Why do we have to pretend that our law isn't religious?


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2019
Our Common Law, based off of principles and axioms such as the "Golden Rule", having incorporated elements of older legal systems, such as the Roman, and "religious" ones, such as Exodus.

Being based on principles not entirely incompatible with aspects of the 10 Commandments, such as requiring respect for people, their families, their property, their rights, and personal autonomy. Pragmatically enforced by the state, but rooted in the values, systems and traditions asserted above.

In comparison, an atheist or individual acting out in rejection to these rights or laws, and peddling ugly snake oil such as the immoral mythos that "rights come from force", thereby rejecting, for instance the notion that any woman or child has a "right" not to be raped, molested, abused, or accosted, and so forth, has no place in a civilized society or nation, and will have religion imposed on them by force assuming they're too irreligious and caught up in their barbaric mythos, urges, impulses, and ways, or respect such notions and rights willingly.
Nearly all laws around the planet are kinda/ sorta based on the ten commandments.
Well. The goat fuckers added to it immensely due to ball sack itch from flea ridden camels

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