Why Do White Leftists Side With Black Criminals?

Note to "closed caption"..as long as you display that piece of shit out-of-place siggy, you'll be ignored in my threads.
I guess white leftists (and other color leftists, too) just think that everyone deserves due process under the law, no matter what kind of unflattering photos you've got of a dead kid.

They're funny that way.

You again? So you find the photo of him roughing up a much smaller man he was robbing "unflattering"?

I think my point has clearly been proven. :eusa_whistle:
Well you are obviously very, very stupid if you don't find the photograph unflattering, yes you have clearly proven that you are a stupid ass.
I guess white leftists (and other color leftists, too) just think that everyone deserves due process under the law, no matter what kind of unflattering photos you've got of a dead kid.

They're funny that way.

You again? So you find the photo of him roughing up a much smaller man he was robbing "unflattering"?

I think my point has clearly been proven. :eusa_whistle:
Well you are obviously very, very stupid if you don't find the photograph unflattering, yes you have clearly proven that you are a stupid ass.

Asslips sock appears! Hey soap-dodger....change your tampon.
I guess white leftists (and other color leftists, too) just think that everyone deserves due process under the law, no matter what kind of unflattering photos you've got of a dead kid.

They're funny that way.

You again? So you find the photo of him roughing up a much smaller man he was robbing "unflattering"?

I think my point has clearly been proven. :eusa_whistle:

Well, it's not a flattering portrayal.

Still, what that photo showed should have been dealt with in a court of law. Yet it never was.

The FPD told everyone early on that Brown's status as a suspect in a robbery had nothing to do with the stop and the shooting......but released the photo anyway.

To what purpose? To portray the dead kid in a way as to influence public opinion. Even though supposedly that act had nothing to do with the shooting.
Dear obtuse blind ot the facts liberal....Brown ATTACKED a police officer during the officer preforming his sworn legal duties. Brown grabbed ( forensics prove this out) for the officer's gun. Witness accounts and forensics have Brown while bleeding charging the officer once again in spite of being wounded by gun fire.
If these facts are too much for you to handle, too bad.
We don't side with a black criminal. We simply hold police to a higher standard than criminals/gangs, stupid.
So does the GRAND JURY, and that's why they found the cop INNOCENT.
He was not found innocent, it was found that there was no evidence to warrant indicting him for a crime.
Pfft... isn't that the same thing? Had there been evidence a crime had been committed, he'd have been indicted, but he wasn't. Seems INNOCENT to me.

Good God, I'm otta here... you people are seriously JUST TOO FUCKING STUPID FOR ME.
I am not one of "those people".

As I understand the law, a different grand jury, if called, could indict.

I am not a lawyer though, but I recall grand juries not indicting Klansmen in the 60's who were later indicted, tried and convicted up to 30 years after the original no bill by the grand jury.

But that aside, and ignoring you being so unfamiliar with my posts, I said from day one, it was simply a case of instant karma.

The punk stole, then roughed up the store clerk, strutted down the street high on his bigass self and probably weed too, and just got too fuckin' full of self-esteem, and bit off more than he could chew.

Minutes later, dead on the street, his karma levelled.

I hope he comes back as an Oriental shopkeeper in a black slum.

If he had been moved quickly, the left would have said evidence was destroyed on purpose.

Left until a thorough investigation of the scene was done, the left howled that his corpse had been disrespected.

There is no winning with the left.

BTW, next time you lump me with the left, I ain't gonna be so polite.
I guess white leftists (and other color leftists, too) just think that everyone deserves due process under the law, no matter what kind of unflattering photos you've got of a dead kid.

They're funny that way.

You again? So you find the photo of him roughing up a much smaller man he was robbing "unflattering"?

I think my point has clearly been proven. :eusa_whistle:
Well you are obviously very, very stupid if you don't find the photograph unflattering, yes you have clearly proven that you are a stupid ass.

Asslips sock appears! Hey soap-dodger....change your tampon.

Yes, you are proving your point most successfully...lol!!!
Dear obtuse blind ot the facts liberal....Brown ATTACKED a police officer during the officer preforming his sworn legal duties. Brown grabbed ( forensics prove this out) for the officer's gun. Witness accounts and forensics have Brown while bleeding charging the officer once again in spite of being wounded by gun fire.
If these facts are too much for you to handle, too bad.

Dear Miss Manners on Meth.....you clearly just supported my claim that the video/photo of the robbery had nothing to do with the facts of the shooting. And yet it was released as something relevant.

Ferguson, Missouri (CNN) -- The Ferguson police officer who shot Michael Brown didn't stop him because he was suspected in a convenience-store robbery, but because he was "walking down the middle of the street blocking traffic," the city's police chief said Friday.

Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson -- hours after documents came out labeling the 18-year-old Brown as the "primary suspect" in the store theft -- told reporters the "robbery does not relate to the initial contact between the officer and Michael Brown."

So why did Ferguson police opt to release surveillance video of the convenience-store incident Friday -- the same day they named, six days after the shooting, the white police officer who fatally shot the African-American teenager -- if the two situations aren't related?
Ferguson chief Officer didn t stop Brown as rob suspect - CNN.com

Answer: So the OP can conflate the two as being the reason for shooting Micheal Brown.

Watch the video: Ferguson chief Officer didn t stop Brown as rob suspect - CNN.com
Stop deflecting. ALL of the available evidence, over 1000 pieces was examined over three months.
None of this matters. The Grand Jury system worked.
Notwithstanding your displeasure with the decision.
The bottom line is you cannot have everything go your way all the time.

Right so I'm wondering how the police chief wasnt aware that Wilson was responding to a call and no one knew that until 100 days later?

I guess the cops are right, even when they say the opposite of each other.
I wonder why Obama hears a lot of major events, on the nightly news. At the same time I do.
The OP doesn't "conflate" anything....I clearly stated the pic goes to Brown's state of mind that day. All you've proven is what I suspect all leftists of being....fucking idiots chasing their tails about something they clearly do not understand.

Shoplifting is now punishable by death because racist RWs can read minds. At the time of the shooting, the cop did not know about that video of that incident.

No one has sided with "black criminals" but really, there was no reason for that cop to shoot that kid. By his own testimony, the kid was walking away when the cop decided to escalate the situation and then blow him away.

Being big and having a 'mean face' is not just cause for shooting to kill. Even if the cop had known he shoplifted or roughed up someone, that's not just cause either.
I'd say you're full of shit, but I will just go with "your bias causes you to ignore the facts presented to the Grand Jury,"
Case closed.
Here's a newsflash.. It does not matter how you feel. Nor does your anti police authority boas matter.
All that matters is what can be proved.
And you can spit chewed nails, shit fire balls or bark at the moon. What you feel doesn't matter.
I am not one of "those people".

As I understand the law, a different grand jury, if called, could indict.

I am not a lawyer though, but I recall grand juries not indicting Klansmen in the 60's who were later indicted, tried and convicted up to 30 years after the original no bill by the grand jury.

But that aside, and ignoring you being so unfamiliar with my posts, I said from day one, it was simply a case of instant karma.

The punk stole, then roughed up the store clerk, strutted down the street high on his bigass self and probably weed too, and just got too fuckin' full of self-esteem, and bit off more than he could chew.

Minutes later, dead on the street, his karma levelled.

I hope he comes back as an Oriental shopkeeper in a black slum.

If he had been moved quickly, the left would have said evidence was destroyed on purpose.

Left until a thorough investigation of the scene was done, the left howled that his corpse had been disrespected.

There is no winning with the left.

BTW, next time you lump me with the left, I ain't gonna be so polite.

PERFECT..especially the part about him coming back as an oriental shopkeeper. Sometimes my brother here makes my jaw drop the way he puts things.....Ma always said he was the smart one. :udaman:
Because for starters, white liberals are Uncle Tom's.

They have guilt issues that they are constantly battling, and it causes them to always take the side of the so-called "oppressed" regardless of the truth and the situation.
Because for starters, white liberals are Uncle Tom's.

They have guilt issues that they are constantly battling, and it causes them to always take the side of the so-called "oppressed" regardless of the truth and the situation.

They sympathize with everything normal folks find weird, disgusting, or criminal....from the raping marauding Sioux to the Black Panthers who burn after the looters are finished, to the Viet Cong, taliban "freedom fighters" and crazy street thugs who'd cut their throats as soon as look at them. I thought the most fitting example of this was when the CNN reporter was hit on the head by a rock and exclaimed the woman who threw it was "just having fun"....seriously, even a rock in the head doesn't faze these jackalopes. :badgrin:
Ferguson, Missouri (CNN) -- The Ferguson police officer who shot Michael Brown didn't stop him because he was suspected in a convenience-store robbery, but because he was "walking down the middle of the street blocking traffic," the city's police chief said Friday.

Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson -- hours after documents came out labeling the 18-year-old Brown as the "primary suspect" in the store theft -- told reporters the "robbery does not relate to the initial contact between the officer and Michael Brown."

So why did Ferguson police opt to release surveillance video of the convenience-store incident Friday -- the same day they named, six days after the shooting, the white police officer who fatally shot the African-American teenager -- if the two situations aren't related?
Ferguson chief Officer didn t stop Brown as rob suspect - CNN.com

Answer: So the OP can conflate the two as being the reason for shooting Micheal Brown.

Watch the video: Ferguson chief Officer didn t stop Brown as rob suspect - CNN.com
Stop deflecting. ALL of the available evidence, over 1000 pieces was examined over three months.
None of this matters. The Grand Jury system worked.
Notwithstanding your displeasure with the decision.
The bottom line is you cannot have everything go your way all the time.

Right so I'm wondering how the police chief wasnt aware that Wilson was responding to a call and no one knew that until 100 days later?

I guess the cops are right, even when they say the opposite of each other.
I wonder why Obama hears a lot of major events, on the nightly news. At the same time I do.

I wonder what that has to do with the question I asked you
Shoplifting is now punishable by death because racist RWs can read minds. At the time of the shooting, the cop did not know about that video of that incident.

No one has sided with "black criminals" but really, there was no reason for that cop to shoot that kid. By his own testimony, the kid was walking away when the cop decided to escalate the situation and then blow him away.

Being big and having a 'mean face' is not just cause for shooting to kill. Even if the cop had known he shoplifted or roughed up someone, that's not just cause either.

"Shoplifting"? :laugh: Uh no Diddly....that's robbery and assault. The "kid" then assaulted a police officer and tried to take his weapon. This "escalation" you speak of is PERFECT.....does anybody need any further proof how correct my OP is? :dunno:


The cop didn't know about the assault and the kid had not been accused, tried, found guilty and sentenced to death for it.

Assaulting a cop isn't a capital crime either.

Nor had he been accused, tried and convicted of assaulting a cop.

So cops must wait for a trial to take place before they defend themselves with deadly force. Wonder how well that would had worked out for Wilson and his family?
Because white lefties love diversity so much that they all live in insulated white neighborhoods filled with all different kinds of white people (diversity) and the black man's struggle is something that happens 'over there'. Their guilt makes them feel they should demonstrate for the poor black man.
Surprisingly the shooter claimed the victim was going to hurt him. Thats unlike any other shooters defense I've ever heard. Really! The dead guy cant ever give his side...so its always the dead guys fault

You've never heard of self-defense...what planet do you live on, fool? :uhoh3:
Surprisingly the shooter claimed the victim was going to hurt him. Thats unlike any other shooters defense I've ever heard. Really! The dead guy cant ever give his side...so its always the dead guys fault

You've never heard of self-defense...what planet do you live on, fool? :uhoh3:

:rolleyes: No I havent ever heard of anyone who was caught with a smoking gun claim self defense. :rolleyes:
What I find refreshing is that all those witnesses that came forward, despite their skin color, despite the pressure from liberals to lie to suit the liberal agenda, they came forward and told the truth, like good Americans that stood up and gave us faith in the justice system, in spite of the pressures of the liberal race baiters.
Surprisingly the shooter claimed the victim was going to hurt him. Thats unlike any other shooters defense I've ever heard. Really! The dead guy cant ever give his side...so its always the dead guys fault

You've never heard of self-defense...what planet do you live on, fool? :uhoh3:

:rolleyes: No I havent ever heard of anyone who was caught with a smoking gun claim self defense. :rolleyes:

(Please read with an extremely sarcastic tone)
I want to know what was wrong with Wilson. Didn't he have 5 years of experience as a cop at the time of the event. What took him so long to bag his first N@&$%?

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