Why do whites complain so much?

More and more minorities are becoming successful and that seems to make certain right winger feel "threatened".
But have you noticed that the more successful blacks are in the real world (not some made up liberal/rap fantasy land) the more they have centrist or slightly right-leaning views and then the both black and white liberals use the social construct of "race" to segregate them and call them "race traitors".

I can't think of anything worse than blacks working themselves up out of a hole and then being ostracized from the very same community that should be looking to them as examples to be lived-up to just because they don't think the same way as some fuckin' low-IQ ghetto goblin or some loud-mouthed black anti-white politician.

Your ilk created this Clown World situation of keeping the blacks on the dem "plantation" and your shame should be everlasting. Even more so than the slave-holding fathers of your party. Your ilk are far worse......A pox upon you.
I'm tired of being nearly as victimized by haters of blacks, as the black people are.

Then use your card ...

Why do you think that you can exclude blacks from every wealthy, large, globally connected sector of Contemporary American society...

And then complain because the blacks come out wildly different than mainstream America, after they had to develop their own ways, because they couldn't join ours?

For hundreds of years ..

White schools = can't attend.
Boy and Girl Scouts = can't join.
The military = segregated.
The 4H club = Can't join.
Little league = Can't join.
MLB, NBA, NFL = Can't join.
Red cross and Salvation Army and the Zoo and the library = can't volunteer.

The world's fair = not only they can't attend, they were used as darwinian props, a freak show.

You name it.
The year is 2022 not 1922.
The 1940's was 80 years ago. Those who were adults during that period are a hundred years old now.
This is what the whiniest of the black population do. They reach back to times before we were born, and complain about things then. Not a word is stated about the last 57 years of Affirmative Action, with whites getting their whole lifetimes ruined, so blacks can be given special privileges (college admission, college financial aid, job hiring, job promotions, business loans, etc.)-pushing whites aside in the process.
I'm not black, I'm tired of being nearly as victimized by haters of blacks, as the black people are.

Only a career racist would attempt to speak for an entire race of people as if they possessed a single hive mind and call it goodwill. People are, you know, like . . . individuals. It is only wannabe idiot savants such as yourself who care about the color of an INDIVIDUAL's skin. Do yourself a favor and burn down your church of woke.
The social problems in 2022 is caused by not everyone having the same degree of historical cultural and social development in America caused by discrimination.
My "social problems" are the loss of Millions of $$$$$$$$$$ for 50 years, due to the destruction of the 5 years I went to college, "caused by discrimination" of Affirmative Action. Ever think about THAT social problem ? Reparations$$$ for me ?
Your list of issues were mostly resolved by the late 60s but there certainly was systemic racism still present. By the 80s, all vestiges of systemic racism were gone and in many cases the system swung to favoritism for Blacks. That is most certainly the case today.
Why do you think that you can exclude blacks from every wealthy, large, globally connected sector of Contemporary American society...

And then complain because the blacks come out wildly different than mainstream America, after they had to develop their own ways, because they couldn't join ours?

For hundreds of years ..

White schools = can't attend.
Boy and Girl Scouts = can't join.
The military = segregated.
The 4H club = Can't join.
Little league = Can't join.
MLB, NBA, NFL = Can't join.
Red cross and Salvation Army and the Zoo and the library = can't volunteer.

The world's fair = not only they can't attend, they were used as darwinian props, a freak show.

You name it.
you are living in the past

Its been a long time since black children could not attend white schools

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