Why do the God-haters persist?

That more and more people are waking up and not believing in fairytales.

Think what you want to but this isn't true. 95% of the human race believes in something greater than self. Only about 5% identify as Nihilists who believe in nothing. This statistic traces back to the origins of man.

Now, you'll find propaganda to show that membership in Christian churches are declining in America, or fewer people report attending regular religious services, etc. Religions come and go, trends also change with times, but the number of people who believe in something greater than self is not changing.

Fear is eternal.

Only God is eternal.

e = without
ternal = time

Fear is not an inherent attribute of God, therefore fear is not eternal.
That more and more people are waking up and not believing in fairytales.

Think what you want to but this isn't true. 95% of the human race believes in something greater than self. Only about 5% identify as Nihilists who believe in nothing. This statistic traces back to the origins of man.

Now, you'll find propaganda to show that membership in Christian churches are declining in America, or fewer people report attending regular religious services, etc. Religions come and go, trends also change with times, but the number of people who believe in something greater than self is not changing.

Why do you continue to bring up Nihilism as the only possible choice for those who do not have faith in some sort of higher power?
Why do you continue to bring up Nihilism as the only possible choice for those who do not have faith in some sort of higher power?

Because Nihilism is the belief in nothing existential. That life has no greater purpose or meaning. Why do you run from the label which defines your supposed beliefs? You don't believe in God or Spiritual Nature. You think humans just live, exist, die, and become worm food. Do you avoid the label because you're not so sure this is what you actually believe?
Think what you want to but this isn't true. 95% of the human race believes in something greater than self. Only about 5% identify as Nihilists who believe in nothing. This statistic traces back to the origins of man.

Now, you'll find propaganda to show that membership in Christian churches are declining in America, or fewer people report attending regular religious services, etc. Religions come and go, trends also change with times, but the number of people who believe in something greater than self is not changing.

Fear is eternal.

Only God is eternal.

e = without
ternal = time

Fear is not an inherent attribute of God, therefore fear is not eternal.

So you are saying that the God made man in his own image claim is wrong. I agree.
Why do you continue to bring up Nihilism as the only possible choice for those who do not have faith in some sort of higher power?
Because Nihilism is the belief in nothing existential. That life has no greater purpose or meaning. Why do you run from the label which defines your supposed beliefs? You don't believe in God or Spiritual Nature. You think humans just live, exist, die, and become worm food. Do you avoid the label because you're not so sure this is what you actually believe?

Because atheism is not nihilism. Next.
Why do you continue to bring up Nihilism as the only possible choice for those who do not have faith in some sort of higher power?

Because Nihilism is the belief in nothing existential. That life has no greater purpose or meaning. Why do you run from the label which defines your supposed beliefs? You don't believe in God or Spiritual Nature. You think humans just live, exist, die, and become worm food. Do you avoid the label because you're not so sure this is what you actually believe?

That simply is not true. You REALLY need to look up the definition.
That more and more people are waking up and not believing in fairytales.

Think what you want to but this isn't true. 95% of the human race believes in something greater than self. Only about 5% identify as Nihilists who believe in nothing. This statistic traces back to the origins of man.

Now, you'll find propaganda to show that membership in Christian churches are declining in America, or fewer people report attending regular religious services, etc. Religions come and go, trends also change with times, but the number of people who believe in something greater than self is not changing.

Your attitudes are stereotypical for a wide cross section of religious extremists who use their religion only to foment hate and derision.
Why do you continue to bring up Nihilism as the only possible choice for those who do not have faith in some sort of higher power?
Because Nihilism is the belief in nothing existential. That life has no greater purpose or meaning. Why do you run from the label which defines your supposed beliefs? You don't believe in God or Spiritual Nature. You think humans just live, exist, die, and become worm food. Do you avoid the label because you're not so sure this is what you actually believe?

Because atheism is not nihilism. Next.

Yes, and I find that very interesting. Even the most devout Atheists have some belief in purpose of life and something greater than self. Something inside your brain just won't let you pull the trigger on the whole Nihilist shtick. Can't quite bring yourselves to go that far. Best just to hang out with the God-haters and Christian-bashers and leave that question of greater purpose alone for now, huh?

But okay... I get that I touched a nerve with you Atheists by comparing you to Nihilists... Let's take just people who identify as Atheists into account here... Still, 90% of the human population believe in something non-Atheistic. Hardly an endorsement for sealybobo's claim that "more and more people are waking up and not believing..." One in ten? Really?
Why do you continue to bring up Nihilism as the only possible choice for those who do not have faith in some sort of higher power?

Because Nihilism is the belief in nothing existential. That life has no greater purpose or meaning. Why do you run from the label which defines your supposed beliefs? You don't believe in God or Spiritual Nature. You think humans just live, exist, die, and become worm food. Do you avoid the label because you're not so sure this is what you actually believe?

That simply is not true. You REALLY need to look up the definition.

Well, I have done more than look up the definition at Wikipedia and elsewhere. Understand that Nihilism as well as nihilism has numerous connotations. There is a wide range of beliefs and attributes associated, just like with Atheism and atheistic. I gave a rather short concise definition for the sake of brevity.

While there are a great deal of anti-social aspects to Nihilism that aren't found in Atheism, I believe it's because Atheists talk the talk while Nihilists walk the walk. If you honestly believe there is no God, no supreme spiritual force out there of any kind, then what real purpose does life have? What is the basis for moral accountability? Humanity? Social mores? Everything is just a big mind fuck and we live for ourselves, and that's it. Nihilists simply take Atheism to it's logical conclusion, nothing means anything. There is no reason for it to mean anything.

What is SO fascinating to me as a psychologist, is just how quickly the "Atheists" here were to jump on this and weigh in. Totally offended at the notion that someone might think of them as *gasp* Nihilists! ...I love messing with minds here!
That more and more people are waking up and not believing in fairytales.

Think what you want to but this isn't true. 95% of the human race believes in something greater than self. Only about 5% identify as Nihilists who believe in nothing. This statistic traces back to the origins of man.

Now, you'll find propaganda to show that membership in Christian churches are declining in America, or fewer people report attending regular religious services, etc. Religions come and go, trends also change with times, but the number of people who believe in something greater than self is not changing.

Your attitudes are stereotypical for a wide cross section of religious extremists who use their religion only to foment hate and derision.

No sweetie, my attitudes are anything but stereotypical. I am a one-of-a-kind American original. I am not religious, although I am extremely spiritual, but I don't use religion or anything else to foment hate and derision. I often find myself defending religious arguments here against the likes of you God-haters, but I've had my share of disagreements with Christians and other religious people. My sister, who is devoutly religious, calls me her "Atheist Brother" and tells me I am destined for Hell. I'm not shook, I have a strong relationship with my God, and I believe if I were headed for Hell, my God would certainly let me know of this.
Think what you want to but this isn't true. 95% of the human race believes in something greater than self. Only about 5% identify as Nihilists who believe in nothing. This statistic traces back to the origins of man.

Now, you'll find propaganda to show that membership in Christian churches are declining in America, or fewer people report attending regular religious services, etc. Religions come and go, trends also change with times, but the number of people who believe in something greater than self is not changing.

Your attitudes are stereotypical for a wide cross section of religious extremists who use their religion only to foment hate and derision.

No sweetie, my attitudes are anything but stereotypical. I am a one-of-a-kind American original. I am not religious, although I am extremely spiritual, but I don't use religion or anything else to foment hate and derision. I often find myself defending religious arguments here against the likes of you God-haters, but I've had my share of disagreements with Christians and other religious people. My sister, who is devoutly religious, calls me her "Atheist Brother" and tells me I am destined for Hell. I'm not shook, I have a strong relationship with my God, and I believe if I were headed for Hell, my God would certainly let me know of this.

Actually, pumpkin, you are very much the archetype for the angry fundamentalist. You define as god-haters, those who challenge your religious beliefs in the gods.

It's remarkable how in lock-step you are with the other fundies who become incensed when their claims to supernaturalism are challenged, in a public forum when you should expect that others will disagree with you.

If you're not prepared emotionally for challenges to what you're unable to defend without appeals to magic and supernaturalism, you should engage on a forum where everyone shares your religious beliefs.
Because Nihilism is the belief in nothing existential. That life has no greater purpose or meaning. Why do you run from the label which defines your supposed beliefs? You don't believe in God or Spiritual Nature. You think humans just live, exist, die, and become worm food. Do you avoid the label because you're not so sure this is what you actually believe?

That simply is not true. You REALLY need to look up the definition.

Well, I have done more than look up the definition at Wikipedia and elsewhere. Understand that Nihilism as well as nihilism has numerous connotations. There is a wide range of beliefs and attributes associated, just like with Atheism and atheistic. I gave a rather short concise definition for the sake of brevity.

While there are a great deal of anti-social aspects to Nihilism that aren't found in Atheism, I believe it's because Atheists talk the talk while Nihilists walk the walk. If you honestly believe there is no God, no supreme spiritual force out there of any kind, then what real purpose does life have? What is the basis for moral accountability? Humanity? Social mores? Everything is just a big mind fuck and we live for ourselves, and that's it. Nihilists simply take Atheism to it's logical conclusion, nothing means anything. There is no reason for it to mean anything.

What is SO fascinating to me as a psychologist, is just how quickly the "Atheists" here were to jump on this and weigh in. Totally offended at the notion that someone might think of them as *gasp* Nihilists! ...I love messing with minds here!

You love thinking you are messing with minds, anyway. :lol:

As I've said before, I doubt that many surveys (likely to be one of the major ways people come up with statistics about belief in god(s)) have nihilism as a choice, at least in the US. Atheism or agnosticism, perhaps, but nihilism is not a common word used to describe lack of religious belief. So making claims about nihilism as the only non-religious choice is just silly.

That's not even taking into account the simple misuse of the word.

But go ahead and keep on thinking your keen psychologist's training is really throwing all the non-believers for a loop with this. ;)
Think what you want to but this isn't true. 95% of the human race believes in something greater than self. Only about 5% identify as Nihilists who believe in nothing. This statistic traces back to the origins of man.

Now, you'll find propaganda to show that membership in Christian churches are declining in America, or fewer people report attending regular religious services, etc. Religions come and go, trends also change with times, but the number of people who believe in something greater than self is not changing.

Your attitudes are stereotypical for a wide cross section of religious extremists who use their religion only to foment hate and derision.

No sweetie, my attitudes are anything but stereotypical. I am a one-of-a-kind American original. I am not religious, although I am extremely spiritual, but I don't use religion or anything else to foment hate and derision. I often find myself defending religious arguments here against the likes of you God-haters, but I've had my share of disagreements with Christians and other religious people. My sister, who is devoutly religious, calls me her "Atheist Brother" and tells me I am destined for Hell. I'm not shook, I have a strong relationship with my God, and I believe if I were headed for Hell, my God would certainly let me know of this.

But you have repeatedly said that your "god" has no personal interest in you whatsoever so clearly you have no relationship with this entitity, unless your relationships are defined by the other person having no interest in you.
Which I can certainly imagine being the case.
This thread is dead. You guys let the atheists successfully derail it

tapatalk post

Oh, it's just taken a slight detour. You see, many of these so-called "Atheists" are also Marxist activists who want to destroy the representative democracy we have in America and replace it with socialist totalitarianism. They are just as dishonest about their hate for America as they are about their hate for a God they don't believe in.

What a laughable post.

I know dozens of atheists and have never met an actual Marxist activist. Where are these "many" Marxist activists?

Who posting on USMB do you have evidence of being a Marxist Activist?

What should we do about these people?

Shouldn't someone contact the FBI?

If YOU have evidense isn't it your duty to report it?

I hope you are not suggesting that the atheists that are not Marxist activists get in touch with the authorities if only to clear their names.

I just don't have the time.

Conservatives never change. Hence the name. So it is no surprise that the people that rule our society because they have all the money would use the same Red Scare tactics that worked in 1920's then again in the 40's and 50's. Conservatives have never changed. Hell, they don't even believe science. And what is amazing is they are our neighbors, bosses, friends, customers, co workers. These idiots live among us. They were conned into Iraq by Bush and they actually NEVER blamed Bush or the GOP for the collapse of our economy. That's how brainwashed and dumb they are. I wish for Jesus to come back and take them all home.
That more and more people are waking up and not believing in fairytales.

Think what you want to but this isn't true. 95% of the human race believes in something greater than self. Only about 5% identify as Nihilists who believe in nothing. This statistic traces back to the origins of man.

Now, you'll find propaganda to show that membership in Christian churches are declining in America, or fewer people report attending regular religious services, etc. Religions come and go, trends also change with times, but the number of people who believe in something greater than self is not changing.

We see since the internet more and more people are waking up and realizing there is no God. Never before have we had the resources to go seek out all the facts. Until the internet all you could do was

a. Talk to a christian
b. Talk to a priest
c. Read the bible

Any of these choices are bad because christians are brainwashed, priests are either liars fools or brainwashed too and the bible was written 100 years after Jesus by a cult.

We also know why people are religious. It's because we didn't know science. God was the only way to explain away things we didn't understand. Time to evolve. God is dead or at least dying. What, the other 998 religions are fake but yours is not? And yesterday I saw a thing on Facebook about a new athiest church that is growing like crazy. We are not afraid because we know if there is a God he isn't the Christian's, Jews or Muslim's version of God so we don't fear mocking you guys because we know 100% for sure you are fos. If there is a God, he doesn't give a shit what you or I are typing. Rediculous. This was the church/kings way of controlling the people. Gullible unevolved uneducated people. It even took me a couple days with a true athiest to realize there is no God. I used to say I don't believe the Christian's version but I do believe in God. Then they educated me on why humans do that. First off, I've been brainwashed since birth too. I just woke up. But don't you think I want to believe there is a heaven? But it's just the most rediculous stories in the bible. Anyone who takes those stories literally can't be that smart. And the ones that don't, well they are really christians are they? The church says yes to keep you as a member but the truly faithful say you either believe in miracles and fairytales or go to hell. I know God wouldn't do that, if there was one.
That more and more people are waking up and not believing in fairytales.

Think what you want to but this isn't true. 95% of the human race believes in something greater than self. Only about 5% identify as Nihilists who believe in nothing. This statistic traces back to the origins of man.

Now, you'll find propaganda to show that membership in Christian churches are declining in America, or fewer people report attending regular religious services, etc. Religions come and go, trends also change with times, but the number of people who believe in something greater than self is not changing.

We see since the internet more and more people are waking up and realizing there is no God. Never before have we had the resources to go seek out all the facts. Until the internet all you could do was

a. Talk to a christian
b. Talk to a priest
c. Read the bible

No, you could go to the library and read many books on theology and atheism. You could take college courses. You could rent videos and buy tapes. You could go around and talk to other people, attend seminars and lectures, listen to the radio or watch television. You make it sound as if "before the internet" we lived in the age of the Flintstones.

You've still not proven this statement about "more and more people are waking up" because statistics don't bear this out. 9-out-of-10 people have some kind of spiritual belief.

Any of these choices are bad because christians are brainwashed, priests are either liars fools or brainwashed too and the bible was written 100 years after Jesus by a cult.

The Bible was written over a span of several hundred years preceding Jesus and after his death by numerous authors. This sounds like something you may have read on that bastion of intelligent and unassailable information, The Internet! Yes... the good ol' Internet we used to not have, where all the actual TRUTH can be found on assorted blogs and websites constructed by morons like yourself. Whatever did we do without it to tell us what was good and bad?

We also know why people are religious. It's because we didn't know science. God was the only way to explain away things we didn't understand. Time to evolve.

This is also not true. Science predates the modern era. It came about somewhere around the 4th century BCE... well before Christianity. It probably dates back to the ancient Greeks, as science comes from Latin 'scientia', meaning "knowledge". So it's really difficult to believe that the Christian movement as well as most modern religions, emerged in the shadows of this glorious thing called science to where 90% of us still worship something greater than self and 10% of us are atheistic. But then, 'evolution' takes millions of years, right?

God is dead or at least dying.

LMFAO... The God that doesn't exist??? :dunno:

What, the other 998 religions are fake but yours is not? And yesterday I saw a thing on Facebook about a new athiest church that is growing like crazy. We are not afraid because we know if there is a God....

Wait... so some of this 10% who claim to be Atheists actually believe there might be a God? :eek: I had NO idea!! I thought you just said science was dispelling that myth, but now we have Atheists forming churches and believing there might be a God? Can't make up your minds?

we know 100% for sure you are fos.

Doesn't sound like you know anything 100%. Sounds like there may be some doubts, if Atheists are forming churches and whatnot. :lol:

If there is a God, he doesn't give a shit what you or I are typing. Rediculous. This was the church/kings way of controlling the people. Gullible unevolved uneducated people.

For the record, the God I believe in doesn't give a shit what you and I are typing. Just saying. And yes, I agree, religion has often been used by the powerful as a means of control over others. However, we part ways on the idea that people who are spiritually inclined are gullible, unevolved or uneducated. You do realize that almost to a fault, every person responsible for modern science coming to exist, was devoutly spiritual and believed in God, right? Yep, they may not have been particularly religious (although some were), but you'll be hard pressed to find any example of them categorizing a belief in God as "ridiculous". At best, they left the question open.

It even took me a couple days with a true athiest to realize there is no God.

Ah.... so THAT's your problem... but you feel that others are "brainwashed" and not you? Yes, 90% of us are gullible, unevolved and uneducated brainwashed idiots, and you are among the 10% who are enlightened to the truth... but some of you are forming churches, just in case. lol

I used to say I don't believe the Christian's version but I do believe in God. Then they educated me on why humans do that. First off, I've been brainwashed since birth too. I just woke up. But don't you think I want to believe there is a heaven? But it's just the most rediculous stories in the bible. Anyone who takes those stories literally can't be that smart. And the ones that don't, well they are really christians are they? The church says yes to keep you as a member but the truly faithful say you either believe in miracles and fairytales or go to hell. I know God wouldn't do that, if there was one.

Here's what has happened to you, moron. You've bought a bunch of hyperbolic nonsense from propagandists who are out to destroy God. You didn't "wake up" you became brainwashed into believing a lie. Humans, since the first human civilizations, have been intrinsically connected to something greater than self, beyond the physical. It is our most defining attribute as a species and 90% of us still retain the feature, in spite of science and the Internet. Even the 10% who claim to be Atheists are creating churches on the off-chance they may be wrong about the no-God thing.

Now, let me address Chrisitianity here.... It is a RELIGION. It may be right or wrong, I make no claims because I am not a Christian, but I do know a lot about their religion and beliefs. For instance, it is a religion of ACCEPTANCE. That means, no matter how much you want to believe it or how much they may wish it, you CANNOT be forced to be a Christian. You have to ACCEPT the Lord as your personal savior, there is no other way to become a Christian. No one can ever MAKE you do that, it's a matter of your personal faith and what is inside your heart.

That said, regardless of your belief regarding Christianity, it has nothing to do with whether or not Spiritual Nature exists. There CAN be a God without it being the Christian's God of Abraham.
But you have repeatedly said that your "god" has no personal interest in you whatsoever so clearly you have no relationship with this entitity, unless your relationships are defined by the other person having no interest in you.
Which I can certainly imagine being the case.

No, I have said that God doesn't "care" or have human emotional attributes, and I gave a comparison of electricity in your wall socket not "caring" what you do with it, but more than willing to dole out the consequences for disrespecting it's power. If you wish to believe electricity doesn't exist because you can't see it, that's fine... it's still there in the outlet and available to benefit you, if you ever decide to accept it exists.

Now, you and I have conversations here daily... You tell me what you want me to hear, and I tell you what I want you to hear, and we argue our points back and forth, usually with me beating your brains in and causing you to act emotively in a pathetic attempt to save face... but the point is, you don't have any concern for what I am doing or about to do. I also have no interest in you whatsoever.... more interested in the fungus beneath my toenail, honestly. However, we do have what can be described as a 'relationship' here on this forum, under our respective screen names and avatars. Strange how that works, huh?
That simply is not true. You REALLY need to look up the definition.

Well, I have done more than look up the definition at Wikipedia and elsewhere. Understand that Nihilism as well as nihilism has numerous connotations. There is a wide range of beliefs and attributes associated, just like with Atheism and atheistic. I gave a rather short concise definition for the sake of brevity.

While there are a great deal of anti-social aspects to Nihilism that aren't found in Atheism, I believe it's because Atheists talk the talk while Nihilists walk the walk. If you honestly believe there is no God, no supreme spiritual force out there of any kind, then what real purpose does life have? What is the basis for moral accountability? Humanity? Social mores? Everything is just a big mind fuck and we live for ourselves, and that's it. Nihilists simply take Atheism to it's logical conclusion, nothing means anything. There is no reason for it to mean anything.

What is SO fascinating to me as a psychologist, is just how quickly the "Atheists" here were to jump on this and weigh in. Totally offended at the notion that someone might think of them as *gasp* Nihilists! ...I love messing with minds here!

You love thinking you are messing with minds, anyway. :lol:

As I've said before, I doubt that many surveys (likely to be one of the major ways people come up with statistics about belief in god(s)) have nihilism as a choice, at least in the US. Atheism or agnosticism, perhaps, but nihilism is not a common word used to describe lack of religious belief. So making claims about nihilism as the only non-religious choice is just silly.

That's not even taking into account the simple misuse of the word.

But go ahead and keep on thinking your keen psychologist's training is really throwing all the non-believers for a loop with this. ;)

Well they can certainly ask people if they are Nihilists worldwide and come up with a statistic. That's what I assume they've done when it's reported that less than 5% are Nihilist. I would assume they are probably also Atheists... (but not part of the Atheists who are forming churches, according to sillyboob.)

But if you want to just count Atheists, then only 1 out of 10 people describe themselves as that, the other 90% have some sort of belief in something greater than self. It's still a very laughable far cry from this supposed "mass exodus" from God, as has been inferred.
Actually, pumpkin, you are very much the archetype for the angry fundamentalist......It's remarkable how in lock-step you are with the other fundies...

Isn't it curious how in one sentence I am "the archetype" and the next sentence, I am following in lockstep with the "other" fundies? You segregated me from the rest and didn't even seem to notice you did it. :smiliehug:

I guess you think calling people "angry fundamentalist" is supposed to upset them and make them run from their religious faith or something? Actually, it only serves to further marginalize you as an anti-religious intolerant who can't be conversed with civilly.
since there is no such thing as "god", anyone bothering to hate "him" is just irrational. So are those who love "him", obviously.

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