why do we in the West cling so much to uni-polarity?


Gold Member
Mar 8, 2018
Amsterdam, Netherlands
G7 wants 'stable', 'constructive' relation with China, warns on 'militarisation'

G7 leaders on Saturday warned China over its "militarisation activities" in the Asia-Pacific region but said the bloc also wanted "constructive and stable relations" with Beijing.

Remote : Sat, 20 May 2023 07:55:15 GMT
Local : 2023-05-20(Saturday) 09 : 55 : 15
Found via https://nicer.app/world-headlines

the thread headline here is a rethorical question.
i already know the answers, i think.
just checking here to make sure.

we cling to uni-polarity, because :
  • economically speaking, it's our only realistic option left.
  • militarily speaking, we are proudful to the point of being arrogant.
  • we like to keep our defense industries humming along with regular new "minor wars" - that then last for about 1 to 2 decades each.
  • we like to be in charge of the world, not recognizing the fact that people in far away places like to make their own laws for their localities.
  • we promote capitalism to the point of projecting it as the shiny city on the hill towards the rest of the world, without revealing in those Hollywood(-like) indoctrination sessions (movies, music) that life in that city is like living in a trashcan.
  • we promote democracy as an equal shining example of how to live one's life in comfort, while not admitting that democracy can lead to grave injustices too (as just one of *many* examples : first severe oppression in psychiatry of the LGBTQ+ers, now over-promotions of their lifestyles, eminating from the ultimate shining cities in the USA)​
  • we are very focussed on winning conflicts instead of "losing them by diplomatic compromises", which we do anyways in a sense - we get kicked out of the countries we invade after taking a beating for multiple years..
    and then it's up to people like me ((amateur-)diplomats) to mend fences with audiences among our enemies and to point out that along different viewpoints, the West did win the conflict.​
i ask these questions only to warn you all about the dangers of hubrice.
we are outnumbered 3:1 by the (Middle-)Eastern Alliance (Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Venezuela, South-Africa, etc, etc).
and economically speaking and in terms of population makeup (elderly % vs youth %), they are doing better than us too.

to remain a middle-of-the-road conservative white man, i'll not judge uni-polarity too much from now on.
i'll even help promote it, if that's what the leading Western countries decide. gotta have something to do while being bored and unable to focus on coding work, after all.

i don't mind putting in the work.
but i'd like to see Humanity grow beyond the need for constant wars with eachother, and that means we here in the West should be setting the right example by embracing multi-polarity.
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The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interrèd with their bones​

“The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interrèd with their bones” is a quote spoken by Mark Antony. It is appears to be about Caesar but is actually about Brutus.
Militaristic countries parade their military might to impress themselves and intimidate others. We don't do that.
Militaristic countries parade their military might to impress themselves and intimidate others. We don't do that.
nah, we are a lot more sneaky than putting on yearly shows of force and pride.
i like to think those 'militaristic countries' put on those yearly shows to keep their populations obedient to their government, and to warn other nations about the perils of attacking them, and to motivate their troops.
You have to explain the phrase "uni-polarity" before you go into a long winded rant about it. I never heard of it.
you know, i'm severely tired of being abused by politicians and the military industrial complexes of this world as an amateur-diplomat.
so much so that i'm retiring from those activities entirely, as of right now.

it's time for several course changes in my life.
quiting smoking, quiting the peace activism, quiting social media and news watching, is all going to do wonders for my health, finances and longevity.
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The NAVY was chartered to keep the sea lanes open. Today without a strong military we may be a second-rate nation as others pay us tribute in some way like having the reserve currency of the world in trade. Although that is lowering in percentage.
Nobody needs to invent little wars to feed an 'military industrial complex'; the planet has been generating them for thousands of years. What the 'military industrial complex' and American hegemony has invented was a long period of relative peace and a severe restraint on the use of nuclear force by little shithole regimes. That is all going to end if all the sniveling dopers and left wing and right wing 'isolationists' get their way. Caving in to nuclear blackmail by gangsters is never a good choice, always a bad one.
Is there anything wrong with that concept?

Not in the least. It's just there are a lot of angry sociopaths who feel restrained by the status quo and want to destroy it all in a fit of self-pity and mindless hatred of common sense and some semblance of morality.
Not in the least. It's just there are a lot of angry sociopaths who feel restrained by the status quo and want to destroy it all in a fit of self-pity and mindless hatred of common sense and some semblance of morality.
When you consider that the U.S. has only token leadership from a doddering old man who has had two brain embolisms and is clearly mentally diminished and as such the presidency is probably run by unelected sociopathic phantoms you have to be concerned. The fact that some Pentagon officials thought it would be fine if Navy recruitment was sponsored by a drag queen and the U.S. Navy is the laughing stock of the world indicates a diminished and skewed understanding of reality.
you know, i'm severely tired of being abused by politicians and the military industrial complexes of this world as an amateur-diplomat.
so much so that i'm retiring from those activities entirely, as of right now.

it's time for several course changes in my life.
quiting smoking, quiting the peace activism, quiting social media and news watching, is all going to do wonders for my health, finances and longevity.
to quit, or not to quit.
that is the question plaguing me on several fronts of my life right now.

after a reasonably good sleep just now, i gotta admit : i'm just not sure yet.
and this battle between uni-polar policies and multi-polarity activism isn't helping me reach a conclusion :(

Biden said the training for Ukranian F16 pilots is going to take over a year.
i dare say then, that the upcoming Spring offensive is not going to decide that war :(
Zelesnky said that so long as there are Russian invaders on Ukranian soil, there won't be peace.

i don't want to even appear to be a Putin appeaser. but i do want to stand for the rights of self-determination for all human beings, including the Russian speakers in far-eastern and south-east Ukraine.

i won't be flip-flopping on the issue of quitting the peace activism much, and i'll refrain from making any more statements about it for the next few weeks.
i'll also treat Zelensky with more respect.
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Zelesnky said that so long as there are Russian invaders on Ukranian soil, there won't be peace.

Which is true, because the only think Russia has seem interested in for the last 2 decades is peace.

Or to be more accurate, piece. A piece of Chechnya, a piece of Georgia, a piece of Ukraine, a piece of Moldova, another piece of Ukraine.

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