Why do we still have US service members dying in Afghanistan?

Yes, Obama was a fucking piece of shit, the 2nd worst POTUS ever. But he is not the reason the troops are still in Afghanistan. That is on Trump and Trump alone at this point.
Really? What is the reason Obama never got around to doing it?

Oh yeah, he was too busy helping terrorists in Libya and in Syria while directing his administration to wage their conspiratorial coup against Trump while keeping Hillary out of prison. :p Bwuhahaha....

Obviously American military lives did not matter enough to him as Commander and Chief to take the time to order the pull-out.....but since Trump beat Hillary, blame Trump. (No way a snowflake would be asking Hillary why she had not pulled troops out of Afghanistan by now.....)
Three more of our finest killed in Afghanistan today.

I would like to know what the hell we are doing in Afghanistan 17 years after 911.

Bush had a real mission and a great initial victory in Afghanistan but he put it on the back burner to invade Iraq that didn't have a damn thing to do with 911.

That worthless piece of shit Obama didn't have a clue what the hell he was doing in Afghanistan. He wouldn't listen to his military advisors, had dumbass ROEs and he released enemy combatants back to the Taliban. Dumbass jive talking jungle monkey didn't know what the hell he was doing and many Americans died because of his stupidity.

I would like to know what Trump thinks the current mission would be.
You're living in the past again ....

Just like in 2008 when liberals successfully convinced enough sheep that Obama's past did not matter, Democrats always want to ignore the uncomfortable truths of the past and focus on who they can blame now in the opportune moment. :p
You're living in the past again ....

Just like in 2008 when liberals successfully convinced enough sheep that Obama's past did not matter, Democrats always want to ignore the uncomfortable truths of the past and focus on who they can blame now in the opportune moment. :p

Goddamn you are a glued to the ass trumptard aren't you? Just because obama didn't get them out doesn't mean trump chump can't. Hello to you ever think beyond trumps butthole?
Obama did not have to do those things because Congress gave the Executive branch an Authorization to Use Military Force....
Congress gave that authorization to BUSH after he WRNT BEFORE CONGRESS AND ASKED FOR THAT AUTHORIZATION.

The NOBEL PEACE PRIZE WINNER never went before Congress and explained, like Bush did, WHE he wanted to take the nation to war.

The reason he probably chose not to is because he knew there is no way Congress would have given Obama authorization the authority to go to war with the intention of HELPING TERRORISTS - Al Qaeda - who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01, murder the President of a sovereign nation who was helping the coalition FIGHT Against terrorists and giving control of that nation to Al Qaeda.

The reason he probably chose not to is because he knew there is no way Congress would have given Obama authorization the authority to go to war, in the case of INVADING SYRIA, an International WAR CRIME of invading a sovereign nation without any reason to do so, without being requested or given permission to do so by that nation's leader.

And you are still asking why OBAMA did not take our troops out of Afghanistan? Why did he not only INVADE but also leave our troops in Syria?
As has been explained to you, no authorization was necessary.

We have been under a "National Emergency" and every year, each administration continues that emergency with an executive order.

The Bush administration did it. The Obama administration did it. The Trump administration did it. They are all the same.

It has to do with suspending the normal Constitution and enabling Continuity of Operations. That is why no War for drone strikes and military operations, assassinations, false flags, kidnappings, etc. has to be authorized. IOW, fascism. We have been a police state since Sept. of 2001.
Continuity of Operations - Wikipedia

Bush's extension from 2007;
For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
May 9, 2007

National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive

NSPD-51: National Continuity Policy

. . and they have been signed each and every September since, for if the executive didn't, it would give Congress an opportunity to reassert the Constitutional authority of the people.

Here's one from 2014;
Federal Register :: Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Certain Terrorist Attacks

Federal Register :: Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Certain Terrorist Attacks

Oh hey, look, one from Trump, guess he doesn't have to declare war anywhere he wants to bomb, kidnap, assassinate, false flag, etc. either;
Notice Regarding the Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Certain Terrorist Attacks | The White House

You do remember what the STATE deems "terrorist," right? Any damn thing they want. :20:
Who's got the low IQ talking obama almost 2 years into your dumptard pres.
That would be YOU, wanting to talk about a war Obama prolonged by releasing the top 5 enemy leaders in an attempt to keep a campaign promise of closing Gitmo and who never brought troops home when he had the chance, yet only wanting to partisanly blame the current President.
Just because obama didn't get them out doesn't mean trump chump can't.
I totally agree.

It was Obama's responsibility as Commander and Chief 1st to protect US service member lives, to bring a successful end to the war if possible, and to bring our troops home. Instead he focused on unsuccessfully attempting to keep his campaign promise of closing GITMO and released the top 5 Afghani enemy leaders, EXTENDING THE WAR...and he never made any effort to bring our troops home. President Trump has also made no effort to bring them home.

It is easier to partisanly point fingers, to make a declaration ' It is 'X's fault 'this is happening' and simultaneously and dishonestly demanding that the discussion completely ignore the entire history of the situation, the details of why it is going on - details multiple administrations have shared and passed on, just so you can childishly heap sole blame on 1 guy you hate!

The TRUTH is that the entire foreign policy of not only this President but also of both Presidents Bush and Obama need to be re-assessed and altered because THAT foreign policy, basically handed down from President to President with minimum change ... until Obama .. is the reason troops are still there in Afghanistan.

But is much easier for your delicate partisan mind to simply declare ' It's Trump's fault' so you go right on bashing the President.

Let me know when you want to have a REAL, HONEST discussion about why our military troops are still in harm's way throughout the Middle East and Africa, not just limited to Afghanistan so you can bash Trump.
3 US service members killed in Afghanistan blast

Army Ranger killed in Afghanistan likely was accidentally shot by Afghan soldier

In 3 months it will become the longest running "war" in US history and the outcome will be as meaningless as the war it will surpass.

There is no end game, there is no victory. The USSR found this out and we are too stupid to learn from their mistakes and deaths.

Trump needs to get our men and women the hell out of there...NOW.
This should give you some ideas.

Document:The Global Drugs Meta-Group - Wikispooks

Interesting that Jamal Khashoggi father's, Adnan Khashoggi was a big financier and backer for all of this, and so he probably knew all of the details of this.

". . . Khashoggi is usually thought of as an arms salesman. Although he has never been directly linked to the drug traffic, he was intimately involved in the affairs of the drug-laundering bank BCCI, with which he arranged an arms shipment as part of Oliver North's dealings in Iran-Contra.[32] He also became notorious for flying into Las Vegas from abroad and then rapidly losing vast sums of cash at the casino tables – a traditional form of money-laundering.[33] His name has surfaced in connection with a number of other scandals, from the illicit real estate ventures of the Marcos family in New York to a major defrauding of a Thai bank in 1998, which was followed by the Asian financial crisis of that year.

Khashoggi had had a financial interest in Chechnya, and connections with its leaders, since 1996, from his participation in a consortium called Caucasian Common Market AO. This was designed to raise $3 billion in the West and Japan for investment in Chechnya.[34] A principal organizer was former Chechen First Deputy Premier Khozh-Akhmed Nukhaev, in conjunction with Lord McAlpine of the Goldsmith family interests in London, and also American capital.[35] But according to the late Paul Klebnikov, Nukhaev had a background in Chechen organized crime, before developing "a radical ideology in line with the one espoused by Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda network."[36]

Despite this background, Nukhaev found support and financing in Washington for his Caucasian-American Chamber of Commerce. According to once source, in 1997 Khashoggi introduced Nukhaev to former Secretary of State James Baker.[37]. . . ."

But eh. . . :dunno:

Best to take the guy out before he spills the beans and blame it all on Trump. Kill two birds with one stone, right?
Yes, Obama was a fucking piece of shit, the 2nd worst POTUS ever. But he is not the reason the troops are still in Afghanistan. That is on Trump and Trump alone at this point.
Really? What is the reason Obama never got around to doing it?

Oh yeah, he was too busy helping terrorists in Libya and in Syria while directing his administration to wage their conspiratorial coup against Trump while keeping Hillary out of prison. :p Bwuhahaha....

Obviously American military lives did not matter enough to him as Commander and Chief to take the time to order the pull-out.....but since Trump beat Hillary, blame Trump. (No way a snowflake would be asking Hillary why she had not pulled troops out of Afghanistan by now.....)
why has Trump not gotten around to doing it? ball is in his court at this point.
Obama did not have to do those things because Congress gave the Executive branch an Authorization to Use Military Force....
Congress gave that authorization to BUSH after he WRNT BEFORE CONGRESS AND ASKED FOR THAT AUTHORIZATION.

The NOBEL PEACE PRIZE WINNER never went before Congress and explained, like Bush did, WHE he wanted to take the nation to war.

The reason he probably chose not to is because he knew there is no way Congress would have given Obama authorization the authority to go to war with the intention of HELPING TERRORISTS - Al Qaeda - who slaughtered 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01, murder the President of a sovereign nation who was helping the coalition FIGHT Against terrorists and giving control of that nation to Al Qaeda.

The reason he probably chose not to is because he knew there is no way Congress would have given Obama authorization the authority to go to war, in the case of INVADING SYRIA, an International WAR CRIME of invading a sovereign nation without any reason to do so, without being requested or given permission to do so by that nation's leader.

And you are still asking why OBAMA did not take our troops out of Afghanistan? Why did he not only INVADE but also leave our troops in Syria?
As has been explained to you, no authorization was necessary.

We have been under a "National Emergency" and every year, each administration continues that emergency with an executive order.

The Bush administration did it. The Obama administration did it. The Trump administration did it. They are all the same.

It has to do with suspending the normal Constitution and enabling Continuity of Operations. That is why no War for drone strikes and military operations, assassinations, false flags, kidnappings, etc. has to be authorized. IOW, fascism. We have been a police state since Sept. of 2001.
Continuity of Operations - Wikipedia

Bush's extension from 2007;
For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
May 9, 2007

National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive

NSPD-51: National Continuity Policy

. . and they have been signed each and every September since, for if the executive didn't, it would give Congress an opportunity to reassert the Constitutional authority of the people.

Here's one from 2014;
Federal Register :: Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Certain Terrorist Attacks

Federal Register :: Continuation of the National Emergency With Respect to Certain Terrorist Attacks

Oh hey, look, one from Trump, guess he doesn't have to declare war anywhere he wants to bomb, kidnap, assassinate, false flag, etc. either;
Notice Regarding the Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Certain Terrorist Attacks | The White House

You do remember what the STATE deems "terrorist," right? Any damn thing they want. :20:
And as I explained to you every time Bush wanted to use the military / take the nation to war he went before Congress, explained why/where/what/how, and asked for permission. Obama did not.

AGAIN, Obama counted on not 'needing' to go before Congress to explain why and where HE wanted to use our military ... because he KNEW, again, Congress would never have allowed him to use the military to help Al Qaeda and to invade Syria.
Why has Trump not gotten around to doing it? ball is in his court at this point.
Hmmmm..........perhaps because he has been.....

Dealing with the Democrats 100% commitment to obstructing / opposing everything the Presidnet and GOP has wanted to do.....

Having to fend off the 24/7 continuous BS witch hunt undermining his Presidency while searching for anything with which to Impeach him....

Delivering the strongest economy, lowest unemployment rate, lowest minority unemployment rate, most Americans working, more jobs / higher wages/ etc.......

Running an administration that has been more successful in only 2 years than the previous administration was in 8 years....
3 US service members killed in Afghanistan blast

Army Ranger killed in Afghanistan likely was accidentally shot by Afghan soldier

In 3 months it will become the longest running "war" in US history and the outcome will be as meaningless as the war it will surpass.

There is no end game, there is no victory. The USSR found this out and we are too stupid to learn from their mistakes and deaths.

Trump needs to get our men and women the hell out of there...NOW.

We have fought no meaningful war since WW2 and that could even be questioned. Are you that naive to think that we fight just wars now?
That would be against the US policy of interference. Have you ever sat there and wondered how it is our country has the gall to tell other countries they cant have nuclear weapons and we have them?
You are really clueless about geopolitics, eh?

Now, regale us with some stories of those great black civilizations.
Why has Trump not gotten around to doing it? ball is in his court at this point.
Hmmmm..........perhaps because he has been.....

Dealing with the Democrats 100% commitment to obstructing / opposing everything the Presidnet and GOP has wanted to do.....

Having to fend off the 24/7 continuous BS witch hunt undermining his Presidency while searching for anything with which to Impeach him....

Delivering the strongest economy, lowest unemployment rate, lowest minority unemployment rate, most Americans working, more jobs / higher wages/ etc.......

Running an administration that has been more successful in only 2 years than the previous administration was in 8 years....
so - there are "valid" reasons why trump isn't / hasn't done it but not obama.

3 US service members killed in Afghanistan blast

Army Ranger killed in Afghanistan likely was accidentally shot by Afghan soldier

In 3 months it will become the longest running "war" in US history and the outcome will be as meaningless as the war it will surpass.

There is no end game, there is no victory. The USSR found this out and we are too stupid to learn from their mistakes and deaths.

Trump needs to get our men and women the hell out of there...NOW.
I’m not sure trump knows we are at war....
3 US service members killed in Afghanistan blast

Army Ranger killed in Afghanistan likely was accidentally shot by Afghan soldier

In 3 months it will become the longest running "war" in US history and the outcome will be as meaningless as the war it will surpass.

There is no end game, there is no victory. The USSR found this out and we are too stupid to learn from their mistakes and deaths.

Trump needs to get our men and women the hell out of there...NOW.

We have fought no meaningful war since WW2 and that could even be questioned. Are you that naive to think that we fight just wars now?

I do not even care about just right now, but there needs to be some benefit from the deaths of our service members other than people like Easy getting a hard on blaming it all on Obama.
Obama diddled around for eight freaking years and now democrats are impatient about Afghanistan after two years of a republican administration.

So, you are another Trumpian that is cool with our people dying over there?
Barry Hussein diddled for eight years and everyone on the left was cool with people dying over there. The dirty little secret is that it ain't about people dying. The angry left is using Afghanistan as a political tool to try to goad the President into an embarrassing position before he has time to fix it.

So, you fully admit that for you "it ain't about people dying".

Thank your for at least being honest enough to admit that
3 US service members killed in Afghanistan blast

Army Ranger killed in Afghanistan likely was accidentally shot by Afghan soldier

In 3 months it will become the longest running "war" in US history and the outcome will be as meaningless as the war it will surpass.

There is no end game, there is no victory. The USSR found this out and we are too stupid to learn from their mistakes and deaths.

Trump needs to get our men and women the hell out of there...NOW.
we need to ask the right wing why they keep increasing spending for the military, but not the Poor.
Why has Trump not gotten around to doing it? ball is in his court at this point.
Hmmmm..........perhaps because he has been.....

Dealing with the Democrats 100% commitment to obstructing / opposing everything the Presidnet and GOP has wanted to do.....

Having to fend off the 24/7 continuous BS witch hunt undermining his Presidency while searching for anything with which to Impeach him....

Delivering the strongest economy, lowest unemployment rate, lowest minority unemployment rate, most Americans working, more jobs / higher wages/ etc.......

Running an administration that has been more successful in only 2 years than the previous administration was in 8 years....
so - there are "valid" reasons why trump isn't / hasn't done it but not obama.

Aside from the ones I just gave you?

Aside from the same ones that kept Barry from doing it?

How about no solid reasonable foreign policy NOT based on the unrealistic idea of forcing our system / vision of how governments / democracies work on others, lime the people of Afghanistan whose way of life has been based on tribalism 'for ever'....whose history has consisted in continuous invasions and wars, whose primary economic product is opium that finances Taliban / terrorists...?

Regarding forcing our system of govt on others....example time:

Mubarak was a dictator, but he was 'OUR' dictator, a friend of the US. Yes, he oppressed people and lived lime a king...or dictator...which many people hated....BUT HE KEPT THE PEACE, KEPT THE TERRORISTS THERE IN CHECK, AND PROTECTED THE CHRISTIANS. It 'worked' for them as far as keeping it from becoming a terrorist $hit-hole where non-Christians and non-terrorists were slaughtered.

Obama helped overthrow Mubarak in hopes of democratic elections and a kinder gentler govt more like our own. What they / we got was the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood, 'open-season violence' on Christians, terrorist takeovers, etc...until the military stepped in and took over for a time.

Imposing our style of govt does not work. The minute we pull out of Afghanistan they will abandon all the processes and way of life that we have tried to instill there and go back to their own form of government... and the Taliban will move back in and re-establish themselves the way they were before we ever went to war with them and govt people here in power don't want that to happen so they're reluctant to leave.

So like a story of a little boy with his finger in the Dyke trying to hold back the water, we stay there hoping that as long as we are there we will have a government and allies more to our liking.

No one will admit that foreign policy is a continuing failure, a pipe dream.

At some point it's going to have to be up to the Afghan he's to decide what they want to be and to make it happen without us being there.

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