Why do the God-haters persist?

THAT alone is reason enough to attempt to reach out to people to show them the insanity of religion.

But I'm NOT religious.... sooo????

Right. Your appeals to gods have nothing to do with religion. You have invented some "new-wave" religion you call "spiritual nature".

What a joke!
Freedom of religion has been a death sentence to many millions of innocent human beings just in my lifetime.

Yes... Moral relativism where life means essentially nothing and there are no moral boundaries, is a MUCH better game plan!
Freedom of religion has been a death sentence to many millions of innocent human beings just in my lifetime.
Yes... Moral relativism where life means essentially nothing and there are no moral boundaries, is a MUCH better game plan!

No one dies. Sounds like a better plan to me.
If enough people speak out against this madness it will be the most usefull discussion ever engaged in... in human history.

Well you're at 1 in 10 right now, so GOOD LUCK!

That may be so world wide. BUT.. we in the US have been the instigators of the deadliest wars in my life and in all of human history. Here we live in a democracy.

Reason only needs to lead the conversaton. 30% here in our country having the sense to reject the myth of a god would be plenty to keep the wingnuts out of controlling decisions.

I hope for a future where the words "I prayed and god told me to..." from a politician would prompt a mental examination.
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The predictable unhinged rant we can always depend on when you are shown to be the intellectual disaster you consistently reveal.
You believe your god will let you know.
The one you say has no interest in you personally.
You stick with that.

Nothing unhinged whatsoever. I addressed an ass hat like an ass hat should be addressed.

No intellectual disaster other than you trying to comprehend a fucking paragraph.

Yes, I believe my God (Spiritual Nature) would let me know.

No, I have not said that my God has no interest in me personally, and I've corrected you several times on this, but you stubbornly insist on repeating the lie. Now go stick your tongue in a light socket and see if the electricity has an interest in you personally, dimwit!

Now you are simply lying.
You have repeatedly said your god is not in any way involved with you personally.
Do you want me to post ten or so times you have said this?
Every time anyone over the age of 12 descends to simple vulgarity and vituperative rhetoric I always consider that unhinged.
Maybe the people you hang with are just as childish, or maybe you hang out on actual elementary school playgrounds.
Either way, it's an unhinged rant in the hands of an adult.
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If you are an atheist you can't hate god since god doesn't exist. It is quite easy however to hate religion in general and particular religions in particular. If your god is omnipotent and all knowing how could he possibly care about anything you do. After all, he knew you were going to do it from the beginning of time?
The predictable unhinged rant we can always depend on when you are shown to be the intellectual disaster you consistently reveal.
You believe your god will let you know.
The one you say has no interest in you personally.
You stick with that.

Nothing unhinged whatsoever. I addressed an ass hat like an ass hat should be addressed.

No intellectual disaster other than you trying to comprehend a fucking paragraph.

Yes, I believe my God (Spiritual Nature) would let me know.

No, I have not said that my God has no interest in me personally, and I've corrected you several times on this, but you stubbornly insist on repeating the lie. Now go stick your tongue in a light socket and see if the electricity has an interest in you personally, dimwit!

Now you are simply lying.
You have repeatedly said your god is not in any way involved with you personally.
Do you want me to post ten or so times you have said this?

Yes, I want you to post the ten or so I times I have said that "god is not in any way involved with me personally" and I will demonstrate you are a lying fuck. I've never said that. You have interpreted that into something else I said that sounded similar to you, but in your retarded brain, you simply took out of context as you typically do here. So you run along now, find the posts where I said that exact thing, and post the links here so we can confirm it.
If enough people speak out against this madness it will be the most usefull discussion ever engaged in... in human history.

Well you're at 1 in 10 right now, so GOOD LUCK!

That may be so world wide. BUT.. we in the US have been the instigators of the deadliest wars in my life and in all of human history. Here we live in a democracy.

Reason only needs to lead the conversaton. 30% here in our country having the sense to reject the myth of a god would be plenty to keep the wingnuts out of controlling decisions.

I hope for a future where the words "I prayed and god told me to..." from a politician would prompt a mental examination.

LOL... 30% here in our country having the sense to reject the myth of a god would be plenty to keep the wingnuts out of controlling decisions. NOT IF WE LIVE IN A DEMOCRACY, DIPSHIT!

And where the hell do you get this 30% fantasy? You're not even close to half way yet! You may have 12~14% and that's counting the Agnostics who are too chicken shit to say they are Atheists! PLUS... we have to subtract all these new Atheists who are forming churches according to sillybbob! Oh yeah, it's the "new thing" these days, haven't you heard???
Freedom of religion has been a death sentence to many millions of innocent human beings just in my lifetime.
Yes... Moral relativism where life means essentially nothing and there are no moral boundaries, is a MUCH better game plan!

No one dies. Sounds like a better plan to me.

Too bad there isn't a time or place in history that we can test your theory and prove it's not true.
booseman said:
I have a strong relationship with my God, and I believe if I were headed for Hell, my God would certainly let me know of this.

On the other hand, I am mature enough to know whether or not I am naughty or nice. I don't need a bearded old guy in the sky (or one at the North Pole) to tell me the difference.

On what basis do you determine what is naughty and nice? Isn't this kind of up to you to decide? And who are you accountable to if you're not nice? Is there any consequence to being naughty? Can you just make up your own moral rules as you go? Can't you rationalize a justification for pretty much anything you want to do?

By the way, I also don't believe in an old guy in the sky or need him to tell me the difference. I am guided by spiritual conscious awareness of right and wrong. I am obedient to this intrinsic awareness because I've discovered it's better for me as a person than when I just make up my own rules as I go.

Hey Cootie Pendant... why did you avoid my questions here??? :eusa_think:
Nothing unhinged whatsoever. I addressed an ass hat like an ass hat should be addressed.

No intellectual disaster other than you trying to comprehend a fucking paragraph.

Yes, I believe my God (Spiritual Nature) would let me know.

No, I have not said that my God has no interest in me personally, and I've corrected you several times on this, but you stubbornly insist on repeating the lie. Now go stick your tongue in a light socket and see if the electricity has an interest in you personally, dimwit!

Now you are simply lying.
You have repeatedly said your god is not in any way involved with you personally.
Do you want me to post ten or so times you have said this?

Yes, I want you to post the ten or so I times I have said that "god is not in any way involved with me personally" and I will demonstrate you are a lying fuck. I've never said that. You have interpreted that into something else I said that sounded similar to you, but in your retarded brain, you simply took out of context as you typically do here. So you run along now, find the posts where I said that exact thing, and post the links here so we can confirm it.

You don't need me to do that.
You know you are lying, and so does anyone else that has read your vomit for more than a day or two.
You are an emotionally stunted child that can't keep his arguments consistent for more than a page at a time.
You know it. I know it.
Everyone knows it, except the cretins that think you support them. They are too stupid to understand you think their religious ideas are ludicrous.
Do you want to now state that the "god" you believe in is personally interested in you? You want that on record in case you ever seem important enough to me to do the research to completely humiliate you?
Why would I bother?
You do such a good job of doing that all by yourself.
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Well you're at 1 in 10 right now, so GOOD LUCK!

That may be so world wide. BUT.. we in the US have been the instigators of the deadliest wars in my life and in all of human history. Here we live in a democracy.

Reason only needs to lead the conversaton. 30% here in our country having the sense to reject the myth of a god would be plenty to keep the wingnuts out of controlling decisions.

I hope for a future where the words "I prayed and god told me to..." from a politician would prompt a mental examination.

LOL... 30% here in our country having the sense to reject the myth of a god would be plenty to keep the wingnuts out of controlling decisions. NOT IF WE LIVE IN A DEMOCRACY, DIPSHIT!

And where the hell do you get this 30% fantasy? You're not even close to half way yet! You may have 12~14% and that's counting the Agnostics who are too chicken shit to say they are Atheists! PLUS... we have to subtract all these new Atheists who are forming churches according to sillybbob! Oh yeah, it's the "new thing" these days, haven't you heard???

The Tea Baggers comprise less than 10% of the GOP. They control the republican party and the minority republican party has handcuffed congress for 5 years.

You REALLY need to review how democracy really functions.
You don't need me to do that.

You offered to do that when you made the allegation, so yes, I do need you to do that.

Or admit now that you are a lying little fuctard. Now, off you go!!
The Tea Baggers comprise less than 10% of the GOP. They control the republican party and the minority republican party has handcuffed congress for 5 years.

You REALLY need to review how democracy really functions.

Yeah... I think you may need to look up "democracy" and review how it functions.

As for the GOP, it seems to be Obama leading Boehner and McConnell around by the nose ring.
You don't need me to do that.

You offered to do that when you made the allegation, so yes, I do need you to do that.

Or admit now that you are a lying little fuctard. Now, off you go!!

The liar is you.
You know full well that your description of your "god" repeatedly includes the idea that he is not involved with you personally. That he doesn't care about you individually. You have stated this repeatedly on here.
Do you want to declare now the opposite is true?
Atheists very clearly depressed and empty people for the most part, just look at this thread. What are they trying to prove?
You don't need me to do that.

You offered to do that when you made the allegation, so yes, I do need you to do that.

Or admit now that you are a lying little fuctard. Now, off you go!!

The liar is you.
You know full well that your description of your "god" repeatedly includes the idea that he is not involved with you personally. That he doesn't care about you individually. You have stated this repeatedly on here.
Do you want to declare now the opposite is true?

Where are the 10 or so statements? Thought that was going to be easy to find? Looks like you can't provide those like you claimed, huh? Guess that means you're a liar? Now you want to twist and distort your claim into some other claim that you didn't make but pretend like that's what you really meant.

"god is not in any way involved with me personally" ....You claimed I had said this and you could find the 10 or so times and post them here. You've not done that. This was your claim and I called you out for lying about it.

Now suddenly you want to claim this is an "idea" that I conveyed through something else that I said, which is what I said you were doing all along... taking something else out of context because you're a retard.

My God does not have humanistic emotions of "caring" and "feeling" for me. That does not mean that my God has "no involvement with me personally" by any means. God inspires me, motivates me, guides me, helps me to see things more clearly, keeps me on the right path, lets me know things and gives me strength, confidence and courage. My God is VERY involved with me personally, but there is no human emotional aspect to it. You can read a self-help book... does the book "care" about you? Is the book "concerned" with what you do or don't do? Is the book sad if you don't follow what it suggests? Will the book become angry if you ignore what it says? However, if you follow the advice of the book, is it not involved in your life, with you personally? You see, there's two different things happening here.... one is not related to the other.

Sorry I derailed yet another of your attempts to catch me in a contradiction, but alas, you have failed again like the failing loser you are. I'm sure you are used to failing, you seem to be. You always bounce right back and aren't afraid to fail again, falling smack dab on your face for everyone to see. Gotta give you props for that, I'd get discouraged after a while, it would really start to eat me up inside.
Atheists very clearly depressed and empty people for the most part, just look at this thread. What are they trying to prove?

The line has been moved way past the "trying" deep into the territory of lies and stupidity.

Exposing lies and stupidity is not depressing. It is fulfilling and far from creating a feeling of emptiness it is very satisfying. Sadly for people that live their lives surrounded by a web of fear and lies you will never know the joy of living with truth unless you are very young. If you have been lying to yourself and others for too long the conflict of starting to tell the truth will just amplify your discomfort by reminding you of your own weakness.

I would recommend that you go on lying to yourself and others. My words are not for you. They are for the true victims that don't know any better and still have time to make the difficult switch to being honest.
Atheists very clearly depressed and empty people for the most part, just look at this thread. What are they trying to prove?

The line has been moved way past the "trying" deep into the territory of lies and stupidity.

Exposing lies and stupidity is not depressing. It is fulfilling and far from creating a feeling of emptiness it is very satisfying. Sadly for people that live their lives surrounded by a web of fear and lies you will never know the joy of living with truth unless you are very young. If you have been lying to yourself and others for too long the conflict of starting to tell the truth will just amplify your discomfort by reminding you of your own weakness.

I would recommend that you go on lying to yourself and others. My words are not for you. They are for the true victims that don't know any better and still have time to make the difficult switch to being honest.

Honesty, being smart, not living a lie, not living in fear, all starts with the realization that man is a spiritually-connected being, always has been, always will be. You can reject religion and man-made dogma, you cannot reject human spirituality. It's an intrinsic part of who we are. Some people can live without acknowledging it by substituting worship of self or other materialist things but this almost always leads to dissatisfaction, the feeling that something is missing, some need is not being fulfilled. You then seek to fill that emptiness with pleasures of the flesh, drugs, alcohol, sex, pornography, adultery, promiscuity, indulgence, gluttony, even self-mutilation. And you can trick your mind into believing the emptiness is filled for many years, maybe even your entire lifetime.

What you've deprived yourself of is not measurable in material worth or value. The person you could have been is never realized, the potential is wasted. Humanity will never know what you could have accomplished had you maintained spiritual fidelity. Regardless of any 'reward' awaiting in an afterlife, this is what the reality is. You've squandered the only life you're given out of blind and ignorant laziness, and ironically, think you were the smart one.

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