Why do whites complain so much?

I grew up with blacks latinos, other Minority groups. THEY AINT VICTIMS. I sometimes wonder why blacks aren’t pulled over more often the shit I see..
Youre a liar. You know I'm right but your fucked in the head.

It was white far right racist supremists. Here's a clip which proves the were white. Dont try to white wash history and deny your a racist. It's clear you are. All the hate groups in America are white right wing, kkk, proud boys, oath keepers. The all support Trump. Feeling stupid now dickhead?

commission's final report, published in 2001, states that the city had conspired with the mob of white citizens against Black citizens; it recommended a program of reparations to survivors and their descendants.[25

Democrats killing blacks. Some things never change.
Why do you think that you can exclude blacks from every wealthy, large, globally connected sector of Contemporary American society...

And then complain because the blacks come out wildly different than mainstream America, after they had to develop their own ways, because they couldn't join ours?

For hundreds of years ..

White schools = can't attend.
Boy and Girl Scouts = can't join.
The military = segregated.
The 4H club = Can't join.
Little league = Can't join.
MLB, NBA, NFL = Can't join.
Red cross and Salvation Army and the Zoo and the library = can't volunteer.

The world's fair = not only they can't attend, they were used as darwinian props, a freak show.

You name it.
The complain because they see themselves as victims.

Victims of :
  • Big government
  • Immigrants
  • Reverse racism
  • Black crime
  • Feminism
  • PC culture
  • Liberals
  • Woke Culture
  • Lefties,
  • Radical Islam
You name it.

They love victimhood. So long as they’re the ones who get to choose which victims count.

And it's been that way for a long time.

The Ku Klux Klan complained all the time about blacks and thought they were the good guys.
The Nazis complained all the time about the Jews and thought they were the good guys.

It’s twisted but it’s how many whites think.

Despite the world of outrageous privilege many white people generally live in, many think they're getting the short end of everything.

It’s mind-boggling that they could think that, but, it’s really how they see the world and that's the root of their complaints.
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Excuse makers for their own racism?
Spot on Esdraleon. Hey, blaming past conditions that are no longer the case on my current life choices and conditions… upcoming facetious story: So I remember a time when I was around 8 years old and out riding bikes with friends. A neighbor screamed at us for riding our bikes on the public sidewalk. Should I now subscribe to this illogical thought process of blaming past events, that are no longer happening, for my current problems? Nawww, that’s an obvious cop-out.
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No; here in United States it’s still mostly an individual choice to succeed or fail. Success sometimes requires a lot more perseverance than many people want to exert.
Where I would disagree is that family expectation plays a major role. Low expectations deliver low results and that manifests itself in many American minorities.
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Where I would disagree is that family expectation plays a major role. Low expectations delivers low results and that manifests itself in many American minorities.
Very true, sadly enough. Still…. It takes enormous effort to get out of poverty, out of the ghetto, but it can be done if one’s determination is persistent. It takes forgetting what one’s parents have modeled if they lacked the drive to move out and move ahead. Several hard knocks until “winning”… defined by one’s personal expectations and standards. Many young kids see the rich drug dealers operating freely in the inner city streets and have harder obstacles to overcome from this direct influence. There is a shortage of good role models in specific areas, but that might be improving in numbers slowly. I know several adults who have significantly improved their lives through their own efforts. They also chose to reject their parents lifestyle and childhood environment. One of my good friends left home at 15 to get out of such a life, although it required living on a friend’s couch until she could afford her own place. Effort and temporary sacrifice, not all will do it.
More and more minorities are becoming successful and that seems to make certain right winger feel "threatened".
You are so wrong. What the issue is that getting from point A to point B involves a lot of people getting trampled over as many were fast tracked or given good jobs. Trillions of wasted dollars on inept and corrupted contractors given money for services and more. Government programs out of the wazoo to help but the ones that pay out money and benefits the ones used the most. The system played like a violin. And I am telling you now. The success better pick up pace. Or we will have mass poverty or much more suffering as a permanent way of living in our nation and the Western Hemisphere open for wars as a result of it.

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