't you check back in when you can prove man's contribution to global warming is a bad thing.

I never said there was a contribution, much less that it was good or bad.

I did go outside though. And the sun wasn't cold yet.
I wonder if Short Willy thinks that 32 degrees is cold. Or 212 degrees. Or -180 degrees?
The sun does not get cold. It's a pretty simple thing.

Actually the Sun is around 10,000F. and sun spots are 6,700F That fluctuation could be considered cold on a solar scale, Willy

So... we are to split hairs about the exact language of mans impact on Earth but when it's Fitz turn to generalize we aren't to bother him with details?

The sun doesn't get cold. Sunspots may not be as hot as the rest of the surface. If that was the meaning, it's easy enough to say. But "the sun gets cold" is an absurd statement coming from someone claiming some sort of superior knowledge that I should defer to on matters of science, don't you think?

The sun doesn't get cold by any notion of the word. These same folks who defy mans ability to quantify his impact on Earth expect that "the sun gets cold" to pass?

But "the sun gets cold" is an absurd statement

Add an "er" to the end of cold and you can stop dancing around the issue.
Actually when talking about this type of discussion, you need to talk global and solar. Kinda like talking miles on a global scale and talking light years on a much larger scale. Can't really compare the two.

Apparently Willy is just being obteuse and ignorant?

That's why I thought he was a kid. Sheesh...

I think you're right. I'm sure he's loved far and wide for his debating skills too.
Why don't you check back in when you can prove man's contribution to global warming is a bad thing.

I never said there was a contribution, much less that it was good or bad.

I did go outside though. And the sun wasn't cold yet.

Cold compared to what?
Let's see. I consider the time I was working security in an Iron Foundry. Outside, it was -12 degrees with a windchill down to -35. I go inside the chipping and grinding, the temperature rose to 50 because of all the traffic in and outside. Then I got to the knock out line and the temp rose to 85 degrees with 250 degree pieces and sand tumbling about. Then I got to the melt lines and furnace and the ambient air temp was 120, but it was a dry heat.

Then I got hit in the face with 1600 degree CELSIUS molten iron when it overflowed a casting and sprayed. That, my friends, was hot. Best shave I ever got in my life too and thank GOD that didn't stick.

Now, Is hot relative?
Actually the Sun is around 10,000F. and sun spots are 6,700F That fluctuation could be considered cold on a solar scale, Willy

So... we are to split hairs about the exact language of mans impact on Earth but when it's Fitz turn to generalize we aren't to bother him with details?

The sun doesn't get cold. Sunspots may not be as hot as the rest of the surface. If that was the meaning, it's easy enough to say. But "the sun gets cold" is an absurd statement coming from someone claiming some sort of superior knowledge that I should defer to on matters of science, don't you think?

The sun doesn't get cold by any notion of the word. These same folks who defy mans ability to quantify his impact on Earth expect that "the sun gets cold" to pass?

But "the sun gets cold" is an absurd statement

Add an "er" to the end of cold and you can stop dancing around the issue.


But I didn't make the statement, did I? That's all Fitz has to do. Correct himself. Which is the point of this whole pointless exercise. No one is here to admit something that small..."I should have said cold"er""

That's admitting defeat! My GOD ... we can't expect Fitz, the good conservative to correct himself out here for all to see... that would end conservative thought as we know it!

I know... let's attack the other guy and tell him that if he would only quietly correct Fitz's words for him this whole little misunderstanding would just go away.

That how you want this to work? Take sides and make separate rules for each side. Anyone NOT implicitly on your side is on the other side. And those people will be chided and cursed and called names and held to the letter of every word they utter.

Our side... not so much. Those dummies on the other side should be able to figure out what we mean, even when we use the wrong words.

That about right?
The sun does not get cold. It's a pretty simple thing.

Actually the Sun is around 10,000F. and sun spots are 6,700F That fluctuation could be considered cold on a solar scale, Willy

So... we are to split hairs about the exact language of mans impact on Earth but when it's Fitz turn to generalize we aren't to bother him with details?

The sun doesn't get cold. Sunspots may not be as hot as the rest of the surface. If that was the meaning, it's easy enough to say. But "the sun gets cold" is an absurd statement coming from someone claiming some sort of superior knowledge that I should defer to on matters of science, don't you think?

The sun doesn't get cold by any notion of the word. These same folks who defy mans ability to quantify his impact on Earth expect that "the sun gets cold" to pass?

b: having a relatively low temperature or one lower than normal or expected <the bath water has gotten cold>

Cold - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Perfectly reasonable use of the word cold.

Let's see your next dance move. :lol:
And the ones you're relying on are........?

The ones regarding the word "cold".

I rely on the definitions set forth by the English language.

Excellent. Post it so the rest of us can enjoy it.

We all speak the same language. We all know that calling the sun "cold" is not an accurate use of the word. Do I care? only in the case that the person who says this is claiming some superior understanding of heating and cooling of planets and atmospheres. At that point, yes, I expect the explanation to carry a bit more intelligence than "when the sun gets cold, the Earth gets cold".
Actually the Sun is around 10,000F. and sun spots are 6,700F That fluctuation could be considered cold on a solar scale, Willy

So... we are to split hairs about the exact language of mans impact on Earth but when it's Fitz turn to generalize we aren't to bother him with details?

The sun doesn't get cold. Sunspots may not be as hot as the rest of the surface. If that was the meaning, it's easy enough to say. But "the sun gets cold" is an absurd statement coming from someone claiming some sort of superior knowledge that I should defer to on matters of science, don't you think?

The sun doesn't get cold by any notion of the word. These same folks who defy mans ability to quantify his impact on Earth expect that "the sun gets cold" to pass?

b: having a relatively low temperature or one lower than normal or expected <the bath water has gotten cold>

Cold - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Perfectly reasonable use of the word cold.

Let's see your next dance move. :lol:

So you are now claiming that the fluctuations of the suns temperature are not normal or expected? I thought we just established that these fluctuations are quite normal and quite expected?

have I missed something or are these articles posted wrong about normal sun cycles?
You can only "Believe" in AGW because there are no repeatable experiments demonstrating it
I recognize that man has the ability to make large scale impacts on his environment.

But not climate. HUGE difference. Turning woods to farmland is a classic example of changing environment. Same with Farmland to Urban. Does that change the weather? Only as far as an urban heat island is concerned which is HIGHLY localized and very mild.

I recognize that this does not mean that man must be causing global warming.

And then in the next breath... you do.

Would you mind terribly if I continued to weigh the evidence before I join your team?

Mind if we help you purchase some new scales of intellectual integrity?

Or must you insist that I join one team or the other right away?

Turn about is fair play. The Chicken Littles have been demanding fealty instantly with no proof for decades. Why should you get a break on this?

Is it possible that we can be open to changing knowledge?

Sure. Still waiting for empirical repeatable proof of AGW that isn't destroyed with basic common sense when observation goes against the desired result.

Or perhaps flat Earth is still your bag?

Sorry, we're not the ones preaching mankind is omnipotent here in climatology. Perhaps you'd like to purchase this lovely Pre-Cambrian land bridge?

Cause those folks sure knew that was the indisputable fact, right?

You mean like the Chicken Little's "Consensus Peer Reviewed" science? I'm sure the Consensus Peer Review used by the Inquisition of heretics would look rather similar.

I guess it was a good thing that some people don't latch onto a belief and cling to it like a desperate child, eh?

How DO you say that with a straight face???
But I don't have a definitive opinion on the matter. There is no need to commit to one extreme view or the other. The need to pigeon hole everyone into either a full blown AGW proponent or a full blown AGW denier is not reasonable. I don't have to think that either belief is correct. The truth could be somewhere in the middle.

I recognize that man has the ability to make large scale impacts on his environment.

I recognize that this does not mean that man must be causing global warming.

Would you mind terribly if I continued to weigh the evidence before I join your team?

Or must you insist that I join one team or the other right away?

Is it possible that we can be open to changing knowledge? Or perhaps flat Earth is still your bag? Cause those folks sure knew that was the indisputable fact, right? I guess it was a good thing that some people don't latch onto a belief and cling to it like a desperate child, eh?

Damn near everyone of your posts says different. Are your posts lying?

I could care less what "team" you choose, it's obvious it's been chosen already....and that's my point.

Nope. I can only say that man has the ability to have large scale impacts on the planet. Whether we are heating up the planet and whether or not it is a good or bad thing or something that we can live with, something that the Earth will regulate... I don't know.

But I do know we are capable of this:


And this:


Now, when I can see vast areas of darkness turned to light and an entire continent consumed with smoke from man burning up the forest, I have no intelligent choice but to accept the possibilities of what man can do to change his environment on a global scale. Good / bad isn't even part of the equation really. The question is, how much impact are we capable of. Never mind if it's good or bad. It's a question of scale. And I can see the scale we are capable of impacting. Thanks to some folks who remained open to the possibility of space flight. Had everyone taken the tact on space flight that we see here, we wouldn't have these photos. It would still be impossible to do it... because some people said it was.

Is AGW possible? I don't know. Is it impossible? I don't know. Will I keep an open mind? Yep.
Yep. nature could NEVER compete.




You realize how much pollution scrubbing and balancing of the atmosphere a Hurricane does?

I don't suggest you go trusting your feelings too much. Are they the same ones you have trusted to decide other things you believe?

I couldn't believe an adult would post with such childish statements. I guess I was giving you the benefit of the doubt. I stand corrected.

You mean like this?

Or this?

Or this?

Can I laugh my balls off any harder? s0n......you have the political IQ of a small soap dish.

Or this?

Meister said:
No, of course not, it's the exception right? Not everyone is as gullible as your sorry ass, rockhead.

Those sorts of childish taunting and name calling?

Is there some reason you have singled out my observation that the sun doesn't get cold as childish, while you look the other way regarding the incessant childish bantering that consumes this entire place?

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