Why do the Christian Right believe their party is the most Holiest ? Ted is building his foundation~


Platinum Member
Aug 9, 2012
I actually saw it coming back in 1992 when Pat Robertson stirred the pot with abortion and the right became the christian way to vote for many people.

But come on these candidates running for president tape themselves praying, and are such Godly men ~

People fall for it every time.

Every single one of these candidates on both sides will do anything to get your vote. Perhaps some are true christians. But Why does Ted Cruz make a point for his first political commercial show him to be such a Godly man ....The rest of the candidates will follow I am sure.
He is building his platform with the people who follow him because its the christian way to vote.

I find it disturbing and nauseating ~

Ted Cruz touts religion in first TV ad of 2016 presidential campaign Dallas Morning News

WASHINGTON — Ted Cruz deepened his courtship of evangelicals by unveiling a targeted TV ad.

Titled “Blessing,” the 30-second spot — the first TV ad from any declared presidential candidate for 2016 — features images of the Cruz family saying grace before a meal and of others clasping hands in prayer. "

Ted Cruz touts religion in first TV ad of 2016 presidential campaign | @dallasnews Ted Cruz touts religion in first TV ad of 2016 presidential campaign Dallas Morning News

Ted Cruz is a lousy canadian. I hope Mike Huckabee runs so the Christian Right will forget about the canadian Cuban who didn't bother to renounce his canuck citizenship until he gained political power.
'Titled “Blessing,” the 30-second spot — the first TV ad from any declared presidential candidate for 2016 — features images of the Cruz family saying grace before a meal and of others clasping hands in prayer. "'

Having nothing whatsoever to do with the real issues, or what Cruz would do to address real issues.

Indeed, this is Cruz trying to avoid the issues.
'Titled “Blessing,” the 30-second spot — the first TV ad from any declared presidential candidate for 2016 — features images of the Cruz family saying grace before a meal and of others clasping hands in prayer. "'

Having nothing whatsoever to do with the real issues, or what Cruz would do to address real issues.

Indeed, this is Cruz trying to avoid the issues.
He is a fucking canadian.
'Titled “Blessing,” the 30-second spot — the first TV ad from any declared presidential candidate for 2016 — features images of the Cruz family saying grace before a meal and of others clasping hands in prayer. "'

Having nothing whatsoever to do with the real issues, or what Cruz would do to address real issues.

Indeed, this is Cruz trying to avoid the issues.
He is a fucking canadian.
It really makes no difference.
oh for crying loud, quit being a follower and start thinking for yourself.

good grief, you people are hateful

the Christian RIGHT or left doesn't have it's OWN PARTY. Go learn something but talking points

and how funny you never had a problem with Obama and his REV. Wright who said AMERCIAS chickens has come home to roost right after 9/11
most Holiest ? How many holes do they claim to have?
Why does the Islam left think his shit doesn't stink?
Why does the Islam left think his shit doesn't stink?

the thread was a fail from the get go. for them to assume Christians are only on the RIGHT. sheep/tools will be the ones bringing this country down
So much stupid in this thread that it would give me a migraine. No political party is holy.

"Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image."

What I see here though, is someone who from the title of his thread, believes in this meme. This is why I'm a libertarian. When it gets to the point where you worship your party more than God, that's it. You're done. I'm done. Politics is full of idolatry, and it's pathetic.
most Holiest ? How many holes do they claim to have?

They are some of the most hateful people in this country who's only goal is to divide us into a country of hate

Damn Steph, you missed my point, so I guess the OP won't get it either. Damn!

lol, no I got it....I'm sure the op won't though. that would take some thinking...:badgrin:

Get your head out of your big fat ass you moron~ of coarse you missed the point of the joke we all know that in your head there is a light on in the attic,but no ones home..............

Christian fundamentalism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Christian right[edit]
Main article: Christian right
The latter half of the twentieth century witnessed a surge of interest in organized political activism by U.S. fundamentalists. Dispensational fundamentalists viewed the 1948establishment of the state of Israel as an important sign of the fulfillment of biblical prophecy, and support for Israel became the centerpiece of their approach to U.S. foreign policy.[42] United States Supreme Court decisions also ignited fundamentalists' interest in organized politics, particularly Engel v. Vitale in 1962, which prohibited state-sanctioned prayer in public schools, and Abington School District v. Schempp in 1963, which prohibited mandatory Bible reading in public schools.[43] By the time Ronald Reagan ran for the presidency in 1980, fundamentalist preachers, like the prohibitionist ministers of the early 20th century, were organizing their congregations to vote for supportive candidates.[44]

Leaders of the newly political fundamentalism included Rob Grant and Jerry Falwell. Beginning with Grant's American Christian Cause in 1974, Christian Voice throughout the 1970s and Falwell's Moral Majority in the 1980s, the Christian Right began to have a major impact on American politics. In the 1980s and 1990s, the Christian Right was influencing elections and policy with groups such as the Family Research Council (founded 1981 by James Dobson) and the Christian Coalition (formed in 1989 by Pat Robertson) helping conservative politicians, especially Republicans to win state and national elections.[45]
No, Christians dont believe their party is "holiest" [sic]. The thread is a fail from the get go. The ad is one of many that Cruz will be airing. It is refreshing to see a family that takes religion seriously instead of trying to run away from it, like Obama did when the news came out about his attending Rev Goddamn America Wright's church for 20 years.
most Holiest ? How many holes do they claim to have?

They are some of the most hateful people in this country who's only goal is to divide us into a country of hate

Damn Steph, you missed my point, so I guess the OP won't get it either. Damn!

lol, no I got it....I'm sure the op won't though. that would take some thinking...:badgrin:

Get your head out of your big fat ass you moron~ of coarse you missed the point of the joke we all know that in your head there is a light on in the attic,but no ones home..............

Christian fundamentalism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Christian right[edit]
Main article: Christian right
The latter half of the twentieth century witnessed a surge of interest in organized political activism by U.S. fundamentalists. Dispensational fundamentalists viewed the 1948establishment of the state of Israel as an important sign of the fulfillment of biblical prophecy, and support for Israel became the centerpiece of their approach to U.S. foreign policy.[42] United States Supreme Court decisions also ignited fundamentalists' interest in organized politics, particularly Engel v. Vitale in 1962, which prohibited state-sanctioned prayer in public schools, and Abington School District v. Schempp in 1963, which prohibited mandatory Bible reading in public schools.[43] By the time Ronald Reagan ran for the presidency in 1980, fundamentalist preachers, like the prohibitionist ministers of the early 20th century, were organizing their congregations to vote for supportive candidates.[44]

Leaders of the newly political fundamentalism included Rob Grant and Jerry Falwell. Beginning with Grant's American Christian Cause in 1974, Christian Voice throughout the 1970s and Falwell's Moral Majority in the 1980s, the Christian Right began to have a major impact on American politics. In the 1980s and 1990s, the Christian Right was influencing elections and policy with groups such as the Family Research Council (founded 1981 by James Dobson) and the Christian Coalition (formed in 1989 by Pat Robertson) helping conservative politicians, especially Republicans to win state and national elections.[45]

Typical of the low information LEFT. when people don't agree they resort to calling people names. you fail loser. no one takes you seriously with this Christian right bs

I hope you got your panites all bunched by Obama being from the party of religious left Black Liberation
I actually saw it coming back in 1992 when Pat Robertson stirred the pot with abortion and the right became the christian way to vote for many people.

But come on these candidates running for president tape themselves praying, and are such Godly men ~

People fall for it every time.

Every single one of these candidates on both sides will do anything to get your vote. Perhaps some are true christians. But Why does Ted Cruz make a point for his first political commercial show him to be such a Godly man ....The rest of the candidates will follow I am sure.
He is building his platform with the people who follow him because its the christian way to vote.

I find it disturbing and nauseating ~

Ted Cruz touts religion in first TV ad of 2016 presidential campaign Dallas Morning News

WASHINGTON — Ted Cruz deepened his courtship of evangelicals by unveiling a targeted TV ad.

Titled “Blessing,” the 30-second spot — the first TV ad from any declared presidential candidate for 2016 — features images of the Cruz family saying grace before a meal and of others clasping hands in prayer. "

Ted Cruz touts religion in first TV ad of 2016 presidential campaign | @dallasnews Ted Cruz touts religion in first TV ad of 2016 presidential campaign Dallas Morning News

Either a religion has to act like it's the first true and only valid religion, or it must admit it's just the latest variation on a theme. Part of assuming you're right and everyone else must therefore be wrong is trying to impose yourself onto everyone else.
I actually saw it coming back in 1992 when Pat Robertson stirred the pot with abortion and the right became the christian way to vote for many people.

But come on these candidates running for president tape themselves praying, and are such Godly men ~

People fall for it every time.

Every single one of these candidates on both sides will do anything to get your vote. Perhaps some are true christians. But Why does Ted Cruz make a point for his first political commercial show him to be such a Godly man ....The rest of the candidates will follow I am sure.
He is building his platform with the people who follow him because its the christian way to vote.

I find it disturbing and nauseating ~

Ted Cruz touts religion in first TV ad of 2016 presidential campaign Dallas Morning News

WASHINGTON — Ted Cruz deepened his courtship of evangelicals by unveiling a targeted TV ad.

Titled “Blessing,” the 30-second spot — the first TV ad from any declared presidential candidate for 2016 — features images of the Cruz family saying grace before a meal and of others clasping hands in prayer. "

Ted Cruz touts religion in first TV ad of 2016 presidential campaign | @dallasnews Ted Cruz touts religion in first TV ad of 2016 presidential campaign Dallas Morning News

Either a religion has to act like it's the first true and only valid religion, or it must admit it's just the latest variation on a theme. Part of assuming you're right and everyone else must therefore be wrong is trying to impose yourself onto everyone else.

That is totally untrue, esp the last part.
most Holiest ? How many holes do they claim to have?

They are some of the most hateful people in this country who's only goal is to divide us into a country of hate

Damn Steph, you missed my point, so I guess the OP won't get it either. Damn!

lol, no I got it....I'm sure the op won't though. that would take some thinking...:badgrin:

Get your head out of your big fat ass you moron~ of coarse you missed the point of the joke we all know that in your head there is a light on in the attic,but no ones home..............

Christian fundamentalism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Christian right[edit]
Main article: Christian right
The latter half of the twentieth century witnessed a surge of interest in organized political activism by U.S. fundamentalists. Dispensational fundamentalists viewed the 1948establishment of the state of Israel as an important sign of the fulfillment of biblical prophecy, and support for Israel became the centerpiece of their approach to U.S. foreign policy.[42] United States Supreme Court decisions also ignited fundamentalists' interest in organized politics, particularly Engel v. Vitale in 1962, which prohibited state-sanctioned prayer in public schools, and Abington School District v. Schempp in 1963, which prohibited mandatory Bible reading in public schools.[43] By the time Ronald Reagan ran for the presidency in 1980, fundamentalist preachers, like the prohibitionist ministers of the early 20th century, were organizing their congregations to vote for supportive candidates.[44]

Leaders of the newly political fundamentalism included Rob Grant and Jerry Falwell. Beginning with Grant's American Christian Cause in 1974, Christian Voice throughout the 1970s and Falwell's Moral Majority in the 1980s, the Christian Right began to have a major impact on American politics. In the 1980s and 1990s, the Christian Right was influencing elections and policy with groups such as the Family Research Council (founded 1981 by James Dobson) and the Christian Coalition (formed in 1989 by Pat Robertson) helping conservative politicians, especially Republicans to win state and national elections.[45]

Typical of the low information LEFT. when people don't agree they resort to calling people names. you fail loser. no one takes you seriously with this Christian right bs

I hope you got your panites all bunched by Obama being from the party of religious left Black Liberation

I wonder what kind of person you are off the computer. You are probably the kind that feels that the world owes you a living, while my taxes pay for you. I would believe you would be a bit kinder and grateful person to a party that fights to take care of you.
Instead you take the money without a blink of the eye and Bite the Hand that Feeds you . So typical~
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