Why do we have health insurace when it is socialized medicine

Insurance companies are sponging off an industry that would work better without their dead weight.

So lets install the gov instead. Thats sure to get rid of the dead weight.:cuckoo:

It really would, the paperwork and staff involved in claims in doctor's offices and in the insurance companies themselves is a massive bureaucratic clusterfuck that consumes a large portion of money that has nothing directly to do with a patent seeing a doctor. The government could manage at least the present level of suckness with a lot less clerical staff, useless executive types, lawyers and stockholders skimming off the top.
If there is no profit to be found in people being sick what good is sickness?
Hey...I'm somewhat in agreement with the Cons on this....Insurance companies do have a low profit margin. The immediate goal of the AHCA was to get people covered to stop the bleeding...the longer term goal is to reign in costs....I do feel somewhat betrayed tva Obama and the Dems bowed down to big Pharma and Med/tech. But I'm hopeful that once everything is in place, then negotiations will take place...and by negotiations, I mean....you either sell your stuff at global market rates....or we buy elsewhere. Free market solution, no?

if states allowed all hc ins inside thier borders, the costs would go down.

TX does and they have the lowest rates.

They may have the lowest insurance rates, but does that stop hospitals from charging $25for a tylenol? Does that stop Pharmaceutical companies from charging $100+ for a dose of a new medication that Canada or Mexico can get for a tiny fraction? How about MRI machines and other med tech equipment? Cheaper insurance rates are just the tip of the iceberg of the problems with our healthcare system. We are getting gouged at every turn, and those same companies sell the exact same products to the rest of the world for a pittance of what we pay.
We need to play hardball with these fuckers and make them realize that we aren't going to take it anymore. Obama did not to this when the AHCA was being negotiated and it kisses me off. However, now that it has been implemented(or will be fully in 2014), it gives us a leg to stand on in forcing these companies to be competitive with foreign companies....IF we stop the pandering and back room deals that involve a wink and a nod.

Once again...it all boils down to getting the money out of politics....those companies paid good money to buy(or at least rent) favorable results...money that you and I can't compete with....that's not free market...that's a rigged market.
If there is no profit to be found in people being sick what good is sickness?

That is EXACTLY the problem....Health Care shouldn't be a "for profit" venture. It's a public service and should be treated as such...in the same vein as firemen, police officers and corrections.
How is health insurance not socialized medicine? The only way I see it being that is that stockhoplders and CEOs get to decide what to do with your payments and not elected officials.
You see now that it was all just a giant gift to Insurance Companies that wrote the Health Bill? :D
Insurance companies are sponging off an industry that would work better without their dead weight.

So lets install the gov instead. Thats sure to get rid of the dead weight.:cuckoo:

It really would, the paperwork and staff involved in claims in doctor's offices and in the insurance companies themselves is a massive bureaucratic clusterfuck that consumes a large portion of money that has nothing directly to do with a patent seeing a doctor. The government could manage at least the present level of suckness with a lot less clerical staff, useless executive types, lawyers and stockholders skimming off the top.

So you replace those people and install government workers? No thanks....Have you been to the DMV lately?
I dont trust the Gov to do anything with efficiency. There will be so many layers of bureaucratic bullshit that any gains (if there are any,which I highly doubt)will be lost.
And to top it off the quality will suffer dramatically.
Gov run healthcare is a bad idea anyway you slice it.
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Stupid statement #1: Obama is not a socialist because he hasn't instituted any socialist policies.
Stupid statement #2: It isn't socialized medicine because there are private insurance companies.
If there is no profit to be found in people being sick what good is sickness?

That is EXACTLY the problem....Health Care shouldn't be a "for profit" venture. It's a public service and should be treated as such...in the same vein as firemen, police officers and corrections.

If they dont make any money who pays for research?

Who pays for research?.....well wait a sec...first if all, who says they won't be making money? Do the people who make fire trucks and police cars do it out of the kindness of their hearts? The problem isn't profit in general....it's price gouging because they don't have to compete.

But yes, as far as hospitals and other caregivers....they should be non-profit. Doctors and all their support staff will be paid as they are now...but the cost to the consumer will go down because they won't be obliged to turn a profit and pay shareholders...this is not radical...it's how hospitals were run before corporate America took over the country.

But back to the research. Do you think Jonas Salk was looking to make a killing when he discovered the cure for polio? Perhaps we need more Salks and less Boner Medications. Perhaps we need to reward selflessness and commitment instead of rewarding greed. Yes, I know that it will never happen...at least not on the scale that I'd like to see...but we can, at the very least try to reign the costs to our citizens.
let us look at health insurance realistically. It is a bunch of people paying into a system and they get their medical care taken care of by it. When people talk about buying something you have to pay for it out of pocket. So just having health insurance is an attempt to socialize medicine.

This would not be bad if it wasn't for the fact it is a terrible way to socialize medicine. First your taxes, aka insurance premium, are pilefered by stock holders and corporate executives because that is how a business works. They then tell you who you can go see, and have their accountants evaluate your medical care, which is a death panel by the description given. You argue and fuight with them, but in the end you have another health insurance company just down the road whop will do the same exact thing to you.

How is health insurance not socialized medicine? The only way I see it being that is that stockhoplders and CEOs get to decide what to do with your payments and not elected officials.

NO. You have PRIVATE COMPANIES involved.

YOU didn't put much thought into this, did you?

And YES...the Government DOES plan to run the private companies OUT of business. WHY do you think ObamaCare was crafted?

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