Why Do White Leftists Side With Black Criminals?

Why SHOULDN'T the photo have been released?

Because it had nothing to do with the shooting. So we were told by FPD.

We were told no such thing...they withheld comment until the officer was debriefed and then related the sequence of events leading up to the encounter. You've confused that with media hacks with an agenda after the Zimmerman acquittal.

Here is where you contridict yourself and change your reasoning:

Ferguson chief Officer didn t stop Brown as rob suspect - CNN.com

Ferguson, Missouri (CNN) -- The Ferguson police officer who shot Michael Brown didn't stop him because he was suspected in a convenience-store robbery, but because he was "walking down the middle of the street blocking traffic," the city's police chief said Friday.

Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson -- hours after documents came out labeling the 18-year-old Brown as the "primary suspect" in the store theft -- told reporters the "robbery does not relate to the initial contact between the officer and Michael Brown."

So why did Ferguson police opt to release surveillance video of the convenience-store incident Friday -- the same day they named, six days after the shooting, the white police officer who fatally shot the African-American teenager -- if the two situations aren't related?

Facts are stubborn...they dont care what you believe
The OP doesn't "conflate" anything....I clearly stated the pic goes to Brown's state of mind that day. All you've proven is what I suspect all leftists of being....fucking idiots chasing their tails about something they clearly do not understand.

I'm sorry the police chief doesnt know what now?

You're sorry alright. :laugh2:
When some folks say they are sorry, they are apologising, when others say they are sorry, they are stating their moral condition.

I'll let you decide on this idiot.

Howdy Bro! Any brown down this fine autumn morning?
No, but I've been to the doctor and getting last minute Thanksgiving stuff, and, finally, a copy of the signed court order clearing the road to my land and attaching the access to the deed.

Now, do I hunt it, or take the money and run!!!!

A dilemma inside an enigma.....I say TAKE THE MONEY AND RUN! :biggrin:
Why SHOULDN'T the photo have been released?

Because it had nothing to do with the shooting. So we were told by FPD.

We were told no such thing...they withheld comment until the officer was debriefed and then related the sequence of events leading up to the encounter. You've confused that with media hacks with an agenda after the Zimmerman acquittal.

I clearly recall news stories about the police saying that Wilson knew nothing about the robbery, or that MB was a suspect.
I clearly recall news stories about the witnesses saying Brown was on his knees, bowing to the mighty white man and begging for his life, when he was coldly executed with a head shot.
I clearly recall news stories about the police saying that Wilson knew nothing about the robbery, or that MB was a suspect.

What did I just say?
Why SHOULDN'T the photo have been released?

Because it had nothing to do with the shooting. So we were told by FPD.

We were told no such thing...they withheld comment until the officer was debriefed and then related the sequence of events leading up to the encounter. You've confused that with media hacks with an agenda after the Zimmerman acquittal.

I clearly recall news stories about the police saying that Wilson knew nothing about the robbery, or that MB was a suspect.
I clearly recall news stories about the witnesses saying Brown was on his knees, bowing to the mighty white man and begging for his life, when he was coldly executed with a head shot.

Well, darlin', ClosedCaption did my homework for me, and for that, I thank him.

You might want to read what he posted. ^
Why SHOULDN'T the photo have been released?

Because it had nothing to do with the shooting. So we were told by FPD.

We were told no such thing...they withheld comment until the officer was debriefed and then related the sequence of events leading up to the encounter. You've confused that with media hacks with an agenda after the Zimmerman acquittal.

I clearly recall news stories about the police saying that Wilson knew nothing about the robbery, or that MB was a suspect.
I clearly recall news stories about the witnesses saying Brown was on his knees, bowing to the mighty white man and begging for his life, when he was coldly executed with a head shot.
And those "stories" were found to be EXACTLY THAT... "STORIES"... nowhere NEAR the TRUTH.

Shoplifting is now punishable by death because racist RWs can read minds. At the time of the shooting, the cop did not know about that video of that incident.

No one has sided with "black criminals" but really, there was no reason for that cop to shoot that kid. By his own testimony, the kid was walking away when the cop decided to escalate the situation and then blow him away.

Being big and having a 'mean face' is not just cause for shooting to kill. Even if the cop had known he shoplifted or roughed up someone, that's not just cause either.

"Shoplifting"? :laugh: Uh no Diddly....that's robbery and assault. The "kid" then assaulted a police officer and tried to take his weapon. This "escalation" you speak of is PERFECT.....does anybody need any further proof how correct my OP is? :dunno:


The cop didn't know about the assault and the kid had not been accused, tried, found guilty and sentenced to death for it.

Assaulting a cop isn't a capital crime either.

Nor had he been accused, tried and convicted of assaulting a cop.
I clearly recall news stories about the witnesses saying Brown was on his knees, bowing to the mighty white man and begging for his life, when he was coldly executed with a head shot.

Clearly perjury if that piece of shit Brown was with, and probably trying to impress, gave that testimony before the grand jury.
Why SHOULDN'T the photo have been released?

Because it had nothing to do with the shooting. So we were told by FPD.

We were told no such thing...they withheld comment until the officer was debriefed and then related the sequence of events leading up to the encounter. You've confused that with media hacks with an agenda after the Zimmerman acquittal.

I clearly recall news stories about the police saying that Wilson knew nothing about the robbery, or that MB was a suspect.
I clearly recall news stories about the witnesses saying Brown was on his knees, bowing to the mighty white man and begging for his life, when he was coldly executed with a head shot.
And those "stories" were found to be EXACTLY THAT... "STORIES"... nowhere NEAR the TRUTH.


Hmmmm...So the police chief doesnt know what the police do? Thats an interesting defense
I clearly recall news stories about the witnesses saying Brown was on his knees, bowing to the mighty white man and begging for his life, when he was coldly executed with a head shot.

Clearly perjury if that piece of shit Brown was with, and probably trying to impress, gave that testimony before the grand jury.

Prosecutors did not seem to shy from pointing out the discrepancies between multiple interviews of a single witness, or at some points exploring the criminal history of some witnesses, including Mr. Johnson, Mr. Brown’s friend.

Though the prosecutors did not press Officer Wilson and other law enforcement officials about some contradictions in their testimony, they did challenge other witnesses about why their accounts had varied.


Is that perjury for everyone or just MB defense?
Because it had nothing to do with the shooting. So we were told by FPD.

We were told no such thing...they withheld comment until the officer was debriefed and then related the sequence of events leading up to the encounter. You've confused that with media hacks with an agenda after the Zimmerman acquittal.

I clearly recall news stories about the police saying that Wilson knew nothing about the robbery, or that MB was a suspect.
I clearly recall news stories about the witnesses saying Brown was on his knees, bowing to the mighty white man and begging for his life, when he was coldly executed with a head shot.
And those "stories" were found to be EXACTLY THAT... "STORIES"... nowhere NEAR the TRUTH.


Hmmmm...So the police chief doesnt know what the police do? Thats an interesting defense
You know you talk shit... don't ya... 99% of the entire NATION now knows the truth, yet here you are acting like DEBUNKED LIES are still actually to be considered.

You're a special kind of STUPID, man... seriously... SPECIAL kind of STUPID.
Ferguson, Missouri (CNN) -- The Ferguson police officer who shot Michael Brown didn't stop him because he was suspected in a convenience-store robbery, but because he was "walking down the middle of the street blocking traffic," the city's police chief said Friday.

Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson -- hours after documents came out labeling the 18-year-old Brown as the "primary suspect" in the store theft -- told reporters the "robbery does not relate to the initial contact between the officer and Michael Brown."

So why did Ferguson police opt to release surveillance video of the convenience-store incident Friday -- the same day they named, six days after the shooting, the white police officer who fatally shot the African-American teenager -- if the two situations aren't related?
Ferguson chief Officer didn t stop Brown as rob suspect - CNN.com

Answer: So the OP can conflate the two as being the reason for shooting Micheal Brown.

Watch the video: Ferguson chief Officer didn t stop Brown as rob suspect - CNN.com
Stop deflecting. ALL of the available evidence, over 1000 pieces was examined over three months.
None of this matters. The Grand Jury system worked.
Notwithstanding your displeasure with the decision.
The bottom line is you cannot have everything go your way all the time.
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We don't side with a black criminal. We simply hold police to a higher standard than criminals/gangs, stupid.
So does the GRAND JURY, and that's why they found the cop INNOCENT.
He was not found innocent, it was found that there was no evidence to warrant indicting him for a crime.
Pfft... isn't that the same thing? Had there been evidence a crime had been committed, he'd have been indicted, but he wasn't. Seems INNOCENT to me.

Good God, I'm otta here... you people are seriously JUST TOO FUCKING STUPID FOR ME.
We were told no such thing...they withheld comment until the officer was debriefed and then related the sequence of events leading up to the encounter. You've confused that with media hacks with an agenda after the Zimmerman acquittal.

I clearly recall news stories about the police saying that Wilson knew nothing about the robbery, or that MB was a suspect.
I clearly recall news stories about the witnesses saying Brown was on his knees, bowing to the mighty white man and begging for his life, when he was coldly executed with a head shot.
And those "stories" were found to be EXACTLY THAT... "STORIES"... nowhere NEAR the TRUTH.


Hmmmm...So the police chief doesnt know what the police do? Thats an interesting defense
You know talk shit... don't ya... 99% of the entire NATION now knows the truth, yet here you are acting like DEBUNKED LIES are still actually to be considered.

You're a special kind of STUPID, man... seriously... SPECIAL kind of STUPID.

Saying lies are debunked is way different than proving it
Ferguson, Missouri (CNN) -- The Ferguson police officer who shot Michael Brown didn't stop him because he was suspected in a convenience-store robbery, but because he was "walking down the middle of the street blocking traffic," the city's police chief said Friday.

Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson -- hours after documents came out labeling the 18-year-old Brown as the "primary suspect" in the store theft -- told reporters the "robbery does not relate to the initial contact between the officer and Michael Brown."

So why did Ferguson police opt to release surveillance video of the convenience-store incident Friday -- the same day they named, six days after the shooting, the white police officer who fatally shot the African-American teenager -- if the two situations aren't related?
Ferguson chief Officer didn t stop Brown as rob suspect - CNN.com

Answer: So the OP can conflate the two as being the reason for shooting Micheal Brown.

Watch the video: Ferguson chief Officer didn t stop Brown as rob suspect - CNN.com
Stop deflecting. ALL of the available evidence, over 1000 pieces was examined over three months.
None of this matters. The Grand Jury system worked.
Notwithstanding your displeasure with the decision.
The bottom line is you cannot have everything go your way all the time.

Right so I'm wondering how the police chief wasnt aware that Wilson was responding to a call and no one knew that until 100 days later?

I guess the cops are right, even when they say the opposite of each other.
The prosecutor discovered it was a good shooting. Knowing he'd be run out of town on a rail if he ignored the clamor, he cleverly handed the decision over to the grand jury. Understand, that grand jury didn't spend any three months on this event...they hear several cases and make their decisions in the order they were received. Neither does their decision not to have Wilson indicted mean it was a unanimous decision....all we know about them is that there were 9 whites and 3 blacks.
I guess white leftists (and other color leftists, too) just think that everyone deserves due process under the law, no matter what kind of unflattering photos you've got of a dead kid.

They're funny that way.
Point out where "due process" was violated.

He wasn't arrested, tried, or found guilty of a robbery, but that video went out as "proof" of something about Brown.

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