Why do the God-haters persist?

Bullshit... you're clearly preaching... :lol:

Ah. The "angry fundie " thing. That's so cute.

No more cute than the 'angry atheist' thing. ;) Mine has a better ring to it actually.

So, what makes me a 'fundamentalist', let alone an angry one?

If you duct tape Barton's book to your bible (a double wide, so to speak), you could do some serious thumpin'
Ah. The "angry fundie " thing. That's so cute.

No more cute than the 'angry atheist' thing. ;) Mine has a better ring to it actually.

So, what makes me a 'fundamentalist', let alone an angry one?

If you duct tape Barton's book to your bible (a double wide, so to speak), you could do some serious thumpin'

Ah, I see, making ridiculous ASSinine ASSumptions that you can't back up yet AGAIN.. :eusa_naughty:

Do you even know what a fundamentalist is? I bet you don't.
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No more cute than the 'angry atheist' thing. ;) Mine has a better ring to it actually.

So, what makes me a 'fundamentalist', let alone an angry one?

If you duct tape Barton's book to your bible (a double wide, so to speak), you could do some serious thumpin'

Ah, I see, making ridiculous ASSinine ASSumptions that you can't back up yet AGAIN.. :eusa_naughty:

Lovely folks those angry fundies.
A zealot in need of a cult!

Poor thing. At a loss for any argumentative point yet again. Resorting to her typical hate and derision.


Don’t be angry, Bossie. Just remember that for those like you who are the wannabe cult leaders of their own fetching designer religions, you have designed a worldview that is impervious to reason, rationality and knowledge.

LMFAO... Yesterday I was "the archetype of angry fundamentalist" and today I am a maverick forging his own designer cult. Sounds like you may be the one losing reason and rationality instead of me.

Not angry, sweetie. I am slightly bemused by what you wish to accomplish with your increasingly bizarre rantings here. You're the one who sounds angry, every post is dripping with vile hateful remarks intended to insult me and land an emotional blow, but you're swinging at ghosts. I sit here grinning from ear to ear as I read my posts and you struggling to find a reasoned response.

I'm hitting my mark, and you know how I can tell I am hitting my mark? The responses are the same empty rhetoric from every one of you. My points leave you speechless, without any thoughtful retort other than to repeat the insults and denigrations you've become known for. I've turned you into caricatures. Laughing stocks full of huff and puff without any substance. I keep hoping that one day, one of you will attempt to engage me on an intellectual level, and you just keep disappointing me.

From time to time, Breeze seems like he/she may be capable of intellectual thought, but then the posts seem to meander off into a vapor trail of incoherent thought that makes little sense to anyone but Breeze. Then there's Moonbat and his trusty sidekick Brucey, The Dynamic Duo of Distortion and Distraction, with their superpower of being able to take any statement or word completely out of context or replacing their questions after answers are given. They fancy themselves as word gymnasts, but at least they are being creative and entertaining, while you are just being a bore.
Funny how christians hijack the dictionary and reason and comon sense whenever it suits them but get all bent out of shape when others land on their own definitions.

There are many definitions of what a fundi is.... As many as there are questionable passages in your scriptures.

If you believe anything in the bible new or old testiment that contradicts facts and physics you are a fundimentalist.

If you believe in a resurrection..burning bushes.. Ezeikiel.. parting oceans...tablets from god.. miracles.. literally hundreds of biblical myths.. you are a fundimentalist.

It does not matter if you don't like the label. You are what you appear to be. It's not YOUR call.
The line has been moved way past the "trying" deep into the territory of lies and stupidity.

Exposing lies and stupidity is not depressing. It is fulfilling and far from creating a feeling of emptiness it is very satisfying. Sadly for people that live their lives surrounded by a web of fear and lies you will never know the joy of living with truth unless you are very young. If you have been lying to yourself and others for too long the conflict of starting to tell the truth will just amplify your discomfort by reminding you of your own weakness.

I would recommend that you go on lying to yourself and others. My words are not for you. They are for the true victims that don't know any better and still have time to make the difficult switch to being honest.

Honesty, being smart, not living a lie, not living in fear, all starts with the realization that man is a spiritually-connected being, always has been, always will be. You can reject religion and man-made dogma, you cannot reject human spirituality. It's an intrinsic part of who we are. Some people can live without acknowledging it by substituting worship of self or other materialist things but this almost always leads to dissatisfaction, the feeling that something is missing, some need is not being fulfilled. You then seek to fill that emptiness with pleasures of the flesh, drugs, alcohol, sex, pornography, adultery, promiscuity, indulgence, gluttony, even self-mutilation. And you can trick your mind into believing the emptiness is filled for many years, maybe even your entire lifetime.

What you've deprived yourself of is not measurable in material worth or value. The person you could have been is never realized, the potential is wasted. Humanity will never know what you could have accomplished had you maintained spiritual fidelity. Regardless of any 'reward' awaiting in an afterlife, this is what the reality is. You've squandered the only life you're given out of blind and ignorant laziness, and ironically, think you were the smart one.

So it comes down to a choice: I can live in ignorance but have happy feelings or I can have knowledge of how the universe works and be empty inside?

I choose knowledge.

You poor fool. You will never know why the universe works or have all the knowledge. You can explain how some things happen while other things will forever remain a mystery to you and to science. True knowledge comes, as I said, with the understanding that humans are spiritually-connected creatures. Regardless of how things work, they work because God allows them to work in this universe. "God did it" has never been an explanation for how things work, it is an explanation for why they work, and is true whether you discover how or not.
Funny how christians hijack the dictionary and reason and comon sense whenever it suits them but get all bent out of shape when others land on their own definitions.

There are many definitions of what a fundi is.... As many as there are questionable passages in your scriptures.

If you believe anything in the bible new or old testiment that contradicts facts and physics you are a fundimentalist.

If you believe in a resurrection..burning bushes.. Ezeikiel.. parting oceans...tablets from god.. miracles.. literally hundreds of biblical myths.. you are a fundimentalist.

It does not matter if you don't like the label. You are what you appear to be. It's not YOUR call.

Why do leftist atheists think the word is an insult? :cuckoo:
Funny how christians hijack the dictionary and reason and comon sense whenever it suits them but get all bent out of shape when others land on their own definitions.

There are many definitions of what a fundi is.... As many as there are questionable passages in your scriptures.

If you believe anything in the bible new or old testiment that contradicts facts and physics you are a fundimentalist.

If you believe in a resurrection..burning bushes.. Ezeikiel.. parting oceans...tablets from god.. miracles.. literally hundreds of biblical myths.. you are a fundimentalist.

It does not matter if you don't like the label. You are what you appear to be. It's not YOUR call.

Why do leftist atheists think the word is an insult? :cuckoo:

What word? Fundamentalist? Why would I feel insulted by you being labeled a fundamentalist? You all brag about believing in biblical nonsense. Nobody is labeling me a fundi why should I care?
Funny how christians hijack the dictionary and reason and comon sense whenever it suits them but get all bent out of shape when others land on their own definitions.

There are many definitions of what a fundi is.... As many as there are questionable passages in your scriptures.

If you believe anything in the bible new or old testiment that contradicts facts and physics you are a fundimentalist.

If you believe in a resurrection..burning bushes.. Ezeikiel.. parting oceans...tablets from god.. miracles.. literally hundreds of biblical myths.. you are a fundimentalist.

It does not matter if you don't like the label. You are what you appear to be. It's not YOUR call.

Why do leftist atheists think the word is an insult? :cuckoo:

What word? Fundamentalist? Why would I feel insulted by you being labeled a fundamentalist? You all brag about believing in biblical nonsense. Nobody is labeling me a fundi why should I care?

Way to miss the point, Huggy... :lol:

You can label me a fundamentalist all you want, it's not an insult. Nor is it meaningful since you know nothing about me. ;)
Funny how christians hijack the dictionary and reason and comon sense whenever it suits them but get all bent out of shape when others land on their own definitions.

There are many definitions of what a fundi is.... As many as there are questionable passages in your scriptures.

If you believe anything in the bible new or old testiment that contradicts facts and physics you are a fundimentalist.

If you believe in a resurrection..burning bushes.. Ezeikiel.. parting oceans...tablets from god.. miracles.. literally hundreds of biblical myths.. you are a fundimentalist.

It does not matter if you don't like the label. You are what you appear to be. It's not YOUR call.

Well I have repeatedly stated that I am not a Christian. I know many of you find this hard to believe, but it doesn't matter to me if you believe me or not. I'm certainly not any kind of "fundamentalist" but when it comes to stories told in the translated scriptures we call The Bible, I have to take exception with what you are saying here. You see, back in the day, they didn't have printing presses and photography, they couldn't convey stories any other way than through spoken words. Since that was the only tool they could use, the stories were very often metaphorical and sometimes even embellished or exaggerated for effect. It doesn't mean they were totally false, but they weren't always literally true either. The stories are often presented to illustrate some important point or convey something fundamental.

Christianity, in relation to human existence, is still a relatively new way of humans connecting to Spiritual Nature. This phenomenon has been happening in some incarnation for as long as man has existed on the planet. Every archeological dig confirms it, there is no question about it, humans have always been spiritually-connected to something greater than self. Are Christians right? I don't know for certain, but since Christianity is something created by man in an attempt to understand his spirituality, I would say that it's likely they aren't completely right or wrong. This is why I am not a Christian. Nor do I subscribe to any organized religious theocracy, I think they are all flawed because man is flawed.

Still, I believe there is something greater than self. I humbly submit, I don't "believe" because I have "faith" but because I know this force exists. If I had no evidence for that, I couldn't believe it. So what should I do with that knowledge? Pretend it's not there? Pretend I don't know about it or feel it's presence? That doesn't seem to be a rational behavior to me. Besides, I gain tremendous benefit from embracing this force, it empowers me and gives me encouragement, inspires me and gives me hope. Why would I ever want to abandon that? To be more cool? To be liked by others? No, I will keep believing in what I know is truth, and you can keep disbelieving... it doesn't bother me in the least.
Poor thing. At a loss for any argumentative point yet again. Resorting to her typical hate and derision.


Don’t be angry, Bossie. Just remember that for those like you who are the wannabe cult leaders of their own fetching designer religions, you have designed a worldview that is impervious to reason, rationality and knowledge.

LMFAO... Yesterday I was "the archetype of angry fundamentalist" and today I am a maverick forging his own designer cult. Sounds like you may be the one losing reason and rationality instead of me.

Not angry, sweetie. I am slightly bemused by what you wish to accomplish with your increasingly bizarre rantings here. You're the one who sounds angry, every post is dripping with vile hateful remarks intended to insult me and land an emotional blow, but you're swinging at ghosts. I sit here grinning from ear to ear as I read my posts and you struggling to find a reasoned response.

I'm hitting my mark, and you know how I can tell I am hitting my mark? The responses are the same empty rhetoric from every one of you. My points leave you speechless, without any thoughtful retort other than to repeat the insults and denigrations you've become known for. I've turned you into caricatures. Laughing stocks full of huff and puff without any substance. I keep hoping that one day, one of you will attempt to engage me on an intellectual level, and you just keep disappointing me.

From time to time, Breeze seems like he/she may be capable of intellectual thought, but then the posts seem to meander off into a vapor trail of incoherent thought that makes little sense to anyone but Breeze. Then there's Moonbat and his trusty sidekick Brucey, The Dynamic Duo of Distortion and Distraction, with their superpower of being able to take any statement or word completely out of context or replacing their questions after answers are given. They fancy themselves as word gymnasts, but at least they are being creative and entertaining, while you are just being a bore.

Now, bossie. You are a continued source of amusement. But really, pumpkin, it is interesting to see you assign such human-based attributes to the gods you have invented (the ones you converse with), and then alternately abandon those gods in favor of your designer “spiritual nature”™

You’ve recently decided that you have every confidence that string theory will open new realms and dimensions where these spirits / gods dwell. What you haven’t identified is the spirit worlds / gods of these new dimensions / realms will necessarily supplant the spirit worlds / gods of the current dimensions. It’s a bit like you are inventing spirit worlds / gods for any occasion.

Why such a hierarchy of gods when only a few are actually required?
Poor thing. At a loss for any argumentative point yet again. Resorting to her typical hate and derision.


Don’t be angry, Bossie. Just remember that for those like you who are the wannabe cult leaders of their own fetching designer religions, you have designed a worldview that is impervious to reason, rationality and knowledge.

LMFAO... Yesterday I was "the archetype of angry fundamentalist" and today I am a maverick forging his own designer cult. Sounds like you may be the one losing reason and rationality instead of me.

Not angry, sweetie. I am slightly bemused by what you wish to accomplish with your increasingly bizarre rantings here. You're the one who sounds angry, every post is dripping with vile hateful remarks intended to insult me and land an emotional blow, but you're swinging at ghosts. I sit here grinning from ear to ear as I read my posts and you struggling to find a reasoned response.

I'm hitting my mark, and you know how I can tell I am hitting my mark? The responses are the same empty rhetoric from every one of you. My points leave you speechless, without any thoughtful retort other than to repeat the insults and denigrations you've become known for. I've turned you into caricatures. Laughing stocks full of huff and puff without any substance. I keep hoping that one day, one of you will attempt to engage me on an intellectual level, and you just keep disappointing me.

From time to time, Breeze seems like he/she may be capable of intellectual thought, but then the posts seem to meander off into a vapor trail of incoherent thought that makes little sense to anyone but Breeze. Then there's Moonbat and his trusty sidekick Brucey, The Dynamic Duo of Distortion and Distraction, with their superpower of being able to take any statement or word completely out of context or replacing their questions after answers are given. They fancy themselves as word gymnasts, but at least they are being creative and entertaining, while you are just being a bore.

Hollie honey, he has you perfectly pegged, and he's right, you're highly amusing to 'watch'. ;)
Don’t be angry, Bossie. Just remember that for those like you who are the wannabe cult leaders of their own fetching designer religions, you have designed a worldview that is impervious to reason, rationality and knowledge.

LMFAO... Yesterday I was "the archetype of angry fundamentalist" and today I am a maverick forging his own designer cult. Sounds like you may be the one losing reason and rationality instead of me.

Not angry, sweetie. I am slightly bemused by what you wish to accomplish with your increasingly bizarre rantings here. You're the one who sounds angry, every post is dripping with vile hateful remarks intended to insult me and land an emotional blow, but you're swinging at ghosts. I sit here grinning from ear to ear as I read my posts and you struggling to find a reasoned response.

I'm hitting my mark, and you know how I can tell I am hitting my mark? The responses are the same empty rhetoric from every one of you. My points leave you speechless, without any thoughtful retort other than to repeat the insults and denigrations you've become known for. I've turned you into caricatures. Laughing stocks full of huff and puff without any substance. I keep hoping that one day, one of you will attempt to engage me on an intellectual level, and you just keep disappointing me.

From time to time, Breeze seems like he/she may be capable of intellectual thought, but then the posts seem to meander off into a vapor trail of incoherent thought that makes little sense to anyone but Breeze. Then there's Moonbat and his trusty sidekick Brucey, The Dynamic Duo of Distortion and Distraction, with their superpower of being able to take any statement or word completely out of context or replacing their questions after answers are given. They fancy themselves as word gymnasts, but at least they are being creative and entertaining, while you are just being a bore.

Hollie honey, he has you perfectly pegged, and he's right, you're highly amusing to 'watch'. ;)

Tag team fundies? How cute - you're a couple.
I sit here grinning from ear to ear as I read my posts ...

good luck bossy but tell the truth, its while you are writing them - the OP as your first "snicker".

sidekick included ... fundies of a feather, Christianity at its finest.

Poor thing. At a loss for any argumentative point yet again. Resorting to her typical hate and derision.


Don’t be angry, Bossie. Just remember that for those like you who are the wannabe cult leaders of their own fetching designer religions, you have designed a worldview that is impervious to reason, rationality and knowledge.

LMFAO... Yesterday I was "the archetype of angry fundamentalist" and today I am a maverick forging his own designer cult. Sounds like you may be the one losing reason and rationality instead of me.

Not angry, sweetie. I am slightly bemused by what you wish to accomplish with your increasingly bizarre rantings here. You're the one who sounds angry, every post is dripping with vile hateful remarks intended to insult me and land an emotional blow, but you're swinging at ghosts. I sit here grinning from ear to ear as I read my posts and you struggling to find a reasoned response.

I'm hitting my mark, and you know how I can tell I am hitting my mark? The responses are the same empty rhetoric from every one of you. My points leave you speechless, without any thoughtful retort other than to repeat the insults and denigrations you've become known for. I've turned you into caricatures. Laughing stocks full of huff and puff without any substance. I keep hoping that one day, one of you will attempt to engage me on an intellectual level, and you just keep disappointing me.

From time to time, Breeze seems like he/she may be capable of intellectual thought, but then the posts seem to meander off into a vapor trail of incoherent thought that makes little sense to anyone but Breeze. Then there's Moonbat and his trusty sidekick Brucey, The Dynamic Duo of Distortion and Distraction, with their superpower of being able to take any statement or word completely out of context or replacing their questions after answers are given. They fancy themselves as word gymnasts, but at least they are being creative and entertaining, while you are just being a bore.

The first " out of context" whine of the day!
Funny how christians hijack the dictionary and reason and comon sense whenever it suits them but get all bent out of shape when others land on their own definitions.

There are many definitions of what a fundi is.... As many as there are questionable passages in your scriptures.

If you believe anything in the bible new or old testiment that contradicts facts and physics you are a fundimentalist.

If you believe in a resurrection..burning bushes.. Ezeikiel.. parting oceans...tablets from god.. miracles.. literally hundreds of biblical myths.. you are a fundimentalist.

It does not matter if you don't like the label. You are what you appear to be. It's not YOUR call.

Well I have repeatedly stated that I am not a Christian. I know many of you find this hard to believe, but it doesn't matter to me if you believe me or not. I'm certainly not any kind of "fundamentalist" but when it comes to stories told in the translated scriptures we call The Bible, I have to take exception with what you are saying here. You see, back in the day, they didn't have printing presses and photography, they couldn't convey stories any other way than through spoken words. Since that was the only tool they could use, the stories were very often metaphorical and sometimes even embellished or exaggerated for effect. It doesn't mean they were totally false, but they weren't always literally true either. The stories are often presented to illustrate some important point or convey something fundamental.

Christianity, in relation to human existence, is still a relatively new way of humans connecting to Spiritual Nature. This phenomenon has been happening in some incarnation for as long as man has existed on the planet. Every archeological dig confirms it, there is no question about it, humans have always been spiritually-connected to something greater than self. Are Christians right? I don't know for certain, but since Christianity is something created by man in an attempt to understand his spirituality, I would say that it's likely they aren't completely right or wrong. This is why I am not a Christian. Nor do I subscribe to any organized religious theocracy, I think they are all flawed because man is flawed.

Still, I believe there is something greater than self. I humbly submit, I don't "believe" because I have "faith" but because I know this force exists. If I had no evidence for that, I couldn't believe it. So what should I do with that knowledge? Pretend it's not there? Pretend I don't know about it or feel it's presence? That doesn't seem to be a rational behavior to me. Besides, I gain tremendous benefit from embracing this force, it empowers me and gives me encouragement, inspires me and gives me hope. Why would I ever want to abandon that? To be more cool? To be liked by others? No, I will keep believing in what I know is truth, and you can keep disbelieving... it doesn't bother me in the least.

You are very close to the truth my brother. Keep thinking. You are correct about the organized religions. They are all just man's ATTEMPT to understand what we can not understand. But just because for hundreds of thousands of years man has believed in a higher power that doesn't prove anything. I use to think that too. I use to say I don't buy Christianity but I believe there must be a God. But my reasons are flawed. And science tells us that it is because our brains evolved to be smart enough to be curious that our intelligent minds came up with God. And this is funny to me because back then our intelligence is what made us come up with God but today I consider anyone who believes in God to be stupid. Also funny is that there are very intelligent people who believe. That doesn't matter why? The validity of a claim, such as the existence of god, is not governed by the intelligence of the minds which hold it. Evidence and reason are the deciding factors.

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