Why do the God-haters persist?

Atheists very clearly depressed and empty people for the most part, just look at this thread. What are they trying to prove?

The line has been moved way past the "trying" deep into the territory of lies and stupidity.

Exposing lies and stupidity is not depressing. It is fulfilling and far from creating a feeling of emptiness it is very satisfying. Sadly for people that live their lives surrounded by a web of fear and lies you will never know the joy of living with truth unless you are very young. If you have been lying to yourself and others for too long the conflict of starting to tell the truth will just amplify your discomfort by reminding you of your own weakness.

I would recommend that you go on lying to yourself and others. My words are not for you. They are for the true victims that don't know any better and still have time to make the difficult switch to being honest.

Honesty, being smart, not living a lie, not living in fear, all starts with the realization that man is a spiritually-connected being, always has been, always will be. You can reject religion and man-made dogma, you cannot reject human spirituality. It's an intrinsic part of who we are. Some people can live without acknowledging it by substituting worship of self or other materialist things but this almost always leads to dissatisfaction, the feeling that something is missing, some need is not being fulfilled. You then seek to fill that emptiness with pleasures of the flesh, drugs, alcohol, sex, pornography, adultery, promiscuity, indulgence, gluttony, even self-mutilation. And you can trick your mind into believing the emptiness is filled for many years, maybe even your entire lifetime.

What you've deprived yourself of is not measurable in material worth or value. The person you could have been is never realized, the potential is wasted. Humanity will never know what you could have accomplished had you maintained spiritual fidelity. Regardless of any 'reward' awaiting in an afterlife, this is what the reality is. You've squandered the only life you're given out of blind and ignorant laziness, and ironically, think you were the smart one.

A zealot in need of a cult!
A zealot in need of a cult!

Poor thing. At a loss for any argumentative point yet again. Resorting to her typical hate and derision.


Don’t be angry, Bossie. Just remember that for those like you who are the wannabe cult leaders of their own fetching designer religions, you have designed a worldview that is impervious to reason, rationality and knowledge.
Atheists very clearly depressed and empty people for the most part, just look at this thread. What are they trying to prove?

The line has been moved way past the "trying" deep into the territory of lies and stupidity.

Exposing lies and stupidity is not depressing. It is fulfilling and far from creating a feeling of emptiness it is very satisfying. Sadly for people that live their lives surrounded by a web of fear and lies you will never know the joy of living with truth unless you are very young. If you have been lying to yourself and others for too long the conflict of starting to tell the truth will just amplify your discomfort by reminding you of your own weakness.

I would recommend that you go on lying to yourself and others. My words are not for you. They are for the true victims that don't know any better and still have time to make the difficult switch to being honest.

Honesty, being smart, not living a lie, not living in fear, all starts with the realization that man is a spiritually-connected being, always has been, always will be. You can reject religion and man-made dogma, you cannot reject human spirituality. It's an intrinsic part of who we are. Some people can live without acknowledging it by substituting worship of self or other materialist things but this almost always leads to dissatisfaction, the feeling that something is missing, some need is not being fulfilled. You then seek to fill that emptiness with pleasures of the flesh, drugs, alcohol, sex, pornography, adultery, promiscuity, indulgence, gluttony, even self-mutilation. And you can trick your mind into believing the emptiness is filled for many years, maybe even your entire lifetime.

Nonsense. You have no experience living with truth so just like those that have faith in the fairy tales of the bible you are basing those words off of someone else's ideas. I have no need or desire to substitute for reality and truth. Unlike what you say and appear to have convinced yourself I look forward to each day as knowledge unfolds the mysteries some others need to reject as they come in conflict of previously ingrained incorrect assumptions.

What you've deprived yourself of is not measurable in material worth or value. The person you could have been is never realized, the potential is wasted. Humanity will never know what you could have accomplished had you maintained spiritual fidelity. Regardless of any 'reward' awaiting in an afterlife, this is what the reality is. You've squandered the only life you're given out of blind and ignorant laziness, and ironically, think you were the smart one.

Many things never materialize in life. Like they say about winning the lottery "You can't win if you don't play". As far as "squandered" opportunity goes there is far more to a life lived than such a negative glib descrption encompasses as choices made and energy used being neccessarily laziness or ignorance when things didn't work out how one may have envisioned with the best of intentions and effort. This is usually true in everyone's life. Much of life's dissappointments occur by something as simple as health...yours or someone elses. Also we don't live in a vaccume. We are affected by others choices especially when we are young and depend on decisions of our parents and siblings. Lamenting about what could have been is entertaining as one has played a leading part in the drama or comedy but an active mind cannot afford to waste the moment with too much reverie.

To be brief you are in error. The only book that matters is the one you write for yourself. There is no script already written for you and yours will never fit someone else. As I mentioned before once you have lived long enough attempting to satisfy an idea like religion or realizing someone else's concept of spirituality you have already gone too far down the rabit hole and there is no retrieving your own path. Certainly if we chose to live socially there are limits to our personal choices but what goes on between your ears is no ones business unless you are foolish enough to allow it.
Atheists very clearly depressed and empty people for the most part, just look at this thread. What are they trying to prove?

The line has been moved way past the "trying" deep into the territory of lies and stupidity.

Exposing lies and stupidity is not depressing. It is fulfilling and far from creating a feeling of emptiness it is very satisfying. Sadly for people that live their lives surrounded by a web of fear and lies you will never know the joy of living with truth unless you are very young. If you have been lying to yourself and others for too long the conflict of starting to tell the truth will just amplify your discomfort by reminding you of your own weakness.

I would recommend that you go on lying to yourself and others. My words are not for you. They are for the true victims that don't know any better and still have time to make the difficult switch to being honest.

Honesty, being smart, not living a lie, not living in fear, all starts with the realization that man is a spiritually-connected being, always has been, always will be. You can reject religion and man-made dogma, you cannot reject human spirituality. It's an intrinsic part of who we are. Some people can live without acknowledging it by substituting worship of self or other materialist things but this almost always leads to dissatisfaction, the feeling that something is missing, some need is not being fulfilled. You then seek to fill that emptiness with pleasures of the flesh, drugs, alcohol, sex, pornography, adultery, promiscuity, indulgence, gluttony, even self-mutilation. And you can trick your mind into believing the emptiness is filled for many years, maybe even your entire lifetime.

What you've deprived yourself of is not measurable in material worth or value. The person you could have been is never realized, the potential is wasted. Humanity will never know what you could have accomplished had you maintained spiritual fidelity. Regardless of any 'reward' awaiting in an afterlife, this is what the reality is. You've squandered the only life you're given out of blind and ignorant laziness, and ironically, think you were the smart one.

So it comes down to a choice: I can live in ignorance but have happy feelings or I can have knowledge of how the universe works and be empty inside?

I choose knowledge.
Think what you want to but this isn't true. 95% of the human race believes in something greater than self. Only about 5% identify as Nihilists who believe in nothing. This statistic traces back to the origins of man.

Now, you'll find propaganda to show that membership in Christian churches are declining in America, or fewer people report attending regular religious services, etc. Religions come and go, trends also change with times, but the number of people who believe in something greater than self is not changing.

We see since the internet more and more people are waking up and realizing there is no God. Never before have we had the resources to go seek out all the facts. Until the internet all you could do was

a. Talk to a christian
b. Talk to a priest
c. Read the bible

No, you could go to the library and read many books on theology and atheism. You could take college courses. You could rent videos and buy tapes. You could go around and talk to other people, attend seminars and lectures, listen to the radio or watch television. You make it sound as if "before the internet" we lived in the age of the Flintstones.

You've still not proven this statement about "more and more people are waking up" because statistics don't bear this out. 9-out-of-10 people have some kind of spiritual belief.

The Bible was written over a span of several hundred years preceding Jesus and after his death by numerous authors. This sounds like something you may have read on that bastion of intelligent and unassailable information, The Internet! Yes... the good ol' Internet we used to not have, where all the actual TRUTH can be found on assorted blogs and websites constructed by morons like yourself. Whatever did we do without it to tell us what was good and bad?

This is also not true. Science predates the modern era. It came about somewhere around the 4th century BCE... well before Christianity. It probably dates back to the ancient Greeks, as science comes from Latin 'scientia', meaning "knowledge". So it's really difficult to believe that the Christian movement as well as most modern religions, emerged in the shadows of this glorious thing called science to where 90% of us still worship something greater than self and 10% of us are atheistic. But then, 'evolution' takes millions of years, right?

LMFAO... The God that doesn't exist??? :dunno:

Wait... so some of this 10% who claim to be Atheists actually believe there might be a God? :eek: I had NO idea!! I thought you just said science was dispelling that myth, but now we have Atheists forming churches and believing there might be a God? Can't make up your minds?

Doesn't sound like you know anything 100%. Sounds like there may be some doubts, if Atheists are forming churches and whatnot. :lol:

For the record, the God I believe in doesn't give a shit what you and I are typing. Just saying. And yes, I agree, religion has often been used by the powerful as a means of control over others. However, we part ways on the idea that people who are spiritually inclined are gullible, unevolved or uneducated. You do realize that almost to a fault, every person responsible for modern science coming to exist, was devoutly spiritual and believed in God, right? Yep, they may not have been particularly religious (although some were), but you'll be hard pressed to find any example of them categorizing a belief in God as "ridiculous". At best, they left the question open.

It even took me a couple days with a true athiest to realize there is no God.

Ah.... so THAT's your problem... but you feel that others are "brainwashed" and not you? Yes, 90% of us are gullible, unevolved and uneducated brainwashed idiots, and you are among the 10% who are enlightened to the truth... but some of you are forming churches, just in case. lol

I used to say I don't believe the Christian's version but I do believe in God. Then they educated me on why humans do that. First off, I've been brainwashed since birth too. I just woke up. But don't you think I want to believe there is a heaven? But it's just the most rediculous stories in the bible. Anyone who takes those stories literally can't be that smart. And the ones that don't, well they are really christians are they? The church says yes to keep you as a member but the truly faithful say you either believe in miracles and fairytales or go to hell. I know God wouldn't do that, if there was one.

Here's what has happened to you, moron. You've bought a bunch of hyperbolic nonsense from propagandists who are out to destroy God. You didn't "wake up" you became brainwashed into believing a lie. Humans, since the first human civilizations, have been intrinsically connected to something greater than self, beyond the physical. It is our most defining attribute as a species and 90% of us still retain the feature, in spite of science and the Internet. Even the 10% who claim to be Atheists are creating churches on the off-chance they may be wrong about the no-God thing.

Now, let me address Chrisitianity here.... It is a RELIGION. It may be right or wrong, I make no claims because I am not a Christian, but I do know a lot about their religion and beliefs. For instance, it is a religion of ACCEPTANCE. That means, no matter how much you want to believe it or how much they may wish it, you CANNOT be forced to be a Christian. You have to ACCEPT the Lord as your personal savior, there is no other way to become a Christian. No one can ever MAKE you do that, it's a matter of your personal faith and what is inside your heart.

That said, regardless of your belief regarding Christianity, it has nothing to do with whether or not Spiritual Nature exists. There CAN be a God without it being the Christian's God of Abraham.

Argumentum ad populum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You offered to do that when you made the allegation, so yes, I do need you to do that.

Or admit now that you are a lying little fuctard. Now, off you go!!

The liar is you.
You know full well that your description of your "god" repeatedly includes the idea that he is not involved with you personally. That he doesn't care about you individually. You have stated this repeatedly on here.
Do you want to declare now the opposite is true?

Where are the 10 or so statements? Thought that was going to be easy to find? Looks like you can't provide those like you claimed, huh? Guess that means you're a liar? Now you want to twist and distort your claim into some other claim that you didn't make but pretend like that's what you really meant.

"god is not in any way involved with me personally" ....You claimed I had said this and you could find the 10 or so times and post them here. You've not done that. This was your claim and I called you out for lying about it.

Now suddenly you want to claim this is an "idea" that I conveyed through something else that I said, which is what I said you were doing all along... taking something else out of context because you're a retard.

My God does not have humanistic emotions of "caring" and "feeling" for me. That does not mean that my God has "no involvement with me personally" by any means. God inspires me, motivates me, guides me, helps me to see things more clearly, keeps me on the right path, lets me know things and gives me strength, confidence and courage. My God is VERY involved with me personally, but there is no human emotional aspect to it. You can read a self-help book... does the book "care" about you? Is the book "concerned" with what you do or don't do? Is the book sad if you don't follow what it suggests? Will the book become angry if you ignore what it says? However, if you follow the advice of the book, is it not involved in your life, with you personally? You see, there's two different things happening here.... one is not related to the other.

Sorry I derailed yet another of your attempts to catch me in a contradiction, but alas, you have failed again like the failing loser you are. I'm sure you are used to failing, you seem to be. You always bounce right back and aren't afraid to fail again, falling smack dab on your face for everyone to see. Gotta give you props for that, I'd get discouraged after a while, it would really start to eat me up inside.

You aren't worth the research time. You have stated it so many times it's self-evident.
The book analogy is apt. The book has no interest in you at all. It is inert, and stays on the shelf until you invest your interpretation to it. The relationship is one sided. The author never knows you, never interacts with you, never tells you if you have interpreted the work in a totally bizarre way and gone off on an irrelevant tangent. Every example of this "relationship" you have invented is your involvement, not the other way around. The difference, of course, is there is no book to cite in your case, so the indifference to you is total. The only evidence you have ever shared for the "book" is the historic insecurities of man that have always led him to put a spiritual placeholder wherever the unknown appears.
Oh, that and that you believe it, you "feel" it.
The only reason your god influences you is because it is your own invention. You have created a god that has the exact influence on you that you choose for it to justify and rationalize who and what you are.
Why you need a "god" to justify your constant childlike barrage of vulgarity is anyone's guess. To me that almost defines the absence of a deity of any kind.
You are right about one thing. There are two entirely different concepts at work. You being involved with your incarnation of the spirit nature, and the reality of what you are involved in and it's involvement with you. It is a one-sided conversation that is a product of your rationalization for purpose, your need for a facile answer.
You never get tired of being humiliated, and lean on the same sorry excuses every time. You have been taken out of context you tell us five times a day, even when the entirety of your posts get cited. You are caught tripping over yourself constantly, inventing words that don't exist, concocting phrases you attribute to psychology that the discipline is unfamiliar with, making self-defeating arguments that contradict previous ones, droning on and on about evidence that is readily available if only we would invest in the conclusion first.
You keep swearing at people and declaring victory.
I will continue to let your poor thinking skills sink you again and again, letting you do the work of making my arguments for me.
You make it very easy.
Boss isn't a christian? I love it! He or she is going to hell!!! LOL. I heard it this weekend. The guy I believe it was Kennith Copeland on sunday radio said Jesus said only through me can you enter into the kingdom of heaven, and something about having to be born again. Now I've heard some christians say that muslims and jews will get a chance at the very end to repent and be saved, but that's about the biggest bunch of bullshit I've ever heard. So I guess if there is a God he will give me a last second chance to repent and trust me, I will be sorry if I was wrong. But I know that if there is a god, and no one knows, he isn't christian or muslim or mormon or jehova. If god punishes the gullable and stupid, he will punish all of them for wasting their lives and being total hypocrites.

Just the fact there are so many different spins on christianity proves it's all made up.
Why do we persist? Because we want people to wake up. Hey, how can so many people be wrong about UFO's? Even though the closest planet is 700,000 light years away, they believe space men are here. And we even have a lot of eye witness testimony. Still want to trust people who say they saw jesus, a ghost, spirit, the devil or an angel?
Atheists very clearly depressed and empty people for the most part, just look at this thread. What are they trying to prove?

The line has been moved way past the "trying" deep into the territory of lies and stupidity.

Exposing lies and stupidity is not depressing. It is fulfilling and far from creating a feeling of emptiness it is very satisfying. Sadly for people that live their lives surrounded by a web of fear and lies you will never know the joy of living with truth unless you are very young. If you have been lying to yourself and others for too long the conflict of starting to tell the truth will just amplify your discomfort by reminding you of your own weakness.

I would recommend that you go on lying to yourself and others. My words are not for you. They are for the true victims that don't know any better and still have time to make the difficult switch to being honest.

Honesty, being smart, not living a lie, not living in fear, all starts with the realization that man is a spiritually-connected being, always has been, always will be. You can reject religion and man-made dogma, you cannot reject human spirituality. It's an intrinsic part of who we are. Some people can live without acknowledging it by substituting worship of self or other materialist things but this almost always leads to dissatisfaction, the feeling that something is missing, some need is not being fulfilled. You then seek to fill that emptiness with pleasures of the flesh, drugs, alcohol, sex, pornography, adultery, promiscuity, indulgence, gluttony, even self-mutilation. And you can trick your mind into believing the emptiness is filled for many years, maybe even your entire lifetime.

What you've deprived yourself of is not measurable in material worth or value. The person you could have been is never realized, the potential is wasted. Humanity will never know what you could have accomplished had you maintained spiritual fidelity. Regardless of any 'reward' awaiting in an afterlife, this is what the reality is. You've squandered the only life you're given out of blind and ignorant laziness, and ironically, think you were the smart one.
Once again you make my case for me. Your spirituality is a reaction to the fear people are responding to as they face their mortality and the unknown.
You, also, have tricked your mind to fill the void, to alleviate the fears, and created a god that will support your own vision of self.
Has anyone ever invented a god that rejects them with no hope of atonement, a fail safe get out of jail free card? With all the varieties of gods that have been invented over the millennia, where is that one?
It doesn't exist because it goes against the grain of the very purpose of the invention to begin with.
The allaying of fear.
Sorry I derailed yet another of your attempts to catch me in a contradiction...

You can reject religion and man-made dogma, you cannot reject human spirituality.

OP: We see them here everyday, interjecting their hate-filled insultuous attacks on the religious, mocking and ridiculing to a bizarre extreme, anything and everything to do with God.

as pointed out before, it is you who misconstrue your posts as an attack against a Deity rather than causal responses to your interpretations the same as scriptural religions that are the source of animosity having nothing to do with the actual fact of the Deities existance.


Boss: You have to ACCEPT the Lord as your personal savior, there is no other way to become a Christian. No one can ever MAKE you do that, it's a matter of your personal faith and what is inside your heart.
Boss: I guess you think calling people "angry fundamentalist" is supposed to upset them and make them run from their religious faith or something? Actually, it only serves to further marginalize you as an anti-religious intolerant who can't be conversed with civilly.

I do not accept JC as a savior nor that it would be required to be a Christian to do so. Scripturalist are the source of "hatred", your complicity with their writings rather than the the truth in general is the reason for the same response to you that you as they deliberately illicit.

The line has been moved way past the "trying" deep into the territory of lies and stupidity.

Exposing lies and stupidity is not depressing. It is fulfilling and far from creating a feeling of emptiness it is very satisfying. Sadly for people that live their lives surrounded by a web of fear and lies you will never know the joy of living with truth unless you are very young. If you have been lying to yourself and others for too long the conflict of starting to tell the truth will just amplify your discomfort by reminding you of your own weakness.

I would recommend that you go on lying to yourself and others. My words are not for you. They are for the true victims that don't know any better and still have time to make the difficult switch to being honest.

Honesty, being smart, not living a lie, not living in fear, all starts with the realization that man is a spiritually-connected being, always has been, always will be. You can reject religion and man-made dogma, you cannot reject human spirituality. It's an intrinsic part of who we are. Some people can live without acknowledging it by substituting worship of self or other materialist things but this almost always leads to dissatisfaction, the feeling that something is missing, some need is not being fulfilled. You then seek to fill that emptiness with pleasures of the flesh, drugs, alcohol, sex, pornography, adultery, promiscuity, indulgence, gluttony, even self-mutilation. And you can trick your mind into believing the emptiness is filled for many years, maybe even your entire lifetime.

What you've deprived yourself of is not measurable in material worth or value. The person you could have been is never realized, the potential is wasted. Humanity will never know what you could have accomplished had you maintained spiritual fidelity. Regardless of any 'reward' awaiting in an afterlife, this is what the reality is. You've squandered the only life you're given out of blind and ignorant laziness, and ironically, think you were the smart one.

So it comes down to a choice: I can live in ignorance but have happy feelings or I can have knowledge of how the universe works and be empty inside?

I choose knowledge.

or, you could be living in ignorance and be empty inside.....
Honesty, being smart, not living a lie, not living in fear, all starts with the realization that man is a spiritually-connected being, always has been, always will be. You can reject religion and man-made dogma, you cannot reject human spirituality. It's an intrinsic part of who we are. Some people can live without acknowledging it by substituting worship of self or other materialist things but this almost always leads to dissatisfaction, the feeling that something is missing, some need is not being fulfilled. You then seek to fill that emptiness with pleasures of the flesh, drugs, alcohol, sex, pornography, adultery, promiscuity, indulgence, gluttony, even self-mutilation. And you can trick your mind into believing the emptiness is filled for many years, maybe even your entire lifetime.

What you've deprived yourself of is not measurable in material worth or value. The person you could have been is never realized, the potential is wasted. Humanity will never know what you could have accomplished had you maintained spiritual fidelity. Regardless of any 'reward' awaiting in an afterlife, this is what the reality is. You've squandered the only life you're given out of blind and ignorant laziness, and ironically, think you were the smart one.

So it comes down to a choice: I can live in ignorance but have happy feelings or I can have knowledge of how the universe works and be empty inside?

I choose knowledge.

or, you could be living in ignorance and be empty inside.....

Free yourself from fear and superstition and will no longer have to live in ignorance and be empty inside.....

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