Why do the God-haters persist?

That said, the rich would much rather invest in American companies and provide jobs to American consumers where they will sell their products to them and avoid the pitfalls of unstable governments and wars or whatnot.
Funniest post ever. Someone just lost all touch with reality.
It would be more like saying that someone living in a radical Islamic fundamentalist country must be Islamic; that there cannot be atheists living in such a place.

Well, no... it wouldn't be like that at all because a country is not like a tribe. Whereas, a specific group is more like a tribe.

I don't know what term you would consider non-offensive if you don't like Native American. Although I wonder why you now put it in quotes and call it offensive when you've used it multiple times in the thread. American Indian? Indigenous people?

Just because I use it doesn't mean it's not offensive. Dickwad.

It's more respectful to use the tribal name if you know it, or if you are talking about all the tribes, indigenous people. My ancestors are not American and not Indians. They are also not "Natives of America" because the continent was here with my people long before it was ever known as America. Imagine if I came and took over your home, made you go live in the garden shed out back, then held lavish parties where I told my friends to pay their respects to you by patting you on the head and calling you Boss's House Natives? I don't imagine you'd find that endearing.
To think that there weren't any Native American Indians that didn't believe in gods is the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life.

I guess you don't listen to yourself much? :dunno: ...makes sense.

I wish he could go back and realize that except for all the technology and the language, people living back 200 or even 2000 years ago weren't all that much different than they are today.

People of a completely different 'non-western' culture were MUCH different. That is what you and Moonbat don't seem to be able to grasp. You assume all human beings who ever lived, held your own European cultural views. It's really smug arrogance to think this way, but that's how you've been taught to believe.

They laughed, got jealous, were superstitous, curious, afraid of the unknown, wanted to be safe and loved and financially secure.

And people are people. They will be pretty much the same 2000 years from now. I'm sure religion won't completely disappear but people won't be spewing that jesus or mohammad crap 2000 years from now.

Who the fuck are you, Nostradamus? How the hell do you know what people will be doing in the future? Do you have some falsifiable scientific evidence for that, or is it more blind faith? From a purely scientific perspective, what is likely NOT to change, is human spirituality. It has been a fundamental attribute of humans for all our existence.

In the west the Enlightenment Period has sort of put a knife in god(s) and given way to the future, science.

This is from the Father of The Enlightenment and one of the greatest scientific minds of all time:

“He who thinks half-heartedly will not believe in God; but he who really thinks has to believe in God.”

“Blind metaphysical necessity, which is certainly the same always and every where, could produce no variety of things. All that diversity of natural things which we find suited to different times and places could arise from nothing but the ideas and will of a Being, necessarily existing.”

"This most beautiful system of the sun, planets, and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being....This Being governs all things, not as the soul of the world, but as Lord over all; and on account of his dominion he is wont to be called Lord God "pantokrator," or Universal Ruler."

"Since every particle of space is always, and every indivisible moment of duration is every where, certainly the Maker and Lord of all things cannot be never and no where....God is the same God, always and every where. He is omnipresent not virtually only, but also substantially; for virtue cannot subsist without substance.…It is allowed by all that the Supreme God exists necessarily; and by the same necessity he exists always and every where....And thus much concerning God; to discourse of whom from the appearance of things, does certainly belong to Natural Philosophy."

Scientific inquiry, which then existed as Natural Philosophy, could not exist apart from "the Maker," according to Newton. In fact, science was the perfect realm in which to discuss God.

Now it is clear to me that what we need to do, if you are resigned to use Science and The Enlightenment as your argumentative points, is to hold you down and force feed you quotes from Sir Isaac Newton until you puke.
That said, the rich would much rather invest in American companies and provide jobs to American consumers where they will sell their products to them and avoid the pitfalls of unstable governments and wars or whatnot.
Funniest post ever. Someone just lost all touch with reality.

Well I guess that depends on where your reality is. If you live in the reality where rich people gets some kind of sick pleasure out of making poor people suffer and don't want anyone to have money or economic prosperity, then yeah... I guess it does sound out of touch.

On the other hand, if you understand that most wealthy people are capitalists who want consumers to have money and spend money, and they would rather them do that here, where the generated economic commerce benefits our country instead of someone else's country, then my comment makes perfect sense.

You people have been so fucking brainwashed we're never going to get you back. We're going to end up having to shoot a bunch of you in the head before it's all said and done, because you're like rabid dogs. The propagandists have filled your mind with absolute shit, and you've bought every bit of it. Now you're invested, you've got years and years of this shit built up in your minds, and nothing is going to convince you otherwise. It doesn't even matter if it makes no rational sense, it's what you're going to believe.

Has no one ever taught you how wrong it is to apply a perceived stereotype to a whole entire group of people you do not know, and judge them on that basis? That virtually every social problem we've had in this country is based on that kind of bigoted ignorance? Rich people are not all one way, just like poor people are not all one way and middle class people are not all one way. Every person is different. I've known poor people who would just as soon step over your body as you're having a heart attack, to be the next in line at Wal-mart. I've also know rich people who give selflessly of their time and money to help those in need, to mentor to others and try to help them achieve a better life. But you all have ignorantly convinced yourselves that every rich person is the equivalent of Homer Simpson's boss.
That said, the rich would much rather invest in American companies and provide jobs to American consumers where they will sell their products to them and avoid the pitfalls of unstable governments and wars or whatnot.
Funniest post ever. Someone just lost all touch with reality.

He doesn't realize the 2007 Great Recession was a huge blow to the middle class and a huge victory for the rich. Probably done on purpose. For example the TARP bank bailout right when Bush left office. That was nothing more than the biggest bank robbery in world history. And he doesn't believe class warfare exists. It does and we're losing. And if we fight back we are called all kinds of names.

Anyways, back to the topic, because I believe religion has a lot to do with the stupidity and irrational side of humans, no doubt. Case in point, I was watching this documentary on PBS last night http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/27/u...chool-prayer-lawsuit.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0

And the "christians" in these town hall meetings were so vile, angry, worked up, ready to kill for jesus. Honest to god, I fucking hate it when christians say don't just christianity by the people who represent it. Fuck that. What else do I have to go by? Why would I want to join their club?

Even when I was a "christian" I had what is called empathy which means I have the ability to put myself in other people's shoes. What if I were a muslim? What if I were an Atheist? This country is for everyone, so in any public institution, they can not favor one side over the other.

This girl was so courageous and she won! The Supreme Court ruled with her. Take that sign down. Go worship at church.

So, if god were provable/real, the Supreme Court would have ruled to keep god in schools. But because they know logically god is not something that can be proved, it should not be something that is forced on anyone. You can have faith, believe or hope there is a god but I think most of us know the gismys' of the world are just repeating a story they were told when they were too young and gullible to know better and now they are what we call brainwashed.

And sorry, but this nice sweet girl was not "hating god" but the christians sure were hating her. So much for you get to choose if you believe or not. Looks more like if you don't believe LETS BURN HER AT THE STAKE. You sooo know those people would have crucified her 400 years ago. Burned her to see if she was a witch. This is why religion has held on so long. In the past you couldn't call bullshit. Now we see the youth are waking up. Too smart to fall for it. Now watch this clip and tell me this girl is "evil". She is not.
ALLOWING satan to use you as his tool,fool,puppet is NOT VERY SMART is that truth hard to understand? WHY ASK FOR EARLY JUDGMENT? Don't you have enough trouble now in your pathetic excuse for a life?? try to think!
That said, the rich would much rather invest in American companies and provide jobs to American consumers where they will sell their products to them and avoid the pitfalls of unstable governments and wars or whatnot.
Funniest post ever. Someone just lost all touch with reality.

Well I guess that depends on where your reality is. If you live in the reality where rich people gets some kind of sick pleasure out of making poor people suffer and don't want anyone to have money or economic prosperity, then yeah... I guess it does sound out of touch.

On the other hand, if you understand that most wealthy people are capitalists who want consumers to have money and spend money, and they would rather them do that here, where the generated economic commerce benefits our country instead of someone else's country, then my comment makes perfect sense.

You people have been so fucking brainwashed we're never going to get you back. We're going to end up having to shoot a bunch of you in the head before it's all said and done, because you're like rabid dogs. The propagandists have filled your mind with absolute shit, and you've bought every bit of it. Now you're invested, you've got years and years of this shit built up in your minds, and nothing is going to convince you otherwise. It doesn't even matter if it makes no rational sense, it's what you're going to believe.

Has no one ever taught you how wrong it is to apply a perceived stereotype to a whole entire group of people you do not know, and judge them on that basis? That virtually every social problem we've had in this country is based on that kind of bigoted ignorance? Rich people are not all one way, just like poor people are not all one way and middle class people are not all one way. Every person is different. I've known poor people who would just as soon step over your body as you're having a heart attack, to be the next in line at Wal-mart. I've also know rich people who give selflessly of their time and money to help those in need, to mentor to others and try to help them achieve a better life. But you all have ignorantly convinced yourselves that every rich person is the equivalent of Homer Simpson's boss.

All one has to know is the history of unions and the history of corporations and workers to know you are full of shit. Before Ford, no one else was practicing the phylosophy of pay your workers a good wage so they can buy your product.

And unions brought everyones wages up. Even people who weren't in unions benefitted from them. A rising tide lifts all boats. Companies paid better or else their employees will unionize.

Oh, and you only have to look at the middle class now to see what the rich want. The rich DO NOT want the middle class to save up a lot of money like our parents did. That causes inflation. They don't want to pay into ss and medicare. Only a fool thinks they GOP aren't trying to kill those programs. Just look at medicare in the past v today. Healthcare is going to gobble up everyones desposible income. People in the next generation are going to leave their kids nothing. No pensions in the future.

All you have to do is see that American's aren't saving today to know how the GOP like it. They like it just like it is. Cheap labor, and a working poor class not so poor they revolt but not so well off they can become "well off" and retire anytime before 70.

Isn't that one of the things the GOP wants to do? Raise retirement to 70? Bastards.

Oh, and I don't bitch for me. Well I do because I think without people like you I/we'd all be doing MUCH better. But I'll be alright. I'll have enough to retire. I'm worried about the future of America. And I know you honestly do to. You've just been brainwashed to be a right wing thinker. I know you think the same of me too but it is obvious. You think all government is evil and bad but the rich want what is good for the middle class and poor? You're classic gullible.
ALLOWING satan to use you as his tool,fool,puppet is NOT VERY SMART is that truth hard to understand? WHY ASK FOR EARLY JUDGMENT? Don't you have enough trouble now in your pathetic excuse for a life?? try to think!

Allowing Jesus to fuck your head like he has and let the church use you as a puppet doesn't seem very smart either. Is that hard to understand?

No I don't have any trouble that I can't handle without god. There is no god there to help you out. If you believe in hell then I guess I don't blame you for believing so strongly but I can tell you someone told you a story and you swallowed it.

Tell me, forget god. Show me proof of hell or heaven and you can't use the bible as proof because I say that book is a lie. Got any other sources that are credible? Every proof for a god(s) doesn't come without fatal flaws. Show me what you got. Don't tell me what your paster or mammy told you either. They lied or were lied to themselves. I would say the story was embellished but it is a flat out lie to say Mary was a virgin, right? Impossible. What has god done lately after fucking Mary?
When doing research, students will regularly ask me, "Why do I need to find multiple sources? I can get all the information I need from this [article, book, website]." I always explain that if you only use one source, you don't know what you're not getting from other sources in terms of information, ideas, viewpoints, etc.
ALLOWING satan to use you as his tool,fool,puppet is NOT VERY SMART is that truth hard to understand? WHY ASK FOR EARLY JUDGMENT? Don't you have enough trouble now in your pathetic excuse for a life?? try to think!

Allowing Jesus to fuck your head like he has and let the church use you as a puppet doesn't seem very smart either. Is that hard to understand?

No I don't have any trouble that I can't handle without god. There is no god there to help you out. If you believe in hell then I guess I don't blame you for believing so strongly but I can tell you someone told you a story and you swallowed it.

Tell me, forget god. Show me proof of hell or heaven and you can't use the bible as proof because I say that book is a lie. Got any other sources that are credible? Every proof for a god(s) doesn't come without fatal flaws. Show me what you got. Don't tell me what your paster or mammy told you either. They lied or were lied to themselves. I would say the story was embellished but it is a flat out lie to say Mary was a virgin, right? Impossible. What has god done lately after fucking Mary?

LOL!!! What silly sin loving little man's opinion of GOD'S WORD is changes no truth. I WALK AND TALK WITH GOD EACH DAY,I LIVE MY LIFE AS GOD'S son,happy,blessed,protected, GOD has given me my heart's desires, health.wealth zero debts I WANT FOR NOTHING. PTL. and you??
ALLOWING satan to use you as his tool,fool,puppet is NOT VERY SMART is that truth hard to understand? WHY ASK FOR EARLY JUDGMENT? Don't you have enough trouble now in your pathetic excuse for a life?? try to think!

Allowing Jesus to fuck your head like he has and let the church use you as a puppet doesn't seem very smart either. Is that hard to understand?

No I don't have any trouble that I can't handle without god. There is no god there to help you out. If you believe in hell then I guess I don't blame you for believing so strongly but I can tell you someone told you a story and you swallowed it.

Tell me, forget god. Show me proof of hell or heaven and you can't use the bible as proof because I say that book is a lie. Got any other sources that are credible? Every proof for a god(s) doesn't come without fatal flaws. Show me what you got. Don't tell me what your paster or mammy told you either. They lied or were lied to themselves. I would say the story was embellished but it is a flat out lie to say Mary was a virgin, right? Impossible. What has god done lately after fucking Mary?

LOL!!! What silly sin loving little man's opinion of GOD'S WORD is changes no truth. I WALK AND TALK WITH GOD EACH DAY,I LIVE MY LIFE AS GOD'S son,happy,blessed,protected, GOD has given me my heart's desires, health.wealth zero debts I WANT FOR NOTHING. PTL. and you??

Me too. So god doesn't matter.

A result of our naturally evolved neurology, made hypersensitive to purpose (an ‘unseen actor’) because of the large social groups humans have and the way the brain associates pattern with intent.

Humans have evolved a variety of cognitive shortcuts to deal with the mass of information provided by our senses. In particular, we tend to filter sensory input according to a set of expectations built on prior beliefs and past experiences, impart meaning to ambiguous input even when there is no real meaning behind it and infer causal relationships where none exist.

Personal revelation cannot be independently verified. So-called ‘revelations’ never include information a recipient could not have known beforehand, such as the time and location of a rare event or answers to any number of unsolved problems in science. They are usually emotional or perceptual in content and therefore unremarkable among the many cognitive processes brains exhibit, including dreams and hallucinations. These experiences may even be artificially induced by narcotics or magnetic fields. Extreme cases may be diagnosed as a form of schizophrenia or psychosis.

Spiritual and religious experiences are not only inconsistent among individuals but are variably attributed to different gods, aliens, spirits, rituals, hallucinations, meditation etc. The fact that medical conditions and other natural processes [2] can induce these experiences is evidence they are produced by our brain.
“You can tell you’ve created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do.” – Anne Lamott
ALLOWING satan to use you as his tool,fool,puppet is NOT VERY SMART is that truth hard to understand? WHY ASK FOR EARLY JUDGMENT? Don't you have enough trouble now in your pathetic excuse for a life?? try to think!

Allowing Jesus to fuck your head like he has and let the church use you as a puppet doesn't seem very smart either. Is that hard to understand?

No I don't have any trouble that I can't handle without god. There is no god there to help you out. If you believe in hell then I guess I don't blame you for believing so strongly but I can tell you someone told you a story and you swallowed it.

Tell me, forget god. Show me proof of hell or heaven and you can't use the bible as proof because I say that book is a lie. Got any other sources that are credible? Every proof for a god(s) doesn't come without fatal flaws. Show me what you got. Don't tell me what your paster or mammy told you either. They lied or were lied to themselves. I would say the story was embellished but it is a flat out lie to say Mary was a virgin, right? Impossible. What has god done lately after fucking Mary?

LOL!!! What silly sin loving little man's opinion of GOD'S WORD is changes no truth. I WALK AND TALK WITH GOD EACH DAY,I LIVE MY LIFE AS GOD'S son,happy,blessed,protected, GOD has given me my heart's desires, health.wealth zero debts I WANT FOR NOTHING. PTL. and you??

The claim that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one. The happiness of credulity is a cheap and dangerous quality.

Atheism is correlated with better scientific literacy [2][3], lower poverty rates, higher literacy rates, higher average incomes, less violence, lower divorce rates, lower teen pregnancy rates, lower STD infection rates, lower crime rates and lower homicide rates. It correlates highly with the well-being of individuals and societies by almost every possible measure.

Atheists can be spiritual (a must watch).

Studies on happiness outside of predominantly religious countries (eg. the United States) find little to no correlation between happiness and religious belief. This corresponds with evidence which shows social and community bonding, rather than spiritual engagement, explains why religious people report greater satisfaction with life. Atheists, by comparison, may also simply be unhappy with the level of distrust and persecution they receive from their compatriots.

“Where ignorance is bliss, ’tis folly to be wise.” – Thomas Gray

“Being an atheist is like being the only sober person in the car – and no one will let you drive.” - Anonymous
I know a lot of non believers who still go to church for the community of it all. The social aspect of it. That might make you happier but I can't be in a room full of retards so....
Allowing Jesus to fuck your head like he has and let the church use you as a puppet doesn't seem very smart either. Is that hard to understand?

No I don't have any trouble that I can't handle without god. There is no god there to help you out. If you believe in hell then I guess I don't blame you for believing so strongly but I can tell you someone told you a story and you swallowed it.

Tell me, forget god. Show me proof of hell or heaven and you can't use the bible as proof because I say that book is a lie. Got any other sources that are credible? Every proof for a god(s) doesn't come without fatal flaws. Show me what you got. Don't tell me what your paster or mammy told you either. They lied or were lied to themselves. I would say the story was embellished but it is a flat out lie to say Mary was a virgin, right? Impossible. What has god done lately after fucking Mary?

LOL!!! What silly sin loving little man's opinion of GOD'S WORD is changes no truth. I WALK AND TALK WITH GOD EACH DAY,I LIVE MY LIFE AS GOD'S son,happy,blessed,protected, GOD has given me my heart's desires, health.wealth zero debts I WANT FOR NOTHING. PTL. and you??

The claim that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one. The happiness of credulity is a cheap and dangerous quality.

Atheism is correlated with better scientific literacy [2][3], lower poverty rates, higher literacy rates, higher average incomes, less violence, lower divorce rates, lower teen pregnancy rates, lower STD infection rates, lower crime rates and lower homicide rates. It correlates highly with the well-being of individuals and societies by almost every possible measure.

Atheists can be spiritual (a must watch).

Studies on happiness outside of predominantly religious countries (eg. the United States) find little to no correlation between happiness and religious belief. This corresponds with evidence which shows social and community bonding, rather than spiritual engagement, explains why religious people report greater satisfaction with life. Atheists, by comparison, may also simply be unhappy with the level of distrust and persecution they receive from their compatriots.

“Where ignorance is bliss, ’tis folly to be wise.” – Thomas Gray

“Being an atheist is like being the only sober person in the car – and no one will let you drive.” - Anonymous

LOL!!! What silly sin loving little man's opinion of GOD'S WORD is changes no truth. I WALK AND TALK WITH GOD EACH DAY,I LIVE MY LIFE AS GOD'S son,happy,blessed,protected, GOD has given me my heart's desires, health.wealth zero debts I WANT FOR NOTHING. PTL. and you??

The claim that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one. The happiness of credulity is a cheap and dangerous quality.

Atheism is correlated with better scientific literacy [2][3], lower poverty rates, higher literacy rates, higher average incomes, less violence, lower divorce rates, lower teen pregnancy rates, lower STD infection rates, lower crime rates and lower homicide rates. It correlates highly with the well-being of individuals and societies by almost every possible measure.

Atheists can be spiritual (a must watch).

Studies on happiness outside of predominantly religious countries (eg. the United States) find little to no correlation between happiness and religious belief. This corresponds with evidence which shows social and community bonding, rather than spiritual engagement, explains why religious people report greater satisfaction with life. Atheists, by comparison, may also simply be unhappy with the level of distrust and persecution they receive from their compatriots.

“Where ignorance is bliss, ’tis folly to be wise.” – Thomas Gray

“Being an atheist is like being the only sober person in the car – and no one will let you drive.” - Anonymous


Then stop already. I clearly chose hell over heaven with you. :badgrin:
The claim that a believer is happier than a skeptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one. The happiness of credulity is a cheap and dangerous quality.

Atheism is correlated with better scientific literacy [2][3], lower poverty rates, higher literacy rates, higher average incomes, less violence, lower divorce rates, lower teen pregnancy rates, lower STD infection rates, lower crime rates and lower homicide rates. It correlates highly with the well-being of individuals and societies by almost every possible measure.

Atheists can be spiritual (a must watch).

Studies on happiness outside of predominantly religious countries (eg. the United States) find little to no correlation between happiness and religious belief. This corresponds with evidence which shows social and community bonding, rather than spiritual engagement, explains why religious people report greater satisfaction with life. Atheists, by comparison, may also simply be unhappy with the level of distrust and persecution they receive from their compatriots.

“Where ignorance is bliss, ’tis folly to be wise.” – Thomas Gray

“Being an atheist is like being the only sober person in the car – and no one will let you drive.” - Anonymous


Then stop already. I clearly chose hell over heaven with you. :badgrin:

That said, the rich would much rather invest in American companies and provide jobs to American consumers where they will sell their products to them and avoid the pitfalls of unstable governments and wars or whatnot.
Funniest post ever. Someone just lost all touch with reality.

Well I guess that depends on where your reality is. If you live in the reality where rich people gets some kind of sick pleasure out of making poor people suffer and don't want anyone to have money or economic prosperity, then yeah... I guess it does sound out of touch.

On the other hand, if you understand that most wealthy people are capitalists who want consumers to have money and spend money, and they would rather them do that here, where the generated economic commerce benefits our country instead of someone else's country, then my comment makes perfect sense.

You people have been so fucking brainwashed we're never going to get you back. We're going to end up having to shoot a bunch of you in the head before it's all said and done, because you're like rabid dogs. The propagandists have filled your mind with absolute shit, and you've bought every bit of it. Now you're invested, you've got years and years of this shit built up in your minds, and nothing is going to convince you otherwise. It doesn't even matter if it makes no rational sense, it's what you're going to believe.

Has no one ever taught you how wrong it is to apply a perceived stereotype to a whole entire group of people you do not know, and judge them on that basis? That virtually every social problem we've had in this country is based on that kind of bigoted ignorance? Rich people are not all one way, just like poor people are not all one way and middle class people are not all one way. Every person is different. I've known poor people who would just as soon step over your body as you're having a heart attack, to be the next in line at Wal-mart. I've also know rich people who give selflessly of their time and money to help those in need, to mentor to others and try to help them achieve a better life. But you all have ignorantly convinced yourselves that every rich person is the equivalent of Homer Simpson's boss.

So regarding the story where the Supreme Court ruled with the atheist that the public school should take down the sign that refers to god, where do you stand? I want to see if you understand the constitution when it comes to this matter.

And boy were those theists vicious towards that little girl. Just because she's an atheist doesn't mean she is wrong. Do you guys understand separation of church and state?
That said, the rich would much rather invest in American companies and provide jobs to American consumers where they will sell their products to them and avoid the pitfalls of unstable governments and wars or whatnot.
Funniest post ever. Someone just lost all touch with reality.

He doesn't realize the 2007 Great Recession was a huge blow to the middle class and a huge victory for the rich. Probably done on purpose. For example the TARP bank bailout right when Bush left office. That was nothing more than the biggest bank robbery in world history. And he doesn't believe class warfare exists. It does and we're losing. And if we fight back we are called all kinds of names.

Anyways, back to the topic, because I believe religion has a lot to do with the stupidity and irrational side of humans, no doubt. Case in point, I was watching this documentary on PBS last night http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/27/u...chool-prayer-lawsuit.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0

And the "christians" in these town hall meetings were so vile, angry, worked up, ready to kill for jesus. Honest to god, I fucking hate it when christians say don't just christianity by the people who represent it. Fuck that. What else do I have to go by? Why would I want to join their club?

Even when I was a "christian" I had what is called empathy which means I have the ability to put myself in other people's shoes. What if I were a muslim? What if I were an Atheist? This country is for everyone, so in any public institution, they can not favor one side over the other.

This girl was so courageous and she won! The Supreme Court ruled with her. Take that sign down. Go worship at church.

So, if god were provable/real, the Supreme Court would have ruled to keep god in schools. But because they know logically god is not something that can be proved, it should not be something that is forced on anyone. You can have faith, believe or hope there is a god but I think most of us know the gismys' of the world are just repeating a story they were told when they were too young and gullible to know better and now they are what we call brainwashed.

And sorry, but this nice sweet girl was not "hating god" but the christians sure were hating her. So much for you get to choose if you believe or not. Looks more like if you don't believe LETS BURN HER AT THE STAKE. You sooo know those people would have crucified her 400 years ago. Burned her to see if she was a witch. This is why religion has held on so long. In the past you couldn't call bullshit. Now we see the youth are waking up. Too smart to fall for it. Now watch this clip and tell me this girl is "evil". She is not.


Dumbass, the rich lost FAR MORE during the recession you fool.

You claim they have all the capital and investments and they have a lot.

Go enroll at a local community college in Econ and History 101.

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