Why do whites complain so much?

The 1960s was the lid busting off...
It was far too late.
The 1940s was the last era that society could have accepted them and not had all this shit going on that goes on today with the poverty and the crime and the bogus.

To avoid what is today...
The civil rights act of 1964 should have been 1940.
What happened in the 60's was hey lets sign some non discriminatory stuff, then the next morning blacks said hey getting good grades, speaking good English, getting married, being a Christian etc., was acting white and we don't want to be white, we want out own hoods, own states, own schools, we want apartheid, we don't want to assimilate into the larger culture. Now of course blacks didn't come up with this on their own. They got indoctrinated by guys with name like Finkelstein, Horowitz etc.

Irish politicians did the same gaslighting to Irish Catholics, no matter how much you try to assimilate and be WASPY you will always be shanty Irish, not Lace Curtain.
Honestly, racist blacks complaining about 1619 turns off the majority of whites, who are sick of hearing of it at this point, and tired of blacks using it as an excuse for the fact they’re pulling up the rear. As I said on another thread, all you have to do is:

1) Finish high school, and
2) No babies until after marriage

Whites have no bearing on your choice to do this, or not do this. And if you’re motivated, you can:

3) Take advantage of Pell grants to get free career-training, or
4) Take advantage of affirmative action to get into a college you wouldn’t otherwise qualify for if you were white.
BTW Blacks had their race color based groups like Jack and Jill, they had a brown paper bag test.
Why do you think that you can exclude blacks from every wealthy, large, globally connected sector of Contemporary American society...

And then complain because the blacks come out wildly different than mainstream America, after they had to develop their own ways, because they couldn't join ours?

For hundreds of years ..

White schools = can't attend.
Boy and Girl Scouts = can't join.
The military = segregated.
The 4H club = Can't join.
Little league = Can't join.
MLB, NBA, NFL = Can't join.
Red cross and Salvation Army and the Zoo and the library = can't volunteer.

The world's fair = not only they can't attend, they were used as darwinian props, a freak show.

You name it.
Was this not like 80 yrs ago? Jews were getting exterminated 80 yrs ago. We ain’t whining. Why are you?
BTW Blacks had their race color based groups like Jack and Jill, they had a brown paper bag test.
When I was in college, blacks were allowed to have “blacks only” parties in the Student Center event room, and I once accidently walked in on a “black only” night and was practically slammed into a wall. Now if whites had ”white only” nights and didn’t allow blacks to enter, all you leftists would be screaming racism.

Way past time to end the double standards.
Was this not like 80 yrs ago? Jews were getting exterminated 80 yrs ago. We ain’t whining. Why are you?
This is why leftists, and blacks, have so much resentment for Jews. It shows that Jews can suffer unspeakable bigotry, and rise above it in a single generation.

And before you leftists come up with the excuse that the Jews being exterminated were in a different country, the Jews living HERE were living with the knowledge that their parents and siblings back in Europe were being murdered for their religion. They still managed to succeed under that backdrop.

If blacks would emulate Jews - value education and don’t have babies when you’re an unwed teen - 90% of their problems would disappear within 20 years.
Why do you think that you can exclude blacks from every wealthy, large, globally connected sector of Contemporary American society...

And then complain because the blacks come out wildly different than mainstream America, after they had to develop their own ways, because they couldn't join ours?

For hundreds of years ..

White schools = can't attend.
Boy and Girl Scouts = can't join.
The military = segregated.
The 4H club = Can't join.
Little league = Can't join.
MLB, NBA, NFL = Can't join.
Red cross and Salvation Army and the Zoo and the library = can't volunteer.

The world's fair = not only they can't attend, they were used as darwinian props, a freak show.

You name it.
We should have freed the slaves all the way back to Africa, where they would feel more at home in all the chaos.
No, you are the racist. You seem to think blacks don't have the right to oppose your bullshit in no uncertain terms and without apologizing. So to you me calling out racism is racist due to your cognitive dissonance.
I'm about as far from a racist as anyone could be. I grew up in a poor, racially integrated neighborhood. It wasn't a nice place and is worse now. Racists didn't survive to grow up in my neighborhood. What I learned was to judge people by their statements and actions. There are jerks and trash in all races. I don't judge anyone by the color of their skin. You, on the other hand, accuse anyone and everyone who doesn't slavishly (pun intended) agree with you a racist, even other blacks.
This is why leftists, and blacks, have so much resentment for Jews. It shows that Jews can suffer unspeakable bigotry, and rise above it in a single generation.

And before you leftists come up with the excuse that the Jews being exterminated were in a different country, the Jews living HERE were living with the knowledge that their parents and siblings back in Europe were being murdered for their religion. They still managed to succeed under that backdrop.

If blacks would emulate Jews - value education and don’t have babies when you’re an unwed teen - 90% of their problems would disappear within 20 years.
As late as the seventies there were a lot of private clubs and golf courses that didn't allow Jews to be members. The KKK hated Jews and Catholics as much as they hated blacks.
As late as the seventies there were a lot of private clubs and golf courses that didn't allow Jews to be members. The KKK hated Jews and Catholics as much as they hated blacks.
Tell me about it! A friend of mine belonged to a country club, and she held her 16th birthday party there. Membership was closed to Jews. This was in liberal Montgomery County, Maryland, circa 1972.
Honestly, racist blacks complaining about 1619 turns off the majority of whites, who are sick of hearing of it at this point, and tired of blacks using it as an excuse for the fact they’re pulling up the rear. As I said on another thread, all you have to do is:

1) Finish high school, and
2) No babies until after marriage

Whites have no bearing on your choice to do this, or not do this. And if you’re motivated, you can:

3) Take advantage of Pell grants to get free career-training, or
4) Take advantage of affirmative action to get into a college you wouldn’t otherwise qualify for if you were white.
SSshhhhh.....won't happen.

Not while it's easier to bitch and moan, riot and steal. All while not being punished for your crimes. And having a worthless government that throws (wastes) ever more money at the loudest whiners.

Could it be a fucking genetic defect? I hope not. That would just give them one more thing to whine about. Lol.
It wasn't White conservatives who got rid of Uncle Ben and Aunt Jamima. The left is racist.

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