Why Do White Leftists Side With Black Criminals?

We don't side with a black criminal. We simply hold police to a higher standard than criminals/gangs, stupid.

The "higher standard" you speak of....does it allow for the police officer to survive an encounter with one your pet thugs or is that a matter of situation ethics? :popcorn:
Surprisingly the shooter claimed the victim was going to hurt him. Thats unlike any other shooters defense I've ever heard. Really! The dead guy cant ever give his side...so its always the dead guys fault
Why SHOULDN'T the photo have been released?

Because it had nothing to do with the shooting. So we were told by FPD.
Of course it did. Brown knew he had just committed a robbery and behaved like a fleeing felon no matter what the officer knew.
Why SHOULDN'T the photo have been released?

Because it had nothing to do with the shooting. So we were told by FPD.
Of course it did. Brown knew he had just committed a robbery and behaved like a fleeing felon no matter what the officer knew.

So, you think a kid who just committed a crime would REALLY attract the attention of an officer by arguing with him about walking down the middle of the street?

Yeah, that makes sense........if he wanted to get caught.
It's not like the "progs" here know anything about black culture or criminality....they're smug little white, suburban morons and show it on a regular basis. So what's the attraction to defending a supposed "underdog" when that individual, in reality, is nothing but a violent thug? All one needs to see is this picture to see Brown's state of mind the day he committed suicide-by-cop:


Somehow the leftists find it "boring" or trivial that Brown thought he could walk into this shop, grab what he wanted, menace and then assault the owner trying to stop him. No compassion or respect for the little fella who stood up to him. Yet they'll believe the criminals around Brown who lied out their asses about what happened. Same deal with Trayvon....his young thuggery quickly escalating into full-blown criminality the left blithely ignores, even admires.

I'm reminded of the Dylan song years ago about Ruben "Hurricane" Carter that started a leftist movement to have him released from a mulitple-murder sentence he was clearly guilty of. The song was the clarion call for the hippie dipshits to get Carter sprung.... which was followed by Carter beating the hell out of the woman doing the fundraising for his retrial. Bob quietly retreated with his royalties check counting on his fan's short memories/fried brains. :eusa_snooty:
I think i'll steal a play out of Gruber's playbook, because their stupid.
The OP doesn't "conflate" anything....I clearly stated the pic goes to Brown's state of mind that day. All you've proven is what I suspect all leftists of being....fucking idiots chasing their tails about something they clearly do not understand.

I'm sorry the police chief doesnt know what now?

You're sorry alright. :laugh2:
When some folks say they are sorry, they are apologising, when others say they are sorry, they are stating their moral condition.

I'll let you decide on this idiot.
When Brown ran away had he kept running he'd be alive today. He'd be in jail but alive. He was killed when he turned for his last charge at the cop. There are witnesses to the bull run but that wasn't really what proved he got away, stopped, turned and charged. The blood trail from his hand wound did that.
I guess white leftists (and other color leftists, too) just think that everyone deserves due process under the law, no matter what kind of unflattering photos you've got of a dead kid.

They're funny that way.

You again? So you find the photo of him roughing up a much smaller man he was robbing "unflattering"?

I think my point has clearly been proven. :eusa_whistle:

Well, it's not a flattering portrayal.

Still, what that photo showed should have been dealt with in a court of law. Yet it never was.

The FPD told everyone early on that Brown's status as a suspect in a robbery had nothing to do with the stop and the shooting......but released the photo anyway.

To what purpose? To portray the dead kid in a way as to influence public opinion. Even though supposedly that act had nothing to do with the shooting.
THAT'S RIGHT... he got SHOT because he was walking down the middle of the street, and then when told to get out of the middle of street, he ATTACKED A COP by DIVING IN HIS SQUAD CAR AND BEATING ON HIM, and you want to DEFEND THIS?

The OP is spot on, you fucking people are seriously fucked in the head.
The OP is ALWAYS spot on.
The OP doesn't "conflate" anything....I clearly stated the pic goes to Brown's state of mind that day. All you've proven is what I suspect all leftists of being....fucking idiots chasing their tails about something they clearly do not understand.

I'm sorry the police chief doesnt know what now?

You're sorry alright. :laugh2:
When some folks say they are sorry, they are apologising, when others say they are sorry, they are stating their moral condition.

I'll let you decide on this idiot.

Howdy Bro! Any brown down this fine autumn morning?
When Brown ran away had he kept running he'd be alive today. He'd be in jail but alive. He was killed when he turned for his last charge at the cop. There are witnesses to the bull run but that wasn't really what proved he got away, stopped, turned and charged. The blood trail from his hand wound did that.

Surprisingly the shooter claimed the victim was going to hurt him. Thats unlike any other shooters defense I've ever heard. Really! The dead guy cant ever give his side...so its always the dead guys fault

Since this dead guy attacked a police officer and tried to take his gun, it is the dead guys fault in this particular case. Do you really beleive that Wilson shot MB after MB surrendered?
The OP doesn't "conflate" anything....I clearly stated the pic goes to Brown's state of mind that day. All you've proven is what I suspect all leftists of being....fucking idiots chasing their tails about something they clearly do not understand.

I'm sorry the police chief doesnt know what now?

You're sorry alright. :laugh2:
When some folks say they are sorry, they are apologising, when others say they are sorry, they are stating their moral condition.

I'll let you decide on this idiot.

Howdy Bro! Any brown down this fine autumn morning?
No, but I've been to the doctor and getting last minute Thanksgiving stuff, and, finally, a copy of the signed court order clearing the road to my land and attaching the access to the deed.

Now, do I hunt it, or take the money and run!!!!
When Brown ran away had he kept running he'd be alive today. He'd be in jail but alive. He was killed when he turned for his last charge at the cop. There are witnesses to the bull run but that wasn't really what proved he got away, stopped, turned and charged. The blood trail from his hand wound did that.

Read the fuckin' testimony, ya fuckin' idiot.
Why SHOULDN'T the photo have been released?

Because it had nothing to do with the shooting. So we were told by FPD.

We were told no such thing...they withheld comment until the officer was debriefed and then related the sequence of events leading up to the encounter. You've confused that with media hacks with an agenda after the Zimmerman acquittal.
Surprisingly the shooter claimed the victim was going to hurt him. Thats unlike any other shooters defense I've ever heard. Really! The dead guy cant ever give his side...so its always the dead guys fault

Since this dead guy attacked a police officer and tried to take his gun, it is the dead guys fault in this particular case. Do you really beleive that Wilson shot MB after MB surrendered?

12 times? Lets go through this.

MB attacks cop - Bang Bang (in the car)
MB flees - Bang Bang (Bang maybe)
MB turns to face him - Bang Bang
MB falls dead


12 shots total
Why SHOULDN'T the photo have been released?

Because it had nothing to do with the shooting. So we were told by FPD.

We were told no such thing...they withheld comment until the officer was debriefed and then related the sequence of events leading up to the encounter. You've confused that with media hacks with an agenda after the Zimmerman acquittal.

I clearly recall news stories about the police saying that Wilson knew nothing about the robbery, or that MB was a suspect.

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